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Good Lord almighty, I finished half way through it and took me about two weeks to finish up.
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Justin Roberts: Ladies and gentleman the following contest is an over-the-top-rope briefcase on a pole battle royal match! The only way to win the match is to grab the briefcase that is hanging from the pole above, however the contestant will be unable to grab the briefcase once he is eliminated by going over the top rope. Only the final two contestants are immune from being eliminated from the match.
Ziggler, Bray Wyatt ,Air Boom ,Fatal Impact ,Big Show ,Cody Rhodes ,Jericho ,Mark Henry, 3MB, Sin Cara, Roddy Piper ,Zack Ryder & Yoshi Tatus ,The Awesome Americans ,Daniel Bryan, Wade Barrett
Ding! Ding! Ding!
All the contestants in the ring looks at each other, then at the briefcase on top of the pole as they all run up and try to outdo each other to grab the briefcase. The Miz is close to grabbing it but is pull off, then Cody Rhodes is close as well before he too is pulled off. Everyone then struggles to get to the top as Air Boom climbs onto the top rope together and hangs onto the pole, looking at everyone as they do a double crossbody onto the pack of wrestlers in the ring! Air Boom is then up and poses towards the crowd before Jinder Mahal is up and tries to attack Kofi Kingston but Bourne catches him mid attack as Air Boom brings him by the ropes and nails a double dropkick, Jinder Mahal ends up rolling over the ropes!
Jinder Mahal has been eliminated at 1:04
Wrestlers are starting to get up as Heath Slater and Drew McIntyer are not too pleased with what Air Boom did. The remaining of 3MB both charge and knock down Air Boom as they start to stomp on them as the combatants are starting to raise hell in the Squared Circle. Ziggler and Rhodes are both gangbeating Big Show with a series of punches and kicks which brings Show to the corner, Ziggler then runs up and goes for a stinger splash but Big Show catches him and tosses Ziggler over the ropes but Ziggler lands onto the ropes to save himself! Rhodes however runs up and knocks down the distracted Big Show with a running dropkick which brings him to a sitting position! Meanwhile Slater and McIntyer has Bourne up and tries to get him over the ropes but Kofi makes the save and dumps Heath Slater out, the Bourne gets up and tosses McIntyer over the ropes as well!
Heath Slater has been eliminated at 1:34
Drew McIntyer has been eliminated at 1:36
Roddy Piper is seen taking on Wade Barrett as Cody Rhodes starts to kick the Big Show as he's down, Ziggler entering the ring as him and Sandow are all joining in on the 3 on 1 assault on the Intercontintal Champion. Fatal Impact and and Daniel Bryan are fighting as Mark Henry helps out by shoving away R-Truth and getting Dean Ambrose into a bearhug, Bryan then running up towards R-Truth but gets ambused from the Awesome Americans. Jericho is seen attacking Ryder as Tatus tries his best to pull away Jericho from his partner but Jericho turns around looks at Yoshi Tatsu with wide eyes, then grapples him as he throws him over the ropes!
Yoshi Tatus has been eliminated at 2:23
Jericho then continues on the assault as the Awesome Americans brings Daniel Bryan to the corner and starts to wail on him with a series of punches and kicks but Henry appears from behind and takes down Swagger with a running shoulder block. The Miz then turns around and tries to hit back but doesn't seem to work all that well as Henry gets The Miz into a bearhug! Piper is going wild as he knocks down Wade Barrett with a punch, then turns around and hits Dean Ambrose with a clothesline, then hits R-Truth with a kick to the gut followed by a DDT! Piper is getting fired up as he jabs Sin Cara several times before taking a hit as he crashes to the ground. Piper is moving around the ring and is loving the moment but he gets ambushed from Rhodes and Ziggler as Piper crashes to the ground. Rhodes holds Piper back up as Ziggler runs to the ropes and returns, hitting Piper with the Zig Zag! Rhodes then throws Piper over the ring to eliminate him from the match!
Roddy Piper has been eliminated at 3:34
The crowd starts to boo loudly as Rhodes and Ziggler celebrates in the ring but both gets double clotheslined from The Big SHow! Show then picks up and throws Rhodes to a nearby corner where he slaps Rhodes across the chest, Rhodes falling to the mat while comforting his chest. Jericho is seen next bringing Ryder to the center of the ring as he nails a Codebreaker onto Zack Ryder. Ryder looks knocked out as Jericho nods to the crowd but Ambrose appears from behind and holds him in place as R-Truth runs up and goes for a clothesline but Jericho gets out of the way and hits Dean Ambrose instead! Ambrose falls to the mat as R-Truth checks up on his partner but Evan Bourne comes from behind and hits a belly to back suplex onto R-Truth. Kingston and Bourne throws R-Truth to the corner as they team up on him with a series of stomps while Bray Wyatt finally gets a camera shot by throwing Sin Cara over the ropes, and looking over the ring to see him go out.
Sin Cara has been eliminated at 4:41
Bray Wyatt notices that everyone is distracted and decides to climb up where the pole is and attempts to reach for the briefcase but Air Boom sees it and runs up to Bray Wyatt and pulls him off the ropes, Kingston then nailing a Trouble in Paradise as Evan Bourne climbs onto the top rope where the pole is at and nails an Air Bourne onto Bray Wyatt! Evan Bourne is up now as they pick up Bray Wyatt and dump him over the ropes to eliminated him from the match!
Bray Wyatt has been eliminated at 5:34[/B
Air Boom advances towards where the Awesome Americans are at and starts the team assault on them. Rhodes and Ziggler both try and attack The Big Show from behind but Show turns around and glares at the both of them, grabs them by by the throat and nails a double Chokeslam onto Ziggler and Rhodes! Big Show then raises his arms in victory but Wade Barrett pushes him to the ropes and tries to knock him off over the ropes but is unable to. Big Show then lighly shoves Barrett away and hits the KO Punch onto Barrett. Barrett gets knocked down as R-Truth walks up and punches Big Show in the gut and goes for a takedown but is unable to, Big Show is finally annoyed and throws R-Truth over the ropes but R-Truth is still hanging by! Big Show then turns away as Jericho is on the offense on Big Show now, Dean Ambrose approaching his partner to apparently help him back inside but shoves R-Truth off the apron instead!
R-Truth has been eliminated at 6:56
R-Truth can't believe what he just witnessed as Dean Ambrose doesn't even take one glance at R-Truth, looking away as he starts to hit Daniel Bryan with several punches. Ryder is seen fighting Rhodes but Ziggler pops up from behind him and throws Ryder over the ropes to eliminate him from the match! Ziggler looks happy to have Ryder gone but Rhodes runs up and dumps Ziggler over the ropes himself!
Zack Ryder has been eliminated at 7:04
Cody Rhodes has been eliminated at 7:07
Rhodes laughs and looks away as the carnage inside the ring resumes. Wade Barrett sees the opportunity and climbs onto the pole and tries to reach for the briefcase but is unable to. Barrett then tries to scale the pole but gets pushes off the top rope by Mark Henry!
Wade Barrett has been eliminated at 7:25
Henry then looks up to where the briefcase is hanging as he starts to climb the ropes but gets pulled down by the Big Show. Henry and Big Show both have an intense staredown before both guys start to exchange punches between each other, trying to best the other man. Big Show then finally goes for a KO punch but Bryan grabs the hand from behind and jumps onto Big Show's back and gets him into the sleeper hold, Henry then kicking Big Show in the gut as Bryan lets go and Henry goes for the World's Strongest Slam and nails it! Big Show is down as Henry beats his chest and is proud of his accomplishment but Swagger appears and knocks Mark Henry over the ropes with his pure wrestling skills!
Mark Henry has been eliminated at 8:32
Bryan can't believe what he just saw and tries to attack Jack Swagger but The Miz pulls him off and nails a Skull-Crushing Finale onto Daniel Bryan. Swagger and Miz towers over Bryan as Rhodes and Evan Bourne are going at it now, Jericho and Kingston are sparring as well. Rhodes tries to go for a suplex but Bourne slips out of it and throws him to the ropes, Rhodes then turns around as Bourne runs up to Rhodes but Rhodes tosses Bourne over the ropes, Evan Bourne however lands onto the apron. Rhodes then looks at Bourne and goes for a punch but Bourne hits a shoulder thrust onto Rhodes. Jericho then hits Kingston with a Codebreaker as Jericho eyes Bourne still on the apron and runs up to him, executing a enzuigiri kick onto Bourne, knocking him off the apron!
