CWA:Cruiserweight Wrestling Alliance

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The Rated R CMStar

Great preview. RVD vs Chavo Guerrero should be an amazing match, and I am curious to see who will be the new number one contenders. That's a good starting and realistic rating. Let's see if the wrestler being contacted finally accepts the deal

Gards Jr.

Active Member
Oct 21, 2007
Reaction score
Monday the 21st of January
Monday night Madness at the Staples center Los Angeles.

Gards: Welcome one and all to the second show of Monday night madness. Tonight will be very exciting with the crowning of the first ever CWA champion. Will RVD or Chavo Guerrero walk out with the title.

Tazz: Also we have a 15 man battle royale tonight to determine the number one contender.

MacMilitant plays out through the arena as Teddy Long emerges from behind the curtain. He walks slowly to the ring proudly picking up the microphone waiting on the steel steps for him. He steps in the ring and waits for the crowd to settle down. He then starts to speak.

Long: Welcome everyone to the second show of Monday night Madness. Last week I was announced the General Manager. Tonight I made a match for the number one contendership to the tag title. I will not be a 2 team tag match but a triple threat match up involving one superstar from each team. Each team will pick one competitor to compete. Also tonight we have the 15 man battle royale. Every superstar isallowed to compete except for the superstars in the main event. To gain entrance you must come and see me in my office. Okay have a good night everyone.

Tazz: What an announcement by Long there. He sure is making you proud Jason good choice on picking him.

Gards: I knew I had hired the right man for the job. Anyway after the break I have an announcement to make. Join us to see Madness after the break.

Commercial Break.

Gards is waiting inside the ring as the crowd starts to quiet down.

Gards: Everyone in this arena, Hell everybody watching at home is only tuned in for one reason and one reason only to see pure madness. So therefore, tonight our main event will be Chavo Guerrero vs RVD in a special referee match. Who is the referee you ask. It will be the winner of the battle royale for the number one contendership. Have a goo...

Guerrero's music hits and he walks out to ring microphone in hand. He gets into the ring and stares at Gards.

Guerrero: Jason, Do not say another word. Just listen, you say that the winner of the battle royale will be the special referee.

Gards: Yes

Guerrero: I said shut up. Now are you trying to screw me out of the title. Because that is what people always do to me and I am sick of it. Now repeal the special referee stipulation or I qui...

One of a kind blares through the arena. Rob Van Dam emerges from behind the curtain and walks to the ring. He jumps into the ring and does the 3 thumbs to himself taunt. He then goes to the side of the ring and grabs a microphone and begins to speak.

RVD: Okay Chavo we all know that you have a history of quiting. You have quitted twice before in WWE so we all know that you have the balls to quit. But do you want to go back to that hellhole WWE. Seriously all but a few people there are not asshole. If you don't stay here where else would you get a main title shot. TNA, where all the washed up WWE superstars go to dominate useless bastards. All the best wrestlers and cruiserweight are here so stay or stray.

Gards: Guys. The special referee rule stands and Chavo if you don't like that then get the F*** out of my ring and go cry to the WWE. Okay lets get you 2 out of my ring and to the back so we can start our next match.

Both Van Dam and Chavo head backstage seperately. Gards then heads back to the announce table. The mexicools music hits and they head to the ring. They enter the ring and Crazy points at Psicosis. The MCMG then head out to the ring. Shelley the only one dressed to compete. He enters the ring and stares a hole in Psicosis. Zack Ryder comes down to the ring alone and slides in and taunts the crowd as Psicosis and Shelley enter the ring.

