k this is from after poyser gets confirmed by big man's desperado shot
pretty sure tweet wanted to push barry at some point tho. will have to look into that
let's see how jeff, who everyone is telling me was SO ADAMANT about pushing tweet post-claim responds to this
@Doddsy @Big Man
anything to fucking say?

poyser and jeff were no longer even talking about lynching tweet. jeff didn't even sound like he thought tweet was scum anymore.
gaslighting pieces of shit
not much just nail scum while poyser and jeff were fucking around.

mitch gets executed.
the people who wanted nothing to do with tweet anymore are saying I was behind it. an absolute joke.
vote Rugrat
go read his posts. the whole time the tweet wagon was rolling he wanted nothing to do with it and only hopped on briefly at poyser's instruction until the cop claim at which point he went back to wanting to vote me or phenom.
pretty confident rugrat will flip scum. jeff can sit down now. he's done absolutely nothing of worth this game and anyone saying otherwise is objectively incorrect.
vote tweet
leaving it on big man seems a bit pointless now lolol
I rlly should be getting to sleep too
jeff simply sheeped poyser. then tweet voted jeff and the OMGUS began.vote tweet
yeah jeff is reading exactly the same as last game to me and I caught him twice lmao
vote jeff
even though I voted jeff (who was kind of all over the place similar to last game) I did make a good point here re: Tweet. more than Jeff can say since he was just sheeping Poyser!actually though I'm surprised tweet hinted a strong role since last game he tried to deter scum from shooting him when he was the watcher by calling for the watcher
I sus RugratI feel like Rugrat voting smark was supposed to make us think he's town
he follows me on Jeff lmaofine Vote Jeff
Chimp sheeps the jeff wagon, doesn't say anything about TweetVote Jeff
lmao he's literally just saying to follow poyser because that's what he's doing. sheep get zero credit sorry.Goinf to bed. Make tweet claim. If poyser says lynch, lynch. My track record speaks for itself with him. Tired of repeating this.
Fuck, sorry for spamming the thread. Well I'm town on Poyser (obv), Sky, Smark, Rugrat and slightly Jeff. Scum on Barry and CP. Feeling off on N0m and Tweet. Still curious about what sort of player Mitch is as his posts are basically a whole lot of nothing so far. Happy to go along with the Tweet wagon if there's no appetite for Barry.
Vote Tweet
Spell out why I'm scum please and thank you. Will go to sleep shortly.
I didn't like your post where you mentioned you didn't like Jeff's town read of Poyser. Just seems like a pointless thing to shoot down someone else's town read so early in the game. Also you didn't even ask him about the read and how he got to it, just said you didn't like it.
didn't like the initial vote from bananas but he responded with a lot of reasons fairly quickly so I'm leaning town.It wasn't really an attempt to get Poyser's lynched or wagoned though was it? Just general, nebulous shade to both Poyser and Jeff. You're right that I wouldn't pick you as a power scum going for Poyser, but I can see that being a bad scum post more easily than a weird town post. As for my reads, it's mostly just players I've agreed with mostly being town and guys who's posts I've found a bit awkward and who's directions I'm not agreeing with as scum.
Setup spec as opposed to examining game play. I question your motives, but refuse to tunnel Player X
This, and the colour deal, seems like your efforts could be placed better.
I'm REALLY not wanting to suss you, but fucking hell
while the tweet and jeff wagons are going on lethal is focusing on...sky, who is likely cheap confirmed.This vote stinks
he did the same last game lmao, he was all over sky for bullshit reasons that were inconsistent with his own posts. this game at this point he was throwing things against the wall and then just started sheeping confirmed town poyser. he definitely felt slimy to me at this point in the game.What about his play last game is so 'exactly the same' here. I've actually seen a complete 180, he's hunting, questioning, putting a lot of pressure on.
