CWA:Cruiserweight Wrestling Alliance

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The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: The 6 man tag

Worst Match: n/a

Best Promo: I go for all Teddy Long promos since it's all 'bout the PPV and Main Event hype

Worst Promo: n/a

Additional Feedbacks: Sweet show man! I told you, it will be a 3 way for the title but looks like RVD is in a 2 on 1 situation. One question though, is the PPV names Deception or Decimation?

Rating: 7.5/10


Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
BM:The 6 man tag main event


BP:Long promos


AC:I love the whole Cruiserweight BTB. Really innovative and although I haven't been following lately, I am already awaiting the upcoming PPV. Deception? hmmm flashback to August in SWA lol

The Rated R CMStar

BM: Main event

WM: None, but matches could be longer

BP: Teddy Long announcing main even

WP: Hawkins one paragraph promo

AC: Decent show. Matches could have been longer, but you still managed to develop your storylines.

Rating: 7.5/10

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Gregory Helms vs. Carlito

Worse Match: AJ Styles vs. Nunzio

Best Interview/Segment: Long Promos

Worse Interview/Segment: Hawkins Promo

Additional Feedback/Comments: This was a pretty good show though I agree with what's been said that the matches could be a bit longer. I enjoyed reading all the matches but Styles/Nunzio just didn't seem to do anything for me. I especially liked the six man tag main event but I feel as if Helms/Carlito was just as good. I'm looking forward to Deception and keep up the good work.

Gards Jr.

Active Member
Oct 21, 2007
Reaction score
Madness did an early 1.2 which is down from last week. Although this gurantees that CWA will get the 2 hour slot. Gards is happy with the 2 hour slot but is quite unhappy with the rating sliding.

The cruiserweight that CWA hs been chasing has finally signed a deal. It has not been leaked who it is but it has been revealed that He has been involved with Chavo Guerrero in the past.

It was announced at a CWA press conference today that the deception PPV has been reduced to 2 hours since it is the first so it will go to 3 hours for CWA's second PPV.

All the superstars backstage are happy with how the show has been performing and the workrate. So far no injuries have been suffered so all the superstars in the locker room are happy.

As of tonight it is likely that Jason Gards is going to start contacting more superstars to sign with the company. If any are to sign it is likely that they will debut at the first 2 hour show.

CT Styles

Cool I look forward to potentially more superstars to sign. This is turning into a very popular, unique BTB. Good Luck!


Active Member
May 23, 2007
Reaction score
BM: Main Event


BP: Teddy Long

WP: Hawkins

AC: The show was alright! It could be better! Longer promos could help too :p

The Rated R CMStar

Now I definetly think that you have signed Rey Mysterio. It just has to be him. The PPV should be a good read, so keep the good work, I already told you what I think you should improve and I will be reviewing


Jul 7, 2007
Reaction score
West Palm Beach, FL
BM: London, Kendrick and RVD vs Chavo Guerrero, Kid Kash and Jamie Noble
WM: Nunzio/Styles
BP: n/a
WP: n/a
Rating: 7.0/10

Some good matches here but I'd like to see maybe one or two more matches/promos to lengthen itout a bit. It will be interesting to see who gets signed inthe brand expansion. I'm predicting Shelton Benjamin and/or Elijah Burke as two likely canidates. Looks good so far...will keep reading

Gards Jr.

Active Member
Oct 21, 2007
Reaction score
More news and Preview.

CWA has finally signed two more superstars to its roster.n There has been no talk as to when they will debut but it will be soon.

Vince McMahon went on record this week and said that one of the new superstars was indeed a former WWE employee that handed in his resignation today. He was about to divulge the name when Jason Gards lawyer, who was present at the press conference stopped him.

BREAKING NEWS CWA have informed the press that a new title will be revealed on madness. It has been leaked that it has an hardcore aspect.


At Madness on Monday night the show will explode when the new title is unveiled for all to see. It has been said that the idea was very original and Jason Gards loved the idea when it was brought to him.

A contract signing foor the triple threat match for Deception. What will happen when these three superstars collide in the ring just 6 days away from there meeting at Deception

So far only one match has been annunced for Madness and that will be Paul London vs Zack Ryder. Who will gain the momentum for there team going into Deception

The Rated R CMStar

Nice preview, the show should be good. I will be reviewing. I am curious on what the new title will be


Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Miami, Florida
Yes nice preview I'm now looking foward to your next show I wonder what superstars you signed.


