- Joined
- Feb 1, 2021
- Messages
- 1,021
- Reaction score
- 902
- Points
- 113
- Age
- 33
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett.-2/6/04
NWA-TNA X Division Champion; Petey Willams-11/8/04
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; Eric Young & Bobby Roode-15/10/04
I remember reading about this in PWI and seeing pics of the show and learning about TNA. Would be another year and half before i found Google Video and XWT and downloaded my first TNA show. So, this has a special place in my heart.
Awesome as hell opening video as TNA will became fucking incredible at this over the next few years.
Match#1 20 Man X-Division Gauntlet for the Gold
#1Frankie Kazarian
#2 Sonjay Dutt
Ugly and sloppy as fuck
Young TJP
He's awesome as fuck, so of course he and Sonjay have zero chemistry.
He kills them all with chair shots and poses.
#5-Jarelle Clark
Hell yeah
Awesome little run of offence.
DW is shocked no has been thrown out. Bless
Fuck off
Clark hits the 630 on Puma
#7-Michael Shane
shazrian team up to throw out Puma
They toss Clark as well
Miayamoto is tossed as well
#8-Hector Garza
He doesn't add a ton to this
This match really sucks
#10-Mikey Batts
Bland stuff from him.
#11-Alex Shelley
He dropkicks Sonjay out.
Kaz backdrops Parka out
#12-Matt Sydal
Fuck yeah
Awesome stuff with Shelley like this is IWA-MS
#13-Sonny Siaki
He drops Kaz on his head with a Belly to belly LMAO
He throws Nosawa out.
Garza is laying on mat and Batts runs towards him and Garza lifts him with his legs and it sends him out and over.
Garza hits Shelly with a gross lungblower and Shelley rolls out onto the floor
#14-Jason Cross
Holy shit, this lineup is dire.
#15-Shark Boy
Shell Yeah
#17-D Ray 3000
He helps Sharkie beat everyone up.
Match is stil bad
Siaki double closelines them out.
Fuck you
Go be a good human and donate a kidney to your sister so you have to retire, you nice man.
#18-Amazing Red
Cross throws out Shelley.
He's rad and high as fuck, but he's not saving this
He fights Shane like this is ROH 2002
#20-Chris Sabin
He's beaten up by Sonny.
Spanky helps Sabin closeline Sonny out
Spanky rana's Shane out
We get a fucking Tower of Doom
Cross is thrown out by Psych
Red rana's Psych out.
Kaz throws Red out
Sabin counter the slice bread and throws Spanky out.
Garza throws Sabin out.
Kaz vs Hector is really basic and fine, but it's the worst match they could have picked given the fact they're both fine and basic, and you know, not fucking awesome.
Garza win with a fancy pin.
Horrible start to the show, let's hope it's not a sign of things to come.
In the back, Kid Kash yells at the Nats that he's the leader and they need to shut up and listen to him. Hey, thought he died.
Match#2 The Naturals, Kid Kash & Dallas vs Erik Watts, Johnny B Badd, Simon Diamond & Ron Killings
What in the living fuck is this doing on your first PPV, guys. Horrendous shit for 4 minutes, and i wish i still drank and could forget i ever saw this. Truth beats a Nat with his Pedigree
In the carpark, a limo arrives and the driver tells Shane to fuck off.
Abyss has been locked away for 24hrs with no food or water. TNA kidnapping people to force them to work the show is true TNA
Match#3 Mascarita Sagrada vs. Piratita Morgan
Why is this on PPV. Like, for real why is this on the show and not two TNA contracted wrestlers. Fine enough for two minutes, but it's a baffling choice. MS wins with a cool rollup.
In the back, 3LK cut a 3lK promo. The highlight is the promo being sponsored by Backyard Wrestling 2. Loved that game.
Dusty is winning the vote. RIGGED.
Scott Hall walks out for some mic time. HEY YO. He says it's not a secret he never says no to a party and that's why he's here. He says Kev won't be here tonight, and you can trust him. He's the guy who invented the ladder match and no one is more interested in the main even than him. May the best Jeff win. This could have been an email, Scott.
Hype for 3LK/Canada.
