why do people NEED to lie about me? why do they NEED to discredit me? I don't fucking get it
like the facts are 100% on my side. I've proven it. and people just ignore it and keep going. fucking fuck off already and leave me alone
You basically just took all mine and jeff’s hard work and ran with it. Did you suspect tweet initially and help force the claim? Uh no? Were you the one that dropped the case on him to convince people? Again no. Were you the first one to say you don’t believe his claim? A third time no.
and how about all the quotes you DIDNT quote? Were you the one to discuss the setup aspect and how scummy it is of tweet to dismiss it despite it leading me to the conclusion that one of him and his strongest scum read was scum? A point I made multiple times? No. In fact you’re the one that seemed to get nervous after the shittest execute of all time saying the WIFOM was doing your head in. Again, a quote you didn’t show

if you’re town this is pathetic. You literally just came in and took up all the hard work that had already been done and added your own piece of the puzzle which made it less risky to lynch him (which we didn’t know). You then doubted yourself after day ended whilst tweet was still alive
vote OMB
Tho thanks for bringing the bananas post up as I’d forgotten about it and it strengthens my town read . The point about the multi shot grave digger is fair enough, that role sounds OP anyway but would be ridiculous in the hands of scum lol