Covid sucks, it changed a lot of things in my life and habits, sleep schedule included.
I teach English in middle schools for a living as a substitute. In early 2020 when they started putting countries under quarantine, I was teaching from home, which sucked. As a vulnerable person (meaning I can die from Covid if I catch it), I was allowed to teach from home until the end of the school year although most teachers and kids went back to school in May. I remember the first quarantine was pretty scary, no one knew anything about the virus, people were quite respectful of the rules and stayed inside. I remember my only two car trips to the grocery store in three months, streets were empty and silent, it was so gloomy.
After that, I spent pretty boring summer holidays because I stayed home as I didn't want to take risks and barely saw my friends. They wanted to visit but most of them were partying again and were not particularly careful so I was afraid they were going to bring the virus to me. I even got into fights with some of them because they were going to underground parties with 100+ people which was a dumb thing to do at that time in my opinion. They said they didn't risk anything because they were young and healthy but as a person who's at risk with the virus, I obviously saw things differently and thought they were selfish. Not just towards me but also all the other vulnerable people they could infect.
I went back to work in September because I had a new contract in a new school and they said they were taking precautions. But we got hit by a second wave in late September so I asked for a leave to teach from home again. It wasn't compatible with the students' schedules so they told me to stay home and replaced me ; so basically they hired someone to replace someone who was replacing someone

So yeah, I haven't worked since October 2020. Almost a year. And although it sounds great to get paid to do nothing, I realize now that it really fucked up a lot of things in my life.
-Sleeping schedule? Ruined.
-Motivation to do anything? Gone. I mean it's so much easier to spend the day eating and lying on the couch watching series/movies and playing games. Getting dressed and going out sounds like a chore after a while.
-Friends and family? Most of them think you're a lazy prick taking advantage of the system.
-Health and hygiene? Well obviously I put on weight, and I pay a lot less attention to my appearance.
Also my cat is still young and she got so used to having me around all day that she now has anxiety when I leave the apartment. And the lack of physical activity made me lose some muscle mass and I developed some leg pains. Which means just walking or standing up for a few minutes hurts. I have to wear orthotic insoles and see a physiotherapist about it.
Covid made me realize how much can change in less than two years, and it's quite scary.