As I said in my thread, WOOT~ my computer lets me on this website again. I'll be more active from now on. Try to review some shows right now in fact. ;D Plus, now Lennie doesn't have to post for me anymore. >_>
EDIT: Okay, maybe not RIGHT now as I wanna finish Downpour first. But after that, definitely review some stuff.
Awesome news. And good to get that smurf sheepshagger out of the section.
Who? Qwake? He's a bit good BTB'er. I actually want to see him do another BTB one day...
As for the others I want to see come back is...
There would be no DWA without me!
And okay Brandon, I won't return, I'll let the activity around here build by itself, I can see why you don't want me here though, this place is overflowing with activity..