Alex Shelley vs Psicosis vs Zack Ryder.
They all start off trying to get a feel for the ring. Ryder is the first to move as he runs at Psicosis who leaps off his feet and hits a rana on Ryder. Shelley then comes and hits a standing dropkick on Psicosis who falls to the mat. Shelley then lifts Ryder to his feet and hits another dropkick. Shelley then waits for Psicosis to get to his feet and he hits a quick clothesline. Shelley then comes off the ropes and drops both knees to the face of Psicosis. Shelley then lifts Ryder to his feet and hits a leaping enzuiguri. Psicosis is slowly making his way to his feet as Shelley runs at him looking for a quick to the head. Psicosis moves and then starts kicking the back of Shelley's legs sending him to the mat. Psicosis then climbs to the second rope and hits a quick flying crossbody on Ryder. Shelley then makes his way to his feet only to be sent down to the mat by a dropkick from Psicosis who makes the pin 1..2.. kickout by Shelley. Psicosis then climbs back to his feet and faces the ropes looking away from Shelley. Psicosis then jumps and hits a quick moonsault on Shelley. Psicosis then pulls Ryder to the middle of the ring and hits another moonsault. Psicosis this time climbs to the top rope and faces the crowd and he tries too hits the moonsault on Shelley who barely moves out of the way and Psicosis slams chest first into the mat. Shelley then slowly gets to his feet as does Ryder. Shelley then hits a chop on Ryder who falls back to the turnbuckle. Shelley then sprints at Ryder who raises one leg and slams his boot into the face of Shelley. Shelley falls back as Ryder comes out of the corner and hits a clothesline. Psicosis is slowly getting to his feet mand he does but is still bended over holding his chest. Ryder then runs and hits a quick swinging neckbreaker. Shelley is getting to his feet slowly with the help of the ropes. Ryder then looks to clothesline Shelley over the top rope. Shelley falls top the mat and pulls down the top rope. Ryder falls to the mat awkwardly and his neck snaps back hitting the mat. Psicosis then comes off the opposite ropes and goes to his a baseball slide but Shelley rolls out of the ring and onto the mat as Psicosis falls out of the ring and onto Ryder. Shelley slowly gets to his feet and rolls into the ring. He waits for abit for both Psicosis and Ryder to get their feet. Shelley leaps over the top rope and hits the mat chest first as Ryder and Psicosis move out of the way. Psicosis then gets into the ring as does Ryder who hits a quick clothesline and then another before putting Psicosis in an inverted face lock and hitting a DDT and then a pin 1...2...3

Winner Zack Ryder

Tazz: What a win by one half of the new #1 contenders for the CWA tag titles. He really made his team proud even though Kurt ain't even out here.

Gards: What a match and what an idea by General Manager Teddy Long. He really is showing what Madness is all about. Anyway after the break we have the fatal four way for the primetime title.

Commercial Break.

Gards: Welcome back one and all to Monday night Madness. Before the break we had our first dose of madness and now prepare for your second dose.

Tazz: We have a match for the first ever Primetime championship. Tonight we will have all the competitors who failed in there triple threat matches competing for the title.

Gregory Helms starts to make his way to the ring just as Tazz finishes speaking. He enters the ring and taunts the crowd as he waits for his opponents. I spit in the face of people who don't want to be cool plays throughout the arena. Carlito emerges from beind the curtain with the apple in hand. He walks slowly to the ring and taunts the crowd as he enters the ring looking menacingly at Helms. Redneck plays throughout the arena as Jimmy Wang Yang makes his way to the ring. He dances around abit and walks to the ring looking at both Helms and Carlito. AJ Styles then comes out and taunts the crowd and his opponents in the ring. He enters the ring and the bell is rung.