Active Member
May 23, 2007
Reaction score
Good preview... in guessing your bringing back a CW Hardcore title? lol.... just a thought.


New Title=Awesomeness, I love titles, and now that you're bringing a new title back, it opens your roster up and gives more superstars something to do, good preview,

Yes, I know, I haven't read any of your work yet, but just give me time I will :)

Gards Jr.

Active Member
Oct 21, 2007
Reaction score
Monday the 5th of February.
Monday night Madness from Detroit Florida.
Crowd 12,689

The pyro goes off as we zoom around the crowd and then go to the commentary booth with Jason Gards and Tazz.

Gards: Welcome one and all to the fourth and final edition before Decption of Monday night Madness. I am your owner and commentator Jason Gards and beside me is Tazz.

Tazz: Thanks Jason and tonight we have the much anticipated contract signing between the 3 superstars that will compete at Deception to crown the first ever CWA Champ. Also we have a match between Zack Ryder and Brian Kendrick and after last week I can't wait to see Ryder crush him.

Gards: Now Tazz Don't be so insensitive. These are human beings putting there bodies on the line for our entertainment. But also tonight we will be seeing Jamie Noble and Gregory Helms face off against Carlito and Jimmy Wang Yang.

Gregory Helms music plays and he makes his way to the ring with the primetime title over his shoulder. He enters the ring and taunts the crowd as the crowd boo heavily. Noble then makes his way to the ring. He taunts the crowd and gets booed but not as much as Helms. Yang then makes his way to the ring clapping hands with the fans. He enters the ring jumping around. The referee holds Helms and Noble back. Carlito then walks to the ring with an apple in hand. Her slides into the ring and starts punching Helms as the referee rings the bell

Noble and Yang go back to their corners as Carlito is laying heavy punches to the head of Helms. Helms goes back into the corner and the referee pulls Carlito off. Carlito then backs before going back to work with kicks to the midsection of Helms. Carlito then climbs onto the second trope and starts to rain down punches to the head of Helms. Carlito hops down before springboarding off the second rope and hitting a back elbowdrop on Helms. Carlito then throws Helms out of the corner and makes the early pin 1...2... kickout by Helms. Carlito then lifts Helms to his feet and Irish whips him to the ropes and Carlito hits a quick flapjack followed by a tag to Yang. Yang then climbs to the top rope and jumps off loooking for the moonsault but Helms moves and Yang hits the mat chest first. Helms then climbs slowly to is feet and then makes the tag. Noble enters and lifts Yang to his feet. Noble hitrs a quick arm drag into an armbar and He wrenches the hold. Yang then starts to rally back as Carlito starts to stomp on the apron. Yang gets to his feet fully and somersaults releasing the pressure on the arm before hip tossing Jamie. Yang then comes off the ropes and hits a swinging rana throwing Jamie out of the ring. Yang then rolls out of the ring and lifts Jamie to his feet and goes to throw him into the steel steps. Noble reverses it and sends Yang into the steps. The count is up to Seven and Noble rolls into then out of the ring and picks up Yang and throws him into the ring. Noble rolls in and starts to taunt Yang to get up. When Yang does, Jamie starts punching Yang with heavy right hands before hitting a scoop slam and tagging in Helms.

Helms enter the ring and sets up for the shining wizard. Yangs gets onto his hands and knees and Helms advances and is about to hit the shining wizard when Carlito hits a back elbow to the chest of Helms who falls to the mat hard. Noble runs into the ring and attacks Carlito with a forearm to the back. Noble then hits an inverted neckbreaker on Carlito who rolls out of the ring as does Noble. Helms is slowly getting to his feet as is Yang. Helms is first to his feet and He locks in a quick headlock. Yang backs him up to the ropes. Yang pushwes him away before hitting him with a dropkick on the rebound. Yang then comes off the side ropes and hits a leg drop. Yang is fired up and He tags in a tired Carlito who climbs into the ring. Carlito then hits a clubbing forearm to the back of Helms before making the pin 1...2... kickout by Helms. Carlito then runs over and elbows Noble in the face before springboarding and hitting a crossbody. Carlito gets to his feet and stalks Helms. Helms slowly gets to his feet and Carlito hits a Backstabber as Noble jumps up on the apron and into the ring distracting the ref as Carlito makes the pin. Carlito waits and then returns to his feet. Carlito walks over and argues with the referee before arguing with Noble. Helms slowly comes behind Carlito and rolls him up for the pin 1...2...3

Winners: Jamie Noble and Gregory Helms by Pinfall.

