CWF 2011: Trashtalking - Elimination Chamber #1 (Merging Issue)

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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2010
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Merthyr Tydfil
Batista doesn't look to happy when he finally pitches in, glaring at Chris Jericho through the mic.


The Animal, Batista: For God sake Chris, why don't you take your own advice for once in your life, and Shut the Hell Up?!

Jericho looks back at Batista with a frown upon his face, as The Animal continues.

We get it Chris. We all get it. We all understand that you think your the smartest brain out here, boring everyone to death with your anecdotes, and your past findings, what has happened before. But the main thing you need to understand is, every single person in this ring right here, everyone who has had their ticket stub stuffed in their pocket for the last few hours hearing you spew your pretentious bullcrap, and everyone watching this across the world, doesn't actually care for anything you have to say.... at all! The colored career that Stu Hart had, the years of good work he put into professional wrestling, and the career he had was tarnished, by not ensuring that you were locked up in the dungeon for good. Your transitions from ECW, WCW, WWE, they were all exactly that, transitions. You go in through the back door, unnoticed, no-one caring. You see, starting to be a bit of a trending topic there, maybe we should put a hash tag on that... hash tag.. no one cares, about Chris Jericho. Where-as someone like myself, is the exact opposite Chris. I don't make transitions into companies. I don't come in through the back door.... I rip the whole damn roof off and jump straight into the middle. I don't make any reservations are follow procedures because companies like the CWF, management like the ones in CWF bend over backwards to ensure that I am fully accommodated for!

A monkey with a glowstick? Is that what you said earlier, is it? An ape, oh ape, I apologize. Just what in the hell does that even mean Chris. No no, don't answer that, because you weren't going to give me a straight answer anyway, due to the fact that even you just don't have a clue right? You just switch off and let the thesaurus in your head bring out some grade A bullcrap that doesn't even have any concept, and then follow it up with one of two words..... troglodytes... or hypocrites. But in the whole of this Jericho, the biggest hypocrite is indeed yourself. You have even gone on record on publication DVD's and videos, that you were indeed one of these crowds back in the day. Back in the day of growing up in Winnipeg, well someone had to.... and you used to sit in the crowd... "Just like all these hypocrites" and cheer your favorite superstars.... "Just like all these hypocrites" and you will boo the people that don't assign with your favorites....... you start to get the picture. You say I don't deserve to be here, but you do, and yes, although it may not affect the rankings of War, beating a Honor superstar. But at the end of the day you look at it this way, War management did not trust you, The best in the world at what he does.... to represent. They felt that you couldn't get the job done, you couldn't excel to the standards that they are looking for. No, the man to take down the monster that can become a World Champion at any time of asking with his briefcase... was me. I literally took the honor... out of Honor, and brought it over to War. All of you people in this ring, the only reason this is main event is because I brought War the top dog status over Honor.... that extra money in the pay packet because of it.... You're Welcome.

You see, none of this never happened when you were referred to as Y2J Chris. Yes, I'm saying it, it was a time when you were actually respected in wrestling. A time where you had charisma, and you had an attitude that you could be the best... not that you've already proven you are. Saying that, obviously you and Y2J have a lot of similarities, we don't need to go into them, on of them being the inability to count, seeming as I remember you being in six elimination chambers in the past..... but come this sunday at Elimination Chamber, you will have one more resemblance... and that is the fact that like you say Y2J is.... you too will be... dead!

Batista looks around at all of the superstars in the ring, before focusing on his next victim.

Matthew Hardy. I.... I just don't get it..... Stone Cold could kick your ass with both hands tied behind his back and blindfolded, while under the influence of heave sedatives, so how the hell you managed to wangle this one I will never know. Still... if this match has to take a dip for the worse then I guess I'm gonna have to take the highs with the lows. And we all know you know a little something about highs right? Hey, I meant you go up on the top rope, and fly and.... whatever. If you got nothing to be guilty of stop looking guilty. I hope you understand Matt, that this Sunday, the door on that structure up there.... *Batista points at the Elimination Chamber structure high above the ring suspended.* that door is going to be locked. So Jeff and Shannon, wherever they will be at the time.... will have no input into this match what-so-ever. So for the first time in your wretched life Hardy, your going to have to do something impressive.... and your going to have to do it on your own. And personally, I just don't think you have it in you. First attempt at a World title..... well I gotta admit, if I ever held the ECW Championship, I'd try and avoid bringing that up in conversation too Matt, so I'll let you get away with that one, because your only going to leave disappointed anyway this Sunday. Just like all of you are going to leave disappointed when I take what is rightfully mine.