Primetime championship
Gregory Helms vs Carlito vs Jimmy Wang Yang vs AJ Styles
Helms is the first to move as he hits a shoulder block on Yang who quickly returns to his feet. Styles blindsides Carlito who was happy watching Helms. Styles then hits a quick dropkick befor espringboarding off the second rope and hitting a kick to the side of Helms. Yang then gets to his feet and hits a leaping enzuiguri on Styles who falls to the mat with a faraway look in his eyes. Carlito is getting slowly to his feet only to get a kicked in the side of the head with a low heel lariat from Yang. Yang runs crazily around the ring as Helms gets to his feet. Yang goes to hit a heelkick but Helms moves and hits an enzuiguri himself. Helms then looks to hit the shining wizard on Carlito who collapses to the mat barely dodging the kick. Helms angrily lifts Carlito to his feet and starts pummeling him with rights and lefts driving him into the corner. Helms then goes back to the opposite corner and then sprints full speed at Carlito and hits a clothesline into the turnbuckle. Carlito barely hangs on not going to the mat. Helms then goes back again. He sprints again an d Styles out of nowhere hits a back body drop driving Helms into Carlito. Styles then looks at Helms and Carlito and then looks at the ropes. Styles springboards off the ropes and hits a crossbody into the turnbuckle. All three men fall to the mat. Yang then slowly gets to his feet with help from the ropes and looks at the carnage before making the quick pin on Helms 1..2... kickout by Helms. Yang then gets to his feet and makes the pin on Carlito this time 1..2... kickout by Carlito. By this time, Styles had gotten to his feet and Yang looks to kick him in the back of the hamstring but Styles then hits a quick chop. Yang fires back a kick to the ribs. Styles then starts unloading punxches on Yang backing him up against the ropes. Styles then climbs to the second rope. He leaps and hits an enzuiguri off the ropes and then falls to the mats outside of the ring. The referee climbs out of the ring and then checks on Styles as Helms slips out of the ring and grabs a steel chair. He slides into the ring and then places the chair on the head of Carlito. He then hits a leg drop onto the chair crushing ther faciaal features of Carlito. He then moves the chair out of the ring and makes the pin on a bleeding Carlito 1...2...3

Winner and new Primetime champion Gregory Helms.

Tazz: What a win by Helms there. He made the best of the situation and then picked up the win

Gards: He cheated plain and simple. That's just plain cheating. Anyway after the break we will have the unveiling of the new CWA logo

Commercial Break

Tazz: Welcomer back. If you are just joining us tonight we have seen Gregory Helms capture the Primetime title and also Zack Ryder and Kurt Hawkins become number one contenders for the tag titles. Right now before the next commercial we have the battle royale and the unveiling of the new CWA Logo and that is why Jason Gards is in the ring right now.

Gards: Everybody in this arena knows why I am in the middle of the ring. I a here to unveil the new CWA logo. First of all for the logo I would like to thank the graphics company Weebo Inc. And secondly I would like to thank all the superstars for joining CWA and without further ado lets showof this new logo

Gards pulls off the sheet and then walks out of the ring with the board and then all the superstars in the battle royale make their way to the ring to start. There was London and Kendrick, Kurt Hawkins, Nunzio, Jamie Noble, Kid Kash, Christopher Daniels, Funaki, Shannon Moore, JTG, Daivari, Chris Sabin, SuperCrazy, Jimmy Wang Yang and AJ Styles.

Battle Royale for the #1 contendership for the CWA Title
All the superstars look around at each other before JTG started laying punches on Daivari who started punching back. This ignited the others who started punching the others. Funaki was battling with Hawkins with Heavy kicks to the back of the legs. Kendrick and London were double teaming Yang trying to get him over the top rope. Kash then came up behind London and Kendrick and hit a forearm to both of their backs. Yang then skins the cat re entering the ring. He sits there leaning on the ropes before going to work on Moore. Styles was sitting perched on the top rope till he jumps and hits Nunzio with a crossbody. Sabin is nearly over the top rope but he slowly rolls into the ring to avoid being eliminated. Daniels is the only one not to get involved till he tries to flip JTG over the top rope with then help of Crazy. JTG then lands feet first on the apron and then jumps over the top rope and hits a kick on Daniels who gets sent to the mat. Crazy then is nearly sent over the rope by Kash. Crazy then tries to skin the cat but Kash then shakes the second rope causing Crazy to fall to the mats below.

SuperCrazy is eliminated.