Gregory Helms escapes the ring and hurries to the back with Noble as Carlito and Yang are in shock. We cut to commercial.

Commercial Break.

James Gards: Well I have just iven confirmation to GM Long to have a Primetime title match at Deception. Carlito and Gregory Helms. A hell of a match for sure.

Tazz: Yeah of course and backstage with Todd Grisham we have Rob Van Dam who this Sunday will compete for the CWA title.

Grisham: Please welcome my guest at this time. One of the contenders for the title this sunday at Deception. Rob..Van..Dam.

RVD: Thanks Todd. This Sunday at Deception I am facing Chavo Guerrero and Kid Kash to become the first ever CWA champion. I believe it is my destiny to become the first CWA Champion

Todd Grisham: Well what are your thoughts on tonight contract signing. I think that is a question on everybodies mind.

RVD: Well I am suspecting that one of the others are going to try and injure one or both of I and the other so I am going out there prepared. If either of them make a move they will get a taste of my heel.

Todd Grisham: Well then what you are saying is that you think that Chavo or Kid Kash are going to attack you tonight.

RVD: Yes, thanks for the interview Todd.

We cut to the ring,where Macmilitant hits the arena and Teddy Long make his way to the ring with a briefcase in hand. He enters the ring with a micropone in hand. He waits for the crowd to quieten down before beginning to speak.

Long: Welcome everybody to the last show before Madness goes 2 hours. Now as you know we have three titles but I just think that it would not be enough for a 2 hour show. So I have decided to create a new and orginal title. It will have an hardcore aspect to it and It will also have a cruiserweight aspect to it
He opens the briefcase to reveal a belt inside with a golden plate and in the middle a ladder. The titantron focuses on the middle of the belt. Long then closes the briefcase.

Long: Now this Sunday at Deception we will crown the first Ladder champion. But also it will be a ladder Match. The rules for this title. Is that it can only be defended in a ladder or TLC Match.

The crowd pops as loud as possible.

Long: Also at Deception I am making another match and it will be for the primetime title. It will be Gregory Helms vs Carlito. Thanks for letting me holla at you playas.

Commercial Break.

Tazz: Welcome back to Monday night Madness. What an announcement by Teddy Log before the break. We now know we have 4 matches ready for Deception.

Jason Gards: Thats right Tazz. Well now we have Paul London vs Zack Ryder. And its going to be a hell of a match.

Paul London then makes his way done to the ring with Brian Kendrick sprinting down to the ring.They climb the turnbuckle and taunts the crowd. They both Backflip off the second rope and then remove each others masks. Zack Ryder and Kurt Hawkins Make there way to the ring with a smug look on there facel They slidee into the ring signalling for the title.

London and Ryder start getting a feel for the ring before locking up in a collar and elbow tie up. Ryder gets London in a headlock and they back up to the ropes. Lodon then pushes Ryder away and He rebounds off the ropes and gets hit with a dropsault. London gets to his feet and measures Ryder before coming off the ropes and leaping over Ryder before getting hit with a short arm clothesline. London gets back to his feet quickly getting hit with an arm drag and then an arm bar. London tries to battle out with elbows to the midsection but Ryder wrenches the hold forcing London back down to the mat. Ryder then hits some forearms to the back of London before releasing the armbar. London gets to his feet slowly and Ryder then hits a hip toss before hitting a clothesline on London. Ryder than climbs to the second rope as London returns to his feet. Ryder comes off the second rope looking for a double axe handle but London hits a superkick. London then falls to one knee as Ryder hits the mat hard. London slowly get back to his feet. London comes off the ropes and then hits a knee drop. He then climbs slowly to the top rope and looks around at the crowd. He leaps off the top rope and looks to hit a London Calling. Ryder moves causing London to go chest first on the Mat. Both Men are down as Kendrick and Hawkins start to hit the apron.

