CWA:Cruiserweight Wrestling Alliance

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CT Styles

BM: Fatal-4-Way

WM: None really, maybe Ryder vs London is I had to choose one but itwas still a great match

BP: Contract Signing, the others were mostly one line, I liked these they were more detailed and they are the big gunsof the company aswell.

WP: Weren't much to choose from

AC: Good Show, Deception should be a great PPV, especially since its all high-flying wrestling. Advice, I would advise more promos. But it was a good show. Oh and Detroit, Florida isn't it Detroit, Michigan?

Gards Jr.

Active Member
Oct 21, 2007
Reaction score
BREAKING NEWS: Backstage after Madness all Hell broke loose when both Jamie Noble and Jimmy Wang Yang. They started to brawl and got exclusive footage of the brawl.

Noble hits Yang in the back of the head with a forearm before driving his head into a production Case. Noble then looks to lock in a dragon Sleeper but Yang squirms out of it and hits a weary kick to the knee of Noble. Security then runs in and brreaks them in but Noble breaks through the Security and gets hit by a leaping enzuiguri.

It has now been announced that at Deception the men will meet in a singles match up.

(ooc: I will only post one more news update and that will be accompanied by the Deception Preview. )

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Styles/Kidman/JTG/Fallen Angel

Worst Match: n/a

Best Promo: RVD/Kash/Chavo

Worst Promo: n/a

Additional Feedbacks: A nice show to hype Deception and add more matches to the PPV. The Ladder Title is another innovative idea and it really fits to your fed, I wonder who will win the title, my bet is RVD but I think Chavo is also a worthy champion to your fed. I am checking out Deception and give you a review when it's up.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

bm: fatal four way
wm: na
bp: last one
wp: na
af: nice to know that your building your card up for deception. ill have a looksie at it


Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Miami, Florida
Best Match - AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Billy Kidman vs JTG it was the best match of the night and it was cool seeing Kidman picking up the win over those guys.

Worst Match None of them they were all good.

Best Promo - The RVD, Kid Kash, and Chavo Guerrero promo it was good.

Worst Promo - N/A there weren't that many to choose from and all the others were good.

Overall Thoguht - It was good show I'm looking foward to the 2 hours though so I can see more from you instead of just1 hour a week.

Gards Jr.

Active Member
Oct 21, 2007
Reaction score
Deception Part One
Deception from
Crowd 15,067

The official CWA video plays as Thuderstruck plays as well. Then the deception video hype plays highlighting all the matches and fueds. Pyro goes off around the arena.

Gards: Welcome one and all to the first ever PPV put on by CWA. we have a great show lined up and I can't wait.

Tazz: Your right there Jason. All the titles tonight are on the line so watch out for some explosive action. We have probably the best two hour show for you tonight and I can't wait.

Gards: You said it partner. We have the CWA title match with three of CWA's top superstars and we have a primetime title match between Carlito and Gregory Helms.

Tazz: Don't forget the Ladder title match is a ladder match and two other great matches and one of the them starts right now.

Jimmy Wang Yang makes his way to the ring to cheers from the crowd as He taunts the crowd getting more cheers. He enter the ring before taunting the crowd even more. Noble then makes his way to the ring as Yang get serious. Noble stares at Yang after what happened after Madness. He climbs into the ring taunting Yang as the ref holds him back. The bell rings as the match is started.


Both men lock up in a collar and elbow tie up as Noble locks in a headlock. Yang back Noble into the ropes and sends him running. Noble then hits a short arm clotheslinge on Yang before stomping on Yang a few times before coming off the ropes and missing a double knee stomp on Yang who rolls out of the way. Yang then returns to his feet and hits a low enzuiguri sending Noble to the mat. Yang then comes off the ropes leaping over Noble before springboarding and hitting a moonsault onto the mat as Noble moves out of the way. Noble takes advantage of this and starts to stomp on the back of Yang before lifting him to his feet and hitting a clothesline sending him back to the mat. Noble then comes off the ropes again and hits a version of a rolling thunder with very awkward movements. Noble then gets back to his feet looking pleased with himself. Noble then taunts the crowd only to be thrown boos at. Before he can turn around Yang rolls him up for the 2 count. Noble kicks out before getting back up to his feet as does Yang. They lock up again in another collar and elbow tie up. Noble breaks it and starts to punch Yang backing him up against the turnbuckle. Noble continues punching before walking back to the opposite turnbuckle and looks to the crowd before sprinting at Yang nd hitting a jumping clothesline and then a bulldog. Noble again taunts the crowd before lifting Yang up to his feet and trah talking before hitting a knee to the gut and lifting him back up. Noble then hits a backbreaker across his knee and then pushing against the chest of Yang turning the backbreaker into a submission manuever. Noble wrenches the hold even more before releasing the hold after seeing Yang won't tap. Noble looks at the fallen Yang before kicking him in the ribs befoere coming off the ropes and hitting a fist to the chest before making the pin 1...2... kickout by Yang who barely gets his shoulder up.

