Welcome to Castlevania Mafia!
You are Albus - Vampire Hunters Aligned
Role: 2x Hider
Albus is a former member of Ecclesia gone rogue. He is trying to shield Shanoa from the power of the Dominus Glyph, which in turn exposes him to its corrupting influence. He hides the glyph as well as his true intentions from her until his eventual death at her hands.
Once per night, up to twice during the course of this game, you may hide behind another player. Doing so will render you immune to killing attempts targeting you that night.
If the player you hide behind is shot that night, you will die even if the other player survives the shot. If you hide behind a non-Vampire Hunters Aligned player, you will die as well (affected by Investigation Immunity).
You win the game if all threats to the Vampire Hunters are eliminated.