Evan Bourne has been eliminated at 9:34
Ambrose is back in action as he throws Rhodes to the corner and starts to nail him with several punches, taunting him before hitting him with the Snapmare Driver! Bryan is still getting gangbeaten from the Awesome Americans but that ends as Big Show is up and boots Swagger in the face to knock him down, then picks up the Miz military press style and throws him over the ropes completely, crashing to ringside!
The Miz has been eliminated at 10:21
Big Show then looks around and sees Dean Ambrose trying to charge at him, Big Show then lifts him up military press style as well and throws Dean Ambrose as he crashes ontop of The Miz!
Dean Ambrose has been eliminated at 10:43
Big Show is smiling as he sees that his chances are getting better as he starts to climb the ropes and tries to retrieve the briefcase. Daniel Bryan is up and tries to pull him off but doesn't have the strength to do that. Rhodes and Kingston are up and are helping Bryan as Big Show is hanging onto the post, trying desperatly not to let go. Big Show then looks down as Jericho and Swagger gets up and helps the rest of the guys to get Big Show off the pole, everyone in the ring is ganging up on The Big Show. Big Show starts shaking his head as he's losing his grip from the pole, finally letting go as Big Show gets dumped to the outside!
Big Show has been eliminated at 12:18
Everyone is relieved that The Big Show is gone but Swagger quickly turns on Bryan and starts to beat on his rival as Jericho gets to work on Kingston, Rhodes then looking at both fights and realizes that he's left unopposed as he climbs the ropes and hangs onto the pole, smiling now. Rhodes then shows off by swinging around the pole in happiness but loses his grip and falls to the floor at ringside!
Cody Rhodes has been eliminated at 12:45
Rhodes is arguing to the referee about the call as the final four contestants are Daniel Bryan, Jack Swagger, Kofi Kingston and Chris Jericho. Swagger has Bryan by the corner and starts to kick him in the gut as Jericho has Kofi in the center of the ring and tries to go for the Walls of Jericho but Kofi shoves him away with his foot. Jericho goes towards the ropes as Kofi is up and hits Jericho with a flying forearm smash to the head of Jericho. Kofi then attacks Swagger from behind and hits him with a spinning wheel kick as Bryan brings Swagger to a corner and Kofi gets Jericho to a different corner. Both men then steps onto the ropes and proceeds to start with the 10 punches, then finishes at both Swagger and Jericho falls to the mat. Kingston then picks up Jericho and tries to toss him over the ropes but Jericho doesn't allow it and tries to throw Kingston instead. Bryan then has Swagger up and tries to bring him over the ropes but Swagger uses his strength and throws Daniel Bryan over the rope, Bryan still hanging onto the top rope as Swagger runs to the opposite side and charges at Bryan, Bryan then pulls the ropes down and Swagger falls out but is hanging onto the bottom rope still. Swagger and Bryan are kicking each other as they both struggle to stay in the match but Jericho comes up and stomps onto the both of them until both Swagger and Bryan has both been eliminated!
Jack Swagger has been eliminated at 15:34
Daniel Bryan has been eliminated at 15:35
Jericho and Kofi are the final two persons left in the match, therefore are immune to be eliminated from the match. Jericho turns around to face the briefcase hanging from the pole but Kofi comes up from behind and hits the Trouble in Paradise onto Jericho. Kofi then looks down and smiles as Jericho looks out of it, Kofi then climbing onto the top rope and jumps off it but Jericho hits the Codebreaker, knocking out Kofi Kingston! Jericho is all smiles now as he climbs up the ropes and is reaching for the briefcase but CM Punk appears out of nowhere and shoves Chris Jericho off the ropes!
Bradshaw: It's CM Punk! What's he doing here?!
CM Punk is laughing now as the climbs to the top rope and is within reach of the briefcase, and then has it by his fingertips as he is able to unlock it and wins the match!
Winner of the match and is the 6th Contestand for the Elimination Chamber match... CM Punk!
King: Oh come on, CM Punk isn't even in the match!
Cole: It doesn't matter King, it's an open Battle Royal, as in anyone can enter it!
CM Punk is seen celebrating while walking up the ramp as he's holding the empty briefcase in his hands, securing a final spot into the Elimination Chamber match for the World Heavyweight Championship. Jericho looks annoyed as CM Punk is yelling out to the crowd before leaving the entrance as the camera shoots to the back.
Backstage Segment
Kane is seen smiling as him and Summer Rae are both sitting down at the lockeroom nearby, holding hands.
Kane: I'm not gonna lie, I never thought that I would see true love after getting kicked in the nuts.
Summer Rae: Haha I know, I never knew what love felt like after I left that coward of a man and went by your side. I love you Kane, and I never want to leave you for anything in this world. Not all of the world's gold and riches will ever keep us apart.
Kane: I like the sound of that!
Kane and Rae both go into a kiss as the fans pop to see Kane and Summer Rae together untiil the camera goes somewhere else.
Backstage Segment
CM Punk and Curtis Axel are both seen backstage as they begin to make plans for the Elimination Chamber until Jericho storms by and gets into Punk's face.
Chris Jericho: What the hell was that all about assclown?
CM Punk: ... I have absolutly no idea what you're talking ab-
Jericho: Don't give me any of that crap! You had no right to enter that Battle Royal match! You lost your chance to enter the Elimination Chamber so why should I let you take my opporunity to enter the Elimination Chamber? Maybe is it because you think that you're the best in the world, or maybe is it because you have a pull with Paul Heyman running things in the WWE. Well let me tell you junior that you're screwing around with the wrong guy, and tempted to beat you silly right here for disrespecting me like that.
Punk: Oh I'm sorry Jericho, I was not aware that there was some unwritten code that I wasn't allowed to screw over the half-wits in this company. I'm not sure that you were aware of the rules of the battle royal, but was an open battle royal, as in anybody could've entered it. And since I lost my first opportunity then I thought 'heck I'll try it again', and it worked this time! You see Jericho, you have to try and try again to get something that you want, and if you're too stupid to get out of my way to accomplish my goal then so be it, I'll knock your ass to the ground if I'll have to.
Jericho is getting face to face with Punk now, not clealy pleasedon what he just heard.
Jericho: Since when have you been Mr. Courageous? You couldn't even beat Cena in the Hell in a Cell match last week on RAW, now how you do expect to beat someone like me? If you really were a man like you claim to be, then put your spot on the line against me and we'll see if you have what it takes to take on 5 other men at the Elimination Chambe Match. You owe me that much Punk, because from what I can tell you're nothing but a poser and you deserve to get horse whipped right now!
CM Punk: Spare me the method of getting me angry enough where I'll take on your challange Jericho. I mean that spot is mine and you're not taking it away from me. Now that being said I'll gladly take you on tonight for the final entry into the Elimination Chamber match, but don't think that I'll go easy on you. See you later tonight... assclown.
The Usos vs The Latin Teror
Ding! Ding! Ding!
The crowd is hot for this match as Jey Uso and Alberto Del Rio are starting off for this match. Jey and Del Rio both get into a lockup. Jey gets the upper advantage by bringing Del Rio towards a corner and keeps him there for several seconds before hitting Del Rio in the gut. Del Rio then falls to the mat while holding onto his gut as Uso looks at Del Rio with a smile. Del Rio then shakes his head in anger as he lunges towards Jey and shoves him all the way to the opposite corner where he starts to hit some elbows to the head. Uso then pushes Del Rio away and goes for a savate kick but Del Rio catches the leg and pulls Jey closer, grabs the trunks and goes for a vertical suplex but Jey slips out from behind and shoves him to the corner then goes for a rollup pin..
And Alberto Del Rio slips out! Del Rio tries to fight back but Jey brings Del Rio to his corner and tags in Jimmy into the match. Jimmy climbs onto the top rope as Jey holds Del Rio onto the ground, Jimmy then jumps off the top rope and lands a diving headbutt onto Del Rio. Jimmy gets up and starts to stomp onto Del Rio but then brings him to an empty corner, where he starts to kick Del Rio in the chest several times then whips him to the opposit corner. Del Rio then runs up and goes for a running clothesline but Del Rio moves out of the way as Jimmy crashes onto the corner. Del Rio then turns around and hits a roundhouse kick to Jimmy as Jimmy falls to the corner, then Del Rio starts to punch Jimmy several times in the head. Del Rio is all smiles now and he throws Jimmy to his corner and tags him Homicide into the match!
