I only told one of my mates I watch wrestling about a month or two ago, only because he randomly brought it up because his dorkish brother and roommates were talking about it. He was cool with it because he watched it when he was a kid and still knew a lot of names, so I felt comfortable telling him. Nobody else knows other than my brothers and parents.
The only thing I own that's wrestling related are one or two DVDs and a game. I used to have three of them but I traded them in because I never played them.
It's not that I'm ashamed of being a wrestling fan, it's more the fact it's not the most popular thing to follow in Australia. It's not something people tend to openly admit. I know there's Australians who have posted in this thread saying they wear the shirts and all that, but it's a rarity for me. I would've copped crazy amounts of shit a few years ago when I hung around immature blokes, so I've always pretended to know absolutely nothing about wrestling. I'm not feeding the dogs.