Alright, on the count of that I happen to lost my show and don't feel like re-writing it I'm going to type out my show outline with some extra details. So sorry about this guys, I'll make it up to you when the PPV happens.

Also note that this is NOT the new format for my shows, this was just written up so I can continue the BTB thread without waiting another week...
In-Ring Promo
Cody Rhodes enters the stage and complains about how Paul Heyman hasn't given him anything in return for being part of his conspiracy. He informs the crowd that Heyman has given every superstar either a title shot or a big payoff of some sort but not him and he wants somebody to notice this. Christian enters on stage and basically tells him to shut up, and nobody is paying attention to him because he's being a whiney bitch. Rhodes isn't impressed and says he can do more for the group, even taking out the number one contender for the WWE Champion. Chrisitan laughs it off but realizes that he's being serious, so they agree to have a match later on tonight.
Backstage Promo
Fatal Impact (R-Truth and Dean Ambrose) are fighting over personality issues as per usual, then The Shield comes in and shoots down how pathetic their former Shield partner is. Ambrose looks like that he's ready to blow a gasket but Rollins tells him to relax, and hopes that Fatal Impact is the team that comes on top so they can face him again. Ambrose doesn't surrender any sign of emotion as The Shield leaves the area, R-Truth not sure what to make of it.
Backstage Interview
Matt Striker is with Summer Rae for an interview and asks her for her opinion of Fandango. She tells him her life story with the man and how she fell in love with him, but thanks Kane for showing her the other side of Fandango, a coward. Summer Rae then goes on how Kane is such an inspiration to her to become stronger and believe in what really matters: personality. Striker then asks her if her and Kane have something going on between them. Rae then dismisses it with a blush and a smile as she leaves the interview segment.
Elimination Chamber Qualifier: Randy Orton vs CM Punk
CM Punk is obviously still hurt from his match on RAW and shows with his slow and sluggish moves, Randy Orton using it to his advantage. CM Punk shows no signs of giving up, by using every dirty trick in the book. Orton is down and it looks like that Punk is going to win with the GTS but Orton slips out and hits the RKO and gets the pinfall right there. Orton leaves the ring with a smile, knowing that he's going to the Elimination Chamber match.
Winner: Randy Orton!
Backstage Segment
Air Boom and Zack Ryder & Yoshi Tatus meets up with each other in the halls and wishes each other luck. Evan Bourne says that if it's not Air Boom that wins, then he hopes that Ryder and Tatsu will win the match. Ryder then replies that he hopes that he wins too. They laugh it off but then slowly start laughing as they look at each with dead seriousness before walking off.
Backstage Interview
Striker is backstage with Booker T for an interview. He askes Booker who he thinks is going to win the 8 Team Turnmoil Match. Booker says he can't answer that only because he's refereeing the match and can't be biased towards the other teams. Striker then askes what his future plans are for WWE now that he's going to be an active superstar. Booker then acts all secretive on that as well and excuses himself from the interview segment.
Elimination Chamber Qualifier: John Cena vs Fandango
Fandango is in the ring but Tony Chimel announces that John Cena is still gravely hurt from the vicious assault in the Hell in a Cell match therefore is unable to compete. The crowd is pissed off as Fandango is not too thrilled about it, especially since he has to go into the Chamber match. Summer Rae then pops up from the stage and calls him a coward and a liar from the stage and tells him that they're over. Fandango then gets riled up until Kane's pyro hits from the stage. Fandango looks freaked out but doesn't see Kane coming, however Ryback pops up and starts attacking Fandnago from behind. Ryback then hits the ShellShocked onto Fandango as the crowd is loving it.
Backstage Segment
Santino Marella tries to talk to Ziggler but Ziggler is not interested in having conversation with him. Marella asks why and Ziggler gives him the honest answer: he's boring. He should change himself and maybe someone will take him seriously one day. Santino then think about this as Ziggler leaves.
Non-title: Kane vs Curtis Axel
Kane gets the early offense in but Heyman distracts Kane and Axel nails a cheap shot onto Kane, thens starts the brutal beatdown. Kane tries to back back up Axel is on him pretty hard and hits a clothesline to the back of the head to netralize him. Kane then gets up and hits a throat thrust that sends Axel back but Heyman tries to distract him again but gets boot in the head for his troubles. Axel then hits a neckbreak by surprise but only gets a 2 count. Axel then continues on the assault but eventually Kan gets the come back and hits the chokeslam. Axel though is still fighting back as they both exit the ring and brawl at ringside, which leads to a double countout
Winners: N/A via Double countdown
Post match: Kane and Axel continue to fight until security have to break them up. Kane then breaks out the steel chair and starts hitting random security members as Heyman and Axel retreat to the back.
backstage Promo
The Awesome Americans and Zeb Colter are backstage discussing to the audience why they are going to become the next tag team champions. Colter says that it's time for the true American people to come to realization that the Americans are champions among men and should be treated as such. Swagger and The Miz elaborate on that as they leave off camera.
backstage Segment
The Big Show is being interview about the turnmoil, he picks that The Usos are going to win as the Usos appear out of nowhere and are happy about what Big Show said. They are all happy until The Latin Terror appears and they start to diss the Big Show's picks. Homicide and Del Rio are not happy as they talk about what is wrong with this country and start to diss it. The Usos then has had enough with them and gets face to face with them. Big Show has to break it up and tells The Latin Terror to leave.