Homicide enters the ring as he and Del Rio knocks down Jimmy on the floor and starts to kick him in various spots, then Del Rio lands a jumping knee drop onto the head befor the referee forces him to leave the ring. Homicide has a murderous look on his face as he forces Jimmy onto his feet and quickly lands an Exploder suplex onto Jimmy! Jimmy falls onto the mat looking stunned as Homicide climbs onto the top rope and looks down at Jimmy, then lands a diving double stomp onto Jimmy then throws up a gang sign to the crowd. Homicide then gets on his knees as he starts to choke Jimmy with both hands before the referee forces Homicide off of Jimmy. Homicide looks to be okay with that but quickly goes back down and starts to choke Jimmy some more! Homicide gets bored with the choking and brings Jimmy back to his corner and tags in Del Rio back into the match.
Del Rio looks to be excited to be taking down the Usos as he lands a stiff punch to the gut with Homicide holding him behind his back, then Del Rio lands a knee to the gut as Homicide drops Jimmy right there. Jey is jumping from his corner as he supports Jimmy but Jimmy isn't doing to well from the vicous assault from The Latin Terror. Del Rio gets Jimmy into a sleeper hold now as Jimmy desperatly tries to escape it but Del Rio has the hold locked in tight. Jimmy is moving around the ring but slowly gets into a standing position as it appears that he's ready to fall asleep but then starts to hit some elbow shots onto Del Rio. Del Rio lets go from the jolt of pain as Jimmy runs to the ropes and charges at Del Rio but both men ends up hitting a double clothesline onto each other! The crowd is clapping for both men as Jimmy and Alberto Del Rio are both climbing onto each other's respective corners, tagging in their partners for the hot tag!
Jey blasts into the ring as he knocks down the oncoming Homicide, then Del Rio as Del Rio rolls out of the ring. Homicide gets back up but eats a dropkick from Jey. Jey starts to yell to the crowd as he picks up Homicide and hits him with a Samoa drop! Jey then looks happy as he waits for Homicide to get back up and goes for a superkick but Homicide ducks and is setting Jey up for Da Cop Killa but Jey slips out and hits a reverse DDT onto Homicide instead! Jey then climbs onto the top rope and is getting ready for the splash but Del Rio tries to take down Jey on the top turnbuckle but Jimmy shoves Del Rio aside. This though is a big enough distraction as Homicide shoves Jimmy off the apron and sets Jimmy up for the superplex but Jey knocks Homicide back onto his feet and jumps off the top rope, hitting the splash! Jey then goes for the pin..
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Winners of the match: The Usos!
The Usos are proud with their work as they both celebrate in the ring before leaving the ring with all smiles. The Latin Terror doesn't seem to be too impressed as The Usos both pose towards the crowd on the ramp before leaving the arena.
Commercial Break
Daniel Bryan vs The Miz
Ding! Ding! Ding!
The Miz has a cocky look on him as Daniel Bryan is mentally preparing himself at his corner with Mark Henry by his side. Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter are both yelling at The Miz from their corner as The Miz is all smiles, waiting for this matchup to happen. Both wrestlers approach each other before getting into a lockup to start off this match. The Miz plays it cool and gets Bryan into a hammerlock but Bryan slips behind the Miz and gets him into his own hammerlock. Bryan has the hold expertly held on as The Miz is rotating around the ring, trying to get Bryan to let go but Bryan instead gets Miz into a headlock. Miz briefly struggles to get out but shoves Bryan towards the ropes, then waits for Bryan to return but Bryan hits Miz with a shoulder block. Miz crashes to the ground as Bryan bounces off the ropes again and comes back to The Miz but The Miz goes for a dropkick, Bryan though sees it coming and grabs onto the legs as Miz crashes to the ground. Miz is now struggling as Bryan goes for a leg lock of some sort but Miz reaches up and gets Bryan into a small package pin!
And Daniel Bryan breaks the pin! Both men rushes up to their feet as The Miz rotates his shoulders, trying to look alpha male in front of Bryan but Bryan isn't buying it. The Miz runs up and tries to attack Bryan with a running clothesline but Bryan ducks it and is able to quickly grab Miz and toss him out of the ring! The Miz starts to freak out as Bryan starts to mock him inside the ring. Jack Swagger though jumps onto the apron behind Bryan and calls him out, Bryan turns around and looks at Swagger but Mark Henry pulls Swagger back down to ringside and starts a beatdown on him. Bryan is enjoying the scene but The Miz runs into the ring and goes for a cheap shot to the back but Bryan sees it coming and hits an elbow shot to the face of Miz, then runs up and hits a roundhouse kick to the head. Zeb Colter runs up and tries to break up the two fighting men but the referee walks up to the ropes and tells them all that they have been banned from ringside!
The Miz is freaking out in the ring now, exclaiming to the referee that he needs the support from his team, but the referee tells him no. Colter, Swagger, and Henry all leave the ring as Bryan walks up and hits a dropkick onto Miz, Miz crashing onto the mat. Bryan then quickly crawls up and tries to go for the dragon sleeper but Miz fights back and knocks Bryan onto his back, then wraps around his legs and tries to go for the figure four leg lock but Bryan pushes Miz away with his foot. Miz then turns around in anger and runs up to Bryan knocking him onto his back and landing a series of punches to the head. Miz is going into a fury as the referee has to pull him off of Daniel Bryan. The Miz snorts out his displeasure as he runs up and big boot's Bryan in the face as he tries to get up, Miz is not losing his angered look.
Bryan struggles to get up but Miz keeps on pushing Bryan down with his foot, then brings Bryan to his feet and hits Bryan with a discus punch to the head! Bryan falls to the mat as Miz starts to breath heavily, then picks up Bryan and throws him to the corner where he hits Bryan several times in the head with his fists. Bryan falls into a sitting position as The Miz crouches down and starts to swear at Bryan then slaps him across the face before backing up. Bryan is still in a sitting position as The Miz runs up and hits a running dropkick onto Bryan! Bryan falls onto his side as Miz gets up and yells in the ring, which draws a negative response from the crowd. Miz then waits for Bryan to get up and goes for the Skull Crushing Finale but Bryan counters it and performs the drop toe hold and gets Miz into the Yes Lock!
Miz struggles to get out of it but is unable to as Bryan has the hold secured on and refuses to let go. Bryan starts to yell out and is feeling that he's going to win the match. Bryan looks into the crowd and is ready to squeeze the hold on tighter but Jack Swagger reappears and stomps onto Bryan which causes a disqualification!
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Winner via DQ... Daniel Bryan!
Bryan struggles to fight back as Jack Swagger has Bryan grounded. Bryan is looking like that he's starting to get angry but Zeb Colter enters the ring and starts to curse at Bryan. Bryan then tries to get at Colter but Swagger grabs Bryan from behind and executes the Gutwretcher Bomb! Swagger then looks down at Bryan as Miz gets up and both men places Bryan into a Double Ankle Lock! Bryan starts to scream out in pain as Colter crouches down and starts to mock him. Swagger and Miz both looks to be pleased with the damage being done to Bryan but Mark Henry comes running down the ring and slides inside, with The Awesome Americans all leaving from the ring. Henry checks up on Bryan as Swagger and Miz both act all cockly, believing that they both delivered the message that they wanted to give. Henry looks at the retreating men with angered eyes as the camera goes to somewhere else.
In-Ring Promo
Josh Matthews is in the ring
Josh Matthews: Ladies and gentleman, please welcome my guest for tonight: Brock Lesnar
Lesnar enters the stage and doesn't look too happy to be there as he walks down the ring and enters it, glaring at Matthews with pissed off eyes.
Matthews: Now Lesnar, I wanted to ask you a couple of questions if that is alright with you. First question, what are your thoughts on Sable breaking up with you after she allegedly cheated on you..
Lesnar goes into a fit of rage and clothesline Matthews to the ground. He picks him up and nails Matthews with an F-5! Lesnar doesn't look too happy and nails another F-5 and leaves him there in pain as he leaves the ring, and yells to the ground mentioning that he's beyond pissed now.