Both superstars are on one knee at the count of 5. Ryder gets to his feet as London collapses back down to the mat. Ryder lifts London to his feet and Irish whips him to the ropes. London falls against the ropes and sits there against the ropes. Ryder runs at London and looks to clothesline London on the ropes and pulls down the top rope sending Ryder over the top. The referee starts the count. Ryder gets to his feet at the count of five as London is on his hands and knees. Ryder rolls into the ring to break the count. Ryder then makes his way slowly to his feet and and looks at London who is nearly at his feet. Ryder then hits forearm to the back of London who hits a kick to the back of the legs of Ryder. London then hits a quick spike DDT before running to the ropes and then hits a splash. Ryder is on the mat in pain as London is slowly getting to his feet as Ryder is still on the mat. London then climbs to the top rope again going for London Calling. London leaps off the top rope and before he hits it Hawkins pulls him out of the ring. London again hits his chest on the mat. Kendrick runs over and attack Hawkins with arm drag after arm drag. Ryder climbs back into the ring and as Kendrick and Hawkins have the referee distracted Ryder hits a low blow on London before getting the attention of the referee and making the pin 1...2...3

Winner Zack Ryder

After the match Ryder keeps attacking London with stomp after stomp. Kendrick then sprints down to the ring after hitting Hawkins with an enzuiguri. Ryder bails from the ring and goes down thenring to check on Hawkins. Kendrick check on London before getting the tag team titles.

Gards: Wow thats cheating. Ref why did you let him get away with that I am outraged. I should fire that referee on the spot but I am not going to. I am going to let him keep his job. But here comes Kendrick back down.

Tazz: Jason Don't be like that. Ryder did whatever He had to do to win so He could get the momentum going into Deception for his team. Okay now we go to a break.

Commercial Break

Gards: Welcome back to Madness. So far we have seen two great matches and also we have heard 2 more matches. A ladder title open challenge and a primetime title match between Gregory Helms and Carlito.

Tazz: Also I have just gotten word that we will see a match between Jimmy Wang Yang and Jamie Noble. Deception is looking to be one hell of as PPV. Now we have our main event. This will also be for one spot in the Ladder match open challenge.

AJ Styles starts to make his way to the ring taunting the crowd. He slides into the ring and taunts some more waiting for his opponents. Christopher Daniels then makes his way to the ring for his CWA debut. He stares down AJ who slides out of the ring. Daniels then taunts the crowd abit. JTG then makes his way to the ring dressed ready for action and just plain having fun with the crowd. After a long pause.. Billy Kidman hit the arena to a huge pop from the crowd. He makes his way to the ring with a huge grin on his face.

All superstars start getting a feel for the ring. Styles is th first to move as He starts punching Daniels as quick as he possibly can. JTG then goes after Kidman who answers quickly with a dropkick. JTG quickly returns to his feet as Kidman starts punching non stop the head of JTG. JTG then blocks one punch and hits a punch himself before locking in a front face lock and driving Kidman to the mat with a DDT. Styles has got the upper hand with Daniels in the corner as Styles hits shoulder thrust after Shoulder thrust. Styles then stops before going back to the opposite ropes and sprinting at Daniels. Styles climbs the rope as He grabs Daniels by the neck and slams him to the mat with a spinning DDT. Styles then returns to his feet and starts attacking JTG who falls to the mat as Kidman gets to his feet and hits a quick leaping enzuiguri on JTG who has a glazed over look in his eyes. Styles then hits a dropkick on Kidman with a dropsault landing on JTG. Kidman rolls out of the ring as Daniels is slowly getting back to his feet. Styles see this and goes over and looks to kick Daniels in the side of the head but Daniels ducks and hits a drop toe hold throwing Styes into the turnbuckle. Daniels climbs slowly to his feet and grabs the back of Styles and drives his shoulder into the turnbuckle. Daniels then pulls him back and hits a bulldog to the mat. JTG is up to one knee and Daniels notices this and he starts to punch nonstop to the head of JTG. JTG stops one punch before irish whipping him to the corner. JTG then runs to Daniels and just about hitting a hurracarana but Daniels reverses it into a power bomb and then he makes a pin 1...2...JTG manages to barely kick out