jeff is doing a 180 on play from his scum game and that's not enough for a town lean? or is Mr Porter jeff and I am missing the reference?Current Reads
Town: Poyser, Smark, Sky, Mr Porter, Shawn
Fence: Rugrat, Tweet
Scum: RedPrince, Barry
Rest are null
A town Poyser is fantastic. Tweets' attitude to the wagon seems to hold some frustration as I know he was rather annoyed to be killed N1 in my game and may be annoyed that it's a possibility here again (early death). However, the refusal to claim attitude grew tiresome on WF and I still hate it.
Torn between a vote on Tweets as Poyser is a great read of him, or going rogue and putting pressure on the lizard. *Sigh*
sounds like you were expecting him to claim cop and skate to me and wanted to set up the next wagonExcept for people suggesting they had seen it earlier on. Anyway, no point fixating on it anymore from my end. I'm comfortable with my town reads.
Tweets, I hope he claims. He's good enough to do that and work with us to catch scum. Provided he's town of course.
Anyway, Vote: TheRedPrince
Off to bed.
jesus there is just no content here at allCool. Scum read me all you want.
Also I had no opinion on the Tweet situation Sky? Did you ever bother reading my posts?
I said this is like the time I claimed a power role.
I have Jeff as town but Jesus Christ is he being an annoying twat calling everyone the job squad.
Smark is town because activity. So sue me.
Poyser is confirmed.
With how Tweet is going, he's likely going to claim a power role and I'm not interested. Might as well just fucking make it a D1 mass claim.
Bananas shading me but giving vague reasons such as "I agree with you" to Rugrat. Do you have anything to actually add?
Skybox is Skybox.
CP is pretty much not reading the thread very well if he thinks that Chimp claimed Lie Detector.
Chimp is Chimp too, would vote him for being non-contributive.
Rugrat I still got as scum.
PHEN0M is someone I'd like to look at later down the line.
Kiss ass, smoke grass, so much for trying to improve.
pretty sure tweet wanted to push barry at some point tho. will have to look into that
you were trying???I'm not kidding. People just want to read me scum no matter what I do because it's the easy way out. I'm always universally read scum irregardless of how much I try. So fuck it.
Low effort trollpost Barry from now on. I tried making sense of things and you all just scumread me for it. Shouldn't bother trying anymore.
I like how everyone fence-sitting on tweet had me as their preferred wagon lmaoI agree with Jeff's read list but I'm not actively reading Tweetums scum. I am interested to push Phenom and CP, however.
Vote Phenom
He hasn't really contributed much other than an odd case on Poyser before fading into obscurity. Jeff, who I'm also reading town is also suspicious of him.
I mean tweet outright lied about what he said about me, which is why it’s interesting that so many people are refusing to vote
maneuveringEh I'll
vote Tweet
I'll see where this goes
this was immediately after Tweet's cop claim. doesn't seem so convinced anymore does he?again, fuck yourself lol. Do a better job at not being a sketchbag, and you won't get wagoned. Don't blame me.
kinda doubt it ngl lol
oh wait, poyser doubts the claim, now jeff is gonna double down.Yeah, I'm leaving my vote for now. Didn't you say you weren' the cop BEFORE I claimed actually???
doesnt really make sense to lynch the cop here I guess
Kinda torn because if we take the common sense route and assume the cop claim is true, we should be lynching jeff but it feels a bit wrong
kinda tempted to go after someone that refused to vote tweet despite addressing it such as a lethal or Barry
Nah fuck it
vote jeff
if you’re town then you’re just gonna have to be the sacrificial lamb here
magic checked over the setup so can’t really imagine he would let go having so much direct investigation lol

