You misunderstood. The Shield members had good names before and they have good ones now.
Jon Moxley and Tyler Black are good names, but Leakee isn't. Stop making things complicated. This is north america.
Yes, it should be white washed. There are tons of white washed names to pick from.
The name Devitt picked is not easily identifiable here, not in this country. Kenta did slightly better, naming himself after a well known pitcher.
Kenta will eventually drop either the first or last name, but Johnny Kong would have been better.
I see why you disagree and you're entitled to it. This is north america and we're not the brightest.
But WWE isn't just for North America, it's an international product for an international fanbase. that it isn't identifiable in North America means diddly squat since Devitt is most likely going to be geared towards the European fanbase and the Irish one in particular.
Kenta was specifically signed to help further WWE's standing in Japan.
Besides, they are signed by the WWE, who has the biggest marketing team in the industry. These guys will get over and their names will be recognizable to the masses.
Not in this continent, it won't.
Again, that means jack shit. WWE stopped being purely catered towards American fans the moment they started shipping their TV product internationally and bringing in international stars, not to mention taping their flagship show in Great Britain two times a year. If WWE was just catered towards Americans, the entire roster would be American.
If WWE signs an international talent, they will use that to further their stance in that particular area of the world.