Sheamus.... another person that I don't know how in the blue hell you got a spot in here. But then again that is CWF management for you. "Oh dear, he lost the Hardcore Championship... lets give him a World Title match!" It doesn't make sense does it, don't any of the rest of you feel that?!

Batista awaits a response but no-one gives him one so he continues.

To be fair, I probably ain't giving management enough credit, they are probably only doing this to punish you for the drab effort of defending against Triple H. They saw the poor effort you put in and thought "Batistas going to win the title anyway, lets teach Sheamus a lesson." And if that was the thinking behind that drastic decision... then I shall be serving management just like I did putting Kane to the sword. Try and enjoy Sunday Sheamus.... because after the pain I put you through, you will never want to be at the top of this business again.

Next, Batista squares up to an old of opponent of two past pay-per-views.

The irony. Oh Adam, the irony of the whole goddamn situation when it comes to Edge is just so damn funny. The fact that you couldn't cope with beating me on your own, so you had to get the help of a woman. the fact that you couldn't cope with the beating that our pathetic World Champion handed to you after being given the best opportunity you could ever ask for, considering the quality of who is waiting in the wings.... I. e.... me. The fact that every headline Edge makes, it all comes down to the fact you can't cope..... and your full name? Adam.... It's the ultimate irony and it is only going to continue come Sunday, when you won't even come near to coping with an animal in his cage, with all the permutations I have been given to do to you. Adam, the only thing you will have to worry about coping, is coping to keep the hospital food down your broken neck!

And Finlay.... Finlay, I don't even know where to start with you. You know why I interfered in your match? Just think about. Not a sniff at the title ever since I got here. Now, this might be a secret to you old man, but I'm not a very patient guy, you know. I don't like waiting in line at the gas station or at Subway, never mind to get what I truly want. Management never gave me what I want, so I decided to come and take it. I didn't care for you when I came here and saw you were champion, and to be honest, I am genuinely shocked that CM Punk or Edge couldn't beat you. But I know that I can.... and I know that I will this Sunday, whether you like it or not!

Guys.... time is ticking down. From what I can see, you all got some getting ready to do to compete with an animal. You should be using this time wisely backstage prepping and repping to make sure your in the shape of your life, instead of worrying about who can say the worst to whom. You leave that part down to me, the only person who is actually speaking any damn truth out here!

Batista looks around to see if anyone is taking his advice to go and get ready for the match.....


Aug 26, 2010
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Geelong, Australia
OOC: I will post tomorrow night after my exam. I think its just me and Edge that have only done 1 so far..


Jun 5, 2010
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NSW, Australia
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The fans in attendence are waiting patiently for something amazing to happen inside the CWF arena, when a theme song that instantly has everyone jump to their feet hits the PA System as it seems a man that could produce something amazing seems to be coming out. Everyone looks towards the stage as the arena starts to flash green and purple.


'My Time' plays out over the arena as the fans haven't heard the theme for a while, but still know that the arrival of the Game is coming. The crowd aren't waiting long as The Hardcore Champion, Triple H strides out from the back, looking towards his feet as the fans are going crazy. Triple H lifts his head, looks out into the crowd with a massive smile on his face, rubbing and patting his Hardcore Title as he motions to the back. The crowd are looking towards the curtain again as Stephanie McMahon walks out behind him. Stephanie walks out, towards her man as they embrace in the middle of the ramp with massive smiles across their face.


They look towards the ring, as they start to make their way down the ramp. Hand in hand as all the fans go crazy for McMahon-Helmsleys, bending over the side to try and get a high five but both have changed to a focus look and don't take their eyes off the ring as they reach the end of the ramp. Triple H climbs up onto the apron, opening the ropes for his wife who climbs up the steel steps and through the ropes. Triple H climbs into the ring, asking for two mics and getting his wish granted. Steph hasn't stopped smiling as Triple H hands her a mic. Triple H begins to hug her from the back as she raises the mic to her lips.


Stephanie McMahon: You all don't understand how proud of my man I currently am. I always knew that my man was the best, I always knew my man was the Game, I always knew what my man was capable of but just look at the roll my man has been on. Sheamus felt the wrath of my man, just ask Sheamus how it felt to be driven through that announce table, It definatly looked like it hurt a bit and then what my man single handedly did to R.E.M.E.D.Y, boy did that get me in the mood for Elimination Chamber but what happened before and after that just shows how much my man has the wood over John Cena, and trust me when I say this Cena, it's alright because my man has alot of wood to be over with if you know what I mean.

Triple H lowers the mic from Steph's mouth as he shakes his head. He looks out into the crowd, shrugging and nodding before he starts to talk.