Commerical Break
Fandango vs Ryback
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Fandango looks into the crowd as they are roaring for Ryback, who is looking for blood; more specifically Fandango's blood and Fandango knows it. Ryback is rotating his shoulders as Fandnago cowards towards his corner as Ryback goes in for the charge, knocking Fandango to the corner and gets in several shots to the body as Fandango is trying to protect his body. Ryback then backs up a few steps as Fandango pokes his head out to see where Ryback is as Ryback runs up and hits a running clothesline to Fandango, Fandango getting knocked down to the canvas! Ryback then looks down as Fandango is holding onto his neck but Ryback picks Fandango back up and throws him onto the corner, nailing more strikes to the cowarding Fandango. Ryback then yells into the crowd as he charges to Fandango again but Fandango hits Ryback with his foot as Ryback backs up a few paces, then runs up and hits a running neckbreaker onto Ryback!
Fandango briefly has a sigh of relief but looks surprised as Ryback instantly gets back up and is all smiles now. Fandango gulps as he tries to get away but Ryback pulls him forward and kicks him in the gut as he sets Fandango up for the ShellShock but Fandango slips behind Ryback and hits him with a low blow! Ryback develops a pained look on his face as Fandango goes behind Ryback and executes a russian leg sweep onto Ryback. Fandango whips his hair as he shakes his head while looking down at Ryback. Fandango then climbs onto the top rope as he prepares to jump, then looks at the crowd as he jumps and hits Ryback with a Diving Leg Drop! Fandango looks pleased with himself as he goes for the cover..
And Ryback easily kicks out! Fandango looks completely shocked as the crowd is fully behind Ryback now while giving off a nice pop. Ryback looks up at Ryback with angered eyes as he gets up and rams his fist onto Fandango's face, Fandango falling to the mat while holding onto his mouth. Ryback is smiling now as he picks up Fandango and hits a belly to belly suplex onto Fandango! Fandango goes back to his feet slowly while holding onto his back in angony as Ryback runs up to Fandango and executes the Meat Hook clothesline right onto Fandango! Ryback is back up as he rotates his shoulders, showing off his dominance as he lifts up Fandango once again and is ready to deliver another suplex but Fandango steps onto Ryback's foot. Ryback hops around while holding onto his foot, then looks at Fandango in anger as he charges at him but Fandango trips Ryback onto the ropes, then exits the ring as he runs up to Ryback and boots his head as he's hanging onto the ropes! Fandango then looks into the crowd nearby and poses towards them, then looks into the ring and looks pleased with his work but Randy Orton comes out of nowhere and throws Fandango back inside the ring!
Fandango looks surprised at Orton as Orton just stands there and laughs as Fandango can only shake his head in disgust but gets turned around by Ryback, Ryback then executes the ShellShocked onto Fandango as he goes for the pin...
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Winner of the match: Ryback!
The crowd cheers as Ryback stands tall as he's getting his arm raised by the referee, clearly pleased with his win but quickly looks over to Randy Orton as Orton enters the ring. Both men standing are now having an intense staredown at each other as they both exhange words with each other, but Fandango slyly moves around and postions himself in front of the two as he kicks both men in the groin with both feet as Orton and Ryback falls to the ground. Fandango then leaves the ring as he grabs a steel chair and enters the ring. He waits for Orton to get up first as he runs up to him and hits him in the head with the steel chair, Orton crashing to the ground. Fandango then whips his head back as Ryback gets up, Fandango then hits Ryback in the face with the chair as well! Fandango poses with the chair as he shows his dominance over the men but...
Fandango suddenly loses his confidence as Kane strides to the ring with Summer Rae beside behind him. Fandango then drops the chair as Kane enters the ring as him and Summer Rae both watch Fandango coward away from the ring, Kane appears to be smling as he he's holding onto Summer Rae's hand now. Fandango doesn't look to be pleased as Rae wraps her arm around Kane's waist as the camera cuts to the back.
Chris Jericho vs CM Punk
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Chris Jericho has a serious face on his as he looks at Punk, who is wearing a smug face on him. Jericho shakes his head as he runs up and goes for a clothesline but CM Punk ducks it then backs up a few steps. Jericho is looking really annoyed now as Curtis Axel jumps onto the apron and starts to yell at Jericho. Jericho is looking frustrated right now as he runs up to knock Axel down but Axel jumps off the apron and looks at Jericho. Jericho looks over the ropes and snorts out his displeasure but Punk comes running from behind and gets Jericho in a school boy pin while holding onto the ropes..
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Winner of the match: CM Punk!
CM Punk slips out of the ring as Punk and Axel both celebrate at ringside while backing up on the ramp, looking at Jericho's priceless reaction as they both point and laugh at Jericho. Jericho's face is turning beet red as Punk and Axel slap hands and both leave the arena quickly before getting a yelling from Jericho.
Roddy Piper/William Regal/Sable Backstage Promo
William Regal is backstage alone as he's talking to himself.
Regal: Oh man what am I going to do with Brock Lesnar? That man is beyond control now and I can't afford to get anyone hurt.
Roddy Piper: Well if you allow me, I can take him on as a guest at the Elimination Chamber in the return of Piper's Pit!
Regal: You sure you can handle that?
Piper: Oh yeah I've interviewed worse before. This'll be a cakewalk, trust me!
Sheamus vs Batista
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Sheamus and Batista are both warming up in their corners, both men are becoming physically and mentally prepared for their match-up that is taking place right now. Batista shrugs his shoulders as he walks up to Sheamus, Sheamus nods his head as he approaches Batista and they both get into a lockup. Both men appear to have equal strength as they are both unable to move on another, and eventually breaks up the lockup. Sheamus and Batista both look a bit surprised at that as they approach each other again, getting into another lockup. Batista is looking to having the upper advantage but Sheamus tosses Batista away from him completely, Batista though rolls back onto his feet and looks somewhat shocked that just happened.
Sheamus has a smile on his face as Batista looks to be getting frustrated now. Heyman tries to calm him down but Batista bursts into a fit of fury and charges at Sheamus, Sheamus ducking a running clothesline and throws him to the corner nearby and starts to hit some elbow shots to the head of Batista. Batista uses his strength though and shoves Sheamus away, Sheamus looking a bit surprised though as Batista comes charging at Sheamus once again, Sheamus thoughing landing a back toss onto Batista! Batista is holding onto his back as Sheamus locks his eyes on Batista, walking up to him and clubbing him on the back. Batista tries to run away from the assault but Sheamus hits a knee strike onto Batista's gut and Sheamus nails Batista with a snap DDT! Sheamus looks down smiling as he goes for the cover.
And Batista kicks out! Sheamus doesn't look too concerned because he has a lot of energy left still in him. Batista is helped back up from Sheamus as Sheamus sticks Batista's body through the ropes and pulls him back as he starts clubbing his chest with a series of fists. The referee tells Sheamus to bring Batista back inside to which Sheamus does, Sheamus then runs up and hits another knee strike to Batista, then tries to go for the White Noise but Batista slips out and hits Sheamus with a back body drop. Batista is up and starts to mock Sheamus now, showing some anger building up inside him as he goes down and gets him into the Rear Naked Choke onto Sheamus! Sheamus struggles to get out as Batista has the choke expertly done up, but Sheamus still tries to get out of the Rear Naked Choke. Sheamus is desperatly trying to get out of the choke but is unable to, however he doesn't give up as Batista applies more pressure to the neck of Sheamus. Sheamus appears to stop moving though as the referee checks up on Sheamus and sees that he isn't moving so the referee goes to ring the bell to end the match already!
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Winner via knockout: Batista!
Batista is celebrating in the ring as Chrisitan comes into the ring and knocks both Batista and Paul Heyman outside the ring. Christian looks at both men as he motions with a nod that he's confirming his match against Batista at the Eliminaton Chamber, claiming that he's going to win.
Updated Card For Elimination Chamber:
Elimination Chamber Match for the World Heavyweight Championship:
Kane(c) vs Ryback vs Randy Orton vs CM Punk vs Fandango vs Curtis Axel
Non-Title Match:
Christian vs Batista
*If Christian wins, he gets to choose his opponent for Wrestlemania. If Batista wins, Paul Heyman gets to choose Christian's opponent.
Tag Team Championship:
The Shield (c) vs nWo
United States Championship:
Rene Dupree(c) vs Sheamus
Awesome Americans vs Daniel Bryan and Mark Henry
Piper's Pit with Roddy Piper: Special Guest Brock Lesnar!
So as most of you can tell, I kind of half assed the show half way through. I think for now on I'm going to shorten the matches to about 3-4 paragraphs and make the promos simpler just to get things going smoother. I hate to down my quality but hey, whatever gets my BTB shows up.
Edit: Smackdown preview will be up soon.