Noble gets to his feet and lifts Yang to his feet who starts to fight back with punches to the midsection. Yang then hits some kicks to the midsection before running back to the ropes and leaping up hitting a hurracarana on Noble. Yang then springboards of the ropes and hits a moonsault. Yang gets to his feet energetic. He runs at the ropes and rebounds back and hits an elbow drop on Noble. Yang starts to slow down the pace abit as he taunts for Noble to return to his feet. Noble does return to his feet slowly with in ten secoinds as Yang goes for a superkick but Noble ducks and catches Yang in a fishermans carry. Noble then falls back to hits a samoan drop. Both men are down before Noble starts to slowly rise to his feet. Yang then begins to rise to his feet with the help of the ropes. Noble then hits a boot to the side of the face on a kneeling Yang. Noble then pulls his leg out from in between the two ropes. Noble then lifts Yang to his feet and starts to chop his chest putting him on the turnbuckle. Noble then walks back to the opposite turnbuckle and locks on an inverted face lock and lifts him up to the second rope and sits him there. Noble clibms up there and starts punching the top of Yangs head. The crowd starts to count 1...2...3...4...5...6 when Noble stops and climbs up to the top ropes. Noble then locks Yang in a front face lock Noble then fall back freely hitting a DDT from the top rope. Yang squirms abit holding his head before getting a glazed look on his eyes. Noble is squirming holding his back before grabbing the ropes and pulloing himself to his feet. Noble then walks over to Yang and locks in a dragon sleeper. Yang screams in pain looking for the ropes. He drags himself towards the ropes nearly grabbing the bottom rope. Noble then pulls Yang back to the center of the ring. Yang then starts to inch his way to the ropes once agaain fading rapidly. He finally stops about a hand length away from the ropes and he is faded. The referee then lifts Yang's arm up and drops it and it falls down. He repeats the same thing and the hand falls down. He repeats it a third time but Yang stops his hand from falling to the mat and then makes his way and grabs the bottom rope.

Noble then breaks the hold quickly visibly frustrated. He paces around the ring as Yang is laying on the mat still clutching the bottom rope. Noble then stops pacing and lifts Yang up to his feet and Irish whips him to the ropes but Yang collapses as he continues running. Noble laughs as he points at Yang as the crowd boo. Noble then walks over to Yang and lifts him again back to his feet. Yang throws a weary kick to the midsection of Noble who fires back a jab. Yang then fires a quick kick to the back of the leg as Noble hits a strike to the side of the head. Yang then hits kick after kick to the hamstring trying to loosen the muscle abit. Yang then rebound of the ropes and jumps and hits a flying shoulder block. Yang then slowly returns to his feet as Noble is still on the mat. Yang then slowly comes over to the turnbuckle and climbs to the top. He turns his back as Noble scurries to his feet and lifts Yang out of the turnbuckle and sets up for a powerbomb. He hits it just as Yang moves around not taking the full grunt of the move. Both of the men slowly get to their feet. Yang hits a chop but Noble hits a chop back. Noble then locks in a head lock trying to wear Yang down. Yang back him into the corner before Yang runs up the ropes and hits a version of a backbreaker slam. Yang then slowly makes his way to his feet holding his back. Noble starts to get to his feet as well. Both superstars have returned to their feet as the run at each other. They each grab each other around the neck and slam each other to the mat. Both superstars again climb back to their feets slowly. Noble and Yang again run at each other but this time they hits a crossbody on each other. The crowd is in shock as both men keep doing the same moves on each other. Both men again climb to their feet exhausted. Noble this time waits for Yang to sprint at him but Yang just stands there. Noble then runs at Yang who ducks the clothesline before springboarding and missing the heelkick on Noble who then hits a forearm as Yang is in the air. Yang falls to the mat. Noble then lifts Yang to his feet and sets him up for the tiger bomb and he hits it and then makes the pin 1...2...3

Winner Jamie Noble.

Gards: Well what an hellacious match up we just had. It looked like these two were ready to kill each other. Thank god they finished it.

Tazz: Well I think they should of killed each other. They have had a small rivalry over the past week and this should of been the climax.

Gards: Tazz, You get more insensitive by the week. Well now we will have an interview with Maria and London and Kendrick.

Maria: I am here with my lovely guest tonight London and Kendrick. Guys how do you feel after the events of Monday night Madness.

London: Well Maria, Ryder and Hawkins attacking us for the last two weeks tells us something. That they are scared. They are scared that we casn do thing that they can't

Kendrick: That is right we can dominate them anytime anyday. We will destroy both Hawkins and Ryder. We will retain these tag titles. They can't do what we can do as Paul said. They are not in our league.

Maria: What your saying is that they can't perform moves that you can do.