Triple H: Stephanie is right you know, I'm talking about my wood either, I am talking about the fact that i've been on a roll lately and it seems the only hiccups I have come across, has been the little little annoyance named John Cena.

The crowd give a roar of disapproval at the mention of the name John Cena. Triple H nods his head again as he agrees with the audience.

Now, now, we have all seen the change in John, it's not like he hasn't shut up about how it's all about him now and everyone else is just a stepping stone to be squashed underneath his pretty sick pumps. I personally don't have a problem with this new Cena, not as much as all of you do but I find it quite humerous that if this match was a month earlier, everyone of you would be going crazy for Cena and booing me. It's quite funny how the left shoe sometimes fits on the right foot. You all see me as the man to straighten Cena out don't you? Hopefully hit him over the head with my sledgehammer to set his mind straight, hopefully sweep away all these thoughts with a solid broom shot to the head?

The crowd surprisely cheers Triple H as he motions with everything he says. He chuckles a bit before he looks at Steph who nods her head.

I don't know if that will happen but I am The Game, I am one person you don't wanna piss off and Cena, you made the very crucial mistake of doing just that. If you wanted a shot at my Hardcore Championship, you should of just walked through my dressing room door, ask me for a title shot, recieved the ass kicking I would of given you for invading my privacy and then recieved the ass kicking you are going to get at Elimination, only not as bad but you choose to go another way Cena. You choose the way I made so famous, the easy way Cena, it hasn't worked this time Cena as it has pissed me off and I gurantee that when I'm angry, a match with me is the last thing anyone wants.

Triple H starts snarling into the mic as Steph seems to want to take over the speaking duties.

Steph: MY daddy sees this as a way for Triple H to prove himself, newly won Hardcore Championship against his main man for so many years in a Homewreckers match, quite ironically, I don't think either man have spent much time in a house over the years, many nights spent in a hotel room, that's why my father is a billionaire, he knows that neither man will be in their comfort zone but I bet my father didn't count on his little princess teaching Triple H a little trick or two when it comes to home applainces. I'll give you a hint MR John Cena, when you turn up to the studio backstage expecting to win that Hardcore Championship, I want you to just lay down or just stand there, either way is good enough for me and let my husband walk all over you so we can go out and get some alone time, sadly Hunter and I have already booked a table at the top resturant inside the Swedish boarder. Trust me as well John, I expect my husband to last longer with me then this match will at Elimination Chamber. I'll see you then John.

Stephanie lowers the mic to her side as she waves to Hunter to get out of the ring but just as they reach the ropes, a tune the crowd didn't wanna hear rings out through the arena. Steph and Triple H look towards the stage with smiles on their faces.




Aug 26, 2010
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Geelong, Australia

All the men in the ring look at Finlay who is staring around the ring with a glare in his eyes. His eyes linger in Batista and thus he addresses him first.

FINLAY: You actually just beat me to the punch. I was going to tear Jericho to shreds for being an egotistical maniac and for the fact theirs five other guys out here and he continually has to throw in his own two senses before hearing everyone else. But I’ll get to that later. You Dave Batista, I guess I can honestly respect what it is you’re saying to me. I know exactly how you feel. Actually, wait a second. The reason you haven’t had a sniff at the CWF Heavyweight Championship yet is because you continually lose the big matches that give you the chance at the Number One Contenders slot. You took on Edge, you lost and then he lost to me. You don’t call that getting a sniff? You had the chance, you blew it, you go back down the ladder and earn your spot again. You sure as hell don’t come out and interfere in a title match just to put your name back up in lights. I should start calling you John Cena, because that is exactly what he has done for his entire career. Goes out and makes a big noise about himself and all of a sudden he has a title match whether he earns it or not. I’m just glad that here in the CWF he has take a back seat and is back where he belongs, at the bottom of the ladder with the rest of the idiots on the roster. If you had a problem with me, or wanted a shot at my gold, all you had to do was ask! I am a fighting champion which I have proved time and time again, and I would have given you that opportunity. Now, unfortunately for you, your opportunity will come and go in a match where you won’t even get a chance one-on-one with me. When you lose this Sunday, you will go back down the ladder. Or maybe you will fall off the ladder completely, never to be heard of again. Either way, this Sunday will be the last I will be seeing you for a very long time.

Finlay looks towards Jericho for an instant..

You can keep looking at me all you like Chris, but I’m not going to pay you any attention, not just yet. You’ve had enough time in the sun for now.

Instead, he walks straight passed him and goes over to Sheamus.