Justin Roberts: Ladies and gentleman the following contest is an over-the-top-rope briefcase on a pole battle royal match! The only way to win the match is to grab the briefcase that is hanging from the pole above, however the contestant will be unable to grab the briefcase once he is eliminated by going over the top rope. Only the final two contestants are immune from being eliminated from the match.
Ziggler, Bray Wyatt ,Air Boom ,Fatal Impact ,Big Show ,Cody Rhodes ,Jericho ,Mark Henry, 3MB, Sin Cara, Roddy Piper ,Zack Ryder & Yoshi Tatus ,The Awesome Americans ,Daniel Bryan, Wade Barrett
Ding! Ding! Ding!
All the contestants in the ring looks at each other, then at the briefcase on top of the pole as they all run up and try to outdo each other to grab the briefcase. The Miz is close to grabbing it but is pull off, then Cody Rhodes is close as well before he too is pulled off. Everyone then struggles to get to the top as Air Boom climbs onto the top rope together and hangs onto the pole, looking at everyone as they do a double crossbody onto the pack of wrestlers in the ring! Air Boom is then up and poses towards the crowd before Jinder Mahal is up and tries to attack Kofi Kingston but Bourne catches him mid attack as Air Boom brings him by the ropes and nails a double dropkick, Jinder Mahal ends up rolling over the ropes!
Jinder Mahal has been eliminated at 1:04
Wrestlers are starting to get up as Heath Slater and Drew McIntyer are not too pleased with what Air Boom did. The remaining of 3MB both charge and knock down Air Boom as they start to stomp on them as the combatants are starting to raise hell in the Squared Circle. Ziggler and Rhodes are both gangbeating Big Show with a series of punches and kicks which brings Show to the corner, Ziggler then runs up and goes for a stinger splash but Big Show catches him and tosses Ziggler over the ropes but Ziggler lands onto the ropes to save himself! Rhodes however runs up and knocks down the distracted Big Show with a running dropkick which brings him to a sitting position! Meanwhile Slater and McIntyer has Bourne up and tries to get him over the ropes but Kofi makes the save and dumps Heath Slater out, the Bourne gets up and tosses McIntyer over the ropes as well!
Heath Slater has been eliminated at 1:34
Drew McIntyer has been eliminated at 1:36
Roddy Piper is seen taking on Wade Barrett as Cody Rhodes starts to kick the Big Show as he's down, Ziggler entering the ring as him and Sandow are all joining in on the 3 on 1 assault on the Intercontintal Champion. Fatal Impact and and Daniel Bryan are fighting as Mark Henry helps out by shoving away R-Truth and getting Dean Ambrose into a bearhug, Bryan then running up towards R-Truth but gets ambused from the Awesome Americans. Jericho is seen attacking Ryder as Tatus tries his best to pull away Jericho from his partner but Jericho turns around looks at Yoshi Tatsu with wide eyes, then grapples him as he throws him over the ropes!
Yoshi Tatus has been eliminated at 2:23
Jericho then continues on the assault as the Awesome Americans brings Daniel Bryan to the corner and starts to wail on him with a series of punches and kicks but Henry appears from behind and takes down Swagger with a running shoulder block. The Miz then turns around and tries to hit back but doesn't seem to work all that well as Henry gets The Miz into a bearhug! Piper is going wild as he knocks down Wade Barrett with a punch, then turns around and hits Dean Ambrose with a clothesline, then hits R-Truth with a kick to the gut followed by a DDT! Piper is getting fired up as he jabs Sin Cara several times before taking a hit as he crashes to the ground. Piper is moving around the ring and is loving the moment but he gets ambushed from Rhodes and Ziggler as Piper crashes to the ground. Rhodes holds Piper back up as Ziggler runs to the ropes and returns, hitting Piper with the Zig Zag! Rhodes then throws Piper over the ring to eliminate him from the match!
Roddy Piper has been eliminated at 3:34
The crowd starts to boo loudly as Rhodes and Ziggler celebrates in the ring but both gets double clotheslined from The Big SHow! Show then picks up and throws Rhodes to a nearby corner where he slaps Rhodes across the chest, Rhodes falling to the mat while comforting his chest. Jericho is seen next bringing Ryder to the center of the ring as he nails a Codebreaker onto Zack Ryder. Ryder looks knocked out as Jericho nods to the crowd but Ambrose appears from behind and holds him in place as R-Truth runs up and goes for a clothesline but Jericho gets out of the way and hits Dean Ambrose instead! Ambrose falls to the mat as R-Truth checks up on his partner but Evan Bourne comes from behind and hits a belly to back suplex onto R-Truth. Kingston and Bourne throws R-Truth to the corner as they team up on him with a series of stomps while Bray Wyatt finally gets a camera shot by throwing Sin Cara over the ropes, and looking over the ring to see him go out.
Sin Cara has been eliminated at 4:41
Bray Wyatt notices that everyone is distracted and decides to climb up where the pole is and attempts to reach for the briefcase but Air Boom sees it and runs up to Bray Wyatt and pulls him off the ropes, Kingston then nailing a Trouble in Paradise as Evan Bourne climbs onto the top rope where the pole is at and nails an Air Bourne onto Bray Wyatt! Evan Bourne is up now as they pick up Bray Wyatt and dump him over the ropes to eliminated him from the match!
Bray Wyatt has been eliminated at 5:34[/B
Air Boom advances towards where the Awesome Americans are at and starts the team assault on them. Rhodes and Ziggler both try and attack The Big Show from behind but Show turns around and glares at the both of them, grabs them by by the throat and nails a double Chokeslam onto Ziggler and Rhodes! Big Show then raises his arms in victory but Wade Barrett pushes him to the ropes and tries to knock him off over the ropes but is unable to. Big Show then lighly shoves Barrett away and hits the KO Punch onto Barrett. Barrett gets knocked down as R-Truth walks up and punches Big Show in the gut and goes for a takedown but is unable to, Big Show is finally annoyed and throws R-Truth over the ropes but R-Truth is still hanging by! Big Show then turns away as Jericho is on the offense on Big Show now, Dean Ambrose approaching his partner to apparently help him back inside but shoves R-Truth off the apron instead!
R-Truth has been eliminated at 6:56
R-Truth can't believe what he just witnessed as Dean Ambrose doesn't even take one glance at R-Truth, looking away as he starts to hit Daniel Bryan with several punches. Ryder is seen fighting Rhodes but Ziggler pops up from behind him and throws Ryder over the ropes to eliminate him from the match! Ziggler looks happy to have Ryder gone but Rhodes runs up and dumps Ziggler over the ropes himself!
Zack Ryder has been eliminated at 7:04
Cody Rhodes has been eliminated at 7:07
Rhodes laughs and looks away as the carnage inside the ring resumes. Wade Barrett sees the opportunity and climbs onto the pole and tries to reach for the briefcase but is unable to. Barrett then tries to scale the pole but gets pushes off the top rope by Mark Henry!
Wade Barrett has been eliminated at 7:25
Henry then looks up to where the briefcase is hanging as he starts to climb the ropes but gets pulled down by the Big Show. Henry and Big Show both have an intense staredown before both guys start to exchange punches between each other, trying to best the other man. Big Show then finally goes for a KO punch but Bryan grabs the hand from behind and jumps onto Big Show's back and gets him into the sleeper hold, Henry then kicking Big Show in the gut as Bryan lets go and Henry goes for the World's Strongest Slam and nails it! Big Show is down as Henry beats his chest and is proud of his accomplishment but Swagger appears and knocks Mark Henry over the ropes with his pure wrestling skills!
Mark Henry has been eliminated at 8:32
Bryan can't believe what he just saw and tries to attack Jack Swagger but The Miz pulls him off and nails a Skull-Crushing Finale onto Daniel Bryan. Swagger and Miz towers over Bryan as Rhodes and Evan Bourne are going at it now, Jericho and Kingston are sparring as well. Rhodes tries to go for a suplex but Bourne slips out of it and throws him to the ropes, Rhodes then turns around as Bourne runs up to Rhodes but Rhodes tosses Bourne over the ropes, Evan Bourne however lands onto the apron. Rhodes then looks at Bourne and goes for a punch but Bourne hits a shoulder thrust onto Rhodes. Jericho then hits Kingston with a Codebreaker as Jericho eyes Bourne still on the apron and runs up to him, executing a enzuigiri kick onto Bourne, knocking him off the apron!