London: No, Maria we are saying that there are a contrast of styles tonight. They are more technical then us. Now we have to go get ready for out match.

We cut back to the arena where we hear the music of Carlito as he enters through the curtain with his apple in hand. He walks down to the ring looking confident but not cocky. He enters the ring and taunts the crowd as he gets a great pop. Gregory Helms then makes his way down to the ring with the primetime title strung over his shoulder. He walks down to the ring taunting the crowd getting booed repeatedly. He climbs into the ring taunting Carlito with the primetime title. He givese the title to the referee as He gets ready to compete.


The referee rings the bell as both competitors circle the ring together before locking up in a collar and elbow tie up. Helms gets Carltio into a side headlock. Carltio walks back to the ropes and sends Helms into the opposite ropes. Carltio then bends down for the back body drop but Helms hits a kick to the shoulder before coming off the roppes and hitting a swinging neckbreaker. Helms then returnbs to his feet quickly taunting Carlito to get to his feet. Carlito does and he blocks a punch from Helms before hitting an elbow to the head and getting Helms in a front face lock. Carlito lifts Helms up and hits a quick snap suplex before returning to his feet and running at the ropes and hits a springboard splash. Carlito is fired up as he lifts Helms to his feet and Irish whips him to the turnbuckle and running off the ropes and hitting a swinging tornado DDT. Carlito then returns to his feet before climbing up to the second rope and he jumps looking for a splash but Helms elevates his foot driving his foot into the head of Carlito. Helms then slowly returns to his feet as Carlito stumbles around the ring. Helms runs at Carlito and hits a clothesline. Helms then taunts a little bit before locking on a half boston crab on Carlito who starts to squirm to the bottom rope and has a look of anguish on his face. He then lets out a yell of pain as He grabs the bottom rope and shakes it. The referee starts to count as Helms brakes the hold at 4. The referee warns him to listen to him. Helms pushes the referee away and starts to kick the now standing Carlito. Helms goesa back and comes off the ropes and hits a shoulder block no Carlito who falls against the ropes. Helms then staerts to punch Carlitos head but Carlitos hair softening the punches as he starts hitting punch after punch on Helms. Carltio then hits a kick to the midsection as he runs back to the ropes and hits a knee lift.

Carlito then mounts Helms and starts to hits punch after punch to the head of Helms. Carlito then starts to knee the ribs of Helms before getting back to his feet and sitting Helms up and locks in a abdomen stretch on Helms who yells out in pain. Carlito wrenches the hold as Helms is trying to hold on. Helms then elbows Carlito in the midsection before hitting an elbow to the Jaw as Carlito releases the hold. Helms climbs slowly back to his feet as does Carlito. Helms hits a knee to the midsection before Irish whipping Carlito to the turnbuckle. Helms then runs with a full head of steam and hits the turnbuckle with his head. Carlito then roll him up for the pin 1...2... Helms kick out. Carlito then returns to his feet as does Helms who starts to punch Carlito with punches to the shoulder. Helms then hits a forearm to the back and Carlito walks forward cringing from the pain. Helms then hits another forearm to the back before hitting an inverted neckbreaker. Helms then comers off the ropes and hits two knees to the sternum of Carlito. Helms then returns to his feet and climbs up to the second rope and He leaps but Carlito rolls out of the way of the splash. Carlito then slowly returns to his feet and starts to trash talk Helms who is still on the mat. Carlito then runass off the ropes and leaps over Helms before hitting a crossbody on the formerly standing Helms. Carlito then again get back to his feet and does the Hurricanes old taunt to the joy of the crowd who start laughing. Helms starts to returrn to his feet and he sees that Carlito is doing this and he starts to hit punches to the midsection before hitting a kick to the midsection and hitting a springboard snap suplex on Carlito. Helms then backs up and leans up against the ropes resting and waiting for Carlito to rise to his feet. Carlito is just about on his feet as Helms runs and looks for the Shining Wizard. Carlito barely moves out of the wayu asw Helms hits air as Carlito gets a quick roll up 1...2... Helms gets his shoulder off of the canvas.

Helms gets quickly back to his feet angered at the missed Shining Wizard. Carlito gets slowly back to his feet as both Helms and Carlito lock up in a collar and elbow tie up before Helms hits a quick kick to the midsection before rebounding off the ropes and look to hit a swing neckbreaker but Carlito pushes him away and as He comes back Carlito look to hit the Backstabber but Helms hold the top rope and Carlito falls back first to the mat. Helms then turns around cockily and taunts tre crowd who throw him boo after boo. Helms then makes the pin on Carlito who quickly kicks out before the referee has the chance to start the count. Carlito then pokes the eyes of Helms with the referee not noticing. Helms climbs back up to his feet as does Carlito who starts hitting punches to the head of Helms who falls back to the ropes. Carlito then Irish whips him to the opposite ropes before springboarding and hitting a back elbow to the midsection of Helms. Carlito then runs off the ropes and hits a splash onto Helms. Carlito then climbs back to his feet and taunts the crowd before climbing up to the top rope. Helms then returnsd to his feet and gets hit with a missile dropkick. Helms goes flying out of the ring but Carlito hits the mat hard as it looked like Helms grabbed the feet of Carlito. Helms then grabs a chair from beneath the ring and as Carlito rises to his feet and exits the ring looking for Helms who cracks him over the head with the chair asd the referee calls for the bell

Winner: Carlito by DQ

Helms then drops the chair as He stares at the fallen Carlito before leaving Ringside as EMTS come and check on Carlito.