Sheamus, Sheamus, Sheamus. Obviously you have been living in your own little world for the last few months. I mean, I came out and beat you just over a month ago on the way to retaining my title. And just last week in a tag team match it was me standing at the end of the match with my arm raised high in the air. You no longer have your Hardcore Championship either. Your career is this match away from becoming meaningless. That may be a tough pill to swallow, but unfortunately for you, it is a true statement, one of many that I make week after week. I struggle to see why you think that this Sunday will be any different to what has happened between us in the past. I mean, you do have pride when you fight, and I know that you give your all every time that you step into the ring. And neither time you stepped into the ring with me, was you’re “all” enough. Yet, you still come out here and say that I’m not tough enough to beat a true Irishman like yourself? Well, at least I finally understand why you’re actually in this match. It’s for comedy relief isn’t it? I mean, you have the worst form of anyone in the match but you continually say that nobody is as tough as you. It has to be a joke, or somebody’s playing a really bad trick on me. Wake up and smell the roses, Sheamus. This Sunday, you will not walk out with CWF Heavyweight belt in your grasp. You in fact will struggle to walk out of the arena of your own accord.

Finlay grins at Sheamus and then walks over to Matt Hardy.

All this walking around is going to puff me out before we even get to Sunday. But all jokes aside, what in the hell have you ever done in your entire life, let alone the last few weeks to earn your spot out here. You have relied on the misfortunes of others to get your chances, and when you have been given said chances, you have relied on the help of others to get the job done. And even then, most of the time you have failed in what you have set out to do. Your brother on the other hand, he is actually someone I would consider to be successful. He has been adored and he has been hated, much like me, and he has taken the extra step and won the big matches and World Championships. And yet, it is you that is here in this title match. In the biggest match-up of the year! The winds may have turned and this may be the time that Matt is the number one Hardy. But Matt is never going to be the man whilst his brother is still around. Here’s a piece of advice that you can keep for free. Lose your brother and your little tattooed mate. Go into this match with confidence and put up a fight. You will not win, but at least you will be doing it on your own. You might even impress someone enough that you might not have to drop down the ladder too far before you get your next opportunity. Maybe, but at least it’s worth a shot. Or you could have your brother and that freak by your side all the time, and you will continually be disrespected and compared to your brother, a comparison that will never look favourably on you. It’s your choice.

Finlay nods at Hardy and then looks over to where Edge is standing.

I was waiting for you to come out here with all of your dribble. It’s sad really. Even sadder than Sheamus thinking he has a chance in this match-up. If my memory serves me correctly, we have been in three matches competing against each other in the past month. You have been on the losing end every single time. You can’t even come out here this time and say third time is going to be a charm. You are destined to continue losing to me. You tried to bring out a friend last time and all it did was become a hindrance, just like I said it would. Those that interfered in our match for the title did nothing to help me win, and you very well know it. So for you to call them my friends, or anything of the sort, I simply find it disrespectful and one hundred per cent false, something which I am very not about. I have always been honest to you Edge. I tell you that I’m going to beat you, and then I come out and beat you. I told CM Punk I was going to go out there and beat him, and I did. I told the Rock that I was going to win the CWF Heavyweight Championship against him, and I did. I’m telling you right now, there is no chance in hell of you walking out of the ring with the CWF Heavyweight Championship around your waist. I don’t care how many people are in this match trying to take this belt away from me, I will not let it happen.

Finlay now turns his attention to Jericho who is still yapping inaudibly away in his corner. There is no grin on Finlay’s face, just a look of pure hatred and disdain.


I’ve met some arrogant people in my time Chris, but you I think may be the most arrogant person I have met in my entire life. I could see it coming when you first come out here and started all this crap that this would be the Chris Jericho show and you would make it all about yourself. It’s typical. No courtesy from you is ever shown Chris. I may be hated, but I won’t come out here and not allow anyone else to speak. I will not shove my opinion down the throat of others. I will stand back and listen to what everyone has to say, and when my turn comes around, I will tear them down. It’s what I do, and I think its something people respect me for. Well at least I like to think it is one thing that I am respected for amongst many other things. You on the other hand, people look at you and they can not find one redeeming quality about you. At least that’s the way I see it. You used to be someone, but now all I see is a man who is still living off the title he won ten years ago. A man who mentions that fact every single time he comes out here. Neither of those men are in this match, so it bares no input here, hence you can just shut up about it for the first time in ten years. While you’re at it, you can shut the hell up about all your stupid opinions. You’re so annoying, so frustrating, you really irritate me. It really is going to give me so much satisfaction to beat you this Sunday, Chris. Probably more satisfaction than I have ever had in my entire wrestling career, and that includes the moment that I defeated the Rock. I claim to be the true champion of this business because carry this belt around. The fact that I have only held it once and am still holding it means that no-one is good enough to beat me, especially not you. I cannot wait to enter that chamber and throw your body through a glass pod, and then pick your bloody carcass off the mat and throw it into steel chains. So much satisfaction, I can already taste it. Bring on Sunday!