Evan Bourne has been eliminated at 9:34
Ambrose is back in action as he throws Rhodes to the corner and starts to nail him with several punches, taunting him before hitting him with the Snapmare Driver! Bryan is still getting gangbeaten from the Awesome Americans but that ends as Big Show is up and boots Swagger in the face to knock him down, then picks up the Miz military press style and throws him over the ropes completely, crashing to ringside!
The Miz has been eliminated at 10:21
Big Show then looks around and sees Dean Ambrose trying to charge at him, Big Show then lifts him up military press style as well and throws Dean Ambrose as he crashes ontop of The Miz!
Dean Ambrose has been eliminated at 10:43
Big Show is smiling as he sees that his chances are getting better as he starts to climb the ropes and tries to retrieve the briefcase. Daniel Bryan is up and tries to pull him off but doesn't have the strength to do that. Rhodes and Kingston are up and are helping Bryan as Big Show is hanging onto the post, trying desperatly not to let go. Big Show then looks down as Jericho and Swagger gets up and helps the rest of the guys to get Big Show off the pole, everyone in the ring is ganging up on The Big Show. Big Show starts shaking his head as he's losing his grip from the pole, finally letting go as Big Show gets dumped to the outside!
Big Show has been eliminated at 12:18
Everyone is relieved that The Big Show is gone but Swagger quickly turns on Bryan and starts to beat on his rival as Jericho gets to work on Kingston, Rhodes then looking at both fights and realizes that he's left unopposed as he climbs the ropes and hangs onto the pole, smiling now. Rhodes then shows off by swinging around the pole in happiness but loses his grip and falls to the floor at ringside!
Cody Rhodes has been eliminated at 12:45
Rhodes is arguing to the referee about the call as the final four contestants are Daniel Bryan, Jack Swagger, Kofi Kingston and Chris Jericho. Swagger has Bryan by the corner and starts to kick him in the gut as Jericho has Kofi in the center of the ring and tries to go for the Walls of Jericho but Kofi shoves him away with his foot. Jericho goes towards the ropes as Kofi is up and hits Jericho with a flying forearm smash to the head of Jericho. Kofi then attacks Swagger from behind and hits him with a spinning wheel kick as Bryan brings Swagger to a corner and Kofi gets Jericho to a different corner. Both men then steps onto the ropes and proceeds to start with the 10 punches, then finishes at both Swagger and Jericho falls to the mat. Kingston then picks up Jericho and tries to toss him over the ropes but Jericho doesn't allow it and tries to throw Kingston instead. Bryan then has Swagger up and tries to bring him over the ropes but Swagger uses his strength and throws Daniel Bryan over the rope, Bryan still hanging onto the top rope as Swagger runs to the opposite side and charges at Bryan, Bryan then pulls the ropes down and Swagger falls out but is hanging onto the bottom rope still. Swagger and Bryan are kicking each other as they both struggle to stay in the match but Jericho comes up and stomps onto the both of them until both Swagger and Bryan has both been eliminated!
Jack Swagger has been eliminated at 15:34
Daniel Bryan has been eliminated at 15:35
Jericho and Kofi are the final two persons left in the match, therefore are immune to be eliminated from the match. Jericho turns around to face the briefcase hanging from the pole but Kofi comes up from behind and hits the Trouble in Paradise onto Jericho. Kofi then looks down and smiles as Jericho looks out of it, Kofi then climbing onto the top rope and jumps off it but Jericho hits the Codebreaker, knocking out Kofi Kingston! Jericho is all smiles now as he climbs up the ropes and is reaching for the briefcase but CM Punk appears out of nowhere and shoves Chris Jericho off the ropes!
Bradshaw: It's CM Punk! What's he doing here?!
CM Punk is laughing now as the climbs to the top rope and is within reach of the briefcase, and then has it by his fingertips as he is able to unlock it and wins the match!
Winner of the match and is the 6th Contestand for the Elimination Chamber match... CM Punk!
King: Oh come on, CM Punk isn't even in the match!
Cole: It doesn't matter King, it's an open Battle Royal, as in anyone can enter it!
CM Punk is seen celebrating while walking up the ramp as he's holding the empty briefcase in his hands, securing a final spot into the Elimination Chamber match for the World Heavyweight Championship. Jericho looks annoyed as CM Punk is yelling out to the crowd before leaving the entrance as the camera shoots to the back.
Backstage Segment
Kane is seen smiling as him and Summer Rae are both sitting down at the lockeroom nearby, holding hands.
Kane: I'm not gonna lie, I never thought that I would see true love after getting kicked in the nuts.
Summer Rae: Haha I know, I never knew what love felt like after I left that coward of a man and went by your side. I love you Kane, and I never want to leave you for anything in this world. Not all of the world's gold and riches will ever keep us apart.
Kane: I like the sound of that!
Kane and Rae both go into a kiss as the fans pop to see Kane and Summer Rae together untiil the camera goes somewhere else.
Backstage Segment
CM Punk and Curtis Axel are both seen backstage as they begin to make plans for the Elimination Chamber until Jericho storms by and gets into Punk's face.
Chris Jericho: What the hell was that all about assclown?
CM Punk: ... I have absolutly no idea what you're talking ab-
Jericho: Don't give me any of that crap! You had no right to enter that Battle Royal match! You lost your chance to enter the Elimination Chamber so why should I let you take my opporunity to enter the Elimination Chamber? Maybe is it because you think that you're the best in the world, or maybe is it because you have a pull with Paul Heyman running things in the WWE. Well let me tell you junior that you're screwing around with the wrong guy, and tempted to beat you silly right here for disrespecting me like that.
Punk: Oh I'm sorry Jericho, I was not aware that there was some unwritten code that I wasn't allowed to screw over the half-wits in this company. I'm not sure that you were aware of the rules of the battle royal, but was an open battle royal, as in anybody could've entered it. And since I lost my first opportunity then I thought 'heck I'll try it again', and it worked this time! You see Jericho, you have to try and try again to get something that you want, and if you're too stupid to get out of my way to accomplish my goal then so be it, I'll knock your ass to the ground if I'll have to.
Jericho is getting face to face with Punk now, not clealy pleasedon what he just heard.
Jericho: Since when have you been Mr. Courageous? You couldn't even beat Cena in the Hell in a Cell match last week on RAW, now how you do expect to beat someone like me? If you really were a man like you claim to be, then put your spot on the line against me and we'll see if you have what it takes to take on 5 other men at the Elimination Chambe Match. You owe me that much Punk, because from what I can tell you're nothing but a poser and you deserve to get horse whipped right now!
CM Punk: Spare me the method of getting me angry enough where I'll take on your challange Jericho. I mean that spot is mine and you're not taking it away from me. Now that being said I'll gladly take you on tonight for the final entry into the Elimination Chamber match, but don't think that I'll go easy on you. See you later tonight... assclown.
The Usos vs The Latin Teror

Ding! Ding! Ding!
The crowd is hot for this match as Jey Uso and Alberto Del Rio are starting off for this match. Jey and Del Rio both get into a lockup. Jey gets the upper advantage by bringing Del Rio towards a corner and keeps him there for several seconds before hitting Del Rio in the gut. Del Rio then falls to the mat while holding onto his gut as Uso looks at Del Rio with a smile. Del Rio then shakes his head in anger as he lunges towards Jey and shoves him all the way to the opposite corner where he starts to hit some elbows to the head. Uso then pushes Del Rio away and goes for a savate kick but Del Rio catches the leg and pulls Jey closer, grabs the trunks and goes for a vertical suplex but Jey slips out from behind and shoves him to the corner then goes for a rollup pin..
And Alberto Del Rio slips out! Del Rio tries to fight back but Jey brings Del Rio to his corner and tags in Jimmy into the match. Jimmy climbs onto the top rope as Jey holds Del Rio onto the ground, Jimmy then jumps off the top rope and lands a diving headbutt onto Del Rio. Jimmy gets up and starts to stomp onto Del Rio but then brings him to an empty corner, where he starts to kick Del Rio in the chest several times then whips him to the opposit corner. Del Rio then runs up and goes for a running clothesline but Del Rio moves out of the way as Jimmy crashes onto the corner. Del Rio then turns around and hits a roundhouse kick to Jimmy as Jimmy falls to the corner, then Del Rio starts to punch Jimmy several times in the head. Del Rio is all smiles now and he throws Jimmy to his corner and tags him Homicide into the match!