Cody Rhodes vs Christian
Cody gets the cheap shot in early and has the starting offense but Christian is able to counter it and gets in his own offense, even hitting in the Killswitch early on but only gets two. Rhodes then starts complaining but mananges to get another cheap shot in and starts to choke Christian with the ropes. Christian then fights back and counters with a Spear, then the Killswitch for the win.
Winner: Chrisitan
Post-match: Cody Rhodes leaves the ring and Chrisitan is celebrating in the ring but Paul Heyman and his guys appears from the stage and starts to surround the ring. Chrisitan is ready for a fight as Heyman uses the analogy that Christian is swimming in shark infested waters, and trying to fight back will only get him eaten by the kings of the water. Heyman then has his Guys back off as Heyman gives Christian a fair warning to back off from the match. He gives him until the end of the night to reconsider his choice before moving on to the back, Christian looking at the group as they leave the ring.
Backstage segment
Daniel Bryan and Mark Henry are backstage dicussing their battle plans with one another. Daniel Bryan pulls out some plans that involves Henry taking most of the beating which results in Henry staring down at Bryan. Henry concludes the meeting by saying "No wonder Kane left you" and walks away. Bryan looks away but then shrugs as he leaves the camera shot as well
8 Team turnmoil match: #1 Contenders for the WWE Tag Team titles at Elimination Chamber (Special Referee: Booker T)
Prime Time Players and Zack Ryder & Yoshi Tatus starts off the match. Darren Young gets in some early offense with a series of punches and kicks as he keeps Tatus grounded, then tags in Titus O'Neal as they double team Tatus. O'Neal then starts to cause more trouble onto Tatus until Tatus breaks free and tags in Ryder. Ryder lays waste onto O'Neal and Young, Young trying to go for a cheap shot on Ryder but Tatus appears out of nowhere and hits a diving spinning wheel kick onto Tatus as Ryder hits the Rough Ryder onto O'Neal as he goes for the pin and eliminates the PTP from the match.
Zack Ryder and Yoshi Tatus's celebrating is cut short as Fatal Impact hits the ring and starts the assault. Ambrose throws Tatsu over the ring as Ryder is left trying to defend himself from the assault of Fatal Impact. The referee eventually sends Ambrose back as R-Truth starts to hit Ryder with several strikes. R-Truth then poses to the crowd which draws a negative response as as hits a scissors kicko onto Ryder but gets a 2 count. R-Truth then tags in Ambrose as Ambrose starts violently hitting Ryder with sevearl moves. Tatus then tries to assist but R-Truth take him out from behind, R-Truth and Ambrose then double teams Ryder as they get the three count, thus eliminating them from the match.
R-Truth and Ambrose waits from the ring as Daniel Bryan and Mark Henry makes their way to the ring. Bryan starts the match with Ambrose, then gets the upper hand and tags in Henry as he enters the ring, nails a couple of hits. Ambrose then tries to counter but gets hit in the process. R-Truth tries to interfere but hits Ambrose from behind as Bryan takes out R-Truth. Henry then hits the World's strongest slam on Ambrose which eliminates Fatal Impact.
Bryan and Henry waits as The Awesome Americans enters the ring as Henry and Bryan are waiting for them, then a brawl between them happens. Back and fourth action happens between Bryan and the MIz as THe Miz tags in Swagger and the rivarly between the two continues. Bryan gets cheap shotted as Swagger tries to go for the submission but Bryan counters into the Yes Lock as Swagger taps out!
The Usos appear next as all four men are really into this match, giving the fans their all as a bunch of high flying moves are hit and submissions locked. Henry is in the ring as he goes for a Worlds Strongest Slam but Jimmy jumps off the top rope and hits a diving dropkick that hits Henry as Henry drops Jey, Jey jumps up as both men hit a double suplex onto Henry. Bryan though hits both men with a double clotheline and hits a flying goat onto Jey as he drags Henry on top as Henry gets the pin
The Latin terror is next as Henry tags in Bryan, who is fresh still as Homicide starts the assault onto Bryan. Bryan gets the upper hand but is cheap shotted as Del Rio is tagged in. Bryan and Del Rio try to out wrestle each other as Bryan is making his comeback but The Awesome Americans take out Henry from the back. Bryan is left in shock as Del Rio gets Bryan into the Cross Armbreaker as Bryan is forced to tap out.
The final team coming out is Air Boom. The fans are loving it as the last two teams knows that they're the last ones standing. Homicide is tagged in as he starts going after Kofi but Kofi is too much for Homicide as he tags in del Rio again. Del Rio gets a cheap shot onto Kofi as Kofi struggles to surivie the assault. Kofi then breaks free from Del Rio as Bourne is tagged in. Bourne gets the quick assault which taking out an inteterfereing Homicide. Del Rio eventually counters into his own offense which gets Bourne grounded. Homicide then is tagged in as he continues the assault for the Latin Terror. Bourne then slips out as Kofi hits the trouble in Paradise, while Bourne hits the Air Bourne as Bourne gets the pin! Winning the match!
Booker T then says no as he points to the entrance as the nWo makes their way to the ring! Scott Hall and Kevin Nash enter the ring as they fight off the worn out Air Boom. Air Boom makes their comeback but Booker T denies it by turning on Air Boom. The fans are hating it as Kevin Nash hits the Jackknife and gets the pin, as they are now the #1 Contenders for the WWE Tag Team Championship. Booker T, Kevin nash and Scott Hall all throws up the nWo hand signals as the show ends right there.