Donnie watches TNA 2005

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; AJ Styles-15/5/05
NWA-TNA X-Division Champion: Christopher Daniels-13/3/05
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions: The Naturals-29/4/05

The best champions list in a year.

May 20th, 2005
Impact Zone

Match#1 Monty Brown vs Sonny Sikai

Monty wins in 50 seconds with the Pounce

In the back, Shane and Traci are standing by. Shane says people have been playing a political game to keep them apart, but they're back together and stronger than ever. It was part of a major plan. Traci rubs her hands over him and says he looked sexy with the X-Division title and she wants him to get it back for her. Oh, no.

In the ring, Tenay brings out our new worlds champ AJ Styles. He's holding the most important title in the world and this might sound cheesy, but he's not here without all the fans behind him. Tenay says Abyss is the #1 contender and he's coming for him. AJ says Lockdown was one of the most gruelling matches of his life, sadly Jarrett's music hits because fuck moving onto a new heel and face in the world title picture. Jarrett says they should be ashamed of themselves for doing this after it took 2 men to steal the title from him. He says he's using his rematch clause at Slammiversay. AJ dares him to fight him now and he lays the title down in the middle of the ring! Monty runs through the crowd and attacks AJ from behind and kicks the shit out of him as JJ laughs. It turns into a cool fight before Jeff turns the tide on him. Abyss comes out now and teases siding with AJ, but it's a classic swerve as he murders AJ with a massive Black Hole Slam when he gets o his feet. Waltman and AMW run down with chairs to make the save.

In the back, JJ is screaming at Dusty Rhodes about screwing him over time and time again. Dusty says he can have the rematch IN KING OF THE MOUNTAIN!!!! He adds Abyss and Monty to the match and says a wildcard will be in this as well. Jeff laughs as it dawns on him that the numbers are on his side this time.

Back in the Zone, Raven storms the booth and yells at Larry Zbyszko to make him the wildcard in the match. Larry says he has to wait to see who it will be, and Raven says he's an old cripple with bad ankles held together by tape. He's been living off fighting Bruno for a decade and he's had enough. He slaps Larry and keeps ranting, AND LARRY GETS UP AND PUNCHES HIM IN THE FACE AND THEY HAVE A WONDERFUL FIGHT. RAVEN THROWS A CHAIR IN HIS FACE AND KILLS HIM WITHT TWO EVENFLOWS AND SCREAMS HE WILL DESTROY THIS COMPANY IF HE'S NOT THE WILDCARD. Raven attacks blackshirts when they try and stop him. Dusty now walks out and screams how dare he put his hands on a TNA offical. As of this moment he is suspended. Raven says he's quits and walks out. Wonderful stuff.

in the back, Killings is yelling at BG for not having his back at the PPV, and he wants to know if they have heat. Uhhhhg. Truth wants to know the deal with him and Outlaw, and BG says it's not true they're still the Krew. Truth says this is all his fault before walking off.

During Daniels' intro he's confronted by Shane and Traci. Daniels shoves them away and tells them to piss off, and Shane actually backs off and leaves.

Match#2 Christopher Daniels vs Cassidy Riley
Fantastic Daniels showcase as he gets a few minutes to showoff his stuff. A lot like the ones i've been watching in 85, he just gets it all meant to be about him beating a dorks ass with ease. Angels Wings dose it

SHANE RUNS BACK DOWN AND HITS DANIELS IN THE FACE WITH THE TITLE. Sabin runs down and tries to save but Shane ducks and he takes out Daniels with a dropkick. All 3 fight each other until blackshirts drag them apart.

In the back, AJ walks into Dusty's lockeroom and says he's done with this. Jarrett is trying to ruin the show they've worked for and now Raven is doing the same. He can't wait until June 19th to get his hands on Jarrett, so Dusty makes a tag match where AJ can pick anyone he wants to face Jeff and Monty. Hell yeah.

Match#3 Petey Williams & Eric Young w/Scott D'Amore vs America's Most Wanted (#1 Contenders Match)
Not sure how AMW are in this considering they just lost to the Nats. Awesome opening with Storm beating the fuck out of the boys in super angry fashion, and DW notes that AMW seems to be letting everything get to them lately. We come back from the break with Petey in control of Harris. Good control seg with EY doing the bulk of it with great offence and cut offs. Storm has a fun hot tag cleaning house before it breaks down. Lots of close calls and A1 getting involved to turn the tide. Petey slips out of Storm's arms and rolls him up to steal it.

Post match, AMW are sad.

Jarrett and Monty join commentary.

