CWF - Staff Trash #10 (Merging Issue)

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Sure, I can do that, just I was planning on doing my matches and Promo on the 7th


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Thanks Tappy <3333


Apr 23, 2011
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Well as you know, about matches.. I like to leave them TT as long as they can - till' Sunday, and THEN I write my match, so I can let them do their best and then I do my best to make their match the best. My promo? Idk, today, tomorrow, TT too. Andrew what to do with the WGTT? You know why I'm asking. Should I keep it in the TT or you know?

awesome miz

Apr 24, 2011
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Christian is already in the ring and looking at the crowd and smile as....

Styles: Wow, I'm ready for this one JR!

JR: Christian, World heavyweight champion facing up in this ring right now, that gonna be show stealer for sure!




Finlay’s music hits and he walks down the ramp, shilleleagh in hand and CWF Championship around his waist, with Hornswoggle by his side to a boos from the crowd. He slowly makes his way into the ring, before moving over to the turnbuckle and climbs it just staring at the crowd and then raises his newly won CWF Heavyweight Championship, before jumping down and Hornswoggle runs out of the ring and get under the ring. Finlay looks at Christian and referee ask if they are ready to the match and both said yes and referee calls for a bell...


JR: So here we go with this one!

Styles: Let's see how our new world heavyweight champion gonna do in his first match as Champ...

Both men look at themselves from their corners, before walking to the middle of the ring and lock up there. Both men lock up, but Finlay is little bit stronger and put Christian down to the canvas and want to lock his head, but Christian rolls out of it and both men are on their feet. Christian and Finlay lock up again, but this time, Christian drop Finlay over down to the canvas and give him hard elbow to the face and then Christian get up and run forward the ropes and hit sitting Finlay with Sliding D. Christian get up and he see, that Finlay is quickly getting up as well and so he walk to him from back, grab his head and hand and run with him and put him hardly down with huge Half Nelson Bulldog and Christian goes for a cover...

Styles: Christian quickly getting momentum here JR!


Finlay kicks out!

JR: Finlay quickly get out of that!

Christian quickly grab Finlay's head and put Finlay up and slap him to the face and Finlay fall to the ropes. Christian look at him and smiles, before running forward to him, but Finlay mentioned it and throw Christian up to the air and throw him outside the ring. Finlay look at Christian that is laying outside of the ring and Finlay walk to the corner and step on the apron and then climb to the second turnbuckle and wait until Christian will get up and when he did, Finlay jump into the air and hit Christian with huge missile dropkick. Referee begin to count out and Finlay grab Christian up and grab his head and connect it with announce table. Finlay then pick Christian's hand and put it over his shoulder and want to hit Christian with a suplex, but Christian reverse it and hit Finlay with suplex by himself and referee still counting out...


JR: This one could end up by a count out Styles!


Christian walk around the ring and then step on the apron and take time off there and watch how Finlay is trying to get up and get back to the ring. Finlay gets up and slowly step on the apron and want to step into the ring and as Christian mentions this, he jumps on the third rope and from there connect finlay's head with hard Rope Assisted Diving Legdrop, but this get Finlay back to the ring at nine. Finlay is laying down in the middle of the ring and Christian look at him and then walk to the corner and climbs up on the top turnbuckle, raise his elbow up and jump right on Finlay's body with Diving Elbow Drop. Christian don't wasteanytime and qquickly pick Finlay up, but Finlay reverse it and kick Christian right to the nuts and run forward the ropes and want to hit Christian with the clothesline, but Christian ducks down and Finlay still running and Christian pick Finlay up and down with heavy Sitout Spinebuster and quickly goes for a cover...


JR: What a Spinebuster!


Styles: This could be it JR!

Finlay kicks out!

Christian looks little bit anger, that Finlay kick's out, but he take the moment and pick Finlay up and grab his hand and put it over and put Finlay up and hit him with hard Sitout Gourdbuster. Christian again grab Finlay's head and put Finlay up and run toward the ropes and want to hit Finlay with a Clothesline, but Finlay ducks down and as Christian turn over, Finlay hit him with huge Scoop Powerslam. Christian get up as quickly as he is able and Finlay kick him to the body and then send him to the corner and Christian hardly hit the corner and turn over and Finlay grab him and put him up under his shoulder and then hit Christian's body with Pendulum Backbreaker. As Christian is down, Finlay grab his leg and lock it into hard Single Leg Boston Crab and Christian begin to scream...

JR: Boston Crab! Christian can tapout right here!

Styles: Christian is trying to get to the ropes!

Christian is slowly getting to the ropes, but Finlay keep destroying his leg, but Christian is able to touch with fingertips ropes and referee quickly get to Finlay and say him to break the hold and Finlay did. Christian grab his leg and slowly roll to the corner and Finlay say something to referee and so he turned his back on Christian, that climbed on the second turnbuckle and as Finlay turns, Christian jump and hit him with Flashpoint! Finlay quickly gets up and run forward to the Christian and want to hit him with a clothesline, but Christian is quicker and hit Finlay with huge spear! But Finlay is still able to roll to the ropes and with little help by the ropes he gets up, but from back, Christian grab his head and hit Finlay from back with Inverted Facelock Backbreaker and quickly goes for a cover...


JR: This could be it Styles!


Thre... Finlay kicks out!

Styles: Wow, this was really close!

Christian is now really angry and he yells at referee to do his work and Christian look and make sure, that Finlay still down on the canvas, Christian walk to the corner and climb on the top turnbuckle and sit there and take time off and wait for Finlay to get up and when Finlay did, Christian quickly jumps and hit Finlay with huge Diving Crossbody. Christian as quickly as he is able to tries to pick Finlay up, but Finlay reverse it and push Christian to the corner, but after beating that Finlay took, he fall to his knee and Christian use the moment to jump on the second turnbuckle and go to the air again and hit Finlay with huge missile dropkick and Christian want to quickly go for a cover, but Finlay wisely roll out of the ring...

JR: This is clever by Finlay here!

Styles: Christian is dominating since start of this match!

Christian say something to himself and he is clearly not happy that Finlay didn't stay in the ring, but Christian take the moment and quickly run forward the corner and jump to the outside of the ring and want to hit Finlay with huge Triangle Plancha, but Finlay jumps out of it and Christian fall down right to the floor. Finlay can't believe that he really did it and Christian quickly gets up and turn on the Finlay that grab his head and hit it with hard right European Uppercut and Christian fall down on his knees and Finlay kick him to the face and Christian fall down to the floor. Finlay step back little bit, but only cause he want to make more pain to Christian's body and so he run on Christian that is down and jump to the air and hit Christian with huge Finlay Press and referee count both of them out...

JR: Oh my god what a match right here!



Styles: Finlay turned this match upside down!

Finlay sees that Christian is trying to get up and so he grab his hand and say something to his face before hit Christian's head with hard Short-Arm Clothesline. Finlay get down and take time off and referee still count them out...


Styles: They better watch how's referee counting!


Finlay realized he doesn’t has much time and so he step on the apron and from a nowhere, Christian grab all his strength and quickly get up and jump on the apron and from back grab Finlay's head and hit Finlay's back on the apron with huge Apron Falling Inverted DDT and both men fall down on the floor and referee still counting out …

JR: Oh my, this could end by a countout!


Christian at the eight quickly roll back to the ring and with nearly crying face tell to referee to continue in counting and referee is doing what Christian said...


