Seabs said:I only wanted you back for my own entertainment, you're such an accidental comedian. It helps the low post days pass by.
Surely that shows you indeed attempt to hack the site before, note I managed to get the job half done before as a prime example. Honor is supposed be a trait within nobility, so far you are struggling to live up to it.
TheSexyPedo said:Ofcourse you wanted me back for entertainment. And you begged me for it. Begged, like a dogity:
I did attempt to hack the site, but i did it with class, paid someone else to do it for me. The motive for the hacking is still mine, so the one attemting is still me, the ones who actually tried to do the hacking are merely common peasant level workers hired by me.
Class is something you would never understand becuase your family has never risen to the social standard to be a part of it. So dont try to lecture me about it.
TheSexyPedo said:Ofcourse you wanted me back for entertainment. And you begged me for it. Begged, like a dogity:
I did attempt to hack the site, but i did it with class, paid someone else to do it for me. The motive for the hacking is still mine, so the one attemting is still me, the ones who actually tried to do the hacking are merely common peasant level workers hired by me.
Class is something you would never understand becuase your family has never risen to the social standard to be a part of it. So dont try to lecture me about it.
Seabs said:So you couldn't hack the site by yourself? The mighty JeebaK lacked the simple knowledge these peasants have acquired, seems slightly comical. I did indeed beg, you know by Pming you what, once informing you we'd unbanned you and welcoming you back. The simple fact is you claim all the ties to royalty when in reality you're my puppet, I ask you to come back so you come running. I cut your strings and you disappear for six months. Now carry on dancing for these people Jeestar.
TheSexyPedo said:Ofcourse i cant. Do you grow your own veggies? Do you harvest your own pork/chicken farm? No you dont, you pay others and buy the readymade stuff from them and cook it. Classier people even pay others to buy it for them. Even classier people like me, pay others to also cook it for them, otherwise known as chefs.
That was a simple lesson on class. Only the peasant class does the hard work. The upper class pays and gets it. I already told you this isnt a subject you will comprehend easily.
Your point can be rendered invalid by a simple mistake. You didnt ask me to come back. You begged me. And guess what, you werent the only one. If i want i will dissapear in a matter of secs, im not at all interested in being surrounded by low classed geeks inside a wrestling forum. You might have noticed that im not making 10 threads a day like i did before. The only two threads i made are for my benefits, not to share anything with this forum.
Asskicker said:Class is also based on respect, which a fag like you doesn't deserve.
Stopspot said:He won't buy that Kicker, he is basing what class is on a outdated and buried caste system based in Indian culture. India is one of the few if not the only country nowadays where the Caste system is still implemented. He claims to hail from a ancient family of priests and thus should be treated with respect. Something which doesn't work in 90% of the rest of the world since we realized a long time ago that social standing does not come from a family name or lineage but from ones actions as a person.
Stopspot said:Yet in the Indian class system. One who eats food prepared/cooked by one of lower class (aka a chef) shall be caste out off his social class. Boy you stepped in it didn't you?ity:
TheSexyPedo said:Thats a muslim class system. You are far more uneducated than i thought.