Match#4 Bobby Roode & Eric Young (c) w/Scott D'Amore vs Konnan & BG James (NWA-TNA World Tag Team Championships)
TC have their working boots on for our first not horrible affair of the show. 3LK are bad as always, but TC take huge bumps and carry the control seg by laying a fun beating on BG, so it's good enough for me. Konnan has a bad hot tag on his end, but we get some good bumps from TC. Truth chases off D'Amore and it allows Konnan to hit Roode with the facebuster to win the titles.
Raven demands he be let out so he can hurt someone.
Piper's Pit time. Piper talks about all the times he's nearly been killed over the last 30 years and how he's a legend of pro wrestling. He's going to stand up and show how a man acts, and he introduces Jimmy Snuka. Oh shit. Piper says they can have a fight, but he needs to say something that has haunted him for 21 years. Jimmy is in a league of his own, and he's the only true great. Nobody could have taken that coconut shot and got back up except him, brother. Everyone has to pay the Piper INCLUDING HIM AND TAKES A COCONUT OUT OF HIS JACKET AND TELLS HIM TO EVEN THE SCORE. HOLY SHIT YES. He turns his back and demands he hit him over and over again, but Jimmy just stands there. Piper starts to talk, but Kid Kash comes out now and says he's putting Snuka over for doing nothing. Fuck off. Kash gets in his face and talks shit for a while. He and SHAZARAIN attack snuka, and Piper makes the save for his old enemy. Sonjay Dutt runs down and cleans house, but Kash decks him with the coconut. Piper chases him off. 50/50 on that being amazing and also terrible.
Monty is going to kill everyone in his path and end their roads.
TNA is now running the WWF promos where the wrestlers talk about their real life athletic backgrounds.
Trinity gets a hype video after the las two weeks. Lol
NYC are in the ring for some terrible promo time. long story short it's Jacqueline off her WWE release.
Match#5 Jacqueline vs Trinity w/NYC
So bad and awful, and has zero fucking place on this show. Trinity wins with her Moonsault.
Dusty is still winning the vote.
In the back, Triple X talk to Hudson. Daniels says they did things the wrong way in the last few moths, they need to be beating people up. Skipper says it's a new day for XXX. Daniels says the only way out is too beg and plead not to die.
Hype for Monsters Ball.
Match#6 Raven vs Abyss vs Monty Brown (Monsters Ball)
Fucking finally a goddamn match on this show....and it's mostly a fine little fight between the 3 of them without much plunder or blood. FUIOERHAWJFARVNBSRTDEFSZCZX. It's an ok affair for them, but it's a giant turd on an already forsaken show in what should have been a slam dunk. Raven is mostly cast aside for the other two and neither man is really killing themselves like they should be, so taking out the best guy is a bad idea. there's a fucking ref bump in a gimmick match as well, so what the actual cunting fuck. Monty pins Raven with a pounce (no caps, fuck him) through a table to win.
In the carpark, Don Harris makes Douglas leave the limo alone.
Hype for AJ/Petey
I'd make the gag about AJ needing to save the show, but the damage is done.
Match#7 Petey Willams (c) w/Scott D'Amore vs AJ Styles (NWA-TNA X-Division Championship)
AJ and Petey do a really cool version of Lynn/RVD on mat for the opening minute, and it's the best because AJ is actually amazing and gets how to do it correctly. He hits dat dropkick and a gorgeous dive right onto Petey, and really fucks him up. Petey hits a flash jawbreaker to take over for a moment, but they opt for a classic back and forth which is much cooler, and smarter than letting Petey control. AJ breaks out the Spider German in a super cool moment, as it's such a rare thing to see, even from a man like AJ. Awesome comeback where he fucks Petey up some more and gets closer and closer to winning. Petey finally lays in shots and looks good at points, but he still fucks up the timing on stuff and leaves AJ with his dick in his hands at points. AJ counters the Destroyer by holding on to him and hitting an Alabama Slam into the bucks in a gnarly moment.Some bullshit hits with a belt shot, but AJ kicks out and the Zone erupts for the first time in hours. They fight on the top rope and D'Amore holds onto AJ's leg and it lets Petey throw him off and he hits a sick top rope Canadian Destroyer to win.