Finlay still down on the floor and it looks like he gonna be counted out, but from a nowhere in the ring appears Hornswoggle and distract the referee and referee stop counting out and Christian can't believe it and Hornswoggle yell something on referee and Christian push Hornswoggle and he fall down to the canvas and referee ban Hornswoggle of the ringside...


Styles: Hornswoggle just maybe caused Christian a match!

But before Christian can mention it, Finlay is back in the ring with Shillelagh in the hand and as Christian turn over and referee still looking at hornswoggle, Finlay hit Christian with Shillelagh Shot to the head and Christian fall down and Finlay throw Shillelagh out of the ring. Finlay makes sure referee didn't see him and then he picked Christian up on his shoulder's and run with him and put him down with huge Rolling Hills. Finlay grab all his momentum and fans give him mixed reaction and as Christian get up, Finlay from back turn him over and put him on his back to a Celtic Cross position and he stay in the middle of the ring with Christian on his back and look at the crowd for a moment, but that was fault, because Christian someway get out of it and roll Finlay down with a school boy and Finlay's shoulder's are down and referee begin to count...


JR: School boy!





Styles: JR! Christian did it! He just beat World Heavyweight Champion!

Christian gets up and he can't believe he did it so he asked referee if he won and referee confirmed it to him...


Christian as he make sure he won raise his hands up and get down to his knees and then roll out of the ring and walk once around the ring and smile on all fans in first line. Fans give Christian mixed reaction and Christian look at announcer that is holding World Heavyweight Championship title and Christian focus on the title and smile and it and then look at Finlay and he knows what it mean. Christian then walk up by the ramp and still looking to the ring where is Finlay laying down and looking at Christian walking out as the winner...

JR: Wow, what a epic match this was …

Christian stop at the stage and then walk back to the backstage and camera focus on Finlay that slowly gets up and fans give him mixed reaction and he grab his head in pain....


Finlay want to get out of the ring as.....


Styles: What the hell is this guy doing here again?!

CM Punk wisely smiles and he grab Finlay and put him up on his shoulders and fans cheer like mental for CM Punk and CM Punk smile at the crowd and then hit Finlay with a Go To Sleep and Finlay fall down to the canvas with a bleeding face. After Punk GTSs Finlay for the 2nd time in a row since Retribution, he waves him goodbye and winks to the crowd that gives once again a literally deafening mixed reaction, mostly cheers. Punk goes to the end of the ramp, and takes a seat under the titantron, where he asks a cameraman to pass him the microphone.


CM Punk: And after all, Punk is on some sort of a roll! I know Tazz, I know, you gave me a week off, to prepare for the next week's match, which, according to him, should be pretty tough, but just between me and you all, you know, Jesus Christ could be my opponent and I would crush him in 10 seconds, which brings me to the ten seconds.. or it was a bit longer, nevermind, to the time I spent now in this very ring, where I humiliated Finlay once again! This Irish guy will never be able to beat me, perhaps he starts being senile or something, or he's possibly drunk.. or maybe he went all Morrison and Jeff Hardy and Hornswoggle maybe passed him some cocaine from underneath the ring, which makes him permanently unable to beat me! And no one beat me, well someone did, if you count the little pin in the IC title match, but I was inches away from winning, before that fat idiot attacked me! And back to the main point, Finlay, I beat you once again, and I just keep proving to these people that you've got really no chance against me, because no one has a chance against the best wrestler in the world.. oh well, senility, drugs and alcohol will cost you the title, Finlay, believe me, and, see ya next week!

Punk drops the microphone and waves again to the people in the arena, all smiling and laughing as Cult of Personality continues playing and we go to commercial...​
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awesome miz

Apr 24, 2011
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Now Listen!



John Morrison's theme song hit "Ain't No Make Believe" the PA system of the arena and fans get to their feet to their new hero in CWF! Fan's loudly cheer as John Morrison appears on the stage in his T-Shirt and smile and looks around girls in audience.... John then did his usual slow motion taunt and fans are crazy for him... Morrison then begin to walk down to the ring....


John slap hands with few fans and stop before little kid, take down his sunglasses and put them on the kid. Fans get to their feet again and John jump on the apron and over top rope jump into the ring... Fans get crazy for him and John Morrison ask for microphone and announcer give him one. Morrison then step to middle of the ring and say some words.....


John Morrison: So this is it. In about five minutes I gonna fight for The Primetime Championship against that “dashing” Cody Rhodes. And guys I can tell you, I feel some gold near to my hand. Just imagine that I just won this match and by the way I will win this match and then what gonna happen? Announcer here gonna say it! He gonna say “here is your winner and new CWF Primetime champion John Morrison!”... This sounds awesome! I mean sure, there is some chance Cody can retain but the chance is somewhere near to zero... But to be honest with you guys, after I will win this title.... I will take every single guy of this roster to the palace of wisdom with my STAR....SHIP...PAAAIN!

OOC: This is taken by a promo before my match and as my entrance Andrew OK?


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I'm right to put up the show, I am leaving just before WWE RAW begins to see my girl for the week so I can put show up before-hand.


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After commercial, we see Daivari & Khali in the ring... they are prepared for their match but no theme music is played... Tazz comes out from behind the curtain.

Tazz: You're expectin' Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin out 'ere but they ain't gonna be here... You see Pride and Honor are done. CM Punk is on his own, I ain't got time for games, so you boys have the night off. What I have done... is signed these two and next week they will face you. If they win, they'll face you for the title at Starrcade.

The crowd looks confused as a theme song hits and the crowd erupt into cheers.


JR: HBK & Bret Hart have teamed up!

We go the next segment.


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The light dims to a dark blue... a mirror reflection is shown in the ring.. The lights slowly brighten as Cody Rhodes is in the ring as he begins to beat down Morrison from behind. Rhodes hits a clothesline as Rhodes slides out of the ring as he goes to pick up the ladder. Morrison gets to his feet as he jumps over the top rope with a lovely suicide dive which causes Rhodes to hit the barricade. Morrison gets to his feet and uses the ladder and begins smashing Rhodes in the chest. Morrison uses the ladder and slides it into the ring looking up to the ceiling where the PRIMETIME CHAMPIONSHIP belt hangs. Morrison looks at Rhodes as Morrison gets onto the top rope and hits a Starship Pain towards the outside landing on Rhodes. Morrison slides back into the ring as he sets the ladder and climbs up quickly before unhooking the belt as the referee rings the bell.

JR: Morrison has done it and becomes our NEW PRIMETIME CHAMPION!

Joey Styles: Rhodes looks a little hurt from that ladder, it will be interesting to see where Morrison goes from here.

As Morrison celebrates, Tazz begins walking down from the entrance ramp as he speaks,

Tazz: Congratulations John, next week you've got the chance to watch four superstars battle it out in an Ultimate X match, the winner will earn the chance to face you at Starrcade. Those opponents are Kevin Thorn, Sheamus, Dolph Ziggler and lastly... Cody Rhodes.

Jim Ross: What a match up for next week, this will be interesting!



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Monday 8th August

Live From
Honda Center, Anaheim

The titantron comes alive as we see this image...


Pyrotechnics explode from the entrance ramp as CWF Monday Night WAR theme song begins playing.


We cut to ringside.

Joey Styles: Hello Anahiem, Retribution gave us a new champion, Finlay. We also saw Brock Lesnar become champion and Cody Rhodes with what looks to be a new title here.

