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April 21, 2004
TNA Asylum
The opening match is meant to be Sabu/Raven vs Abyss/Monty, but Raven is a little sad about his destiny being stopped and doesn't show up. Starting to think he doesn't have Sabu's back.
Match#1 Sabu vs Monty Brown & Abyss
Sabu fights two monsters because he's Sabu and he ain't no coward. The numbers take over and he gets the piss beaten out of him, and the heels look really great in control. Monty is getting better by the week thanks to working with Sabu, and this is another example. Sabu has a frantic comeback with the help of a chair and he nearly does it, but he gets killed by the POUNCE and Shock Treatment
Post match, Monty and Abyss circle each other and taunt, and they seem to come to some kind of understanding.
In the back, Raven and Harris are fighting. Raven fucks his arm up again with a guardrail and some chair shots. RAVEN SQUASHES THE ARM UNDERNEATH A GUARDRAIL AND LOCKS IN A KEY LOCK!!! Storm makes the save runs Raven off. Raven runs back to the ring where Sabu is still dead from the match, and Raven steps over his body and does his taunt and leaves. Sabu is PISSED. OH FUCK.
Russo and a bunch of black shirts help Harris up and lead him to the dr's office.
In the back, JB has now replaced Hudson as the backstage interviewer. Boooooooooo. Kaz cuts another terrible promo and says it'll be Red/Sonjay in a best of 3 to see who faces him, the coolest person in the world. Please go away.
DY promises he'll snap his losing streak against Shark Boy. Oh, dear.
Match#2 Shark Boy vs David Young
Awesome showcase for DY. He hurls poor Sharkie around and whips his ass, and it's a lot of fun. Sharkie gets a rollup to steal it. Boooooooooooo
Post match, DY cries and it sucks. 3LK walk out and make fun of him for being a loser, like Konnan can talk. Konnan demands Truth gets Harris' spot in the match because he's the TRUTH. BG cut a terrible promo that's also about giving the shot to Truth.
In the back, Harris is being loaded into an ambulance and the EMT says his shoulder has been separated, and he's out of the match. Harris asks Russo to give his spot to James Storm!!
Match#3 Disco Inferno & Johnny Swinger w/Trinity vs Sonny Siaki & Simon Diamond
Gross. The NYC win, and i don't want to think about this again.
Post match, the NYC beat the crap out of the faces until Desiree makes her return to take out trinity, and reunite with Sonny.
In the back, Russo says he's not sure Storm is right man, AND AJ STYLES WALKS ON IN HIS GEAR. He says made the choice for him as a former world champion who has beaten Jarrett, and if Russo wants to fix things with him, he'll give him the shot. Russo bitches him out on blowing him off for the last month and he should have thought about fixing things before. Fuck you.
Hype for Daniels/Young Shane for a spot on Team TNA.
Match#4 Christopher Daniels vs Michael Shane w/New Franchises (Winner joins Team TNA)
Daniels is pissed about the last time they met and unloads a beating on Young Shane for his sins, and he looks like a top babyface star while doing it. Shane catches him coming through the ropes with a kick to the face and takes over. Decent enough control for Young Shane, but something feels lacking during it. Which is actually a perfect way to describe Young Shane. Just a boring lacking dude. Daniels has a fun short comeback with some good selling of the beating, and more than Shane deserves tbh. Old Shane shoves Young Shane out of the way of a moonsault, and Young Shane shoves him to the floor! The match gets back to the ring and they have a fun back and forth finishing run and Shane looks better here than did the whole match. Old Shane punches Daniels in the head with the chain and Young Shane refuses to pin and instead opts to hit the superkick, and Daniels counters it into a flash STO to win.
Team TNA walk down and welcome Daniels to the team.
Back in the ring, The Shanes argue about everything and Young Shane keeps shoving the old man and begging him to fight him, and Douglas refuses. Young Shane slaps him and Old Shane fights him and beats him with a belt, and the crowd is dead for all of this. The Old man keeps beating his ass and Traci picks up the belt and chokes Douglas with it and Shane hits him with a superkick. Oh man, she picked the young buck.