Match#4 Abyss vs Chris Sabin
Hell yeah this episode. Sabin uses his speed to stick and move and keep the monster on the backfoot and he does pretty well for the opening minutes. He hits a stunning rana off the top to send Abyss flying, but he gets caught on a second attempt and Abyss rams his head into the steps to take over. Killer control seg with tons of power moves and wicked Sabin selling throughout. Chris slowly fights back and gets closer and closer to knocking the big man down and getting something going, and he rules so much as a plucky underdog fighting big ugly motherfuckers. Sabin dropkicks a chair into Abyss' face and gets him up for the shock, but Traci runs down and distracts the ref and Shane slides in and kills Sabin with the superkick. Abyss then hits the Shock Treatment to win.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; AJ Styles-15/5/05
NWA-TNA X-Division Champion: Christopher Daniels-13/3/05
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions: The Naturals-29/4/05

TNA Impact
May 27th, 2005
Impact Zone

This is the last Impact on FSN has the contract wasn't renewed, sadly. There's no more TV until the week after Slammiversary on the 24th of June when they start putting them online. They'll get signed to Spike in October and the rest is history.

BG & Ron Killing come out for their match and Truth snatches the mic away when BG attempts to do his intro. Truth says he can talk to him before he speaks to anyone else, and BG is very sad and confused.

We see clips of AMW arguing after their loss last week

Match#1 America's Most Wanted vs BG James & Ron Killings
Really good match as the 3 wrestlers work really hard, and BG doesn't fuck too much up. AMW get super aggressive with 3LK as they beat the shit out of them, and even drop some trash talk for the first time. They make pretty good heels... 3LK keep arguing and being dicks to each other, and it's hard not to side with Truth given what a tool BG has been since his old friend showed up. Storm gets a chair and slides in to Harris who weirdly now hesitates to use it, and Truth runs over and hits an Axe kick to send him face first into it to win.

Post match, AMW argue and walk out on each other.

Back in the ring, BG and Truth also argue, AND BG SHOVES TRUTH OUT OF THE WAY AND TAKES A LARIAT FROM OUTLAW RUNNING IN FROM BEHIND. Truth fights Outlaw and Konnan makes his return and has a bad fight with Outlaw as well. He throws a shoe at him, and then Truth throws one at BG. Outlaw runs for it as 3LK argue with each other. You gotta love family drama.

In the back, Terry Taylor is with AMW. Harris says they can have a slump like everyone else, but they're going to pick it back up. Storm says they're making a change at the next PPV starting with 3LK. HERE WE FUCKING GO.

Match#2 Zach Gowen vs Romeo
TNA is now giving Gowen showcase matches lmao. Really. bad as he's not only got one leg, but now he doesn't have freaks of WWE 2003 to bump or kill him. Tenay announces Daniels vs Sabin vs Shelley at the PPV. Gowen wins with the Moonsault

In the back, Sabin says he should have never trusted Traci and he's at fault for this. Trinity walks over and says they should work together after what's happened to them. Sabin reluctantly agrees.

Scott D'Amore joins commentary.

Match#3 Lance Hoyt vs Bruno Sassi
Bruno is one of the PDS fat fucks and he sucks a ton, so this is a bad squash for the zones new favourite wrestler. Tenay says Hoyt will be facing Roode at the PPV, in a really weird choice. Hoyt wins with a Moonsault.

Post match, Lance kicks the other fat fuck in the face for being a dick. D'Amore gets the mic and says Roode will teach him a very painful lesson of what happens when you mess with him. Roode sneaks in from behind and hits Lance with a hockey stick a few times as D'Amore shouts he's done for.

We see footage of Raven running over a camera man last week when he was suspended. He jims the camera and says this is a conspiracy from Dusty to stop his destiny. He's going to make everyone suffer and cry and show them why he's the human cancer of TNA. He will never give up fighting for what he wants and needs, the NWA world title. The blood is on Dusty's hands.

In the back, The Nats say they more than ready to fight Team Canada thanks to the help of a legend in their corner.

Match#4 The Naturals vs Lex Lovett & David Young
Fine squash for the Nats. Natural Disaster gets it done.

Post match, Team Canada as a full unit jump the Nats and leave the laying.

In the back, Jarrett rants about Abyss making the worst choice of his career last week when he attacked him. He and monty have the numbers games, and Monty looks at him like he's an idiot.