Daniels then comes up behind Kash aand looks to put him over the top rope but Kash is able to hang onto the bottom rope as the crowd starts to boo heavily at Kash being in the Royale still. London is trying to eliminate Daivari as Kendrick is close to eliminating Moore who then slides through the second rope and kicks Kendrick in the back of the leg and then hitting a swinging neckbreaker. London then comes off the opposite ropes and hits a spinning heel lariat on Daivari who falls to the mat.London then lifts Daivari back to his feet and throws him over the top rope.

Daivari is eliminated.

Moore is sitting perched on the top rope as Styles runs over and wraps his legs around Moore's neck. Styles then swings around and throws Moore out of the ring and to the mats but Styles goes out and onto the mats also eliminating them both

AJ Styles and Shannon Moore are eliminated.

JTG is going to work on Daniels with lefts hands to the head and face. JTG then back off abit before runningt and hitting a clothesline on Daniels. JTG then lifts him back to his feet and leans him on the ropes. JTG then goes back and hits a huge superkick on Daniels pushing him over the top rope and onto the mat.

Chris Daniels is Eliminated.

London is throwing punches hard to the head of Funaki. Kendrick then joins London in punching Funaki. They double Irish whip him and then hit a double dropkick. On the other side of the ring, Nunzio then hit an enzuiguri to Hawkins before lifting him into a reverse front face lock and running up the ropes and hitting sliced bread #2. Nunzio then returns to his feet anmd lifts Hawkins to his feet and throws him over the top rope and out of the ring.

Kurt Hawkins is eliminated

Sabin and Funaki are now double teaming London and Kendrick. Sabin then hits a few punches on Kendrick before hitting a quick Rana nearly throwing him out of the ring. Sabin then lifts Kendrick to his feet and clotheeslines him over the top rope sending himself out as well. London is looking at his partner's eimination when Kid Kash runs up behind him and eliminates him.

Paul London, Brian Kendrick and Chris Sabin are eliminated.

With only 6 competitors left. The action is heating up with Kid Kash fresh off his elimination on London is laying punches to the head of Yang. Funaki is being beaten brutally by both Noble and JTG while Nunzio is sitting in the corner watching the action. Nunzio then decides to get in on the action by laying puinches to the back of JTG before trying to throw him out of the ring. JTG lands on the apron before headbutting Nunzio in the sternum. JTG then springboards to the top rope only to be pushed off by Kid Kash who ran over after seeing this and pushed JTG off.

JTG is Eliminated.

Yang then walks slowly over to Kash kicking him in the back of the knee causiong him to lower his position. Yang then hits a dropkick to thwe back sending into the ropes and over but not out. Kash hangs on to the top rope and slides himself into the ring. Yang then walks over to the opposite ropes presumably for a rest. Nunzio and Noble are firing punches before Nunzio gets the upper hand and Irish whips him to the ropes. Noble runs back and then hits a kick to the shoulder to the telegraphed move of Nunzio. Noble then hits a high boot to the face knocking Nunzio over the top rope.

Nunzio is eliminated.

Yang notice the elimination and climbs to the top rope, He looks to the crowd and then waits for Noble to come closer. Noble does finally noticing. He runs towards Yang who jumps and hits a missile dropkick. Yang then slowly gets to his feet and looks out towards the crowd as they cheer loudly. Noble then slowly gets to his knee when Yang then goes to throw Noble over the top rope and he holds on. Yang then tries to put him over the top rope. Kash then fully recuperated throws Yang out of the ring causing Noble to fall down as Well.

Jamie Noble and Jimmy Wang Yang are Eliminated.

Winner: Kid Kash.

Kash celebrates as he slowly goes to the back getting ready for his referee job.

Gards: Well what a win there by that talented man. He definantly earned that victory eliminating 5 of the 15 competitors. Well lets see how he does as the special referee for our main event.

Commercial Break.

Tazz: Welcome Back everyone. We are here with the main event entrance. The match will be between Chavo Guerrero and Rob Van Dam with the new number one contender for the very title they are fighting for the CWA Title.