In the back, Russo still hasn't decided what he's going to do tonight. Abyss walks on and grunts, and then Goldy walks on dressed as a Puerto Rican doing a racist accent for some reason, and she demands he put Abyss in said match. Russo says no and leaves. Fair enough.
Match#5 D-Lo Brown & Apolo (c) vs Kid Kash & Dallas (NWA-TNA World Tag Team Championships)
Oh, wonderful, just what the world wanted. Just as dismal as last week, but worse because of the bullshit reason it's happening. It's insane that we're nearly 5 months in and the tag division has been this barron and bad. TNA 2004 is way worse than i remembered, and this might be another case of a company having a terrible year to get it out of their systems before they go into a peak run. The pipe gets bought in and fucking Apolo uses it despite knowing it's a DQ, and the titles change hands for the second week in a row with this bullshit
In the back, all time Gaslighter Raven does everything he can to convince Russo he's the only man who can beat Jarrett because it's his destiny, and Russo knows it to be true. Russo says Raven as a champion will be a thorn in his side, and Raven says he'll be any kind of champion he wants, HE JUST WANTS THE BELT AND HIS DESTINY. Russo hangs his head and says a lot of people are going to like this, and he shakes Raven's hand.
In the back, Jarrett talks about the last year of fighting Raven and all that transpired between them, and now it's come to this. Russo thinks this will be the end of his reign, but it's only just begun. Ah, fuck you.
They air a long video on the entirety of Jeff's run since he won it back, and seeing it like this is a stark reminder of how crap it's been.
Jarrett comes out for the match and stands in the cage. Russo walks out and looks fucking miserable at the very thought of what he's about to do. He says sorry to Chris Harris for all he's been through and promises him a title match as soon as he's healthy. He says Storm isn't ready to face an animal like Jarrett. Abyss can't push people around to get what he wants, and he's not getting it. 3LK can't bully him into putting them into a spot. He says it's come down to Raven, and he has a bond Scott Levy(FUCK YOU) and Jarrett says no one cares and get it over with. Russo says he's seen the light and he won't make a deal with the devil, and he had to reach down and do the right thing for TNA and give the shot to... THE PHENOMENAL AJ STYLES. FUCK YEAH. Raven is very sad and mad. Russo finding God and picking the biggest God Nut on the roster to have the shot is actually awesome.
Match#6 Jeff Jarrett (c) vs AJ Styles (NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Steel Cage)
AJ is wearing some awesome white gear tonight, and it's another all time look for the Ace of TNA. AJ refuses to take any of Jeff's bullshit and stands right in his face and takes it to him, but he doesn't use the cage at all and it feels super weird that he's not using the thing that can fuck Jeff up the most. Like, i get the cage is there to mostly stop the bullshit(tm) but it's a cage match and you have AJ Styles in it, why waste it on just being lame excuse to have one. Jeff is the first person to use it because he's the smartest and toughest and AJ is a moron, apparently. Also, AJ not going nuts with the cage makes no sense after the D-Lo series. Fucking TNA. Jeff works the knee and it's good because it always is, but i want blood and hate, not working a limb on the mat. The ref gets bumped and AJ takes a cool bump into the cage, and instead of Jeff murdering him, he throws powder in his eyes and uses a chain from his boot. Jeff hides the chain back in his trunks like this isn't a fucking cage match. Fuck you. AJ FINALLY takes an insane bump off the cage onto the fucking floor when Jeff shoulder blocks the cage and knocks him down, but it's too late and not worth it. Jeff brings the guitar in and AJ pele kicks it again, which is awesome but it should have debuted here instead of last year. AJ jumps on his back and crucifix pins him AND HE WINS THE BELT AND ENDS ANOTHER HORRIBLE JARRETT REIGN.
Post match, AJ hugs Russo, and the God Squad is back together. GOD BLESS.