It won't save this show, but God Bless AJ fucking Styles.
Post match, AJ kills D'Amore with the Pele and bails before the heels can get to him.
Jeff Jarrett is getting ready with Scott Hall.
Hype for XXX/AMW
Match#8 Triple X vs America's Most Wanted (Last Team Standing)
It's actually under Texas Deathmatch rules because TNA fucks everything up. They also work legal tags which i HAAAAATE so fucking much as you'll see in everything i cover. Just kill each other, you assholes. Storm's bad wheel holds him back and gets him isolated and it's a good control seg, but it's not the amazing shit we're used to seeing. Just feels really off. Storm is out first after a chair shot to the bad knee renders him unable to make the 10 count. Harris shoves Skipper out of the ring and hits a sweet top rope legdrop to get rid of Daniels. Skipper is legit concussed and it really falls apart as Harris is forced to take it easy on him. Of course, they could have ended the match on it, but this is what wrestling was like before Benoit, sadly. Harris beats Skipper with the Cationic on a chair (Skiper kicks out, but the ref counts 3 to save his life) and that's that.
Post match, Daniels kills Harris with a chair shot and then hits Storm as well, He handcuffs them together and beats the hell out of them with chair shots.
Dusty wins the vote, which means Russo has legit quit TNA and now the peak happens before he ruins it all.
Match#9 Jeff Jarrett (c) vs Jeff Hardy (NWA-TNA Worlds Championship-Ladder Match)
-Jeff is painted in dark goo and looks like he walked off the set of the Hulk.
-Hardy is again amazingly sloppy and is off his rocker tonight as he misses a ton of stuff, or is late on things.
-TNA cheaped out on the ladder and it refuses to cooperate when they need it to, which is not going to help matters.
-Jeff Jarrett ends up painted green as well.
-Jeff fucks up the flatliner and ends up hitting the worst STO ever as Jarrett falls backwards instead of forward.
-Hardy botches the ladder leg drop and nearly breaks his legs, and is clearly fucked up as a result.
-It stop him from bumping on stuff properly, so Jarrett is forced to manhandle him into stuff because of the unintentional sandbagging.
-Jarrett climbs up and has to wait for Jeff to get into position, so he looks like a complete clown not grabbing the title when he can.
-DW covers by saying Jarrett could sense Jeff was behind him and knew he would be caught. God Bless, man.
-Jeff botches the swanton and smacks the back of his head off the mat.
-Scott Hall shows up and kills Hardy with the Outsiders Edge.
-The match doesn't end on this, which is bad.
-Hardy hits a ladder legdrop which sends a ladder straight into Jarrett's jaw.
-Hall sits on a chair on the outside and just chills for a while.
-Hardy fucks up the Twist of Fate off the ladder and nearly breaks his arm as a result.
-Jarrett is shoved off the ladder and he tries to crotch himself on the ropes, but he's too far out and his leg hits the ropes at a horrifying angle.
-Scott gets involved again, but he refuses to bump and instead just stumbles around on the outside and looks near death when he finally goes down off a Hardy dive.
-Jeff and Jeff fall off the ladder onto the ramp and Hardy lands feet first in what i imagine would SUCK.
-Kevin Nash finally shows up (without a beard) with two guitars, and hey, he hands one to Hall and predictably turns on Hardy as they kill him with shots and Jef brains him as well, and then grabs the title to mercifully end my pain.
-One of the worst main events ever.
Post match, Nash gets the mic and says he wondered why Jeff was painted green tonight, but he must have been green with envy when he stood next to him at a urinal today. LOL GOT EM BECAUSE NASH HAS A HOG. He says they took over like always and made money (hey, i saw that one) he tells anyone with a sack to fight them, AND AJ STYLES WALKS OUT. He takes out Hall and Jeff with a closeline and a Pele, and he dropkicks Nash out of a powebomb attempt. He goes for the clash, but Nash boots him in the face. 3LK try to help but they get nuked as well. Macho Man Randy Savage's music hits and he shows up and points at them to close the show.
