Yeah I'm going to ignore basically everything from the last five pages and just talk about the key things in the OP. First, I've only seen the first two episodes of Code Geass. It was okay, didn't really draw me in (and anything with mechas in them usually calls for an immediate disinterest and this is no exception) but I wouldn't call it bad and I'll eventually get around to more of it. So, right now I don't have a definite opinion on it as two episodes isn't really indicative of overall quality, especially with a show of Code Geass's nature. I actually like the song the video used which is a rarity considering I hate Cascada herself and with maybe the exception of New Found Glory, I can't think of a single artist that have ruined more good songs with their terrible covers. As for the AMV, it was poor. It wasn't the worst I've seen, and it's nice that they did try to match the going-ons in the video with the lyrics every now and again (mostly just for the kiss part) but that doesn't make it good, just not the laziest one out there. AMV's can be a thing of beauty when in capable hands and the proper time devoted to them, this had neither in my opinion (granted, they could be in capable hands, great artists can create piles of crap every now and again).