Finlay drops his mic at his feet and stares Chris Jericho in the eye…

OOC: I hope we can all get three up to make it would have been much easier to leave it at 2 a piece..​

Big Red Jericho Punk

Active Member
Sep 28, 2010
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OOC: I'm only doing one more likely,then that's it. Just not enough time.

Edge looks around after waking up from napping. He looks down before speaking again.


"The Rated R Superstar Edge
So is everyone done with their empty threats. I swear it's like dealing with a bunch of thirteen year olds on the internet. Jericho let's start with your delusional ass. I think I made myself very clear this isn't just any other match. This is one of the most brutal structures anyone has ever seen and felt. This match makes and ends careers, you decide which way you want to go. As for Matt Hardy going one over him, hah that's a good one Christina. Have you forgotten that Matt Hardy has accomplished nothing close to my accomplishments! I can talk about the past and I can talk about the future that your about as threatening as Hardy. You've seemed to have forgotten that I beat you not too long ago, but that still means I can't cut it. So what does that mean Chris, does this mean you should be unemployed? Just listen to yourself speak, your just a loudmouth that has no direction in what he says. Your not walking out with anything Chris, your walking out with nothing but refs helping you to the back because you won't be stable enough to walk. I'll give you a dance, hell I'll hop up and down for you after I pin you 1...2...3!!!

The crowd roars as a Thank You Edge chant breaks out. Edge tells them to hold on a sec and looks right at Matt Hardy. He speaks right when he looks into his eyes with Hardy unfazed.

Edge: Same old Matt Hardy, talks big game with little production. How does that spear feel buddy ol pal from the Supershow? It's just the beginning of the torture I give to you. Let's backtrack though Matt, you want to go into memory lane. You say I was handed everything, then why was just in the same position as you back in 1995? I would be pushed around my veterans and beat up bad. I was involved with the Brood just like you and in those epic tag team matches just like you. Everything we did was similar, but the funny thing was that on the big stage who walked out the winner. At the Wrestlemanias, who walked out the winners your looking at him!! I'm happy you at least realized that all your stupidity in the past was a joke with your "this is my year everyone". I had a neck injury that nearly ended my career, it took fourteen months to recover. It was the most painful thing I have ever experienced, yet things were handed to me. Let me tell you something, Matthew Moore Hardy you douche I worked my ass for everything I've gotten. Did I cheat my way sometimes, you bet ya because I do what it takes to win. Look where it got me, it got me to the top. I did my own talk show, my own style, everything I did was original. You on the other hand are trying to be some new messiah that I saw what two years ago? Your a carbon copy of CM Punk basically being some messiah. Wasn't it not long ago you ripped on him as well? Your a mess just like the rest of your posse. I'm a cooperate stooge, really I am well please answer this. What cooperate stooge has his own live sex celebration huh? What cooperate stooge spears people into burning tables? What cooperate stooge prides himself on doing things Rated R? Don't put these phrases on me just because I've been successful because of my pure talent. I've used and abused people without a doubt, but I've put my body on the line time and time again while you just know how to use your mouth time and time again. Remember 2005 when you threatened me saying how your my worst nightmare? What happened when we squared off, oh that's right you were bleeding so much they ended the match. You never intimidated me and never will Matt, it doesn't matter if it's 2005, didn't matter in 2008, and sure as hell not in 2011. What I really doubt is your abilities because your slowly fading Matt, your just a broken tape recorder. I plan on smashing that tape recorder of yours and to end this new Matt Hardy. The 28th rebirth of Matt Hardy is going to end and you can go in some hole for the next five months thinking of some new gimmick.

The crowd oh's loudly as Hardy is speechless. Edge is all riled up and looks at his targets. He asks who wants next with Sheamus saying C'MON FELLA"!! Edge has a deadly look in his eye.


Edge: I thought I didn't matter Sheamus? OI this Oi that oi look I'm some smash mouth that kills everyone. Please save your useless rants because nobody takes you seriously. You got the look of champion, but you have the IQ of a fifth grade bully. These matches are more about smashing people and beating up people. You have to be smart and intelligent, something you fail to possess. You can beat up everyone, I don't really care but your take your eye off someone then it's lights out. With my spear out, it's lights out hot shot. So please spare us with your nonsensical words of wisdom because your pathetic. Your like Hardy with your threats because it's about the nine hundredth time someone said they were going to put me on the shelf for good. Please I beg of you to put me through some pain. It's something I thrive off of, violence is what I thrive off of. So please do something to justify that you can actually beat me up because it's obvious your words don't prove a damn thing. I can promise you that I won't be eliminated first and I can also promise you that I will be waking out the last man standing with the heavyweight championship of the world!!