Joey Styles: Retribution was amazing, Khali and Daivari managed to become the new Tag Team Champions here...

We're suddenly interrupted.

For some unknown reason Swagger emerges on the stage with a serious look on his face, the crowd boos loudly while there is no music playing Swagger is simply walking down to the ring with an angry look to his face than usual. He walks around the ring heading to the time keepers table, he grabs someone wearing a headset up by his shirt and tosses him to one side. He grabs a microphone and closes the steel chair the man was sitting on, Swagger slides the chair in and steps into the ring picking the chair up and opening it setting it in the middle of the ring and sitting down and raising his mic


Jack Swagger:

Last week I become interim champion two separate times, and yet I still left without the title I so rightfully deserved. I was the most talented man in the match but because of the multiple opponents and the running clock I walked out a...a....a loser.

The crowd cheers as Swagger looks steamed, he begins to yell into the mic.

Jack Swagger is not a Loser, I am the most talented superstar in this or any company, and I will not be mistreated and disrespected like this. I’ve been underutilized ever since I came here, and I am sick of it. So I’ve decided to sit here and demand I be given a fair shot at a championship right now, I can sit here all night.

Swagger puts the mic down on the mat next to him as he waits, a couple referees come out and argue with Swagger trying to get him to leave the ring


Styles: Well folks I’m not sure what is to happen here.
Jr.: Jack Swagger has basically taken the show hostage

Swagger waves off the referee telling them he won’t be leaving, the referee turn and suddenly scramble when Swagger is hit with a forearm shot to the back of the head knocking him forward off the chair which folds up during the shot. The crowd boos louder as its Muhammad Hassan who has attacked Swagger, Hassan begins to hit Swagger in the back with clubbing blows as Swagger begins to get to his feet.

Jr.: What is this?!
Styles: Thats Muhammad Hassan, but why is he attacking Jack Swagger.

Hassan keeps hitting Swagger but Swagger suddenly hooks up both of Hassans legs and tackles him down to his back on the mat

Jr.: There is that amateur background of Swaggers coming into play

Swagger stands up and holds the back of his head looking angry at Hassan but before he can continue he looks up and sees Khali marching down the rampway, Swagger takes his jacket off and throws it to one side and tells Khali to bring it on. But As Swagger prepares for Khali he gets hit with a loud smack on the back with the Steel Chair, Swagger drops face down on the mat as Hassan drops the chair in the middle of the ring and leans over the top rope telling Khali to stop.

Jr.: What a vile chairshot by Hassan
Styles: And now he’s telling The Great Khali to stay back.

Hassan bends over and pulls Swagger up slowly, Hassan moves Swaggers arm over his shoulder as he clasp his hands together before dropping to his back hitting his Reverse STO Finisher in the middle of the ring. Hassan stands up as Swagger lays flat on his stomach knocked out, Hassan crouches down and pulls Swaggers arms up over his knees as he begins to pull back on the Camel Clutch screaming out as Swagger grimaces in pain.


Styles: There is the Camel Clutch on Jack Swagger.
Jr.: A Painful....Painful maneuver

Hassan keeps pulling back as hard as he can as Swaggers face goes from a look of pain to his face slowly fading to a distant look as he begins to pass out from the pain. Hassan finally lets go shoving Swaggers head down on the mat, Swagger lays motionless as Hassan stares down at him. He turns and waves Khali over, Khali begins to walk down the ramp and Davari emerges from backstage with the tag titles on his shoulders running to catch up with Khali. Hassan spits down at Swaggers motionless body before picking up the microphone Swagger was using and picking up his headdress putting it back on as he stands over Swagger.


Muhammad Hassan:

What you just saw...What you just saw was an Example, because this is the fate of every superstar on the CWF Roster. Last week in their first match The Great Khali and Khosrow Davari did exactly what I said they would, and that is dominate the tag team division and become the CWF Tag Team Champions. And now...

Khali steps over the top rope as Davari steps into the ring, Davari flips the title on Khalis shoulder. The title stays on Khalis shoulder without Khali having to hold it, Davari stares down at his own title as Hassan continues

And now that these two men have shown their dominance there is only one thing left for us to do, and that is Total, Complete, and utter domination of CWF. Now that those two titles are in our position it is time for us to gain the Respect of the singles competitors, so it is now official that Muhammad Hassan is a Singles competitor here in CWF. And together The Great Khali and Khosrow will hold the tag team titles while I hold singles gold around my own waist, And it begins with this man.

Hassan motions down at Swagger who has still not moved.

This man called himself the All American American, and you people you booed and disliked this man. But the problem with that is that this man is the perfect representation of you people, he is an egomaniacal two faced moron. And that is what America represents, all you people you boo the man who lays here but you are no different. You think you are better than me, better than us and even though I am in the middle of this ring and you are up on those stands you still think you are of a higher rank than myself. Americans you treat us like Second Class citizens and you do so with a smile on your face and the word “equality†in your mind. This is the reason I have decided to take out this man, not for personal vendetta, not because I disliked him myself but because he represented everything that is wrong with this country. Just like Ted DiBiase and Tyson Kidd were made examples of by us, Jack Swagger is now a new example of what’s to come from The Great...Hassan.

Referees and emts are coming down to the ring and Hassan points towards them saying something off mic to Khali, The Great Khali steps over the top rope and out to the floor and stands at the bottom of the ramp acting as a border to keep the referees and Emts from coming to the ring.

Look at him, Look at him you disgusting chauvinist pigs, Look at what an All American is compared to someone as great as myself. Stare into the future of all your heroes, and realize that this mans suffering is caused by all of you and soon the same price shall be payed by everyone in CWF. Whether it be tag team dealt with by The Great Khali and Khosrow, or be it anyone who Dares step in my way. We are not here to make friends, and we are not here to try and reason with you people, We Three are here to beat respect and forcefully open your eyes of the yellow underbelly of this country.

Hassan hands Davari the microphone as he looks down Swagger who worryingly still has yet to move an inch.


لقد اكتسبت العلامة CWF فريق بطولات، والآن لدينا فريق المهزوم تقسيم العلامة حسن هزيمة كبيرة وجميع أولئك الذين يعارضونه. يجب أن يعرف أننا معا بأنها أكبر مجموعة من النجوم في تاريخ CWF ويجب عليك أن العبادة في جميع أقدامنا. إشادة الولايات المتحدة لأننا أفضل منكم!

Davari throws the mic down as Hassan and him step out of the ring, Hassan puts his hand on Khalis shoulders as the referees and EMTS are now yelling at him to move so they can check on Swagger. Hassan says something and Khali steps aside as the referees and EMTS rush into the ring and check on Swagger. Khali and Davari begin to walk up the ramp as Hassan walks backwards up the ramp with a smirk on his face.

Joey Styles: No more Swagger? I enjoyed that kid... Looks like Hassan is on a path for gold.


A mash-up remix of HHH & John Cena's music begins to hit the arena, the crowd gives a 50-50 crowd reaction. With HHH without Stephanie and John Cena's return after suffering a solid injury from Batista. The duo walk out without posing at the entrance ramp. Triple H walks up to the steel steps as does John Cena. Triple H asks for a microphone.


