Rugrat's meta not ticking with me more though, no town lists?
Big Man hasn't submitted any town lists either Jeff.
Also, you're saying you like his posts, yet he contradicts himself here:
if Haza flips town, what reads would you form off his interactions? none, his interactions are not useful if he flips town.
yes, it’s the wagons that are important. just like if Rugrat flips we’ll get something from people avoiding/pushing the wagon when we’re this close to deadline.
His first post is on about interactions as opposed to the wagons. But surely the logic he's applying to the Rugrat wagon would also apply to the Haza wagon?
Why is he so vehemently against the Haza wagon here?
You are pushing a different direction with few hours left in first day which just looks dodgy to me. Lets say we lynch Rugrat and he flips town, what do we learn from the flip?
Nothing. Except that you wanted to push this direction. You have no meaningful interactions from Rugrat.
I'm surprised you picked rugrat over Big Man or Lethal.
I just dont trust you this game. I have no reason to.
being inactive is not the reason Rugrat is being voted so I’m not sure why you’re bringing up me or lethal.
also it’s day 1. there’s not many players who you could lynch and learn a lot from their interactions if they flip town. the player with the most interactions is Poyser, and off his interactions we could probably clear ace and chris. pretty much every other player we probably only clear 1 player max. the best way to get reads off this lynch will probably be to look at how the wagon developed which doesn’t need the player to have interactions.
Also this interaction gives me

Trying to justify a quick near end of D1 wagon redirect from Haza to Rugrat.
Also, the bolded line about how we'd be able to clear Ace & Chris off of his interactions yet he follows up then with:
sorry that’s wrong. we wouldn’t clear anyone if Poyser flips town, we learn pretty much nothing.
What are your thoughts on these points
@Jeff Valley Driver? Can you explain why Rugrat is a better direction as opposed to this?