First of all, I love old NWA stuff like this because the crowd is off the wall nuts. It just seems to me that people back then were more rabid in general than they are today, which is part of the reason why I don't enjoy modern wrestling that much (with limited exceptions of course). The crowd goes freaking bonkers when Magnum scores the first fall with his patented Belly-to-Belly and really, you can't blame them considering its on the evil foreign heel Koloff. Magnum's selling is pretty fantastic but I actually like his babyface comeback abilities more, he's near Dusty levels with that stuff. The second fall is decent but its really just the set up for the third, which as Jim pointed out is fucking awesome. In fact, the third fall would have been a great match by itself, but with the setup from the first two its just plain superb. I get why there was a non-finish, but it still bothered me, probably a little because I really wanted Magnum to win (I was watching with the pretense of kayfabe). I'd probably drop the 1/4 star and stick with an easy **** there and agree that it was better than anything WWE did in 1986 save the JYD/Santana vs. Funks match at 'Mania which I love for reasons even I cannot quite fully comprehend.