just wants poyser to tell him who to vote.or you could, you know, not mislynch me like a dumbass and think. you dont want to lynch tweet, fine. lynch a scum lead then.
doesn't understand why jeff and tweet can't BOTH be town! omg he's so adamant about tweet being scum you guys!11!11I don't understand why we can't be both town in your head simply due to setup. If you actually read me scum, fine. But let's be honest, that hasn't been the case until tweets claim.
vote phenom
@Doddsy @Big Man
anything to fucking say?
Tweet can go ahead and check me tonight if he wants, and we can go back to crushing jobbers.

do you agree @Mr.Tweetums ?

well poyser is still suspicious at least.Kinda weird how tweet keeps trying to talk me out of lynching his strongest scum read, isn’t it?
I honestly have no clue wtf Tweet is doing atm lol
so are we lynching barry or what? I'm bored.

I want to lynch CP/Phenom
jeff literally just waiting for someone to tell him who to vote. he's down for whatever.I mean I'm obviously fine with those as well, but ppl seem to not be interested in nom today. not sure if ppl would do CP though.
Either way Smark, if you think I'm scum, vote me breh. You'll only look sillier when I pop town. And ftr were not lynching Tweet today, that's already been established.

Getting an extra town clear can be as good as catching scum for POE purposes. Even better if he confirms town and then catches scum as opposed to just catching scum. I'm pretty convinced Jeff is town and Tweet scum at this stage anyway. I don't think we have a cop. Partly on set-up spec sure, but the way Shawn's said his role was worded, just feels like it's specifically a miller for a lie detector as opposed to a cop. And then each of their play just sort of confirms it. Jeff's reads are pretty much identical to mine, so there's that too.
Can we go billy big balls and lynch Tweet here? I'm not completely opposed to the Barry wagon, I just want Tweet's flip first. I'm actually having a tough time seeing Barry and Tweet as scum together as Barry refusing to vote him earlier on would just be too blatant at that stage. If not Tweet, I think CP is the next best direction. His play so far just hasn't been up to his usual standard. Feels like it could be the CP lumbered with a bad team sort of effort.

jeff town reads bananas for doing what everyone was telling me earlier JEFF was doing, which he literally never was doing.Well I'm happy to reinforce you as a town read here. Under no circumstances does scum keep pushing to lynch Tweet here. That's suicide.
new wagon for jeff.vote Mitch
let's boogie
Also Mitch can’t claim his role so we are just gonna have to lynch the lad
ngl I’m not really arsed about this lynch now![]()
vote tweet
let’s be silly tbh
ur driving me nuts poyser wtf man lol

Well now I'm scared I get mislynched if Tweet flips town. You've kind of put me in a shit position lol

Well do you think tweet is town?
to answer your question Poyser, I want Tweet to be town. But it's like he's done everything in his power, outside of his claim, to make himself look as shit as possible.

so the wagon has swung to mitch. the idea of lynching has become a faint whisper only taken up by banana, who tbf wasn't around to really push it anymore.Oh I’m not doing that lol
vote mitch
let’s just lynch him and see where we are. I’m not confident but he’s gonna be PoE fodder for the entire game anyway so fuck it
FUCK ALL Y'ALLI think tweet has cop as a safe fake
1) we had a desperado and if jeff is legit we have a lie detector. I assume he can't use it during day. that's already a good number of alignment confirming roles.
2) his strategy with a good role (watcher) last game was to ask for the watcher, he said this was to deter scum. he got janitored n1.
3) this game he softed a good role early, making him a n1 janitor target yet again. why do this tweet
4) his "plan" to look scummy made no sense and sounds like something he would've made up after realizing jeff was a lie detector and his safe wasn't so safe anymore and he might actually be in trouble
I raised points 1 and 2 earlier and he no-sold the post but was active at the time as he was replying to jeff
lynching him isn't as risky as it seems. saying this for reasons privy only to me at this time
poyser and jeff were no longer even talking about lynching tweet. jeff didn't even sound like he thought tweet was scum anymore.
gaslighting pieces of shit
I think Tweet is the role cop.
Vote Tweet
and now suddenly Rugrat, who never wanted anything to do with the tweet wagon but kept talking about wanting to lynch me or PHEN0M instead, is down to follow me on tweet. nobody else was talking about lynching tweet here btw. he is 100% following ME.We got a live one
IDK what has CP done this game?

He hopped on my wagon for less than stellar reasons and now is implying he wants to lynch tweet. Thats about it afaik.
So i guess thats no buys on mitch? Not super happy we are letting him sk8 by by such minimal effort. N these just check me w lie detector defences are getting a bit much.
Tbh mitch is still the safest lynch the more i think about it. Were not getting a claim from anyone else atm.
I very much doubt we get enough votes to lynch tweet today, lets be honest.

I'll take my fucking bow now thanksfuck it there's no one else I wanna lynch
vote tweet
if I'm wrong I'll make up for it
mitch gets executed.
vote Rugrat
go read his posts. the whole time the tweet wagon was rolling he wanted nothing to do with it and only hopped on briefly at poyser's instruction until the cop claim at which point he went back to wanting to vote me or phenom.
pretty confident rugrat will flip scum. jeff can sit down now. he's done absolutely nothing of worth this game and anyone saying otherwise is objectively incorrect.