Triple H;

First of all, there's no Stephanie tonight. She's going to keep well away from this very business. Tonight is an important night, it's not like any other night at all... Things are slowly changing here in CWF, think of it this way. I've spoken to Vince McMahon and we've discussed a few things that involve business and the future of the company. At Retribution, Kane defeated me. I'm not worried about that at all, I've won countless championships in the past and I've beaten the best of the best. What I am going to do now is face all these tag teams with John Cena here by my side. You people in the audience have supported us since day one, all these wins, all these losses... They mean absolutely nothing to me and you people should stop caring about us. Let's face the facts, John Cena and I are the two best wrestlers of the modern era. There is nobody better than us at all, for us to tag up... We're just going to do what we do best, nobody will be able to play 'The Game', nobody will be able to secure a victory over us. We're the best for a reason and it's not because of you people, you people have done nothing but cheer because we've had the merchandise, the DVD's, the movies. That all ends now, there will be no more of that stuff for you people. I've gotta admit, I'm sick and tired of signing autographs and stealing the spotlight, I just want to stick to wrestling and beat the hell out of everyone. Is that hard to ask for?

The crowd boo's heavily, HHH smiles.

That's better. I'm glad you've given me what I wanted. Anyways, back to the part where I was speaking to Vince. Daniel Bryan and Colt Cabana are no longer in the business, Vince has given me orders to announce that they are 'fired'. Vince didn't like how they participated in the rumble and believes that both of us could have done a better job. Vince is a smart man, a genius if you ask me and he knows what's best for the company. Together John and I have came to an agreement to give the tag division it's much needed boost, there is no actual stars wrestling in that division and with both of us having countless championships. It's time that we give the tag division a real challenge, something that makes these people want to watch our matches. As of late, the tag division has been absolutely bland and Vince told me he was going to get rid of it, but I wouldn't let a thing like that happen. So you people should be happy we've saved it, but you shouldn't be happy that we're going to beat the crap out of everyone and that includes the Tag Team Champions who seem to hate America. Hey, if these people want to hate me, that's fine but once you speak about a country like USA... Then we've got a problem.

The crowd gives a half-decent pop, the crowd is coming to terms to understand that HHH & Cena aren't really giving a crap if cheers or boo's are heard.


John Cena;

Well, well, well... Folks there we have it. Triple H and John Cena teaming up here in C-W-F! But in all honesty guys and girls, I've been the spotlight for the past couple of years. I've been putting on matches, winning titles after titles and hey, I don't mind winning Championships. But I'm just getting tired of seeing every camera flash into my eyes, everyone chasing me down the street for an autograph, being asked to do movies to make money for the damn business. Everywhere I go, everybody knows who Triple H and John Cena is. What I'm asking for is, lay off and stop asking for me for certain things because I, John Cena ain't goin' to do you any favors no more. I ain't gonna give you folks what you want. I'm just going to be myself and I'm just going to wrestle because it's my passion. Hustle, Loyalty and Respect are the three codes I go by, now... I respect you people but you need to respect me back and respect my demands or else those three codes aren't goin' to be around for much longer. Ya wouldn't like that would you? You see, Trips and I have been in the business for a long time, we know how it works, we've both been at the top of the league and defeated everybody that has came through our paths. Just to watch something fade away has us wondering, why would Vince allow this? It was quite a stir, so folks... As much as you like it or not. We're not going to compete single, we're goin' to compete in tag team action only and mark my words loud and clear. Next week, we'll take on a tag team, any tag team who believes they've got what it takes to stop two dominant people. I want them to come down the ring and give us a challenge because I promise you, we will not back down from the challenge and I guarantee you that you're ass is goin' to get whooped!



WAR - Goes up early or on time, be proud. If you don't TT... You get nothing.


Now Listen!


John Morrison's theme song hit "Ain't No Make Believe" the PA system of the arena and fans get to their feet to their new hero in CWF! Fan's loudly cheer as John Morrison appears on the stage in his T-Shirt and smile and looks around girls in audience.... John then did his usual slow motion taunt and fans are crazy for him... Morrison then begin to walk down to the ring....


John slap hands with few fans and stop before little kid, take down his sunglasses and put them on the kid. Fans get to their feet again and John jump on the apron and over top rope jump into the ring... Fans get crazy for him and John Morrison ask for microphone and announcer give him one. Morrison then step to middle of the ring and say some words.....


John Morrison: So this is it. In about five minutes I gonna fight for The Primetime Championship against that “dashing†Cody Rhodes. And guys I can tell you, I feel some gold near to my hand. Just imagine that I just won this match and by the way I will win this match and then what gonna happen? Announcer here gonna say it! He gonna say “here is your winner and new CWF Primetime champion John Morrison!â€... This sounds awesome! I mean sure, there is some chance Cody can retain but the chance is somewhere near to zero... But to be honest with you guys, after I will win this title.... I will take every single guy of this roster to the palace of wisdom with my STAR....SHIP...PAAAIN!

The light dims to a dark blue... a mirror reflection is shown in the ring.. The lights slowly brighten as Cody Rhodes is in the ring as he begins to beat down Morrison from behind. Rhodes hits a clothesline as Rhodes slides out of the ring as he goes to pick up the ladder. Morrison gets to his feet as he jumps over the top rope with a lovely suicide dive which causes Rhodes to hit the barricade. Morrison gets to his feet and uses the ladder and begins smashing Rhodes in the chest. Morrison uses the ladder and slides it into the ring looking up to the ceiling where the PRIMETIME CHAMPIONSHIP belt hangs. Morrison looks at Rhodes as Morrison gets onto the top rope and hits a Starship Pain towards the outside landing on Rhodes. Morrison slides back into the ring as he sets the ladder and climbs up quickly before unhooking the belt as the referee rings the bell.

JR: Morrison has done it and becomes our NEW PRIMETIME CHAMPION!


Joey Styles: Rhodes looks a little hurt from that ladder, it will be interesting to see where Morrison goes from here.

As Morrison celebrates, Tazz begins walking down from the entrance ramp as he speaks,

Tazz: Congratulations John, next week you've got the chance to watch four superstars battle it out in an Ultimate X match, the winner will earn the chance to face you at Starrcade. Those opponents are Kevin Thorn, Sheamus, Dolph Ziggler and lastly... Cody Rhodes.

Jim Ross: What a match up for next week, this will be interesting!

We go backstage as Christian is looking at the camera.



I guess Randy Orton isn't around, I guess he's afraid of what our match at Starrcade. Randy, I know you're here somewhere... I know what you're thinking... You're waiting to take me out tonight. Unfortunately that won't be the case Randy because if you even try... You won't be at the Pay-Per-View... mind you, I've just been told we have a contract signing next week. You better turn up next week Randy because I've got a lot to say and saying that... I mean a lot.

After commercial, we see Daivari & Khali in the ring... they are prepared for their match but no theme music is played... Tazz comes out from behind the curtain.

Tazz: You're expectin' Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin out 'ere but they ain't gonna be here... You see Pride and Honor are done. CM Punk is on his own, I ain't got time for games, so you boys have the night off. What I have done... is signed these two and next week they will face you. If they win, they'll face you for the title at Starrcade.

The crowd looks confused as a theme song hits and the crowd erupt into cheers.


JR: HBK & Bret Hart have teamed up!





The fans just completely erupt as Desmond Wolfe steps out from the backstage area in a full black suit with his typical shades on. He stands on the top of the titantron and looks around for a moment.

JR: Oh I'm ready for this one!