Kid Kash is waiting in the ring breathing heavily. One of a kind plays throughout the arena as RVD makes his way to the ring. He does his taunt as he gets into the ring. He then waits for Chavo to get to the ring. Chavo then slowly makes his way to the ring taunting the crowd. He enters the ring staring at RVD then at Kash. Kash calls for the bell as the match starts.


RVD stares at Chavo before doing his taunt. Chavo then does Eddie's taunt. RVD then sprints at Chavo and hits a lariat, followed by a modified rolling thunder. Chavo then slowly gets to one knee only to be hit by a low heelkick from RVD. Chavo falls like a bag of bricks while RVD once again taunts the crowd. Chavo is slowly up to one knee. RVD waits slowly for Chavo to get to his feet. When Chavo does, RVD gives him and Irish whip into the corner. RVD then rushes towards him and looks to hit a clothesline but Chavo moves and RVD hits the turnbuckle. Chavo then hits a quick STO before stomping on RVD. Chavo then stops stomping and comes off the ropes and mockingly hits a sloppy looking rolling thunder on RVD. Chavo gets to his feet with a huge smirk on his face. Chavo then climbs up to the top rope and taunts for the frog splash. Chavo then leaps off the top rope but RVD moves and Chavo hits the mat chest first. RVD then seeing Chavo is hurt makes the quick pin 1...2... Chavo then kicks out. RVD suprised then slowly gets to his feet. RVD then lifts Chavo to his feet and Irish whips him to the corner. RVD then comes in and hits a quick monkey flip throwing Chavo halfway across the ring as the crowd lets out a huge pop. RVD then once again does his taunt before from a hugew pop from the crowd hits a rolling thunder and then makes the pin 1...2... Kash then stops counting there. RVD breaks the pin and argues with Kash over the count. Meanwhile Chavo is recuperating and then he rolls up RVD 1...2... kickout by RVD. Chavo then again climbs to the top turnbuckle. He this time nails the frogsplash but before he can make the pin Kash lifts him to his feet and then hits him with the dead level. The crowd boo heavily at Kash but he then lifts RVD to his feet and hits the dead level on RVD.

Winner: No Contest

Kash then walks to the back signalling for the title cockily as the show goes off air.


Dec 1, 2007
Reaction score
BM: Battle Royal
WM: N/a
BP: First
WP: N/a
AC: Good show still looking for the CWA Champ


Sep 6, 2007
Reaction score
BM:: Main Event
WM:: Battle Royale
BP:: Chavos
WP:: N/A
AC:: Good show really liked the main event
Rating:: 8/10

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Battle Royal

Worst Match: n/a

Best Promo: Gards/Chavo/RVD

Worst Promo: n/a

Additional Feedbacks: Nice show and now I am starting to hate Kash's interference. Both men have a potential to be champion. Looks like you're going to do a triple threat fued for the title.


Dec 22, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Battle Royal

Worst Match: N/A

Best Promo: Gards, Chavo, and RVD

Worst Promo: N/A

Additional Feedback: Nice show you had. The fued for the title is looking good. I will keep reviewing your shows!

Gards Jr.

Active Member
Oct 21, 2007
Reaction score

Madness did another good rating of 1.3 which is up slightly from last weeks 1.1. The word around the company is that they would like 1.5 rating from the 4th weeks show.

BREAKING NEWS* CWA has signed a PPV deal for a whole twelve months so no matter what CWA will be on your screens

The word around WWE is that Vince McMahon is stressed with the state CWA is in with comfortable rating climbing every weeks which means that WWE fans are getting there fix of wrestling with CWA and not with WWE.

As reported last week CWA are in talks with a former cruiserweight champion. We can now reveal that this person is close to signing but nothing is official. It is also reported that he is a former tag team champ as well.

The Rated R CMStar

Great show and preview man. Now you got me real curious on who you will be signing. Can we expect a war with WWE? I will be reviewing

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Alex Shelley vs. Psicosis vs. Zack Ryder- I really got into this match much more than any other. Maybe it was the way it was written, I don't know but I really enjoyed reading this match.