Kidman then rolls back into the ring slowly coming off the ropes and hitting a flying shoulder block on Daniels who falls out of the ring. Kidman slowly gets to his feet and looks around the ring at trhe carnage and He taunts the cheering crowd. Kidman then pulls JTG really close to the corner. Kidman climbs to the top rope and looks to the crowd. He leaps off of the top turnbuckle and hits a shooting star press on JTG. Before He is able to make the pin. Styles comes up behind him and hits a forearm to the back of the neck. Daniels then rolls slowly into the ring and just as Styles looks for a german. Daniels latches onto Styles and throws both Styles and Kidman over his head. All the four superstars are down on the mat and not moving. Daniels starts to squirm abit before grabbing the bottom rope and trying to get to his feet. He gets to his knee slowly before climbing fully to his feet as only Styles is actually on one knee as the other two are laid out. Daniels lines Styles up and looks to hist a low dropkick but Styles moves just in time as Daniels crashes and burns. Styles again tries to get to his feet and is successful. He looks at the carnage as both Kidman and JTG start to get to their feet. Styles runs behind JTG and hits a knee to the air as JTG ducks and hits a drop toe hold. JTG then slowly get to his feet and Kidman hits a kick to the midsection and JTG replies with a haymaker and then aquick jab to the face knocking Kidman back. JTG then rebounds off the ropes and hits a hurracarana into a pin on Kidman 1...2... kickout by Kidman who suprised JTG.

JTG gets back up to his feet only to be hit with a inverted neckbreaker from Styles. Daniels is back to his feet and He starts giving forearms to the back of Styles before starting to hit crossfaces and then hits a quick inverted DDT leaving Styles on the mat. Daniels then drags Styles over to the corner and climbs to the top turnbuckle. He then sets up for the BME and he hits it. Kidman then comes up behind him and hits a inverted neckbreaker on Daniels before looking around the ring aand seeing all the superstars laid out. Kidman thenclimbs up to the top rope and leaps quickly only just getting up there before hitting a shooting star press on Daniels and then making the pin 1...2...3

Winner Billy Kidman.

Tazz: Well that was a good win by a returning Billy Kidman. He lookede to have no signs of ring rust whatsoever.

Gards: Yeah after that much hype around his returned he performed really well in that match and now He is apart of the ladder title open ladder match

Tazz: Well after the break we have the contract signing and it will be great, baby.

Commercial break.

Gards: Welcome back to madness you have joined us for the signing of the contract for the main event of Deception Waiting in the ring is GM Teddy Long and Kid Kash.

Kid Kash: Now two weeks ago there waqs speculation that I qould screw Chavo Guerrero out of the CWA title which partly happened. But then I screwed Rob Van Dam out of the title as well. So I am pretty much in the clear.Then last week we attacked RVD in the locker room area together, because as conflicted as we are we both both believe that RVD doesn't deserve the CWA title. Well the we were put into a 6 man tag match with Jamie Noble and London and Kendrick. Personally I would like to give props to Paul London for doing a Shooting Star press onto us all through the announce Table. Now onto my two opponen...

One of a kind plays throughout the arena as Rob Van Dam emerges from behind the curtain. He walks to the ring clapping hands with the hands. He does his signature taunt before taking the mic Long was offering and sitting at one of the three seats at the table relaxing.

Rob Van Dam: Well, Well, Well, if it isn't Kid Kash. The man who ruined my first chance at becoming the first ever CWA champ. Well as you name says you are only a Kid and you do not have what it takes to win the CWA title. You have only hold one title... ever. That was the cruiserweight title if I am not mistaken. Now lets look over some of my credentials. I have been both WWE and ECW champs. Also I have been a tag champ many times.

Ohh Chavo hits the arena as Chavo Guerrero comes out from behind the curtain. He does Eddies signature taunt before entering the ring under the bottom rope and getting a mic from the outside.

Chavo Guerrero: Well you two really think that either of you can beat me. You really think that you can win the CWA Championship over me. Well you two are a joke. So just sign this contract so it is assured that I will become the CWA champion.

Chavo grabs the clipboard and signs the contract before throwing it at Kid Kash. Kash catches it and signs it before sliding it ovwer to RVD who signs the contract just before Kash hits a punch on Chavo before punching RVD and then he keep alternating between the two with punches. He then get both in an inverted face lock and He lifts them both miracoulsly above his head and then hits them both with a dead level.