Then he proceeds to walk down the entrance ignoring all the fans around him and slides into the ring with a huge smug look on his face. The fans drowning Wolfe in cheers but Wolfe ignores them as

The wonder of the world is gone

Styles: So it is, Wolfe against Big Red Monster Kane!


The fans in the arena are excited as "Slow Chemical" by Finger Eleven begins to play, cheering the nearing arrival of Kane and the fond sound of his former theme. Without any hesitation, the Big Red Machine makes his way from the back, where the fans are met with surprise on another matter.


JR: Kane looks angry tonight!

The roof nearly came off of the place as they were witnessing the return of the true Monster. Kane walks up the steel steps, steps onto the apron and walks along it, then steps through the ropes and makes his way to the center of the ring. He signals to the ring announcer to get him a microphone as he raises his arms at his side into the air and drops them, sending fire shooting from all four turnbuckles simultaneously.


Styles: WOW what a dominance!

Kane then walk to the corner and referee immediately calls for a bell...


JR: So here we go!

Both men walk to the middle of the ring and Wolfe with smile on his face slap Kane and this makes Kane angry and he give right hand to Wolfe's face. Wolfe fight back with right hand by his own and Kane and Wolfe begin to fight in the middle of the ring. Kane is stronger guy here and he put Wolfe to his knee and then Kane jump into the air and hit him with huge Dropkick. Wolfe quickly get up after that Dropkick and look at Kane and run to the ropes, but Kane mentioned it and grab Wolfe and put him down with hard Scoop Powerslam! Wolfe is laying down on the canvas and Kane set Wolfe to sit position and then run forward the ropes and jump on Wolfe with Sitting dropkick. Wolfe looks out, but he is able to quickly stand up and Kane kicks him to the guts and send him to corner and Wolfe hit the corner and walk back to the middle of the ring, but Kane is ready there and put him up under his arm and then drop him down to the canvas with huge Sidewalk Slam and Kane quickly goes for a cover...


JR: What a Slam this was!


Styles: And this could be it!

Wolfe kicks out!

Kane quickly pick Wolfe up and throw Wolfe to the corner and then Kane run after him and want to hit him with Corner Clothesline, but Wolfe mentioned it and set a elbow and Kane run right into that elbow. Kane after that shot fall down to his knee in the middle of the ring and Wolfe take time off in the corner, but Kane grab all his strength and run after him, but Wolfe sees it and get up to the headstand position on the third turnbuckle and then hit Kane with unbelievable Headstand Kick from corner and Kane disoriented walk to the composite corner and Wolfe run after him and hit him there with hard Running European Uppercut. Kane is still able to stand on his feet in the corner and Wolfe turn him over in the corner and then kick him to Kane's back and then with huge Downward Lariat put Kane down and quickly goes for a cover....

JR: What a Lariat this was!


Styles: This will maybe do it!

Kane kicks out!

Wolfe quickly get up and grab Kane's head and pick him up. Wolfe grab his head and turn him over and then put him again down to the canvas with huge Divorce court. Kane grab his head and roll to the ropes and Wolfe follow him there, and want to pick Kane up again, but Kane reverse it and hit Wolfe with huge uppercut and Wolfe is down on his knee. Kane quickly grab Wolfe up and put him up and walk with him near the ropes and then throw Wolfe to the floor with hard Military Press Drop and Wolfe grab his head in pain after hard landing. Kane grab the moment and climb on the top rope and look on Wolfe that is trying to stand up and then jump into the air and hit Wolfe with huge Flying Clothesline to outside the ring and both men are down on the floor and referee count them out...




Styles: Never saw something like that! This is great!

Kane get up to his feet and look at Wolfe that is trying to get up as well and so Kane put him into his knees and pick him up and down back to the floor with hard Falling Powerbomb! Wolfe grab his back and Kane look at referee and want to get back to the ring, but he think about making more pain to Wolfe and so he pick him up again and want to give him Chokeslam and when he pick Wolfe up to the air, Wolfe get out of it and kick Kane to the nuts and jump up on the apron and then jump right on the Kane with Apron Crossbody and then Wolfe quickly get back to the ring and Kane's being counted out...


JR: This could end up by a count out!


Kane better get back to the ring!

Kane quickly get up and grab all his energy to roll back to the ring at nine and Wolfe look to be little bit sad that Kane get back and Wolfe wait till Kane get up and the run after him and want to hit him with a clothesline, but Kane mentioned it and he put his leg up and hit him with big boot. Wolfe is down on the canvas and Kane then walk to the corner and slowly climb on the top turnbuckle and when he get there, Wolfe is already up on his feet and jump after Kane and hit his head with huge Corner Enzuigiri, but Kane still on the top turnbuckle, but sitting there after that hard hit and Wolfe climb to second turnbuckle and grab Kane's hand and put it over his head and want to hit Kane with a Suplex from Turnbuckle, but Kane fight back and give right hand to Wolfe's body and Wolfe must break the hold and Kane grab Wolfe under his head and put Wolfe to Chokeslam position and then fly with Wolfe to the air and hit him with huge Avalanche chokeslam and quickly goes for a cover.....


JR: What a Chokeslam this was!


Styles: This is it JR!




Kane celebrates as pyro's explode from the corners of the ring.


Kane leaves the ring as we go to our next match.

[Lesnar vs. Miz]

Christian is already in the ring and looking at the crowd and smile as....

Styles: Wow, I'm ready for this one JR!

JR: Christian, World heavyweight champion facing up in this ring right now, that gonna be show stealer for sure!




Finlay’s music hits and he walks down the ramp, shilleleagh in hand and CWF Championship around his waist, with Hornswoggle by his side to a boos from the crowd. He slowly makes his way into the ring, before moving over to the turnbuckle and climbs it just staring at the crowd and then raises his newly won CWF Heavyweight Championship, before jumping down and Hornswoggle runs out of the ring and get under the ring. Finlay looks at Christian and referee ask if they are ready to the match and both said yes and referee calls for a bell...


JR: So here we go with this one!

Styles: Let's see how our new world heavyweight champion gonna do in his first match as Champ...

Both men look at themselves from their corners, before walking to the middle of the ring and lock up there. Both men lock up, but Finlay is little bit stronger and put Christian down to the canvas and want to lock his head, but Christian rolls out of it and both men are on their feet. Christian and Finlay lock up again, but this time, Christian drop Finlay over down to the canvas and give him hard elbow to the face and then Christian get up and run forward the ropes and hit sitting Finlay with Sliding D. Christian get up and he see, that Finlay is quickly getting up as well and so he walk to him from back, grab his head and hand and run with him and put him hardly down with huge Half Nelson Bulldog and Christian goes for a cover...

Styles: Christian quickly getting momentum here JR!


Finlay kicks out!

JR: Finlay quickly get out of that!

Christian quickly grab Finlay's head and put Finlay up and slap him to the face and Finlay fall to the ropes. Christian look at him and smiles, before running forward to him, but Finlay mentioned it and throw Christian up to the air and throw him outside the ring. Finlay look at Christian that is laying outside of the ring and Finlay walk to the corner and step on the apron and then climb to the second turnbuckle and wait until Christian will get up and when he did, Finlay jump into the air and hit Christian with huge missile dropkick. Referee begin to count out and Finlay grab Christian up and grab his head and connect it with announce table. Finlay then pick Christian's hand and put it over his shoulder and want to hit Christian with a suplex, but Christian reverse it and hit Finlay with suplex by himself and referee still counting out...