Ladder Title Match

CWA Title
Chavo Guerrero vs Kid Kash vs RVD

Tag Team Titles
London and Kendrick vs Kurt Hawkis and Zack Ryder

OOC: If you have posted a showe lately . Say in your PArt on review and I will review it soon. Also sorry for no preview or graphics

CT Styles

BM: Helms/Carlito

WM: -

BP: Well London/Maria/Kendrick was the only one.

WP: No others

AC: Good first part, both matches were pretty good and I enjoyed them, I liked the Helms/Carlito match better hen the Yang/Noble one, Ijust felt it flowed better. Would of been better with GFX but that doesn't matter I look forward to the other matches. Check out WWE: Big Time's Final Part of WM24 if ya want.

Rating: 7/10


Sep 6, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match:: Carlito VS Helms was the better match

Worst Match:: Both matches were good

Best Promo:: Paul London Maria and Brian Kendrick

Worst Promo:: None

Additional Comments:: Good first part, Looking forward to the Ladder Title Match

Rating:: 7/10

Also please check out Razor Edge Wrestling if you get a second I posted my show Blackout recently and would like for you to review

The Rated R CMStar

Good first part, I think that GFX could have helped the PPV even more. Second part has all the tools to be a lot better that part 1. I will be revewing.

Check out WWE vs ECW, WWE show has been posted


Active Member
Feb 8, 2008
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Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
BM= Carlito vs Helms
WM= They were both good.
BP= London and Kendrik
WP= None.
AC= Great first part. Hope the second is just as good.
CP= Check out TMW. There first PPV is up now

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Nice Part 1, both matches are good so far, I can't wait for the Ladder title match and so does the main event!

Gards Jr.

Active Member
Oct 21, 2007
Reaction score
Deception Part 2

We go backstage as Chavo Guerrero is standing with Todd Grisham

Grisham: Please Welcome my guest at this time, He is hopefully going to be holding the CWA by the end of the night.

Guerrero: Hopefully Todd, Who am I facing to to night. RVD, who I would of beat too weeks ago if my other opponent tonight had not, as I said that night, He screwed me out of the victory. Kid Kash wishes he was at my league He does.

Grisham: Well you certainly sound confident.

Guerrero: Of course I am confident Todd. I face a person that is one of a kind who can shove that up his arse beacause He ain't one of a kind around here. Kid Kash is just a kid and does not deserve what I have. Now I better get going before I kick your arse.

We return to the the ring area as Ladders are being brought out on the entrance ramp as the Ladder title is being raised. Billy Kidmans Music hits as He makes his way to the ring hitting the ladders as the crowd cheer. The MCMG's music hits as they make there way to the ring as Alex Shelley is dressed to compete. Funaki then makes his way to the ring ready to compete with his usual CWA thing on. Shannon Moore then makes his way to the ring taunting the crowd. CM Punk then makes his way to the ring as the crowd go crazy. He enters the ring taunting the crowd and the other Superstars in the ring. Tajiri then enters through the curtain as the superstars in the ring are shocked.

The match starts with all the superstars looking around at each other. Shelley starts to throw punches to the head of Kidman as the rest of the ring erupts. Punk and Tajiri start going at it with kicks to the calfs of each other as Punk gives Tajiri an Irish whip to the turnbuckel before running in and hitting a high knee lift Bulldog combination. Shannon Moore then exits the ring and walks to the top of the ramp and picks up a ladder which is the largest one there. Shannon Moore then walks back to the ring only to get a baseball slide from Punk into the ladder driving it into the face of Moore. Punk then picks the ladder up and places it over his head for a whirly bird. Kidman walks over and Punk sends him over with the ladder. The Japanese buzzsaw then comes up behind Punk and hits a kick to the side of the ladder and the ladder goes flying off the head of Punk. Tajiri then hits kicks to the back of Punks legs before hitting a quick roundhouse kick knocking Punk to the mat. Funaki and Shelley are on the outside of the ring fighting, Funaki throws punch after punch to the head of Shelley before hitting a quick clothesline making Shelley lean against the announce table. Tajiri after finishing with Punk comes over the top rope and hits a missile dropkick from a Placha driving Shelley through the announce table. Inside the ring Kidman who slowly reecovered and Funaki are brawling before Kidman locks in a quick front face lock before lifting him up and driving him into the top turnbuckle with a snapmare suplex. Kidman then backs up to the opposite turnbuckle and sprintsd at the ropes ear Funaki and springboards and hitys a leg drop to the back of the neck of Funkai who falls heedlessly too the mat. Kidman then runs at the slowlyu returning to his feet Punk and hits a quick swinging neckbreaker as Moore slides into the ring and starts trading punches with Kidman who is slowly losing his composure. Moore then runs back to the ropes and hits a quick heel lariat sending Kidman to the mat. Moore then exits the ring a picks up a ladder. He slides in into the riung and sets it up.