Worst Match: Gregory Helms vs. Carlito vs. Jimmy Wang Yang vs. AJ Styles- This was a good match but I just couldn't get into it as much as the others.

Best Interview/Segment: Gards/Chavo/RVD- A pretty entertaining promo.

Worst Interview/Segment: N/A

Additional Feedback/Comments: This was a great show and I'm really looking forward to see how the situation between Kash, RVD and Chavo expands. This can be a very interesting feud not to mention the matches should be great as well. As for the news updates, it's great to see CWA has signed a PPV deal and I'm curious as to who the cruiserweight signee is going to be. I'm looking forward to your next show. Keep up the good work.

Gards Jr.

Active Member
Oct 21, 2007
Reaction score
Monday the 28th of January
Monday night Madness at Madison Square Garden
Crowd 10,356

A heap of Pyro goes off at the entrance ramp as the crowd are cheering as loud as ever. They can be heard screaming still as loud as possible as Jason Gards is standing the middle of the ring with a huge smile on his face as the camera scans around the arena before focusing on Gards.

Gards: Welcome one and all to the 3rd show of Monday Night Madness. The show which features all of the #1 cruiserweights in the world. Okay now to business. As announced this week, CWA has signed a PPV deal.

(The crowd pop loudly.)

Gards: Well everyone in this arena will surely have a good night tonight so all at time have a good night everybody when we start our next match.

Gards returns to the announce table a large smirk on his face as Gregory Helms music plays and he comes to the ring with the primetime title across his shoulder. He then enters the ring a big smirk on his face. I spit in the face of people who don't want to be cool plays and Carlito comes down to the ring. He has his apple in hand and he is walking to the ring and he has a bandaid on his head from last week.

Non title
Gregory Helms vs Carlito.
Both superstars start off circling the ring. Carlito advances towards Helms but pulls away at the last minute. Carlito then does the same again but Helms hits a quick clothesline on Carlito. Helms then runs at Carlito as he gets to his feet and hits a short arm clothesline. He then waits for Carlito to get to his feet before advancing and Irish whipping him to the corner. Helms then sprints at him and hits a clothesline. Helms then opens up on him with left and rights before climbing onto the second rope. Helms then grabs the hair of Carlito and starts unloading punch after punch onto the bandaid of Carlito and trash taalking him after every punch. Carlito then works up the strength to lift Helms off the turnbuckle and then hitting a slam on him to the mat. Carlito then somehow runs off the ropes and jumps over Helms who is slowly getting to his feet. Carlito the runs around Helms again and then springboards off the ropes into a waiting Helms. Carlito hits Helms with a crossbody before making the pin 1...2. kickout by Helms. Carlito then gets to his feet frustrated. blood is starting to trickle down Carlito's face after his forehead was reopened by the punches of Helms. Carlito then touches his forehead and sees the blood on his hand. Carlito the goes berserk with stomps on Helms. Carltio then lifts Helms to his feet and goes to kick him in the midsection and Helms catches the foot and then Carlito hits a quick enzuiguri. Carlito then stalks Helms for the backstabber. Helms stumble to his feet and then turns around quickly to stop the backstabber. Helms than backs away and rolls underneath the bottom rope to get a breather. Carlito then looks to the crowd and runs to the ropes and hits a huge plancha on Helms. Carlito is thrown into the barricade after the plancha. At the referees count of 5 Helms is to one knee while Carlito is still motionless. Carlito suddenly moves and gets to one knee slowly at the count of 7. Helms is to his feet and he slides into the ring as He order the referee to continue counting. The referee is at nine as Carlito just gets into the ring on time. Helms then starts stomping on Carlito preventing him from getting up. Helms then walks back to the ropes and waits for Carlito to get on his hands and knees. Carlito does and Helms advances and hits a shining wizard. He pulls Carlito into the middle of the ring and akes the pin 1...2...3

Winner Gregory Helms.

Tazz: Well what a win there by the Primetime champion over a contender for his title Carlito. Well he seems unstoppable. Now after the commercial we will have a huge announcement.