JR: This one could end up by a count out Styles!


Christian walk around the ring and then step on the apron and take time off there and watch how Finlay is trying to get up and get back to the ring. Finlay gets up and slowly step on the apron and want to step into the ring and as Christian mentions this, he jumps on the third rope and from there connect finlay's head with hard Rope Assisted Diving Legdrop, but this get Finlay back to the ring at nine. Finlay is laying down in the middle of the ring and Christian look at him and then walk to the corner and climbs up on the top turnbuckle, raise his elbow up and jump right on Finlay's body with Diving Elbow Drop. Christian don't wasteanytime and qquickly pick Finlay up, but Finlay reverse it and kick Christian right to the nuts and run forward the ropes and want to hit Christian with the clothesline, but Christian ducks down and Finlay still running and Christian pick Finlay up and down with heavy Sitout Spinebuster and quickly goes for a cover...


JR: What a Spinebuster!


Styles: This could be it JR!

Finlay kicks out!

Christian looks little bit anger, that Finlay kick's out, but he take the moment and pick Finlay up and grab his hand and put it over and put Finlay up and hit him with hard Sitout Gourdbuster. Christian again grab Finlay's head and put Finlay up and run toward the ropes and want to hit Finlay with a Clothesline, but Finlay ducks down and as Christian turn over, Finlay hit him with huge Scoop Powerslam. Christian get up as quickly as he is able and Finlay kick him to the body and then send him to the corner and Christian hardly hit the corner and turn over and Finlay grab him and put him up under his shoulder and then hit Christian's body with Pendulum Backbreaker. As Christian is down, Finlay grab his leg and lock it into hard Single Leg Boston Crab and Christian begin to scream...

JR: Boston Crab! Christian can tapout right here!

Styles: Christian is trying to get to the ropes!

Christian is slowly getting to the ropes, but Finlay keep destroying his leg, but Christian is able to touch with fingertips ropes and referee quickly get to Finlay and say him to break the hold and Finlay did. Christian grab his leg and slowly roll to the corner and Finlay say something to referee and so he turned his back on Christian, that climbed on the second turnbuckle and as Finlay turns, Christian jump and hit him with Flashpoint! Finlay quickly gets up and run forward to the Christian and want to hit him with a clothesline, but Christian is quicker and hit Finlay with huge spear! But Finlay is still able to roll to the ropes and with little help by the ropes he gets up, but from back, Christian grab his head and hit Finlay from back with Inverted Facelock Backbreaker and quickly goes for a cover...


JR: This could be it Styles!


Thre... Finlay kicks out!

Styles: Wow, this was really close!

Christian is now really angry and he yells at referee to do his work and Christian look and make sure, that Finlay still down on the canvas, Christian walk to the corner and climb on the top turnbuckle and sit there and take time off and wait for Finlay to get up and when Finlay did, Christian quickly jumps and hit Finlay with huge Diving Crossbody. Christian as quickly as he is able to tries to pick Finlay up, but Finlay reverse it and push Christian to the corner, but after beating that Finlay took, he fall to his knee and Christian use the moment to jump on the second turnbuckle and go to the air again and hit Finlay with huge missile dropkick and Christian want to quickly go for a cover, but Finlay wisely roll out of the ring...

JR: This is clever by Finlay here!

Styles: Christian is dominating since start of this match!

Christian say something to himself and he is clearly not happy that Finlay didn't stay in the ring, but Christian take the moment and quickly run forward the corner and jump to the outside of the ring and want to hit Finlay with huge Triangle Plancha, but Finlay jumps out of it and Christian fall down right to the floor. Finlay can't believe that he really did it and Christian quickly gets up and turn on the Finlay that grab his head and hit it with hard right European Uppercut and Christian fall down on his knees and Finlay kick him to the face and Christian fall down to the floor. Finlay step back little bit, but only cause he want to make more pain to Christian's body and so he run on Christian that is down and jump to the air and hit Christian with huge Finlay Press and referee count both of them out...

JR: Oh my god what a match right here!



Styles: Finlay turned this match upside down!

Finlay sees that Christian is trying to get up and so he grab his hand and say something to his face before hit Christian's head with hard Short-Arm Clothesline. Finlay get down and take time off and referee still count them out...


Styles: They better watch how's referee counting!


Finlay realized he doesn’t has much time and so he step on the apron and from a nowhere, Christian grab all his strength and quickly get up and jump on the apron and from back grab Finlay's head and hit Finlay's back on the apron with huge Apron Falling Inverted DDT and both men fall down on the floor and referee still counting out …

JR: Oh my, this could end by a countout!


Christian at the eight quickly roll back to the ring and with nearly crying face tell to referee to continue in counting and referee is doing what Christian said...


Finlay still down on the floor and it looks like he gonna be counted out, but from a nowhere in the ring appears Hornswoggle and distract the referee and referee stop counting out and Christian can't believe it and Hornswoggle yell something on referee and Christian push Hornswoggle and he fall down to the canvas and referee ban Hornswoggle of the ringside...


Styles: Hornswoggle just maybe caused Christian a match!

But before Christian can mention it, Finlay is back in the ring with Shillelagh in the hand and as Christian turn over and referee still looking at hornswoggle, Finlay hit Christian with Shillelagh Shot to the head and Christian fall down and Finlay throw Shillelagh out of the ring. Finlay makes sure referee didn't see him and then he picked Christian up on his shoulder's and run with him and put him down with huge Rolling Hills. Finlay grab all his momentum and fans give him mixed reaction and as Christian get up, Finlay from back turn him over and put him on his back to a Celtic Cross position and he stay in the middle of the ring with Christian on his back and look at the crowd for a moment, but that was fault, because Christian someway get out of it and roll Finlay down with a school boy and Finlay's shoulder's are down and referee begin to count...


JR: School boy!





Styles: JR! Christian did it! He just beat World Heavyweight Champion!

Christian gets up and he can't believe he did it so he asked referee if he won and referee confirmed it to him...


Christian as he make sure he won raise his hands up and get down to his knees and then roll out of the ring and walk once around the ring and smile on all fans in first line. Fans give Christian mixed reaction and Christian look at announcer that is holding World Heavyweight Championship title and Christian focus on the title and smile and it and then look at Finlay and he knows what it mean. Christian then walk up by the ramp and still looking to the ring where is Finlay laying down and looking at Christian walking out as the winner...

JR: Wow, what a epic match this was …

Christian stop at the stage and then walk back to the backstage and camera focus on Finlay that slowly gets up and fans give him mixed reaction and he grab his head in pain....


Finlay want to get out of the ring as.....


Styles: What the hell is this guy doing here again?!


CM Punk: And after all, Punk is on some sort of a roll! I know Tazz, I know, you gave me a week off, to prepare for the next week's match, which, according to him, should be pretty tough, but just between me and you all, you know, Jesus Christ could be my opponent and I would crush him in 10 seconds, which brings me to the ten seconds.. or it was a bit longer, nevermind, to the time I spent now in this very ring, where I humiliated Finlay once again! This Irish guy will never be able to beat me, perhaps he starts being senile or something, or he's possibly drunk.. or maybe he went all Morrison and Jeff Hardy and Hornswoggle maybe passed him some cocaine from underneath the ring, which makes him permanently unable to beat me! And no one beat me, well someone did, if you count the little pin in the IC title match, but I was inches away from winning, before that fat idiot attacked me! And back to the main point, Finlay, I beat you once again, and I just keep proving to these people that you've got really no chance against me, because no one has a chance against the best wrestler in the world.. oh well, senility, drugs and alcohol will cost you the title, Finlay, believe me, and, see ya next week!