Tajiri then slowly climbs into the ring as Moore starts scaling the ladder before Tajiri then leaps off his feet and hits a leaping enzuiguri to the back of Moore who falls to the mat after trying to hold onto one of the rungs. Tajiri then after hitting the enzuiguri slowly returns to his feet and looks at the carnage in and outside the ring. As Tajiri taunts the crowd, Kidman slowly rises up to his feet before starting to hit punch after punch to the head of Tajiri who turns around as Kidman hits the second punch adn blocks one punch and hits a punch of his own before hitting a few kick to the legs of Kidman who falls back to the ropes and then blocks a clothesline from Tajiri before hitting a forearm to the back of the neck. Kidman then hits a clubbing punch to the bakc before pushing Tajiri into the turnbuckle and then hitting a dropkick pushing Tajiri out of the ring. During this. Funaki has risen to his feet and was now scaling up the ladder as Kidman notices this and tips the ladder over throwing Funaki out of the ring. Kidman then is attacked from behind by both Shelley and Punk and they start brawling. Shelley and Punk double Irish whip Kidman to the corner and Shelley tells Punk to do what He wants. Punk goes back before running and hitting his high knee lift followed by a huge bulldog. Shelley then quickly comes off the ropes and hits Punk with a boot to the face. Shelley then starts Scaling the ladder aas Tajiri re-enters the ring and just as Shelley grabs the belt Tajiri knocks the ladder over as Moore stays dangling holding onto the ladder title. Tajiri then climbs upto the top rope and just as Moore is about to unlatch the title as Tajiri leaps off the top rope and hits a missile dropkick sending Moore quite far. All the superstars are down before Punk slowly starts to rise to his feet as the carnage in the ring starts to squirm abit. Shelley then returns to his feet slowly and starts to trade punches with Punk who then hits a knee to the midsection sending Shelley to the mat.

Punk then lifts Shelley back up to his feet before Irish whipping Shelley to the ropes and lifting him into a fishermans carry. Punk before bweing able to hit the GTS is speared to the mat by Funaki who then turns it into a Lou thez press as Shelley gets hit with a combination samoan drop. Funaki then starts to his punches to the nose of Punk before hitting a knee to the side of Punk and grabbing his hair. Funaki then repeatedly slams the head of Punk into the mat before getting back to his feet and sliding out of the ring and lifting up the ring apron. He pulls out a few tables and slides them into the ring. Just as He is about to get into the ring, Tajiri slides undr the bottom rope and hits a baseball slide into Funaki. Kidman then slowly slides into the ring only to be taken down by Punk who then returned to his feet with an arm drag. Kidman then quickly gets back to his feet only to get hit with a knee lift. Kidman wobbling only to be taken down with a knee to the side of the head. Kidman falls to the mat and then rolls to the outside of the ring. Just as Punk is setting up rther ladder Tajiri enters the ring and goes to hit Punk with a high kick but Punk ducks and scoops Tajiri up and sets up for the GTS. Punk throws Tajiri down and hits the GTS. Funaki then after having recovered slides into the ring and starts punching the shit out of Punk before sending Punk down with a scoop slam and then Moore climbs into the ring and runs at Funaki who ducks the clothesline. Before he then hits a kick to the ribs and then goes for another kick that Moore blocks and the flips Funaki before starting to climbn up the ladder and He unhooks the title for the win just as Shelley slides into the ring.

Winner: Shannon Moore.

Shannon Moore stands atop the ladder hugging the title.

Gards: What a win there by Shannon Moore. He really did deserve that but so did all the other competitors. That was truly a hellacious match up.

Tazz: Well I believe that Funaki was screwed outr of the victory there. But now that that is all said and done. The CWA prodution team has put together a couple of videos.

The first video plays and it is hype for the next CWA PPV, Mindgames. The video plays for awhile till we come to a recap for the CWA Title match starting with the battle royale. We then return back to the arena where the Ladder Match equipment has been cleaned up.

Jason Gards: Okay we are back live and boy am I looking forward to Mindgames. No Matches have been announced so far but I can gurantee that you will get your moneys worth.

Tazz: Okay I think it is about time for our next match of the night. It will be for the tag titles and with these two car crashes and the two next big things.

Gards: But Tazz I believe that London and Kendrick are easily better than Ryder and Hawkins but we will see right now.