Sean Waltman is AJ's parter. Love to see he's here for a while (well, until he shows he's still an asshole, but we'll cover that when its time to cover it)

Match#5 AJ Styles & Sean Waltman vs Monty Brown & Jeff Jarrett
The faces have the classic opening as they own the heels with an array of wonderful kicks and massive spots from AJ. Pac looks very good again and he's still got that chemistry with Jarrett. Abyss watches on the stage. Monty isolates him and the control is really good thanks to JJ being in charge of beating the fuck out of Pac. He breaks out a wonderful dropkick right to the face to send Pac's head into the mat in a really nasty bump. AJ gets the tag and goes fucking wild on them before Jarrett pulls the rope down when he tries to run them and falls outside. Jarrett is distracted by the ref when he tries to steal the guitar and Pac holds Monty in place and Jeff turns back around and swings without looking and brains Monty! Pac kicks him out of the ring and AJ hits the Spiral Tap on Monty to win.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; AJ Styles-15/5/05
NWA-TNA X-Division Champion: Christopher Daniels-13/3/05NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions: The Naturals-29/4/05


JUNE 19TH, 2005

Incredible opening video detailing the history of the last 3 years.

We go clips from the preshow where Jarrett and Raven had a fight in the ring that was broken up by blackshirts. Jarrett was standing at ringside where a fan kept yelling at him, so he dragged the fan over the rail and beat the fuck out of him and got himself arrested and is now out of the main event. AND NOW LARRY HAS PLACED RAVEN IN THE MAIN EVENT AS HE'S GOT NO OTHER CHOICE AT THIS LATE STAGE. OH MY GOD THANK YOU.

Match#1 Amazing Red vs Shark Boy vs Zack Gowen vs Elix Skipper vs Jarrelle Clark vs Delirious
Tenay explains this is opening as a way of showcasing the division in the biggest show to date, but opening with the title match would have achieved that in a far better and more impactful way. Still, this is a cool 6 minute spotfest with everyone going crazy to showcase themselves in the biggest chance most of them have had at this point. Gowen is again the worst and really shouldn't be here, but the other 5 more than make up for it. Big dive train with Red topping everyone with the Infrared. Everyone hits their finish in the last minutes and Sharky beats the Lizard with the Deep Sea Drop.

In the back, Abyss is getting ready as he smashes things.

In the back, Shocker in interviewed (and he's now dressed as 2000 Rey Mysterio). He says he's the best wrestler in the world, and ALEX SHELLEY WALKS ON. He says he's a great luchadore, but he's not an unholy hybrid wrestler like him. He can do his lucha libre, European catch-as-can, American pro wrestling, Japanese strong style and even MMA if it's needed. He has a counter for everything he can do. God yes.

Match#2 Alex Shelley vs Shocker
Alex is now here full time until he leaves in 2012, and i can't be any happier because i adore this man. Really cool mat work to start with Alex breaking out some wild stuff, and Shocker meets him right there and does some fancy stuff of his own to go hold for hold for Alex. Shocker moves ahead and starts getting Alex to make mistakes. Alex suckers him in when he gets on his knees and kisses his feet, AND HE JUMPS UP AND KICKS HIM IN THE FACE. AMAZING. Shocker beats him up in revenge and hits a sick dropkick to the floor. Fuck yeah Shocker for once. He goes for a Moonsault but Alex gets his knees up and takes over. Really good control seg worked mostly on the mat as that's the story, and he's incredible at it so it works damn well. Tenay says the Samoan Submission Machine Samoa Joe is going to debut tonight. Well, fuck yeah. Alex keeps controlling on the mat working on the ribs for a while, until Shocker fights back. They go hold for hold again and Shocker gets a super tight cradle to win.

#5 All time TNA moment; AJ Styles wins the NWA championship for the first time.

in the back, 3LK argue again and BG begs them to trust that he's on their side. They both finally put it all away and fist bump him. I'm sure they'll be happy forever.

Hype for Truth/Outlaw

Match#3 Ron Killings vs The Outlaw
Massive waste of Truth as always, but at least it's not K-Dawg. He works really damn hard to make it work for 7 minutes, but Gunn either botches stuff or very obviously sandbags him like a giant asshole. Truth misses a kick and lands on the ropes and Gunn takes over in a terrible lazy control seg. Bad stomps and chinlocks, and it's wild to think he got that push in 99 because he's never shown a goddamn thing in singles matches 99.9% of the time before or after. Gunn hits the Fameasser and goes for the One and Only, but Truth slips out and gets a bad cradle as Billy doesn't bother to actually roll over and has a shoulder up, but it gets the 3.

Post match, Gunn lays him out and goes for a chair shot but BG makes the save. He gets the chair and goes to hit Billy, but he can't bring himself to do it. Konnan runs out and knocks Gunn out of the ring. 3LK argue again like little kids before helping Truth out out of the ring.

#4 All time TNA moment; Raven debuts.