Homicide enters the ring as he and Del Rio knocks down Jimmy on the floor and starts to kick him in various spots, then Del Rio lands a jumping knee drop onto the head befor the referee forces him to leave the ring. Homicide has a murderous look on his face as he forces Jimmy onto his feet and quickly lands an Exploder suplex onto Jimmy! Jimmy falls onto the mat looking stunned as Homicide climbs onto the top rope and looks down at Jimmy, then lands a diving double stomp onto Jimmy then throws up a gang sign to the crowd. Homicide then gets on his knees as he starts to choke Jimmy with both hands before the referee forces Homicide off of Jimmy. Homicide looks to be okay with that but quickly goes back down and starts to choke Jimmy some more! Homicide gets bored with the choking and brings Jimmy back to his corner and tags in Del Rio back into the match.
Del Rio looks to be excited to be taking down the Usos as he lands a stiff punch to the gut with Homicide holding him behind his back, then Del Rio lands a knee to the gut as Homicide drops Jimmy right there. Jey is jumping from his corner as he supports Jimmy but Jimmy isn't doing to well from the vicous assault from The Latin Terror. Del Rio gets Jimmy into a sleeper hold now as Jimmy desperatly tries to escape it but Del Rio has the hold locked in tight. Jimmy is moving around the ring but slowly gets into a standing position as it appears that he's ready to fall asleep but then starts to hit some elbow shots onto Del Rio. Del Rio lets go from the jolt of pain as Jimmy runs to the ropes and charges at Del Rio but both men ends up hitting a double clothesline onto each other! The crowd is clapping for both men as Jimmy and Alberto Del Rio are both climbing onto each other's respective corners, tagging in their partners for the hot tag!
Jey blasts into the ring as he knocks down the oncoming Homicide, then Del Rio as Del Rio rolls out of the ring. Homicide gets back up but eats a dropkick from Jey. Jey starts to yell to the crowd as he picks up Homicide and hits him with a Samoa drop! Jey then looks happy as he waits for Homicide to get back up and goes for a superkick but Homicide ducks and is setting Jey up for Da Cop Killa but Jey slips out and hits a reverse DDT onto Homicide instead! Jey then climbs onto the top rope and is getting ready for the splash but Del Rio tries to take down Jey on the top turnbuckle but Jimmy shoves Del Rio aside. This though is a big enough distraction as Homicide shoves Jimmy off the apron and sets Jimmy up for the superplex but Jey knocks Homicide back onto his feet and jumps off the top rope, hitting the splash! Jey then goes for the pin..
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Winners of the match: The Usos!
The Usos are proud with their work as they both celebrate in the ring before leaving the ring with all smiles. The Latin Terror doesn't seem to be too impressed as The Usos both pose towards the crowd on the ramp before leaving the arena.
Commercial Break
Daniel Bryan vs The Miz

Ding! Ding! Ding!
The Miz has a cocky look on him as Daniel Bryan is mentally preparing himself at his corner with Mark Henry by his side. Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter are both yelling at The Miz from their corner as The Miz is all smiles, waiting for this matchup to happen. Both wrestlers approach each other before getting into a lockup to start off this match. The Miz plays it cool and gets Bryan into a hammerlock but Bryan slips behind the Miz and gets him into his own hammerlock. Bryan has the hold expertly held on as The Miz is rotating around the ring, trying to get Bryan to let go but Bryan instead gets Miz into a headlock. Miz briefly struggles to get out but shoves Bryan towards the ropes, then waits for Bryan to return but Bryan hits Miz with a shoulder block. Miz crashes to the ground as Bryan bounces off the ropes again and comes back to The Miz but The Miz goes for a dropkick, Bryan though sees it coming and grabs onto the legs as Miz crashes to the ground. Miz is now struggling as Bryan goes for a leg lock of some sort but Miz reaches up and gets Bryan into a small package pin!
And Daniel Bryan breaks the pin! Both men rushes up to their feet as The Miz rotates his shoulders, trying to look alpha male in front of Bryan but Bryan isn't buying it. The Miz runs up and tries to attack Bryan with a running clothesline but Bryan ducks it and is able to quickly grab Miz and toss him out of the ring! The Miz starts to freak out as Bryan starts to mock him inside the ring. Jack Swagger though jumps onto the apron behind Bryan and calls him out, Bryan turns around and looks at Swagger but Mark Henry pulls Swagger back down to ringside and starts a beatdown on him. Bryan is enjoying the scene but The Miz runs into the ring and goes for a cheap shot to the back but Bryan sees it coming and hits an elbow shot to the face of Miz, then runs up and hits a roundhouse kick to the head. Zeb Colter runs up and tries to break up the two fighting men but the referee walks up to the ropes and tells them all that they have been banned from ringside!
The Miz is freaking out in the ring now, exclaiming to the referee that he needs the support from his team, but the referee tells him no. Colter, Swagger, and Henry all leave the ring as Bryan walks up and hits a dropkick onto Miz, Miz crashing onto the mat. Bryan then quickly crawls up and tries to go for the dragon sleeper but Miz fights back and knocks Bryan onto his back, then wraps around his legs and tries to go for the figure four leg lock but Bryan pushes Miz away with his foot. Miz then turns around in anger and runs up to Bryan knocking him onto his back and landing a series of punches to the head. Miz is going into a fury as the referee has to pull him off of Daniel Bryan. The Miz snorts out his displeasure as he runs up and big boot's Bryan in the face as he tries to get up, Miz is not losing his angered look.
Bryan struggles to get up but Miz keeps on pushing Bryan down with his foot, then brings Bryan to his feet and hits Bryan with a discus punch to the head! Bryan falls to the mat as Miz starts to breath heavily, then picks up Bryan and throws him to the corner where he hits Bryan several times in the head with his fists. Bryan falls into a sitting position as The Miz crouches down and starts to swear at Bryan then slaps him across the face before backing up. Bryan is still in a sitting position as The Miz runs up and hits a running dropkick onto Bryan! Bryan falls onto his side as Miz gets up and yells in the ring, which draws a negative response from the crowd. Miz then waits for Bryan to get up and goes for the Skull Crushing Finale but Bryan counters it and performs the drop toe hold and gets Miz into the Yes Lock!
Miz struggles to get out of it but is unable to as Bryan has the hold secured on and refuses to let go. Bryan starts to yell out and is feeling that he's going to win the match. Bryan looks into the crowd and is ready to squeeze the hold on tighter but Jack Swagger reappears and stomps onto Bryan which causes a disqualification!
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Winner via DQ... Daniel Bryan!
Bryan struggles to fight back as Jack Swagger has Bryan grounded. Bryan is looking like that he's starting to get angry but Zeb Colter enters the ring and starts to curse at Bryan. Bryan then tries to get at Colter but Swagger grabs Bryan from behind and executes the Gutwretcher Bomb! Swagger then looks down at Bryan as Miz gets up and both men places Bryan into a Double Ankle Lock! Bryan starts to scream out in pain as Colter crouches down and starts to mock him. Swagger and Miz both looks to be pleased with the damage being done to Bryan but Mark Henry comes running down the ring and slides inside, with The Awesome Americans all leaving from the ring. Henry checks up on Bryan as Swagger and Miz both act all cockly, believing that they both delivered the message that they wanted to give. Henry looks at the retreating men with angered eyes as the camera goes to somewhere else.
In-Ring Promo
Josh Matthews is in the ring
Josh Matthews: Ladies and gentleman, please welcome my guest for tonight: Brock Lesnar
Lesnar enters the stage and doesn't look too happy to be there as he walks down the ring and enters it, glaring at Matthews with pissed off eyes.
Matthews: Now Lesnar, I wanted to ask you a couple of questions if that is alright with you. First question, what are your thoughts on Sable breaking up with you after she allegedly cheated on you..
Lesnar goes into a fit of rage and clothesline Matthews to the ground. He picks him up and nails Matthews with an F-5! Lesnar doesn't look too happy and nails another F-5 and leaves him there in pain as he leaves the ring, and yells to the ground mentioning that he's beyond pissed now.
Commerical Break
Fandango vs Ryback

Ding! Ding! Ding!