One of the single worst PPV's ever, and maybe not even on the top 10 list of the worst ones TNA will ever put on. Jesus Christ.
NWA-TNA X Division Champion; Petey Willams-11/8/04
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; Eric Young & Bobby Roode-15/10/04

I remember reading about this in PWI and seeing pics of the show and learning about TNA. Would be another year and half before i found Google Video and XWT and downloaded my first TNA show. So, this has a special place in my heart.
Awesome as hell opening video as TNA will became fucking incredible at this over the next few years.
Match#1 20 Man X-Division Gauntlet for the Gold
#1Frankie Kazarian
#2 Sonjay Dutt
Ugly and sloppy as fuck
Young TJP
He's awesome as fuck, so of course he and Sonjay have zero chemistry.
He kills them all with chair shots and poses.
#5-Jarelle Clark
Hell yeah
Awesome little run of offence.
DW is shocked no has been thrown out. Bless
Fuck off
Clark hits the 630 on Puma
#7-Michael Shane
shazrian team up to throw out Puma
They toss Clark as well
Miayamoto is tossed as well
#8-Hector Garza
He doesn't add a ton to this
This match really sucks
#10-Mikey Batts
Bland stuff from him.
#11-Alex Shelley
He dropkicks Sonjay out.
Kaz backdrops Parka out
#12-Matt Sydal
Fuck yeah
Awesome stuff with Shelley like this is IWA-MS
#13-Sonny Siaki
He drops Kaz on his head with a Belly to belly LMAO
He throws Nosawa out.
Garza is laying on mat and Batts runs towards him and Garza lifts him with his legs and it sends him out and over.
Garza hits Shelly with a gross lungblower and Shelley rolls out onto the floor
#14-Jason Cross
Holy shit, this lineup is dire.
#15-Shark Boy
Shell Yeah
#17-D Ray 3000
He helps Sharkie beat everyone up.
Match is stil bad
Siaki double closelines them out.
Fuck you
Go be a good human and donate a kidney to your sister so you have to retire, you nice man.
#18-Amazing Red
Cross throws out Shelley.
He's rad and high as fuck, but he's not saving this
He fights Shane like this is ROH 2002
#20-Chris Sabin
He's beaten up by Sonny.
Spanky helps Sabin closeline Sonny out
Spanky rana's Shane out
We get a fucking Tower of Doom
Cross is thrown out by Psych
Red rana's Psych out.
Kaz throws Red out
Sabin counter the slice bread and throws Spanky out.
Garza throws Sabin out.
Kaz vs Hector is really basic and fine, but it's the worst match they could have picked given the fact they're both fine and basic, and you know, not fucking awesome.
Garza win with a fancy pin.
Horrible start to the show, let's hope it's not a sign of things to come.
In the back, Kid Kash yells at the Nats that he's the leader and they need to shut up and listen to him. Hey, thought he died.
Match#2 The Naturals, Kid Kash & Dallas vs Erik Watts, Johnny B Badd, Simon Diamond & Ron Killings
What in the living fuck is this doing on your first PPV, guys. Horrendous shit for 4 minutes, and i wish i still drank and could forget i ever saw this. Truth beats a Nat with his Pedigree
In the carpark, a limo arrives and the driver tells Shane to fuck off.
Abyss has been locked away for 24hrs with no food or water. TNA kidnapping people to force them to work the show is true TNA
Match#3 Mascarita Sagrada vs. Piratita Morgan
Why is this on PPV. Like, for real why is this on the show and not two TNA contracted wrestlers. Fine enough for two minutes, but it's a baffling choice. MS wins with a cool rollup.
In the back, 3LK cut a 3lK promo. The highlight is the promo being sponsored by Backyard Wrestling 2. Loved that game.
Dusty is winning the vote. RIGGED.
Scott Hall walks out for some mic time. HEY YO. He says it's not a secret he never says no to a party and that's why he's here. He says Kev won't be here tonight, and you can trust him. He's the guy who invented the ladder match and no one is more interested in the main even than him. May the best Jeff win. This could have been an email, Scott.
Hype for 3LK/Canada.