Sheamus pouts and doesn't believe in Edge, as Edge blows him off. Right in the back of him is Batista who doesn't look happy. Edge laughs and can't help himself.

Edge: Well if their is anything positive about you Dave is that your not the most embarrassing person in the ring right now. I know it's a first so give yourself a round of applause. I know it's a tough debate who's more of a bigger joke you or Matt Hardy, but hey at least Batista was the man at one point of his career. It's just a shame that you can be so dumbfounded by your small brain. You still believe that I set up Lita to come help me, that's a good one. I have put you through hell time and time again, I've abused verbally time and time again, yet you still doubt me. This is a never ending thing, so what's the point of even arguing with an over sized baby. But hey everyone let's applaud Dave Batista again for knowing how to pronounce my real name. You even used some analogies which is big of you yet once again you come off as a complete doofus. I've entered this magical land twice with you and both times I've come out on top. Your coming into my playground of hell and once again you will be coming out of it in worse condition than you already are. You think spearing you through a burning table hurt? Wait till that broken spine of yours hits the glass and steel. Then will see who will be laying in a hospital bed!!

The crowd is digging Edge's spirit a lot and he just continues to look around with everyone annoyed with him. He eyes Finlay and gets serious.


Edge: You see some may say that I'm not going to win because I joke around too much. I may joke around a bit too much because I don't see the person in front of me as a threat. All four of you have yet to beat or pin me! You may have beaten me up a bit but that doesn't prove a damn thing to me. Despite beating me twice with help, Finlay you have beaten me and I respect you. Your a damn good champion and you've proven me wrong. I can't joke with you because what do you have in my credentials to prove to you when we have faced off. But I will say this that this is your first time dealing with such odds. You don't know what's it like to defend the biggest title in the world in these intense conditions. This will come back to haunt you like it or not. Your not going to have any help either, this is simply on you. I hope you know what your getting into because it's going to be hell when you get in there. I respect the hell out of you, but your time is drawing near and this time it's damn true. Everyone is gunning for you and I don't think that old Caracas of yours can take it much longer. Like I've said in the past, keep a hold on that title and hold it tight because your days of holding it are coming to an end. You've proven me wrong before unlike the other four jackasses, but you won't prove me wrong this time!!

Finlay nods his head as you can see some respect between both men. Edge isn't done yet and his last message for everyone.

Edge: We've done all this talking, some have bored to death, some came off as delusional, while only two men actually said something worth noted. But in the end, only one man will be standing tall. It will be a new era in CWF. It won't be the era of delusional assclowns in suits, sorry Jericho. It sure as hell won't be the Era Of Mattitude because that's just the biggest joke ever. The Era Of Oi I'm Sheamus is another one that won't be happening. Another comical one will be The Era Of whatever the hell Big Dave himself over there calls himself. It comes down to me and you Finlay just like how it was last month. Winner take all and I'm going to go over the edge again but this time never higher before. Let the best man win buddy, but I defy odds and it will be like that once again. And finally once again, it will the era of RATED R!!

Edge looks at everyone with his music playing. He looks confident with everyone cheering for him in the crowd. Back in the ring, a circle is formed around him with Edge still looking at Finlay.



Apr 23, 2011
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Sheamus looks at Edge …


Poo' little Edge. It is a sad fact, that even this fifth grade' bully how ye call me can beat ye and turn ye inside out. Ye think Oi speak only wo'ds? Look at me past fella, Oi've ended caree's, won championships, Oi was tha King of the Ring, who by tha way, Oi really am. Smashin' people and beatin' people? Edge, thi i what Oi do all me entire life. But when Oi look at ye, ye don't have a heart to kill a fly with a newspapers, let alone hitting people. Oi am not like Ha'dy, Oi don't do drugs, Oi just like ta drink some whiskey with me friends sometimes. My wo'ds don't prove anythin'? Well Edge, wait fer tha beginning of a match, yer gonna be tha first, who Oi'll get me hands on. Oi will take yer little blonde head, tea' it off yer body and stomp on it, jus' ta make su'e it's enough ta beat ye. And if ye will try ta say somet'in' 'bout me again, ye bette' watch yer mouth, 'cause, Oi am not that kind of a pe'son, who forgives o' forgets …