Fandango looks into the crowd as they are roaring for Ryback, who is looking for blood; more specifically Fandango's blood and Fandango knows it. Ryback is rotating his shoulders as Fandnago cowards towards his corner as Ryback goes in for the charge, knocking Fandango to the corner and gets in several shots to the body as Fandango is trying to protect his body. Ryback then backs up a few steps as Fandango pokes his head out to see where Ryback is as Ryback runs up and hits a running clothesline to Fandango, Fandango getting knocked down to the canvas! Ryback then looks down as Fandango is holding onto his neck but Ryback picks Fandango back up and throws him onto the corner, nailing more strikes to the cowarding Fandango. Ryback then yells into the crowd as he charges to Fandango again but Fandango hits Ryback with his foot as Ryback backs up a few paces, then runs up and hits a running neckbreaker onto Ryback!
Fandango briefly has a sigh of relief but looks surprised as Ryback instantly gets back up and is all smiles now. Fandango gulps as he tries to get away but Ryback pulls him forward and kicks him in the gut as he sets Fandango up for the ShellShock but Fandango slips behind Ryback and hits him with a low blow! Ryback develops a pained look on his face as Fandango goes behind Ryback and executes a russian leg sweep onto Ryback. Fandango whips his hair as he shakes his head while looking down at Ryback. Fandango then climbs onto the top rope as he prepares to jump, then looks at the crowd as he jumps and hits Ryback with a Diving Leg Drop! Fandango looks pleased with himself as he goes for the cover..
And Ryback easily kicks out! Fandango looks completely shocked as the crowd is fully behind Ryback now while giving off a nice pop. Ryback looks up at Ryback with angered eyes as he gets up and rams his fist onto Fandango's face, Fandango falling to the mat while holding onto his mouth. Ryback is smiling now as he picks up Fandango and hits a belly to belly suplex onto Fandango! Fandango goes back to his feet slowly while holding onto his back in angony as Ryback runs up to Fandango and executes the Meat Hook clothesline right onto Fandango! Ryback is back up as he rotates his shoulders, showing off his dominance as he lifts up Fandango once again and is ready to deliver another suplex but Fandango steps onto Ryback's foot. Ryback hops around while holding onto his foot, then looks at Fandango in anger as he charges at him but Fandango trips Ryback onto the ropes, then exits the ring as he runs up to Ryback and boots his head as he's hanging onto the ropes! Fandango then looks into the crowd nearby and poses towards them, then looks into the ring and looks pleased with his work but Randy Orton comes out of nowhere and throws Fandango back inside the ring!
Fandango looks surprised at Orton as Orton just stands there and laughs as Fandango can only shake his head in disgust but gets turned around by Ryback, Ryback then executes the ShellShocked onto Fandango as he goes for the pin...
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Winner of the match: Ryback!
The crowd cheers as Ryback stands tall as he's getting his arm raised by the referee, clearly pleased with his win but quickly looks over to Randy Orton as Orton enters the ring. Both men standing are now having an intense staredown at each other as they both exhange words with each other, but Fandango slyly moves around and postions himself in front of the two as he kicks both men in the groin with both feet as Orton and Ryback falls to the ground. Fandango then leaves the ring as he grabs a steel chair and enters the ring. He waits for Orton to get up first as he runs up to him and hits him in the head with the steel chair, Orton crashing to the ground. Fandango then whips his head back as Ryback gets up, Fandango then hits Ryback in the face with the chair as well! Fandango poses with the chair as he shows his dominance over the men but...
Fandango suddenly loses his confidence as Kane strides to the ring with Summer Rae beside behind him. Fandango then drops the chair as Kane enters the ring as him and Summer Rae both watch Fandango coward away from the ring, Kane appears to be smling as he he's holding onto Summer Rae's hand now. Fandango doesn't look to be pleased as Rae wraps her arm around Kane's waist as the camera cuts to the back.
Chris Jericho vs CM Punk
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Chris Jericho has a serious face on his as he looks at Punk, who is wearing a smug face on him. Jericho shakes his head as he runs up and goes for a clothesline but CM Punk ducks it then backs up a few steps. Jericho is looking really annoyed now as Curtis Axel jumps onto the apron and starts to yell at Jericho. Jericho is looking frustrated right now as he runs up to knock Axel down but Axel jumps off the apron and looks at Jericho. Jericho looks over the ropes and snorts out his displeasure but Punk comes running from behind and gets Jericho in a school boy pin while holding onto the ropes..
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Winner of the match: CM Punk!
CM Punk slips out of the ring as Punk and Axel both celebrate at ringside while backing up on the ramp, looking at Jericho's priceless reaction as they both point and laugh at Jericho. Jericho's face is turning beet red as Punk and Axel slap hands and both leave the arena quickly before getting a yelling from Jericho.
Roddy Piper/William Regal/Sable Backstage Promo
William Regal is backstage alone as he's talking to himself.
Regal: Oh man what am I going to do with Brock Lesnar? That man is beyond control now and I can't afford to get anyone hurt.
Roddy Piper: Well if you allow me, I can take him on as a guest at the Elimination Chamber in the return of Piper's Pit!
Regal: You sure you can handle that?
Piper: Oh yeah I've interviewed worse before. This'll be a cakewalk, trust me!
Sheamus vs Batista

Ding! Ding! Ding!
Sheamus and Batista are both warming up in their corners, both men are becoming physically and mentally prepared for their match-up that is taking place right now. Batista shrugs his shoulders as he walks up to Sheamus, Sheamus nods his head as he approaches Batista and they both get into a lockup. Both men appear to have equal strength as they are both unable to move on another, and eventually breaks up the lockup. Sheamus and Batista both look a bit surprised at that as they approach each other again, getting into another lockup. Batista is looking to having the upper advantage but Sheamus tosses Batista away from him completely, Batista though rolls back onto his feet and looks somewhat shocked that just happened.
Sheamus has a smile on his face as Batista looks to be getting frustrated now. Heyman tries to calm him down but Batista bursts into a fit of fury and charges at Sheamus, Sheamus ducking a running clothesline and throws him to the corner nearby and starts to hit some elbow shots to the head of Batista. Batista uses his strength though and shoves Sheamus away, Sheamus looking a bit surprised though as Batista comes charging at Sheamus once again, Sheamus thoughing landing a back toss onto Batista! Batista is holding onto his back as Sheamus locks his eyes on Batista, walking up to him and clubbing him on the back. Batista tries to run away from the assault but Sheamus hits a knee strike onto Batista's gut and Sheamus nails Batista with a snap DDT! Sheamus looks down smiling as he goes for the cover.
And Batista kicks out! Sheamus doesn't look too concerned because he has a lot of energy left still in him. Batista is helped back up from Sheamus as Sheamus sticks Batista's body through the ropes and pulls him back as he starts clubbing his chest with a series of fists. The referee tells Sheamus to bring Batista back inside to which Sheamus does, Sheamus then runs up and hits another knee strike to Batista, then tries to go for the White Noise but Batista slips out and hits Sheamus with a back body drop. Batista is up and starts to mock Sheamus now, showing some anger building up inside him as he goes down and gets him into the Rear Naked Choke onto Sheamus! Sheamus struggles to get out as Batista has the choke expertly done up, but Sheamus still tries to get out of the Rear Naked Choke. Sheamus is desperatly trying to get out of the choke but is unable to, however he doesn't give up as Batista applies more pressure to the neck of Sheamus. Sheamus appears to stop moving though as the referee checks up on Sheamus and sees that he isn't moving so the referee goes to ring the bell to end the match already!
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Winner via knockout: Batista!
Batista is celebrating in the ring as Chrisitan comes into the ring and knocks both Batista and Paul Heyman outside the ring. Christian looks at both men as he motions with a nod that he's confirming his match against Batista at the Eliminaton Chamber, claiming that he's going to win.
Updated Card For Elimination Chamber:
Elimination Chamber Match for the World Heavyweight Championship:
Kane(c) vs Ryback vs Randy Orton vs CM Punk vs Fandango vs Curtis Axel
Non-Title Match:
Christian vs Batista
*If Christian wins, he gets to choose his opponent for Wrestlemania. If Batista wins, Paul Heyman gets to choose Christian's opponent.
Tag Team Championship:
The Shield (c) vs nWo
United States Championship:
Rene Dupree(c) vs Sheamus
Awesome Americans vs Daniel Bryan and Mark Henry
Piper's Pit with Roddy Piper: Special Guest Brock Lesnar!
So as most of you can tell, I kind of half assed the show half way through. I think for now on I'm going to shorten the matches to about 3-4 paragraphs and make the promos simpler just to get things going smoother. I hate to down my quality but hey, whatever gets my BTB shows up.
Edit: Smackdown preview will be up soon.