Match#4 Bobby Roode & Eric Young (c) w/Scott D'Amore vs Konnan & BG James (NWA-TNA World Tag Team Championships)
TC have their working boots on for our first not horrible affair of the show. 3LK are bad as always, but TC take huge bumps and carry the control seg by laying a fun beating on BG, so it's good enough for me. Konnan has a bad hot tag on his end, but we get some good bumps from TC. Truth chases off D'Amore and it allows Konnan to hit Roode with the facebuster to win the titles.
Raven demands he be let out so he can hurt someone.
Piper's Pit time. Piper talks about all the times he's nearly been killed over the last 30 years and how he's a legend of pro wrestling. He's going to stand up and show how a man acts, and he introduces Jimmy Snuka. Oh shit. Piper says they can have a fight, but he needs to say something that has haunted him for 21 years. Jimmy is in a league of his own, and he's the only true great. Nobody could have taken that coconut shot and got back up except him, brother. Everyone has to pay the Piper INCLUDING HIM AND TAKES A COCONUT OUT OF HIS JACKET AND TELLS HIM TO EVEN THE SCORE. HOLY SHIT YES. He turns his back and demands he hit him over and over again, but Jimmy just stands there. Piper starts to talk, but Kid Kash comes out now and says he's putting Snuka over for doing nothing. Fuck off. Kash gets in his face and talks shit for a while. He and SHAZARAIN attack snuka, and Piper makes the save for his old enemy. Sonjay Dutt runs down and cleans house, but Kash decks him with the coconut. Piper chases him off. 50/50 on that being amazing and also terrible.
Monty is going to kill everyone in his path and end their roads.
TNA is now running the WWF promos where the wrestlers talk about their real life athletic backgrounds.
Trinity gets a hype video after the las two weeks. Lol
NYC are in the ring for some terrible promo time. long story short it's Jacqueline off her WWE release.
Match#5 Jacqueline vs Trinity w/NYC
So bad and awful, and has zero fucking place on this show. Trinity wins with her Moonsault.
Dusty is still winning the vote.
In the back, Triple X talk to Hudson. Daniels says they did things the wrong way in the last few moths, they need to be beating people up. Skipper says it's a new day for XXX. Daniels says the only way out is too beg and plead not to die.
Hype for Monsters Ball.
Match#6 Raven vs Abyss vs Monty Brown (Monsters Ball)
Fucking finally a goddamn match on this show....and it's mostly a fine little fight between the 3 of them without much plunder or blood. FUIOERHAWJFARVNBSRTDEFSZCZX. It's an ok affair for them, but it's a giant turd on an already forsaken show in what should have been a slam dunk. Raven is mostly cast aside for the other two and neither man is really killing themselves like they should be, so taking out the best guy is a bad idea. there's a fucking ref bump in a gimmick match as well, so what the actual cunting fuck. Monty pins Raven with a pounce (no caps, fuck him) through a table to win.
In the carpark, Don Harris makes Douglas leave the limo alone.
Hype for AJ/Petey
I'd make the gag about AJ needing to save the show, but the damage is done.
Match#7 Petey Willams (c) w/Scott D'Amore vs AJ Styles (NWA-TNA X-Division Championship)
AJ and Petey do a really cool version of Lynn/RVD on mat for the opening minute, and it's the best because AJ is actually amazing and gets how to do it correctly. He hits dat dropkick and a gorgeous dive right onto Petey, and really fucks him up. Petey hits a flash jawbreaker to take over for a moment, but they opt for a classic back and forth which is much cooler, and smarter than letting Petey control. AJ breaks out the Spider German in a super cool moment, as it's such a rare thing to see, even from a man like AJ. Awesome comeback where he fucks Petey up some more and gets closer and closer to winning. Petey finally lays in shots and looks good at points, but he still fucks up the timing on stuff and leaves AJ with his dick in his hands at points. AJ counters the Destroyer by holding on to him and hitting an Alabama Slam into the bucks in a gnarly moment.Some bullshit hits with a belt shot, but AJ kicks out and the Zone erupts for the first time in hours. They fight on the top rope and D'Amore holds onto AJ's leg and it lets Petey throw him off and he hits a sick top rope Canadian Destroyer to win.