In the back. Roode says Hoyt feels like a winner because he got lucky a couple of time and some idiots like him, but tonight he's being Canadianised. D'Amore says he's concerned on what his men are going to do tonight to win their matches. He says when you think of great leaders you think of Hitler and Stalin, and in wrestling you think of him. hahahahahahahaha what the fuck man.

Hype for the tag title match.

Match#4 The Naturals (c) vs Eric Young & Petey Williams w/Team Canada (NWA-TNA World Tag Team Championships)
Love to see a nice new fresh tag match in what's been a dead space for a long while. Nats aren't natural (no pun) faces but given the last couple of months and how hated TC are, they fit in pretty well.. Good opening few minutes before the ref is distracted and A1 gets in and presses Chase over the ropes onto the floor in a scary moment, and TC go to work. Really good and Petey make me look like an asshole by throwing some great punches and doing some good work on top of it with cool spots and cheating. D'Amore does nothing to get his guys over and instead has to get his fat face all over the camera, and i really hate him a ton. Control goes too long and gets very boring, before Andy gets the hot tag. it of fucking course breaks down and everyone gets their shit in before Jimmy Hart of all people runs down and throws his megaphone to Chase and he brains Petey and Andy pins him to win.

Jimmy Hart is the legend and it doesn't fit at all.

#3 All time TNA moment; Lockdown.

In the back, Douglas interviews Sean Waltman. He asks how he became the wildcard, and Pac says he's a hell out of a backstage politician and he's always running with the kliq and he's winning the NWA worlds title.



Match#5 Samoa Joe vs Sonjay Dutt

Samoa Joe is the fucking man, and in his peak year he debuts and everything changes for TNA. Tenay puts him over huge covering his ROH run and the fact he's only lost one match in the last 3 years (Final Battle 2004) and he more than lives up to the hype by KILLING poor Sonjay for 6 minutes. He unloads every piece of his amazing offence and fucks him up at every turn, and Sonjay takes a a goddamn insane beating for our hero. Joe hits the Ura-Nage and DRILLS Sonjay into the mat and DW loses his mind and you can hear him fall in love as he realises what he's seeing before his eyes. Joe keeps throwing strikes that sound like a gun going off and the crowd is 10000000% behind him at every turn chanting his name and ole. Sonjay tries to fight back and Joe takes some big bumps before he shuts him down again and nukes him out of anger. Muscle Buster ends it.



In the back, we find Raven sitting on a staircase!! He doesn't envy his opponents tonight, in fact he'd rather hug a suicide bomber than be them because tonight he will be stopped. Fate has opened her bosom and pulled close whispering sweet nothing about their future together of a future paid with bloody kisses and horror. He will ride his chariot of destiny running over those who try and stop him under the wheels because only he is sociopathetic enough to leave them dead. He's going to make them expire from hate and from the sheer force of his will, He is a human cancer and his host must be killed to stop him, but no one in this match can take that step to do it. TONIGHT HE BECOMES THE NWA WORLD CHAMPION AND FULFILS HIS DESTINY,

Match#6 Bobby Roode w/Scott D'Amore vs Lance Hoyt
As stated, Lance is LOVED because he got drunk with the fans and now he's the guy in their eyes. Can't fault him at all. This is a good 6 minute match with Roode finally getting to show off on PPV in a singles match again, and Hoyt does well with good power stuff and ok selling from a guy whose never really had to do it before. Finishing run is good as they trade big moves for a while, but D'Amore again gets involved because anyone other him be the star of this group. Asshole. He distracts Lance and causes him to turn his back and Roode clobbers him with the Northern Lariat to win.

Post match, Roode attacks him again as D'Amore talks shit on the mic to further prove my point. D'Amore tries a moonsault but Lance moves and takes out Roode. He grabs D'Amore and pulls his pants down and kills him with a chokeslam and moonsuault of his own.

#2 All time TNA moment; Jeff Hardy debuts.

Match#7 America's Most Wanted vs BG James & Konnan
AMW are again super pissed off and don't play nice with the Krew. They beat the shit out of both of them and quickly isolate Konnan, and Harris has some wonderful work showing how good of a heel he can be. BG gets the tag but he's messed up as well, and this is all AMW being awesome and getting treated as such and i love it. Crazy they won't turn for another 3 months because this feels like the time to do it, but TNA has something else in mind for the long term and not blowing their load is the smart play. Outlaw runs down and fights Konnan away allowing AMW to break out the Hart Attack on BG to win.

Post match, for the 500th time tonight the Krew argue and BG finally has enough and walks out through the crowd leaving Konnan in the ring and Outlaw on the stage.