April 21, 2004
TNA Asylum
The opening match is meant to be Sabu/Raven vs Abyss/Monty, but Raven is a little sad about his destiny being stopped and doesn't show up. Starting to think he doesn't have Sabu's back.
Match#1 Sabu vs Monty Brown & Abyss
Sabu fights two monsters because he's Sabu and he ain't no coward. The numbers take over and he gets the piss beaten out of him, and the heels look really great in control. Monty is getting better by the week thanks to working with Sabu, and this is another example. Sabu has a frantic comeback with the help of a chair and he nearly does it, but he gets killed by the POUNCE and Shock Treatment
Post match, Monty and Abyss circle each other and taunt, and they seem to come to some kind of understanding.
In the back, Raven and Harris are fighting. Raven fucks his arm up again with a guardrail and some chair shots. RAVEN SQUASHES THE ARM UNDERNEATH A GUARDRAIL AND LOCKS IN A KEY LOCK!!! Storm makes the save runs Raven off. Raven runs back to the ring where Sabu is still dead from the match, and Raven steps over his body and does his taunt and leaves. Sabu is PISSED. OH FUCK.
Russo and a bunch of black shirts help Harris up and lead him to the dr's office.
In the back, JB has now replaced Hudson as the backstage interviewer. Boooooooooo. Kaz cuts another terrible promo and says it'll be Red/Sonjay in a best of 3 to see who faces him, the coolest person in the world. Please go away.
DY promises he'll snap his losing streak against Shark Boy. Oh, dear.
Match#2 Shark Boy vs David Young
Awesome showcase for DY. He hurls poor Sharkie around and whips his ass, and it's a lot of fun. Sharkie gets a rollup to steal it. Boooooooooooo
Post match, DY cries and it sucks. 3LK walk out and make fun of him for being a loser, like Konnan can talk. Konnan demands Truth gets Harris' spot in the match because he's the TRUTH. BG cut a terrible promo that's also about giving the shot to Truth.
In the back, Harris is being loaded into an ambulance and the EMT says his shoulder has been separated, and he's out of the match. Harris asks Russo to give his spot to James Storm!!
Match#3 Disco Inferno & Johnny Swinger w/Trinity vs Sonny Siaki & Simon Diamond
Gross. The NYC win, and i don't want to think about this again.
Post match, the NYC beat the crap out of the faces until Desiree makes her return to take out trinity, and reunite with Sonny.
In the back, Russo says he's not sure Storm is right man, AND AJ STYLES WALKS ON IN HIS GEAR. He says made the choice for him as a former world champion who has beaten Jarrett, and if Russo wants to fix things with him, he'll give him the shot. Russo bitches him out on blowing him off for the last month and he should have thought about fixing things before. Fuck you.
Hype for Daniels/Young Shane for a spot on Team TNA.
Match#4 Christopher Daniels vs Michael Shane w/New Franchises (Winner joins Team TNA)
Daniels is pissed about the last time they met and unloads a beating on Young Shane for his sins, and he looks like a top babyface star while doing it. Shane catches him coming through the ropes with a kick to the face and takes over. Decent enough control for Young Shane, but something feels lacking during it. Which is actually a perfect way to describe Young Shane. Just a boring lacking dude. Daniels has a fun short comeback with some good selling of the beating, and more than Shane deserves tbh. Old Shane shoves Young Shane out of the way of a moonsault, and Young Shane shoves him to the floor! The match gets back to the ring and they have a fun back and forth finishing run and Shane looks better here than did the whole match. Old Shane punches Daniels in the head with the chain and Young Shane refuses to pin and instead opts to hit the superkick, and Daniels counters it into a flash STO to win.
Team TNA walk down and welcome Daniels to the team.
Back in the ring, The Shanes argue about everything and Young Shane keeps shoving the old man and begging him to fight him, and Douglas refuses. Young Shane slaps him and Old Shane fights him and beats him with a belt, and the crowd is dead for all of this. The Old man keeps beating his ass and Traci picks up the belt and chokes Douglas with it and Shane hits him with a superkick. Oh man, she picked the young buck.