Commercial Break.

We return with Long standing in the middle of the ring with a microphone in hand. He then quietens the crowd before beginning to speak.

Long: Playa's Get ready for an announcement that you will not want to miss. As announced earlier the Pay Per View shows have come to CWA. Now our first PPV will be called Deception. And you can believe dat. Now as our main event I have decided that because of what Kid Kash did in the main event last week. We will a have a three way match with No DQ rules. Now can you dig dat.

Long leaves the ring as we cut to the backstage area. RVD is walking down the hallway as Chavo runs in and hits a short arm clothesline. Chavo then hits a chair shot to the stomach before trash talking RVD. Kash then runs in and attack RVD with stomps to the face. Long then walks by. He looks on in horror.

Long: Now see here. We can't have you two injuring him so tonight in our main event we will have Chavo Guerrero and Kid Kash teaming against Rob Van Dam and a partner of his choosing. That is if he can find anyone.

We return to the ring with the music of Nunzio and he heads out to the ring. He enters the ring as active as ever. AJ Styles then makes his way to the ring. He poses for the crowd abit before entering the ring and preparing to fight.

AJ Styles vs Nunzio.
Nunzio starts off dashing at Styles. Styles leapfrogs Nunzio before starting to hit forearms across the back. Styles then backs Nunzio in the corner before walking back to the other turnbuckle and sprinting towardsNunzio and hitting a lariat on the turnbuckle because Nunzio had moved. Nunzio then takes the advantage hitting crossfaces. He then hits a dropkick to the back of Styles who goes to the rope and then comes back to Nunzio who hits an inverted DDT. Nunzio then comes off the ropes and hits a leg drop. Nunzio is fired up and he looks to the crowd before taunting Styles. Styles gets to his feet only to be hit with a leaping enzuiguri. He then climbs to the top rope. Styles then slowly getting to his feet is about to get hit by a missile dropkick. Styles moves causing Nunzio to crash and burn. Styles then slowly makes his way to his feet with the ropes and stands waiting for Nunzio to return to his feet. After awhile. Nunzio returns to his feet as Styles runs to the ropes across from him and then springboards and hits a flipping reverse DDT.Nunzioo is motionless on the mat as Styles gets to one knee. He gets fully to his feet after a small while Styles then looks around the large arena before climbing to the top rope, He looks to the arena as he leaps off the top turnbuckle and hits a 450 splash on Nunzio. Styles is to worn out to follow up as both men are laying prone on the mat. The referee starts the count. At the count of 4 Styles gets to a knee. The count gets to 8 and Styles is at his feet while Nunzio is on one knee. Styles then runs and hits a swinging neckbreaker. Styles then slowly drapes an arm over for the pin 1...2... kickout by Nunzio. Both superstars get fully to their feet at nine. Nunzio starts hitting forearms to the face of Styles. Nunzio then come off the ropes only to be dropped with a dropkick from Styles. Styles then waits for Nunzio to get to his feet and when Nunzio does Styles scoops him up into the position for the Styles Clash and he hits it and then makes the pin 1...2...3

Winner AJ Styles.

Tazz What a win by AJ Styles there. He is really showing what cruiserweight wrestling is all about. Okay I have gotten word that the number one contenders for the tag titles are backstage.


Hawkins: Well last week Zack here won the number one contenders 3 way match so we could become the number on contenders to the crazy arses of tag team champs. The only reason we did not win that 4 way ladder match is because that I was stuck in the turnbuckle for most of the match. So we are making a challenge to those two to face us at Deception. We will defeat them so we can actually hold those titles. So at Decimation. London, Kendrick you will get decimated.

They leave the interview area as we cut back to the ring area.

Gards: Well those two seem very cocky. Well as the owner I will make that match official. That is going to be a hell of a match. Now we have our main event. It will be Kid Kash and Chavo Guerrero vs RVD and a partner of his choosing.