#1 All time TNA moment; Elix Skipper walks the cage.

Hype for the X-Division title match.

Match#8 Christopher Daniels (c) vs Chris Sabin w/Trinity vs Michael Shane w/Traci (NWA-TNA X-Division Championship. Elimination Match)
Mad flurry to start as everyone goes at a fast pace and hits all high impact moves and shows what the division is truly about in terms of it being a true successor to the famed CW division in WCW. Sabin and Shane hate each other but are forced to work together at point to get rid of Daniels from their issues. It's a cool little story and gives Daniels a chance to show off his toughness as he's fighting two guys for 90% of the first part. Lots of cool dives and counters now that he's here to reign them in and make them do new stuff after a year of feuding. Sabin hits a gorgeous summersualt planca on Daniels. A catfight breaks out and Shane tries to hit Trinity with the Superkick, but Sabin catches Shane with one of his own and hits the Cradle Shock to pin him. Daniels murders Trinity with the Angel Wings to get rid of her, and we finally get Sabin and Daniels without any bullshit for 6 minutes. They have a killer back and forth with new counters and near falls and i bite on a few all these years later, which really speaks to the match and the talent. Sabin gets a huge moment when he kicks out of the BME and goes on a crazy run and gets a few close near falls. He goes for a dive off the ropes but Daniels kicks his legs out and crotches him and Sabin smacks his head off the mat and Daniels swarms him and hits the Angels Wings to retain the title.

In the back, Monty cuts a proper nutty promo for the first time in months and months about how he's going to eat and cook everyone in this match. Jeff being in the pokey has nothing to do with him, and he's laughing at him. He's going to beat these omega males and take the title back to the Serengeti

Hype for KOTM

In a cool little thing the match graphic hasn't been updated and still has Jarrett on it and not Raven.

JB does the introductions to give us that big fight feel. He announces Zbyszko will be holding the title and will give it to the wrestlers to HANG it to win.

Raven makes his intro through the crowd now 100% a babyface with the entire Impact Zone behind him in a wonderful moment.

Match#9 AJ Styles (c) vs Raven vs Monty Brown vs Sean Waltman vs Abyss (NWA-TNA Worlds Heavyweight Championship. King of the Mountain)
-AJ follows all of that with up with a goddamner of a dive over the ropes onto Abyss
-Monty tries to climb but Pac fights him in the ring to stop him
-Raven is let out and goes right after Monty in revenge
-Monty kills Waltman with a gross Alpha Bomb and pins him to send him to the box
-DW points out that this is the smart strategy as it gets rid of wrestlers and makes it easier for him to climb without someone to stop him
-AJ jumps off the box and kills Abyss with a dropkick
-Monty murders AJ with a Pounce that drives him right into the corner, and Raven drags him out and pins him on the floor to send him to the box
-Raven brings in a trash can and kills Abyss and Monty with it to add some more cool shit to this
-Waltman is let out and kills everyone with a trash can of his own before Abyss drills him with a sweet big boot
-AJ is let out
-Abyss hits Monty with the BHS to pin him and send him to the box
-DW suspects Pac and AJ have made a deal when they were both in the box together
-Raven and AJ finally fight again and it's wonderful as always.
-AJ hits the Clash on him and Abyss makes the save, and DW says it's so smart to stop someone else from having the chance to win.
-All time work from Don West
-Waltman brains Abyss with some gross chair shots to the head and sets him up on a table, AND AJ HITS A PITCH PERFECT SPIRAL TAP OFF THE TOP ROPE TO SEND HIM THROUGH IT AND PINS HIM TO SEND HIM TO THE BOX
-It takes all the refs to lock him up as he fights like not to be put in there, and he keeps trying to rip the door open
-AJ climbs to hanh the title but he drops it and Waltman picks it up and gives it back to him, AND HITS A LOW BLOW AND HITS A FUCKING X-FACTOR OFF THE LADDER AND PINS AJ. JESUS CHRIST.
-Raven breaks out the staple gun and shoots them into the top of Waltman's skull in a wild moment. Waltman then steals it back and shoots Raven in the balls and DW shouts that he just got a vasectomy
- AJ is let out and goes right after Waltman on top of a ladder, but Abyss shoves them off and they go through a table and both men are dead.


" RAVEN IS NOW THE CHAMP. Raven has talked about his destiny for so long, for two years we've heard about the destiny of Raven. AND NOW HE IS THE NWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION. HE IS THE KING OF THE MOUNTAIN" -Don West



"If i can just boil this down to two words for Raven, those two words will be DESTINY FULFILLED" -Mike Tenay
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