Sheamus looks at Edge with eyes of a killer and then looks at Finlay …

Yer roight Finlay, ye were good enough ta beat me a month ago and then ye were so afraid of payback, that ya were livin' unde' a rock o' Oi don't know what was happenin' with ye. Oi thought, that ye have a balls ta face a challenge, but it looks like yer jus' some kind of a little princess, combin' yer hai', polishin' yer nails and put yer make up on. Finlay, if yer really afraid of me so much, then give me that titel roight now, so ye can walk out of this unha'med. Ye bette' look at yer trunks if ye have some balls, at last ye can be a divas champion. Once tha ring bell makes a sound, this ring is gonna become a battlefield. A battlefield, where tha new era of Celtic Warrio' begin. And those who will not bow down to tah king, they won't be spa'ed. Ye guys think it's funny, ha? Well, it won't be funny, afte' Oi am gonna make yer lifes miserable. Oh wait, yer lifes are already miserable, well Oi can make 'em even wo'se. Finlay, tha thing Oi wanted ta say is simple. Give me that gold and get tha hell outta he'e, 'cause it's gonna get nasty. Oi can't wait ta see teeth of my opponents flyin' all ove' tha chambe'. Tough pill ta swallow? Really Finlay? Onlay problem, which Oi will have ta solve is gonna be on which shoulder Oi am gonna wea' me title …


Sheamus smiles, while the crowd cheers him loudly. Sheamus turns around and looks at another of his opponents … Batista …

Well ye don't get why Oi am he'e? It's simple 'Tista, Oi am simply tha best around he'e and good wrestle's like me a' always in tha main event. Ye have a problem with it? Ye have a problem with me? If Oi we'e ye, Oi would have me mouth shutted. Oi would like ta know, why they call ye Animal, Oi would like ye ta show me, why ye have a nicname like this, 'cause tha onlay animal he'e is me. Oi am not tha one, who gets hunted, it's ye. Management? Oi don't know why ye think Oi need somebody's help ta get he'e, ye bette' jus' go with it Batista and prepa', because next months, yer gonna live in a new age. Age of Great White Sheamus and believe me, that fo' people like ye, this age isn't gonna be pretty. Oi teached already a many lessons, Oi am no longe' that arrogant punk, that thinks that he owns tha whole werld. But ya, ya 'Tista, ye should learn how ta behave and how ta speak with a new champion. Enjoyin' sunday? Oh yeah Oi will, ye can bet on it fella, but Oi am not su'e, that yer gonna enjoy it as so much as me …

The attendance cheers for Sheamus and many chants breaks out of the crowd. Celtic Warrior then turns his attention on Chris Jericho again …

Lack of talent? A' ye blind Jericho or ye jus' don't wanna see it? Oi am a weapon, which is gonna také ye out fo' a long time. Ye think Oi am jokin'? We'll see this sunday, who is just a clown and who put words into action. Walls of Jericho. Why a' ye talkin' 'bout tha wo'st submission move in wrestlin' history. Ta be honest, Oi can't remembe' who even tapped out ta this move. It must have been really long time ago. Ye could have beaten me in two minutes? Well, me too fella, but Oi was jus' thinkin', that when these people pay ta see Irish Cu'se in action, Oi just can't end ou' match in such a sho't time. Oi admit that at tha end of a match, Oi have made some kind of mistake, which ye used for yer own good, but this time, Oi am not doin' it fer people. All Oi want is that titel around Finlay's waist and believe me, that Oi am gonna get it. Ye can decide what ye want Jericho, but even ye a' beatable, which everybody here knows and many of us knows it personally, if ye know what Oi mean. Serious? Ye wanna get serious? Oi am serious all tha time we a' standin' he'e, Oi don't know why ye don't believe me, when Oi am tellin' ye, that Oi am gonna tea' ye in two halfs. Fairy tales? Oi like fairy tales and ye know what? One big fairy tale is ye as a contestant in this match. It seems ta me, that ye had ta go over seven mountains and seven rive's, ta kiss somebody ass and get a place in this match instead a real sta'. Yer jus' a waste of space he'e. Ye should have given yer place in this match, ta somebody, who would have been much bette' opponent than ye, fo' example CM Punk. Oi am not afraid of ye Jericho and ye can bet, that Oi am gonna walk out of this match on me own feet, but Oi ve got one question fer ya … a' ye?

Sheamus smiles at Jericho and then looks at Matt Hardy …


Fella, Oi don't ca' what version ye a', o' what yer name is, but ye have one big plus frem me. Ye know why? Because unlike tha othe's, ye keep yer mouth shutted. Afte' Oi am gonna become new Heavyweight champion, Oi'll give tha oppertunity, ta be somethin' like me sidekick. Mattitude? That's somethin' that neve' existed and neve' will. Eddie Guerrero is not me. Eddie Guerrero couldn't have put ye in a pain, like Oi can. Oi am gonna také yer hands and feet and Oi am gonna break 'em in so many places, so Oi am gonna make frem ye one big pretzel …

Sheamus has a serious look on his face and stays in a middle of the ring, while he's looking at every single one of hi opponents ...


