I'm not a great Bret fan at all, I respect what he has done. But i dont particularly like him TBH. But fuck id still mark out big time.This could be potentially awesome for Hart dynasty if they do it right. They could get huge push and lift from this If Brett was to be involved with them. And Vince jump aboard the DX wagon. They could have a wicked arsed slow building feud till Mania. What with the history between HBK,Vince and Brett it would be classic. Can you imagine the promos
.They could also tease in the cracks starting to appear in DX with HBK getting side tracked and concentrating more on Bret than Titles and DX or some shit like that. And after Mania HHH or HBK finally turns Heel and they split and feud. Personally I'm praying it's Trips that turns. But either one and id still be happy id love to see them go at it again.