It won't save this show, but God Bless AJ fucking Styles.
Post match, AJ kills D'Amore with the Pele and bails before the heels can get to him.
Jeff Jarrett is getting ready with Scott Hall.
Hype for XXX/AMW
Match#8 Triple X vs America's Most Wanted (Last Team Standing)
It's actually under Texas Deathmatch rules because TNA fucks everything up. They also work legal tags which i HAAAAATE so fucking much as you'll see in everything i cover. Just kill each other, you assholes. Storm's bad wheel holds him back and gets him isolated and it's a good control seg, but it's not the amazing shit we're used to seeing. Just feels really off. Storm is out first after a chair shot to the bad knee renders him unable to make the 10 count. Harris shoves Skipper out of the ring and hits a sweet top rope legdrop to get rid of Daniels. Skipper is legit concussed and it really falls apart as Harris is forced to take it easy on him. Of course, they could have ended the match on it, but this is what wrestling was like before Benoit, sadly. Harris beats Skipper with the Cationic on a chair (Skiper kicks out, but the ref counts 3 to save his life) and that's that.
Post match, Daniels kills Harris with a chair shot and then hits Storm as well, He handcuffs them together and beats the hell out of them with chair shots.
Dusty wins the vote, which means Russo has legit quit TNA and now the peak happens before he ruins it all.
Match#9 Jeff Jarrett (c) vs Jeff Hardy (NWA-TNA Worlds Championship-Ladder Match)
-Jeff is painted in dark goo and looks like he walked off the set of the Hulk.

-Hardy is again amazingly sloppy and is off his rocker tonight as he misses a ton of stuff, or is late on things.
-TNA cheaped out on the ladder and it refuses to cooperate when they need it to, which is not going to help matters.
-Jeff Jarrett ends up painted green as well.
-Jeff fucks up the flatliner and ends up hitting the worst STO ever as Jarrett falls backwards instead of forward.
-Hardy botches the ladder leg drop and nearly breaks his legs, and is clearly fucked up as a result.
-It stop him from bumping on stuff properly, so Jarrett is forced to manhandle him into stuff because of the unintentional sandbagging.
-Jarrett climbs up and has to wait for Jeff to get into position, so he looks like a complete clown not grabbing the title when he can.
-DW covers by saying Jarrett could sense Jeff was behind him and knew he would be caught. God Bless, man.
-Jeff botches the swanton and smacks the back of his head off the mat.
-Scott Hall shows up and kills Hardy with the Outsiders Edge.
-The match doesn't end on this, which is bad.
-Hardy hits a ladder legdrop which sends a ladder straight into Jarrett's jaw.
-Hall sits on a chair on the outside and just chills for a while.
-Hardy fucks up the Twist of Fate off the ladder and nearly breaks his arm as a result.
-Jarrett is shoved off the ladder and he tries to crotch himself on the ropes, but he's too far out and his leg hits the ropes at a horrifying angle.
-Scott gets involved again, but he refuses to bump and instead just stumbles around on the outside and looks near death when he finally goes down off a Hardy dive.
-Jeff and Jeff fall off the ladder onto the ramp and Hardy lands feet first in what i imagine would SUCK.
-Kevin Nash finally shows up (without a beard) with two guitars, and hey, he hands one to Hall and predictably turns on Hardy as they kill him with shots and Jef brains him as well, and then grabs the title to mercifully end my pain.
-One of the worst main events ever.
Post match, Nash gets the mic and says he wondered why Jeff was painted green tonight, but he must have been green with envy when he stood next to him at a urinal today. LOL GOT EM BECAUSE NASH HAS A HOG. He says they took over like always and made money (hey, i saw that one) he tells anyone with a sack to fight them, AND AJ STYLES WALKS OUT. He takes out Hall and Jeff with a closeline and a Pele, and he dropkicks Nash out of a powebomb attempt. He goes for the clash, but Nash boots him in the face. 3LK try to help but they get nuked as well. Macho Man Randy Savage's music hits and he shows up and points at them to close the show.

One of the single worst PPV's ever, and maybe not even on the top 10 list of the worst ones TNA will ever put on. Jesus Christ.
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