Tazz: But that is only if RVD can compete. Which I doubt he will be able to after the attack from Kash and Guerrero.

McMilitant plays throughout the arena, Long then makes his way to the ring with a mic in hand. He climbs into the ring. He then waits for the crowd to quiet down.

Long: Well Playa's. Earlier tonight I announced our main event as a tag match. Well now after an attack RVD is not at 100% but he was determined to compete here tonight so I am going to make it a six man tag. The partner RVD chose was Brian Kendrick so now that is a six man tag it will be Paul London, Brian Kendrick and RVD vs Kid Kash, Chavo Guerrero and Jamie Noble. Also this match will be tornado tag and no DQ. Enjoy the end of the show.

One of a kind plays throughout the arena. Rob Van Dam then makes his way to the ring very slowly. He is holding his ribs as he enters the ring. He does not do his signature taunt as the crowd continues to cheer. Kendrick and London then sprint to the ring and do their usual entrance. Kid Kash then makes his way to the ring as RVD just glares at him. Chavo Guerrero then come out to the ring getting the same glare as Kash. Noble then comes to the ring looking serious. He climbs into the ring.

No DQ and Tornado Tag
London, Kendrick and RVD vs Chavo Guerrero, Kid Kash and Jamie Noble

All superstars start off getting a feel for the ring. Chavo and Kash sprint for RVD but London and Kendrick each hit a superkick. Noble who slipped unknown out of the ring. He slides into the ring a chair in hand. He then goes to his RVD who ducks before hitting an awkward heelkick due to his injuries. London is laying punches on Kash who is teetering before London then leaps off his feety and hits a rana throwing Kash out of the ring. Kendrick then Irish whips Chavo to the ropes and goes to hit a lariat but Chavo holds onto the ropes. RVD picks the chair that Noble tried to uyse up and slams it over the head of Chavo sending him over the ropes. RVD then poses to the crowd as Kendrick slowly gets to his feet. All 3 superstars left in the ring grab the top rope and looks to the crowd. The three then springboard up to ther top rope simualtaneously and hit the others with crossbodys. RVD stays down for abit as London and Kendrick get to their feet. Kendrick then removes all the stuff from the top of the announce table. London then lifts Noble to his feet and throws him onto the table. He then does the same to both Kash and Chavo before He climbs to the top rope. London then jumps off the top rope and hits a shooting star press onto all three of the superstars breaking through the table. The crowd start chanting 'Holy sh*t'. Kendrick is in shock from the impact. RVD is now to his feet and he sees the carnage. He is in shock from what Paul London just did. RVD then shakes off the shock and lifts Chavo to his feet and throws him into the ring. RVD then grabs a chair out from under the ring. He slides into the ring and then places the chair onto the stomach of Chavo. He jumps up onto the top rope nearly losing his balance and He then jumps and hits a five star frog splash. He is unable to make the pin as He is too injured. On the outside of the ring Kendrick is working over Noble who is still reeling from being put through the announce table. Kendrick then gooes to slam Nobles head into the steel post but Noble reverses it into an arm drag throwing Kendrick into the barricade. London is slowly rising to hiis feet clearly fatigued from his dare devil move. London then gets fully to his feet only to see Kendrick being worked over by Noble. London then hits a neckbreaker on Noble before climbing into the ring and pinning Chavo 1...2... kickout by Chavo. Kash still laid out from the impact is starting to get to his feet. Kash then enters the ring slowly and sneaks up behind London and then hits a german suplex. Kash slowly makes his way to his feet nearly losing his balance. He then motions to the curtain and Ryder and Hawkins run to the ring and they attack Kendrick and London. London is being worked over and then Ryder then lifts London to his feet and He hits a scoop slam and then Kash lifts him to his feet while the others are laid out. Kash then sets up for the Dead Level and he hits it and then makes the pin 1...2...3

Winners: Chavo Guerrero, Kid Kash and Jamie Noble.

Hawkins and Ryder then keeps attacking London and Kendrick as the show goes off air.