London and Kendricks music hits and they sprint down to the ring after taunting the crowd with the masks on there face. They climb up the turnbuckles taunting the crowd before hitting a backflip much to the amazement of the cheering crowd but there cheers immediately turn too boos as Ryder and Hawkins walk out on stage each with Microphones in hand.

Ryder: Cut the music, Now guys, I would like to make a proposition for you. Now right now we have a tag title match. But wouldn't it be much easier for all of us if you just surrended those titles to us.

The crowd start to boo Ryder and Hawkins. Then London and start to talk abit as Hawkins puts the microphone up to his mouth

Hawkins: Also this will save you having to nurse your injuries after we kick your, that is unless you surrender those there tag titles. So what will be your big decision.

London and Kendrick talk to each other as the crowd continue to boo Hawkins and Ryder. A microphone is slided into London and Kendrick. Kendrick picks it up and starts to speaks as the crowd quieten down.

Kendrick: Hey guys, We migt actually accept this offer but I dont know what Jason will think. So how about you guys come down to the ring and you just pin us straight off the bat, deal.

Hawkins and Ryder then walk down to the ring with huge smiles on there faces and just as they get to the apron both London and Kendrick run and hits plancha from between the second and third rope. Kendrick then gets back to his feet and throws Ryder into the ring as the bell is rung.

Kendrick and Ryder lock up with each other as Kendrick has the advantage after the plancha to the outside. Kendrick hits a quick armdrag before hitting another before a hip toss sending Ryder across the ring as London gets onto the ring apron. Kendrick then lifts Ryder up to his feet and sends him to the ropes with an Irish whip and then Kendrick hits a dropkick to Ryder. Kendrick then returns to his feet and tags in the awaiting London. London enters the ring and taunts for Ryder to get to his feet and turn around. Ryder does return to his feet and then turns around into the waiting London who leaps up off his feet and hits a quick leaping Enzuiguri sending Ryder to the mat with a glazed over look on his eyes. London then climbs back up to his feet and Ryder starts to get slowly to his feet and London rebounds off the ropes and hits a springboard roundhouse kick to the back of the head of Ryder but London lands awkwardly on his leg and knee. Ryder then starts to crawl to the awaiting Hawkins and holds out his hand. London grabs hold to his knee and pulls it to his midsection. Ryder tags in Hawkins and Hawkins then starts to work over the knee of London by locking in a half boston crab stretching out Londons knee. London screams out in pain trying to get to the bottom rope. He crawls slowly to the bottom rope as Hawkins wrenches the hold back and London just grabs the bottom rope shaking it showing the referee who starts the count as Hawkins wrenches the hold back. At the count of four Hawkins breaks the hold and drags London to his corner and makes the tag to Ryder who climbs through the second and third rope as He starts to stomp on Londons knee. He then rebounds off the opposite ropes and hits a splash to the knee of London who rolls over in pain. Ryder walks around cockily even going as far as tauntinmg Kendrick who tries to get in the ring but Thhe referee stops him as Hawkins gets in the ring and they start to walk over the knee with stomps before Hawkins exits the ring.

Ryder then positions the leg of London onto the bottom rope and runs off the ropes again going to his another splash on the knee. London tghen pulls back abit with his hands causing Ryder to miss the splash. London starts to crawl to the corner and make the tag to Brian Kendrick. Before he can, Ryder is able to make the tag to the awaiting Hawkins who grabs the injured leg of London. London then stasrts to rise off his feet and hits a quick mule kick to the jaw of Hawkins. London then agasin start to crawl to make the tag to Kendrick. He finnaly does just as Hawkins returns to his feet. Hawkins runs at Kendrick who hits a quick arm drag throwing Hawkins across the ring. Ryder then enters the ring and looks for a clothesline but Kendrick throws him out of the ring with an arm drag. Hawkins gets back to his feet and gets hit with an Armdrag, armbar combination. Kendrick keeps the hold on for ten seconds before releasing it and coming off the ropes and hitting a low superkick. Kendrick taunts abit before tagging in a tired London who climbs slowly to the top rope and He leaps off and hits a leg drop but the knee lands awkwardly adding further injury to his knee. London with Hawkins still done after the leg drop makes the pin 1...2... kickout by Hawkins. London then gets slowly to his feet and hops over and tags in Kendrick who enters the ring jumping over the top rope and springboards and looks to hit a quick moonsault but taking too much time. Hawkins moves out of the road causing Kendick to crash and Burn.