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Aug 9, 2011
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Stephanie lowers the mic to her side as she waves to Hunter to get out of the ring but just as they reach the ropes, a tune the crowd didn't wanna hear rings out through the arena. Steph and Triple H look towards the stage with smiles on their faces. As John Cenas theme hits the P.A. and the arena splits with boos and some of the older fans cheer.


Whilst everyone is staring at the ramp awaiting the futre Hardcore Champions arrival Johns Music is cut off as someone climbs over the barrier behind the ring and begins to speak.


John Cena
Yo Yo Yo dnt know what you are all looking at I mean yall bigger fools than the whole of Sweden. I gotta say I am sick of travelling around this god damn continent I just want to get home to the USA. But first I want to have something new to check in at customs and that my friend is going to be the Hardcore Championship which is currently being kept warm by you waist. Now you call yourself the Game but I know how to play you, Im going to be honest with you Hunter you are a transitional champion. I had Sheamus beat last month at Invasion and then I let these morons, these bags of crap which I carried for my entire career get in the way. Its the same thing that Happened when I debut against the Miz. Fact is Hunter this time I have no one holding me down. No one to gain the approval of, no one to disappoint expect John Cena. And I can guarantee that aint gonna happen.

Cena stops and looks around the arena with disdain as the fans express their hate towards him by booing loudly. He then looks Steph up and down cringes and then continues to address Hunter.


John Cena
So Vincent Kenedy McDouche has decided that by putting his little princess hubby here in a match against Cena where the only way to win is to pin your opponent is by bashing him senseless with house hold items. Maybe I could hold Hunter down on the stove, or maybe I could slam his heat in the oven. Na Nah dawg wait Maybe I could go through the sock draw and find Stephanie's Dil--- I mean Adult toys and shove it straight up your ass Triple H, is that how you play The Game? So Hunter by doing you this so called favour your daddy in law has signed your death warrant because if you think that the beat downs I have given you over the last few weeks are anything to go by then you can double them, then triple them and then times it by one hundred because John Cena tells every single one of these Swedish jokers that they have not Cen-a-nothing yet.

John laughs as he walks around the ring. A Cena Sucks Chant breaks out and he flips his middle fingers to the crowd as they continue to chant louder and louder. He then continues still obviously amused by his jokes.


John Cena
You see what I did their? I took the same joke that all of you use to do to me back when Cena was boring. Now by show oof hands everyone who wants to see me beat Triple H's face in with a door? Palease whether or not you want to see it I will do what I want when I want because John Cena dont give a fu*& what any of you want, need or desire. Because on the first episode of War after this Sunday John Cena will walk in and he will enter this ring and he will finally after months of trying proclaim the The Champ Is Here! And I will have done it without any of you posers. Hell were in Sweden yall probably dont even understand what the hell I am saying. Let me break it down for you Im gonna talk all simple like. John ... Cena ... hates .... all of you. Triple H .... Married ... a Five Cent Hooker ... So ... That ... The ... Boss ... Will ..... Throw him a bone. Got it? Like I said Hunter Daddy is the only reason you got that shot at Sheamus after I brutalised him.

John then again pauses he lowers his microphone and leans over the rope at a screaming fan. he tell him to shouts Shut up and then draws his attention back to hunter. He looks at him curiously before he speaks for a final time.


John Cena
As for you beating Remedy on Thursday night are you kidding me dawg. Thats like Booker T calling himself talented. I beat down Eddie and R-truth and then after that bell was rung and we were declared victors I beat down you, or do you not remember that. I have to hand it to you I was surprised you even turned up homie I mean I wouldn't want be the man who gets John Cena on the roll he has been on lately. Let me Remind everyone in this building that I am currently Undefeated on regular T.V and the only reason that is not Undefeated in CWF is because every single one of you cost me my two Pay Per View matches. But I think you get that. Anyway Homie I am getting bored and loosing track while I sit here staring at Stephs giant rack. But better watch out Hunter because on Sunday Ill show you just how hard I can hit, then Ill win your Hardcore Title and prove to you that you don't amount to Shit!

He then throws both arms in the air and flips everyone in the arena his middle fingers again. he then looks at Hunter in the eye and motions for the Hardcore Title which will soon call his waist home. He then presses his face right against Triple H's and the two stares down until ........



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Only my match and one other match has been submitted. So, late ppv by the looks of it. No idea where dredson is, so... Guess show might be tomorrow
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