1. Punk wins at MITB. No briefcase holder comes out, the show goes off the air with Punk holding the tittle and the crowd going nuts. I dont like the idea of the MITB being cashed in on this night in particular because i think the atmosphere will be soo damn electric that killing it with Punk losing the belt would lose a reaction that you dont see too often in todays form of wrestling, in turn losing a classic moment.
SO the next night on RAW, Punks comes through the crowd and sits at ringside, cause lets be honest, who wouldnt want a first row seat to the sh*tstorm that you cause? So Vince comes out and cuts a promo on Punk, talking about how hes ruining the 'legacy' of the tittle by leaving with it. He then invites Punk into the ring Punk agrees pretty much to be face to face with Vince and rub it in. As he's talking to Punk, Big show comes from behind and kills Punk. Show leaves, Kane comes out chokeslams the guy. Henry comes out, worlds strongest slams him (you can swap whatever guys in and out, im just using them as examples). THEN the MITB winner comes out and gets the easy pin on Punk. Vince gets in Punks face to where Punk is slowly getting life back into him. Vince screams to get out of the building and get security to drag him off. Before the Security come, in one burst of energy Punk jumps Vince and starts laying into him while screaming something to the likes of "Im coming back! and im going to embarrass you and this company, this was supposed to be my legacy and you destroyed it..." yada yada.
So the next week during the main event Punk would come through the crowd and pretty much f*ck with the match then bolt.
The week after that he'll come down halfway through the show and sit at ringside, however he would have a few friends with him. Those friends being Colt Cabana and the Kings of Wrestling (Chris Hero and Claudio Castognoli for those who dont know, who recently had tryout matches). For a few weeks/months this is mostly what Punk does and continues to get thown out of every arena (obviously changing it up a bit week by week), ild like to point out that at this time im fairly confidant that the majority or the very vocal part of the audience would be going nuts for Punk every time he made an appearance. Also ild like to point out that at this time Punk is pushing this angle heavily through things like Twitter or facebook or Colts podcast, whatever a very viral campaign if you will.
Finally Vince gets fed up and opens RAW one week after all of this has been going on and states that he now has a restraining order (or whatever) on CM Punk and that he will never be allowed into any building WWE is in ever again. Then Punk walks down the ramp. Followed by his mates that have been with him at ringside. Vince looks on confused, wondering how he got backstage and who let them in. Punk gets in Vinces face and says that the Stupid Daughter that he mentioned all those weeks ago, didnt turn out to be as stupid as he thought. It took a bit of convincing but Punk showed her that Vince isnt the future of this company, he is. They are. Saying they have all signed contracts thanks to Stephanie. He introduces Colt and the KOW and puts across the same things that he mentioned in his first promo. Security run out and Colt and KOW deal with them leaving Punk and Vince alone. Punk then gets Vince into the Go To Sleep and nails him with it, sparking a new era in the WWE.
From here there are so many possibilities like involving HHH/Stephanie maybe, that i wont go into cause i feel like ive been going on too long

i have a few other 'fantasy booking' scenarios but they involve some of the spoilers for next week...
So im curious, where do you guys think this can/may/should go??