Hawkins then starts to crawl over and after a while He makes the tag to Ryder who explodes after coming into the ring and He takes Kendrick who returned to his feet a clothesline before hitting a quick clothesline and then another after Kendrick got back to his fee. Kendrick stays on the mat this time and Ryder starts to stomp on both legs of Kendrick before he lifts up the legs and rolls Kendrick over and locks in a full boston crab. Kendrick thrashes his arms around trying to get to the ropes but is unable to yet. Ryder pulls back on the hold. Kendrick screams out in pain crawling towards the bottom rope. He is just about to grab it when Ryder pulls him forward. Kendrick struggles abit when London comes off the top rope and hitas a kick to the back of the head of Ryder who lets go of Kendricks legs and falls forward. Both superstars are down and they start crawling to the corners of there respective teams. Ryder is able to get to Hawkins first as London gets the tag from Kendrick as both Enter and Hawkins goes for a clothesline but London even with his bad leg ducks and hits a superkick. London then climbs slowly back up to his feet and then climbs up to the top of the turnbuckle. He leaps off the top rope and looks to his a London Calling but Hawkins moves out of the road and London hits the mat Hard. Hawkins then slowly makes his way back to his feet and sits London up. Hawkins gets London in a chin lock taking the air out of London's lungs. Hawkins then pulls the hold and London goes limp. Hawkins releases the hold and then comes off the ropes aqnd hits a splash into a pin 1...2... a suprising kickout by London gets the crowd going. Hawkins cant believe it as He lifts London to his feet who starts to fire punches at the head of Hawkins and then London runs back and comes off the ropes but Hawkins hits a quick spear knocking London off his feet. Ryder runs over and knocks Kendrick off the apron and then both Hawkins and Ryder lock in a front face lock. They both fall to the mat hitting a double DDT. Ryder and Hawkins keep attacking London as the referee calls for the DQ.

Winners by DQ: London and Kendrick.

After they realised that they had been DQ'ed Hawkins slide out of the ring and grabs a couple of Chairs. Kendrick then slides into the ring to tery and protect his partner but gets a chair shot for his troubles. Hawkins then takes one of the chairs and wraps it around the leg of London and onto the Knee. Ryder then grabs the other chair and slams it down onto the leg of London twice before telling Hawkins to go to the top rope who does and leaps hitting a elbow drop onto the leg and chair of London. They then leave London and Kendrick on the mat.

We then go backstage and we see RVD walking down the halls. AJ Styles comes out from the corner of the camera and then He hits a Pele kick on RVD. Styles then laughs to himself. We cut back to the ring where there is a shock on the face of Jason Gards. Tazz is cracking himself laughing at the expression on Jason's face.

Jason: What the Hell. This is just Crazy. If AJ wants to be in the main event so bad. He will get it. Tommorrow night on Madness it will be AJ Styles vs a mystery opponent. But I hope RVD is still able to compete.

Tazz: Jason, What the hell are you thinking. RVD just got knocked unconcious by that Pele kick. But He will still have to compete tonight because He signed a contract.

Jason: Well that is what it says in the contract. I am going backstage while the newest addition to the commentary team replacing me is my brother James Gards.

James walks down the ramp to Dirty Deeds. He climbs into the announcing booth as Jason walks hurriedly to the back.

James Gards: Hey Tazz and everybody watching arounfd the world. I am your new commentator. So you betteer get used to hearing my voice. Now as you may know. I am a former competitor in many companies and I am currently on a break from Monday night Mayhem from the IWF.

Tazz: Well I don't care who you are. I am alllowed to be myself now that Jason is no longer commentator. So you cannot do a single thing about it.

James: You do know that Jason is my younger brother right. So now The Human Suplex machine can shut up or be fired. Okay now that, that is sorted out. Tazz what do you think will happen in the Mai.... Wait a minute. We have just found out where Jason is going. We have a camera following him.

We go backstage to see Jason walking down the corridor passing Various CWA superstars. He comes to the door that reads. T. Long. He enters the room to see Teddy on the phone. Teddy notices this.

Teddy: Umm well my Boss just walked in and I kind of have to go. Talk to you later playa.

Teddy hangs up the phone.

Teddy Long:So whats on your mind playa. I got stuff to do to help you run the show.

Jason then backs Teddy up against the wall and pushes him against the wall.

Jason: I told you to make sure that noone interfered in the main event. Before or after.

Just at the moment CM Punk and AJ Styles walk into the room laughing before seeing the scene. They go to back out but Jason Starts to speak

Jason: Now Guys if you leave this room then you will be fired.

CM Punk then sprints out of the room andn the door gets shut. This means that Punk is now fired. We go back to the ring as the cameraman is locked out. We then hear the music of Chavo Guerrero after a long pause. He walks down to the ring cockily. He enters the ring and taunts the crowd. Kid Kash then emerges from the curtain taunting the crowd. Chavo stares a hole through Kash. Kash then taunts Chavo befoe climbing into the ring. One of a kind hits the arena and he limps with a glazed over look down to the ring and getss into the ring by climbing up the stairs. The referee then rings the bell.

