Dungeon & Dragons Mafia - Game Thread [GAME OVER]

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Jul 28, 2021
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You feel SA's clean then??

I mean, let's put it this way: if SA is pals with Grim he exhausted most of his EoD arguing fruitlessly against a guaranteed wagon and chasing threads of suspicion that have nothing to do with the impending scum flip. His behavior either indicates he lacks TMI or is clueless about the situation and thinks he still has grounds to argue against it. The only way I can see this is if he's really asleep at the wheel and not paying attention. There are elements of his play I don't like, but I just don't think he's a wolf.

Can you explain why I even bother shading your posting around Brandon yesterday with the knowledge that Scum Godfather Grim is about to flip at your calling? WIFOMy yes but come on.

I think the game is solveable here, will get my reads together shortly.

...Is this not inconsistent with your earlier argument that you were in fact calling me "iffy" and not scum? You can't have it both ways.


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Jul 28, 2021
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1) T-Pein
3) Sky
4) Blaze
7) Lethal
8) Supine Snake
9) Wang
10) Mando

So when I take off all the players I have strong reasons to town read, I'm left with that list. I'm assuming about 2 more scum to find.

T-Pein - Could be scum. Hasn't had anything in regards to Grim of note (or at all?).
Sky - Lean Town, I mentioned this yesterday. Only reservation I have actually is the rush to end the day could potentially come from committing to distancing but it's entirely possible that's within her personality and I need to recheck her original posts around Grim. I think she's town.
Blaze - Town, explained yesterday.
Lethal - Think he's scum, I will couch this by saying I think he can make very scummy posts as town regardless but his defensiveness early (and yes I think claiming that I'm trying to angleshoot him for asking for his reasons is very defensive) and his like of bite in regards to how he's actually responding to me leans me scum.
Supine - No real read.
Wang - No real read, tonally reads genuine?
Mando - No real read, but I think his catch up post was pretty good in that it was developed and nuanced.

That leaves a primary PoE of T-Pein/Lethal/Supine
And a secondary PoE of Wang/Mando/Sky

Not too shabby though. RE: Supine, I had a much stronger impression of him from last game. He was the D1 kill and had 2/3 wolves pegged. The contrast is frankly stark.


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2021
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...Is this not inconsistent with your earlier argument that you were in fact calling me "iffy" and not scum? You can't have it both ways.
No, lol - I'm explaining to you what the scum motivation would be. If I'm genuine (which I am) then I'm calling out something that I feel is a gap in your process, and that's all there is to it. If I'm scum I'm leveraging a TMI read against you to put together the foundation for getting you mislynched, I'm saying there is almost no reason for me to do this while knowing that you're getting my Godfather lynched. It is WIFOM, insofar as you can argue I did it to make this very argument, but I think me doing this would be pretty out of character as scum. Does that make sense?
Not too shabby though. RE: Supine, I had a much stronger impression of him from last game. He was the D1 kill and had 2/3 wolves pegged. The contrast is frankly stark.
Yeah I looked over the ISO and there is basically nothing - he makes sure he was seen voting Grim but there is almost no real read barring a small thing with Sky.

Lethal is hard for me to read because I find I have to go out of my way to ignore things I'd usually call out because I've seen him do it as town, but by abduction I have better reasons to townread most other players and I do think most of his posting has been fairly uninspiring.

Sister Abigail

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Jul 7, 2021
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Defends grim. goes against MO i'm remembering cos she votes barry too. Hmmm
I think this is a decent point towards Sky being a mate of Barry's. When heat was starting to pickup on Barry, Sky said he looked better than me and tried to get the focus back on my slot. Both Barry Sky also defended each other at time. If you look at post 135 you can see Barry get caught in another logic jam when confronted by Ultra about Sky's slot. Just felt like there was some awkwardness between the two of them.

I also felt like Sky's interactions around me not voting Barry had an agenda. Sky tried to link me not voting Barry as being his mate, almost like she knew Barry was flipping wolf and not jester. She couldn't understand why I wanted goblet conversation happen for a bit and it seemed like she was ready set me up as the next wagon after Barry's flip.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2021
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FYI Ultra can be a dirty, filthy busser. But he feels town this game fwiw
Also not a fan of this post from Lethal - he is correct that Ultra has a tendency to bus but he is going to have a difficult time explaining why he's still alive come say, Day 4, and moreover I'm not really sure he ever needs to bus Grim before he starts to interact with him. He has had a similar interaction with a scum mate recently but the crux here was both of them distanced from each other without really trying to get each other lynched - he moved on to other things. Here he would have been trying to distance with grim and receives... basically a capitulation.

It doesn't feel like genuine paranoia. But that's not even my biggest problem with the post - of bigger concern is that instead of grounding his town reads he leaves it with a vague "he feels town fwiw" - he doesn't want to fully clear Ultra, but he also doesn't want on be on the wrong side of his flip.