In the back, Russo still hasn't decided what he's going to do tonight. Abyss walks on and grunts, and then Goldy walks on dressed as a Puerto Rican doing a racist accent for some reason, and she demands he put Abyss in said match. Russo says no and leaves. Fair enough.
Match#5 D-Lo Brown & Apolo (c) vs Kid Kash & Dallas (NWA-TNA World Tag Team Championships)
Oh, wonderful, just what the world wanted. Just as dismal as last week, but worse because of the bullshit reason it's happening. It's insane that we're nearly 5 months in and the tag division has been this barron and bad. TNA 2004 is way worse than i remembered, and this might be another case of a company having a terrible year to get it out of their systems before they go into a peak run. The pipe gets bought in and fucking Apolo uses it despite knowing it's a DQ, and the titles change hands for the second week in a row with this bullshit
In the back, all time Gaslighter Raven does everything he can to convince Russo he's the only man who can beat Jarrett because it's his destiny, and Russo knows it to be true. Russo says Raven as a champion will be a thorn in his side, and Raven says he'll be any kind of champion he wants, HE JUST WANTS THE BELT AND HIS DESTINY. Russo hangs his head and says a lot of people are going to like this, and he shakes Raven's hand.
In the back, Jarrett talks about the last year of fighting Raven and all that transpired between them, and now it's come to this. Russo thinks this will be the end of his reign, but it's only just begun. Ah, fuck you.
They air a long video on the entirety of Jeff's run since he won it back, and seeing it like this is a stark reminder of how crap it's been.
Jarrett comes out for the match and stands in the cage. Russo walks out and looks fucking miserable at the very thought of what he's about to do. He says sorry to Chris Harris for all he's been through and promises him a title match as soon as he's healthy. He says Storm isn't ready to face an animal like Jarrett. Abyss can't push people around to get what he wants, and he's not getting it. 3LK can't bully him into putting them into a spot. He says it's come down to Raven, and he has a bond Scott Levy(FUCK YOU) and Jarrett says no one cares and get it over with. Russo says he's seen the light and he won't make a deal with the devil, and he had to reach down and do the right thing for TNA and give the shot to... THE PHENOMENAL AJ STYLES. FUCK YEAH. Raven is very sad and mad. Russo finding God and picking the biggest God Nut on the roster to have the shot is actually awesome.
Match#6 Jeff Jarrett (c) vs AJ Styles (NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Steel Cage)
AJ is wearing some awesome white gear tonight, and it's another all time look for the Ace of TNA. AJ refuses to take any of Jeff's bullshit and stands right in his face and takes it to him, but he doesn't use the cage at all and it feels super weird that he's not using the thing that can fuck Jeff up the most. Like, i get the cage is there to mostly stop the bullshit(tm) but it's a cage match and you have AJ Styles in it, why waste it on just being lame excuse to have one. Jeff is the first person to use it because he's the smartest and toughest and AJ is a moron, apparently. Also, AJ not going nuts with the cage makes no sense after the D-Lo series. Fucking TNA. Jeff works the knee and it's good because it always is, but i want blood and hate, not working a limb on the mat. The ref gets bumped and AJ takes a cool bump into the cage, and instead of Jeff murdering him, he throws powder in his eyes and uses a chain from his boot. Jeff hides the chain back in his trunks like this isn't a fucking cage match. Fuck you. AJ FINALLY takes an insane bump off the cage onto the fucking floor when Jeff shoulder blocks the cage and knocks him down, but it's too late and not worth it. Jeff brings the guitar in and AJ pele kicks it again, which is awesome but it should have debuted here instead of last year. AJ jumps on his back and crucifix pins him AND HE WINS THE BELT AND ENDS ANOTHER HORRIBLE JARRETT REIGN.
Post match, AJ hugs Russo, and the God Squad is back together. GOD BLESS.
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