Kash and Chavo then lock up in a collar and elbow tie up before both break it. Chavo then turns his attention away from Kash and runs at RVD and hits a quick clothesline knocking him down. Kash then turns Chavo around and talks to him. Both then lift RVD up and send him to the ropes before hitting a quick double back body drop. Chavo then omes off then ropes and hitas a splash. Kash then starts to double stomp on both Chavo and RVD. Kash then smiles happily. Kash then hits a few stomps to the midsection of RVD before rolling Chavo off the top of RVD and then hits a few stomps to the back of Chavo. RVD then tries to get up but fails. Chavo then gets to one knee before trying to get back to his feet as Kash continues taunting with his back turned. Chavo then awaits Kash to turn back around before He hits a dropkick knocking Kash out of the ring before running back off the ropes and hitting another splash on the already injured RVD. Chavo then lifts RVD back up before Irish whipping him to the ropes and hitting an inverted atomic drop. Chavo then hits a scoopslam before hitting a few stomps. Chavo then runs off the ropes and plancha's through the middle rope and takes out the awaiting Kid Kash who moves out of the road and He hits the mat hard. Kash then slowly regaining his composure slides into the ring. Kash then hits a right hand to the head of the now standing RVD who replies with a hard forearm to the face befotre hitting a quick spike DDT. All superstars are down now but boith Kash and RVD start returning to their feet. RVD presumably with a second wind starts hitting an elbow to the midsection before locking up in a collar and elbow tie up before Kash locks in a side Headlock. RVD backs Kash to the ropes aand pushes hi off. RVD then hits a quick spinning heel lariat. then again returns to his feet only to see Chavo returning to his feet on the outside of the ring. RVD then runs of the ropes and springboards off odf the top rope and hits a crossbody taking both of them out. Kash now returning slowly to his feet looks to the outside before climbing out there. Kash then throws Chavo into the ring and makes the pin 1...2... kickout.

Kash gets up onto his knees shocked and He pushes back his medium length golden hair and then rweturns to his feet and argues with the referee. Kash then lifts Chavo op to his feet and locks in an inverted face lock. Kash lifts Chavo off of his feet ansd up in position for the dead level. Kash is about to hit it when chavo slips out and goes behind Kash before hitting an inverted neckbreaker. All the superstars in the match are down once again. Chavo starts to climb up to his feet and He finally does. He looks at the legs of Kash and lifts them up. Chavo puts his leg between and locks in a sharpshooter. Chavo wrenches the hold as Kash Screams out in pain before starting to crawl towards the bottom rope. Kash is refraining from tapping just as RVD springboards from the top rope and hits a spinning heelkick to the chest of Chavo. RVD hits the mat quite hard after hitting the heelkick on Chavo. All the superstars in match are down and are staying down. After about 1 minute RVD starts to stir. RVD and Kash are starting to get to their feet and they both get to one knee. RVD throws a strike but Kash returns it as they raise themselves to their feet as Chavo stays on the mat. Kash then throws another strike but RVD quickly returns it with a kick to the midsection. Kash grabs the leg of RVD and RVD swings the leg over looking for an enzuiguri but Kash ducks but RVD brings the leg back and hits a reverse enzuiguri. Kash falls to the mat hards as RVD somehow stays on his feet. RVD then falls to the mat and He then makes the pin on the fallen Kid Kash 1...2...kickout.

RVD slowly returns to his feet holding his head still hurting from the Pele kick. RVD then comes off the opposite ropes and He hits a quick rolling thunder onto Kid Kash. RVD then taunts the crowd before lifting CHavo up and throwing him into the corner before walking in and taunting the crowd. RVD then grabs the head of Chavo and RVD hits the Monkey Flip. RVD then climbs up to the top rope and again taunts the crowd and then He points at Kid Kash who is starting to squirm on the mat and the crowd starts to cheer. RVD then pouints to Chavo and the cheers get louder. RVD then gets onto the top turnbuckel and looks to ht the five star frog splash but Chavo moves and then RVD hits the mat hard. Chavo then slowly gets to his feet as does Kid Kash. They then advance towards each other and they lock up in a collar and elbow tie up. Chavo then locks in a side headlock and holds onto the hold before being backed into the turnbuckle by Kash who hits a back suplex onto the turnbuckle. Kash then locks in a quick inverted front Face lock and lifts Chavo up before falling down hitting a quick dead level. Kash before making the pin. Is attacked from behind by RVD with a inverted neckbreaker. RVD then taunts the crowd before running back and hitting a rolling thunder on Kash. RVD then climbs up to the top rope and just as He is about to leap. Styles music hits and He runs down to the ring and taunts RVD who gets down and starts to brawl with Styles. Just at this point. Chavo drapes his arm over the top of Kash making the pin 1...2...3

Winner and New CWA Champion: Chavo Guerrero.

Chavo Guerrero taunts with the title after He returns to his feet as the show goes off air.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

bm: ladder match, exciting
wm: n/a
bp: hmmmmm ill go with chavo guerrero
wp: n/a
af: good show, nice seeing you push shannon