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Jul 23, 2021
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Sorry I still don't see any town motivation for SA to delay voting
I'd question if there is even a scum one though, by that point Grim was dead in the water. X isn't a fool, he would know when a team mate needs to be cut off. He'd just be making himself look bad for the sake of it - the only way I can reconcile that is if he were to intentionally be playing into that angle which strikes me as unlikely for a player who can be as obstinate as he.


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2021
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I think this is a decent point towards Sky being a mate of Barry's. When heat was starting to pickup on Barry, Sky said he looked better than me and tried to get the focus back on my slot. Both Barry Sky also defended each other at time. If you look at post 135 you can see Barry get caught in another logic jam when confronted by Ultra about Sky's slot. Just felt like there was some awkwardness between the two of them.

I also felt like Sky's interactions around me not voting Barry had an agenda. Sky tried to link me not voting Barry as being his mate, almost like she knew Barry was flipping wolf and not jester. She couldn't understand why I wanted goblet conversation happen for a bit and it seemed like she was ready set me up as the next wagon after Barry's flip.
This is a valid take, fwiw. I don't agree, because I don't really see the angle, but tying players to their scum buddy is basically exactly how I would expect scum to be playing that hand.
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Jul 23, 2021
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If I could clarify earlier on my statement on Lethal/SA too, I don't have my position as one or the other has to be scum, but rather that if one is scum, the other is probably not. I'm making no actual accusations either way, but more divining some Occam's razor for this seriously odd Jeff push early.
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Sister Abigail

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Jul 7, 2021
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Look at all this content that Sky has around me not voting Barry. I definitely get the vibe that Sky knew what Barry was flipping.
Since you seem so agitated by everything, why not give the hammer and find out early? Assuming you don't already know the answer
This post was extremely pingy because of the last sentence. This feels like that start of Sky trying to set my slot up.
then vote him
So that's why you're not voting him? Because it'd be lame? Don't you want to get scum?
This to me is the most TMI post from Sky. Not sure why Sky has all the confidence in the world that Barry is flipping wolf.
A flip is a form of info, which helps town. We analyse the wagon, now knowing his alignment. We see who looks good or bad off it. Super standard stuff
This was another line of logic that felt off to me because analyzing a wagon where a jester has flipped is not the same as analyzing a flipped wolf wagon. The tone of this post again suggests Sky knows we're getting a wolf flip and will analyze the wagon (that is why she's pushing me for not voting Barry at this point).
No you won't take the win, because you're not fucking voting him. You're just stalling the win
I'm stalling the win? Sky knows Barry is flipping wolf?
SA what do you think will happen next if Barry is jester and flips toDay?
This question just threw me off because it came out of nowhere and I wasn't sure what the motivation was. Not sure if she was trying to get me to talk about Barry being a jester so that when he flipped wolf, I'd look worse. Just felt this post came out of nowhere and felt like it had an ulterior motive.
Someone just fucking vote Barry please
I don't really feel like town should be this aggressive? Like Barry was definitely getting lynched, but conversation was still going on. I think it's more wolf indicative to push for day to end early and end discussion. Sky never said the reason why she was so aggressive towards getting a hammer vote when it was so early in D1.
Yes it is a real question btw. I want to know how you think the jester role works
Follow-up on her question to me. Again, what does this solve or progress?
Then why aren't you voting him?
One last attempt to shade me for not voting Barry.
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Sister Abigail

Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2021
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The way Sky follow several votes last day as well as tried to see me up as Barry's partner, makes me feel this slot is wolf. I imagine I'll be Sky's number one target this day.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2021
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So of the group, I'd probably entertain a vote for T-Pein, Lethal, or SS (SS is more to put pressure on him and get his thoughts).
So I guess my question is - does he include his whole scum team here? I'd be inclined to say no, but he does kind of couch the SS inclusion as just being there for the sake of pressure
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Sister Abigail

Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2021
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On the opposite end of that I think Jeff looks good after last night. X was making some wtf comments, but I would sooner assume if he was Barry's mate he would be positioning himself better. Basically everything he did seemed completely unnecessary - asking for more time in the day, making a vanity vote against Ratchet for being sus, just think he would default to the bus and positioning himself better as wolf. I don't know if he's confident enough to pull this. Think ego plays a small part here too - he wasn't part of the catch ergo it means little to nothing to him.
I ain't coming to this site, rolling wolf, and letting Barry fucking sink my game. The moment he struggled to respond to you and Jeff I would have buried him myself.

Sister Abigail

Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2021
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I have to cringe at the timing of this vote as well, right when Grim was gaining momentum. I'm not sure if Ratchet ever expounded on why he thought this vote was "better", he knows X well enough that this being his best lead feels weak, at the time I casted the vote it was to get some pressure on and to get more out of him because he was a blackhole.
That's why I took issue with Ratchet's vote on me and he chalked it up to me being upset that I was voting him and dismissed my issue as an emotional response. I don't think town Ratchet plays that situation like that at all.
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