Punk drops the microphone and waves again to the people in the arena, all smiling and laughing as Cult of Personality continues playing as the screen goes to fade.

Andrew - Tag Team Match/Promo, Rhodes vs. Morrison
Awesome Miz - Christian vs. Finlay, Wolfe vs. Kane
Rock - Lesnar vs. Miz

OOC: Yeah, show's up a little earlier then expected. Don't complain, you had all week to send me promos and TT. Everyone seems to rush it to the last minute, the show is a Monday and seeing I write for WAR and put shows up... I'm going to inform you that from now on expect shows up on a Sunday (US Time), Monday (Australian Time). There will be times where we put a show up slightly earlier so if you're worrying about when to TT, just make sure you've TT'd before a Saturday. Previews are always up Monday or Sunday (US Time), so you've got almost a week to TT. I really hope next week things begins to pick up because this week lacked a little.


Finlay © vs. CM Punk - CWF Heavyweight Championship

Christian vs. Orton - 30 Minutes, Falls Count Anywhere No Holds Barred Match

Morrison © vs. Winner of Thorn, Sheamus, Rhodes & Ziggler - PRIMETIME CHAMPIONSHIP

More matches will be announced next week.

Last edited:

awesome miz

Apr 24, 2011
Reaction score

The fans just completely erupt as Desmond Wolfe steps out from the backstage area in a full black suit with his typical shades on. He stands on the top of the titantron and looks around for a moment.

JR: Oh I'm ready for this one!


Then he proceeds to walk down the entrance ignoring all the fans around him and slides into the ring with a huge smug look on his face. The fans drowning Wolfe in cheers but Wolfe ignores them as

The wonder of the world is gone

Styles: So it is, Wolfe against Big Red Monster Kane!


The fans in the arena are excited as "Slow Chemical" by Finger Eleven begins to play, cheering the nearing arrival of Kane and the fond sound of his former theme. Without any hesitation, the Big Red Machine makes his way from the back, where the fans are met with surprise on another matter.


JR: Kane looks angry tonight!

The roof nearly came off of the place as they were witnessing the return of the true Monster. Kane walks up the steel steps, steps onto the apron and walks along it, then steps through the ropes and makes his way to the center of the ring. He signals to the ring announcer to get him a microphone as he raises his arms at his side into the air and drops them, sending fire shooting from all four turnbuckles simultaneously.


Styles: WOW what a dominance!

Kane then walk to the corner and referee immediately calls for a bell...


JR: So here we go!

Both men walk to the middle of the ring and Wolfe with smile on his face slap Kane and this makes Kane angry and he give right hand to Wolfe's face. Wolfe fight back with right hand by his own and Kane and Wolfe begin to fight in the middle of the ring. Kane is stronger guy here and he put Wolfe to his knee and then Kane jump into the air and hit him with huge Dropkick. Wolfe quickly get up after that Dropkick and look at Kane and run to the ropes, but Kane mentioned it and grab Wolfe and put him down with hard Scoop Powerslam! Wolfe is laying down on the canvas and Kane set Wolfe to sit position and then run forward the ropes and jump on Wolfe with Sitting dropkick. Wolfe looks out, but he is able to quickly stand up and Kane kicks him to the guts and send him to corner and Wolfe hit the corner and walk back to the middle of the ring, but Kane is ready there and put him up under his arm and then drop him down to the canvas with huge Sidewalk Slam and Kane quickly goes for a cover...


JR: What a Slam this was!


Styles: And this could be it!

Wolfe kicks out!

Kane quickly pick Wolfe up and throw Wolfe to the corner and then Kane run after him and want to hit him with Corner Clothesline, but Wolfe mentioned it and set a elbow and Kane run right into that elbow. Kane after that shot fall down to his knee in the middle of the ring and Wolfe take time off in the corner, but Kane grab all his strength and run after him, but Wolfe sees it and get up to the headstand position on the third turnbuckle and then hit Kane with unbelievable Headstand Kick from corner and Kane disoriented walk to the composite corner and Wolfe run after him and hit him there with hard Running European Uppercut. Kane is still able to stand on his feet in the corner and Wolfe turn him over in the corner and then kick him to Kane's back and then with huge Downward Lariat put Kane down and quickly goes for a cover....

JR: What a Lariat this was!


Styles: This will maybe do it!

Kane kicks out!

Wolfe quickly get up and grab Kane's head and pick him up. Wolfe grab his head and turn him over and then put him again down to the canvas with huge Divorce court. Kane grab his head and roll to the ropes and Wolfe follow him there, and want to pick Kane up again, but Kane reverse it and hit Wolfe with huge uppercut and Wolfe is down on his knee. Kane quickly grab Wolfe up and put him up and walk with him near the ropes and then throw Wolfe to the floor with hard Military Press Drop and Wolfe grab his head in pain after hard landing. Kane grab the moment and climb on the top rope and look on Wolfe that is trying to stand up and then jump into the air and hit Wolfe with huge Flying Clothesline to outside the ring and both men are down on the floor and referee count them out...




Styles: Never saw something like that! This is great!

Kane get up to his feet and look at Wolfe that is trying to get up as well and so Kane put him into his knees and pick him up and down back to the floor with hard Falling Powerbomb! Wolfe grab his back and Kane look at referee and want to get back to the ring, but he think about making more pain to Wolfe and so he pick him up again and want to give him Chokeslam and when he pick Wolfe up to the air, Wolfe get out of it and kick Kane to the nuts and jump up on the apron and then jump right on the Kane with Apron Crossbody and then Wolfe quickly get back to the ring and Kane's being counted out...


JR: This could end up by a count out!


Kane better get back to the ring!

Kane quickly get up and grab all his energy to roll back to the ring at nine and Wolfe look to be little bit sad that Kane get back and Wolfe wait till Kane get up and the run after him and want to hit him with a clothesline, but Kane mentioned it and he put his leg up and hit him with big boot. Wolfe is down on the canvas and Kane then walk to the corner and slowly climb on the top turnbuckle and when he get there, Wolfe is already up on his feet and jump after Kane and hit his head with huge Corner Enzuigiri, but Kane still on the top turnbuckle, but sitting there after that hard hit and Wolfe climb to second turnbuckle and grab Kane's hand and put it over his head and want to hit Kane with a Suplex from Turnbuckle, but Kane fight back and give right hand to Wolfe's body and Wolfe must break the hold and Kane grab Wolfe under his head and put Wolfe to Chokeslam position and then fly with Wolfe to the air and hit him with huge Avalanche chokeslam and quickly goes for a cover.....


JR: What a Chokeslam this was!


Styles: This is it JR!




Kane celebrates as pyro's explode from the corners of the ring.


and we go for commercial...​


Apr 23, 2011
Reaction score
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Styles: And I guess it's time for the main event, Brock Lesnar is taking on The Miz.

JR: I expect this to be a slobberknocker, what do you think Joey, is Miz gonna get the title back, or he'll meet the pain, huh?

Styles: Well, I personally don't know. Let's watch.

Brock Lesnar's theme hits the PA System.


Justin Roberts: Ladies and gentlemen, this contest is set for one fall and it's for the Intercontinental Championship! Making his way to the ring, from Minneapolis, Minnesota, weighing at 280 lbs, he is the Intercontinental Champion, Brrrrrock Lesnarrrr!!!

Fans drop a mixed reaction as the new Intercontinental Champion goes his way to the ring, with Paul Heyman, who however goes and takes a seat at ringside just when Lesnar is posing. Lesnar pumps up and flexes, and enters the ring to huge pyros.


He enters the ring and shouts something as the notorious former champion cuts him off with his well-known theme.




Justin Roberts: And his opponent, from Cleveland, Ohio, weighing at 231 lbs, THHHHHHEEEEEEE MIZ!

The former champ walks out in a t-shirt, all self-confident and smiling. He walks the way to the ring in a cocky way and he throws the shirt to the fans that boo him loudly.

He enters the ring and flexes and the both contestants do the same.

The referee calls for the match and the bell rings, the match starts. Both contestants lock up. Brock Lesnar pushes Miz away to the ropes and nails him with a huge clothesline. He then picks him up and punches him in the face three times in a row. Fans chant along "one, two, three" and Lesnar picks Miz up and delivers a spinebuster. He turns to the crowd and taunts them by raising his right arm. While he does that, Miz runs from behind and dropkicks him to the back. Lesnar falls on his knees, and Miz kicks him in the stomach, so he falls down to the mat. He starts kicking Lesnar in the back again and again and again and again, till he teases the crowd to boo him like never before!

JR: Oh god, Miz is such an asshole. Such dirty tactics.

Styles: Well being dirty is sometimes a key to success, just remember of the accomplishments he has done in his career!

But when Miz wants to kicks him again, referee turns away and Lesnar uses it to low blow him from the ground. When the referee turns back, Miz is already on the ground and Lesnar puts his arm on Miz's chest and the ref starts counting.



And Miz kicks out!

Both of the contestants get up and Lesnar Irish Whips Miz into the corner, where he approaches him afterwards and kicks him really, really hard in the chest. Miz is on the mat and is gasping for breath. Lesnar rolls out of the ring and grabs Miz's arm and pulls him to ringside. He picks him up and bodyslams him into the barricades. Meanwhile, the referee is counting the 10 count and is at



Lesnar drags Miz back into the ring. Miz meanwhile recovers from the attack and punches Lesnar into his face. He kicks him in the guts. After that, Lesnar becomes groggy which allows Miz to enzuigiri him. Lesnar falls down and Miz tries to pin him.



Th.. And Lesnar kicks out!

JR: I don't know if I'm some sort of a wizard, but I just saw that one coming, I told you it's gonna be a great contest.

Styles: I agree, Harry Potter.

Miz starts working on his hips as he climbs on the turnbuckle and doesn't do any splash or flip, he just jumps on his legs in the knee/hip zone, and Lesnar starts screaming in pain. Because Lesnar is huge, the following action was done slowly. Miz somehow drags Lesnar out of the ring and starts slamming his head into the steel steps, but Lesnar counters and headbutts him with the back of his head right into his nose which starts bleeding, but the refs doesn't see that, and so they don't go for the X injury end. Lesnar picks Miz up and carries him on his right shoulder all the way to the huge CWF logo on the top of the entrance ramp where he grabs Miz's left leg, and so he is now in the spinebuster position and he uses it, he spinebusters him! He picks him up and suplexes him into the logo now. Nothing happens to the logo though, but Miz is screaming in pain. The referee is meanwhile counting the 10 count and is at 5.

Styles: I wonder what will happen next.

JR: Me too, Styles.

Lesnar picks him up for the F5, and it seems that he will end this thing right now by finishing him here and pinning him in the ring, he still has the time to make it to the ring with the finished Miz. But when Lesnar picks up Miz, Miz starts kicking the air, attempting to ruin Lesnar's attack and actually run into the ring and he does it, he somehow breaks Lesnar's attack and he will run into the ring! No! He grabs him by his arms and does the Skull Crushing Finale! Both men are now laying on the ground, taken out, and damn injured. This could sideline them for months. Meanwhile, the referee is still counting!



Styles: Look at this JR, Miz is raising his arm!

While Styles says that, Miz drops the arm again.

JR: Nothing changes with Miz, I wonder what happens next if the referee counts the 10 count.


Styles: A draw! It's a draw, it must be a draw, Lesnar is still the champ, look!

The bell rings and the both men still lay on the ground unconscious.

Justin Roberts, the ring announcer raises the mic to say something.

Ladies and gentlemen, this match results in a DRAW ! Via a double countout! However, that means that Brock Lesnar is STILL the Intercontinental Champion!

Lesnar's music play as the both men are taken on stretchers to the backstage area, and it should be noted that Paul Heyman ran after the match to Brock Lesnar who is now on a stretcher and is talking to him, telling him that he is still undefeated in singles competition and is still the champ, but Lesnar doesn't respond.

JR: Wow. What a match. When I said "slobberknocker" a while ago, I didn't mean this. But this was a great match. I just hope that both men are ok.

Styles: Me too. I hope that they recover in time for next WAR.

Fans are on their feet, clapping for the both contestants, thanking them for such a match as we fade to commercial.​


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Guitar strums are heard followed by a drum beat, out comes Tazz in a suit as he heads to the ring.


Tazz: Before we even begin the show, I have a few things I want to get off my chest... Before we even get to the contract signing at the end of the night, there are other things that needs to be said. Batista and Edge, both of them took a week off last week after an epic encounter at Retribution. I like what I saw and here's the thing... Batista and Edge will be facing one on one again at Starrcade and I am going to be the special referee for this match, I'll make my own rules in the match. If they want to go hardcore, so be it. There's no rules in the match except I officiate the match but it's not just any match... It's a match either men would want to win because the winner is going to become the new number one contender to the CWF Heavyweight Championship!

The crowd erupts into cheers knowing this match could possibly steal the show once again.

Later tonight we will find out who faces John Morrison for the PRIMETIME Championship, at Starrcade that very winner is going to be placed in a stipulation match. I know you're thinking we're going a bit overboard but I want to keep this one a little simple, it will be a First Blood Match. With matches to be announced later on the night, Starrcade is the biggest Pay-Per-View of the year. Let's get on with the show folks!



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Little Problem I have

Early shows! There is not wrong with an early show if you LET YOUR STAFF KNOW! Andrew said the show would be put up before Raw on Monday. Now I look stupid because I didn't write my match, I didn't send in my promo, and Big Red is mad because he sent me a promo that I didn't have time to put in the show because it was too early.

Please, can we have a little more communication around here? Don't tell us the show is going to be posted on Monday, then post it early on Sunday. And you might say because of different time zones, well no. That's not an excuse, if your the head writer it is YOUR job to know the different time zones of your writers, and to work around them with your own.

I'm getting pretty tired of this.


Apr 23, 2011
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If you are tired Tappy, well simply quit. This is how it's going. Andrew informed me and Awesome Miz at the time when he posted the show and it's your bad you weren't online. I'm not trying to be rude or something man, I have nothing against you, but seriously bro, this was how it was and there are group MSN staff convos pretty much and all, and I really don't know why you don't have MSN or do you have it?


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Tapout, I have told you many times to be on MSN to discuss things with me.

We always post shows early, I even wrote a OOC about it that we get our shows up a little early. People had all week to TT
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