Best wrestlers in WWE?

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Future Endeavoured
Feb 1, 2012
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seabs said:
Why did Booker take down Batista in a backstage shoot fight then? Or Jericho with Goldberg?

[align=LEFT]Numerous people tried to talk them out of it, particularly Rey Mysterio, yet despite their ages and Batista’s vulnerability due to his surgery, they still wanted to fight. They went into the empty room and, according to Booker, he was sucker-punched as he closed the door. After about 30 seconds, the door was opened and people saw Booker had pinned down Batista and was pounding away on him. They dragged him off but Batista was screaming to let it continue and they did. Again, Booker got the upper hand, despite Batista pulling on his braids. Finally, as it was pulled apart by Angle, JBL, Finlay and others, Batista landed a good punch that led to Booker’s swollen eye.[/align]

[align=LEFT]More news has been reported on the backstage altercation between Bill Goldberg and Chris Jericho this past Monday after RAW. The word is that Jericho was upset due to a ignorant comment made by Goldberg earlier in the evening about Jericho being "small" and not liking to sell for people. The comment made by Goldberg, was spread quickly amongst the wreslters and surely enough it made its way back to Jericho. After his match, Jericho came back through the curtain and right away he confronted Goldberg about it. Without any hesitation, Jericho and Goldberg got into it right then and there. From there, Goldberg grabbed Jericho by the throat and Chris slapped his arm away. Jericho then put him in a front facelock and then took him to the ground at which point the two were then separated. [/align]

Technique > strength.

1)Goldberg isnt actually a well built or very strong guy, hes made to look strong by the wwe, if u check out the rock vs goldberg matches, the rock is same to same with goldberg in terms of mass, goldberg just have a wider and harier chest that makes him look stronger.

2)Booker T vs Batista, fair credit to booker t there, dont forget though hes black xD, and booker t isnt a very lightly built wrestler either. Anyways, putting excuses aside for this one, but incidents like these are rare, 8 out of 10 times strentgh and mass in the only thing that matters.

Then again, Tyson kidd is probably half of what booker t or jericho is.


Chillin' with the snowmies.
Feb 5, 2012
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JeebaK said:
Wait, u are forgetting we arent talking about scripted PG wrestling where Rey Mysterio gets to beat JBL.
In real life Strength matters a LOT, especially when theeres a big build difference, we are talking about a no rules brawl, not scripted wwe or ufc with a dozen rules. One hard punch from someone like big show is enough to knock out guys like Jericho, While it would take Jericho several punches to actually hurt or even bother big show. Same goes for Tyson kidd and kane/ hhh, kane/ hhh would knock out Kidd just because of their sheer mass and strentgh.

In real life strength matters alot... but if Khali tried that chop against me in a dark alleyway, I'd duck under it, jump on his back, put him in a headlock with one arm and punch him in the face non-stop with the other. Anyone can see that chop coming, and I hope that the wrestlers get paid extra to be forced to sell that crap.


Walking the King’s Road
Dec 18, 2011
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God's Country, Sheffield UK
Draine said:
In real life strength matters alot... but if Khali tried that chop against me in a dark alleyway, I'd duck under it, jump on his back, put him in a headlock with one arm and punch him in the face non-stop with the other. Anyone can see that chop coming, and I hope that the wrestlers get paid extra to be forced to sell that crap.

It actually doesn't technique destroys strength. Look at the early UFC fights when the rules where very lenient.
Take this for example.


The Showoff
Feb 2, 2012
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JeebaK said:
1)Goldberg isnt actually a well built or very strong guy, hes made to look strong by the wwe, if u check out the rock vs goldberg matches, the rock is same to same with goldberg in terms of mass, goldberg just have a wider and harier chest that makes him look stronger.

2)Booker T vs Batista, fair credit to booker t there, dont forget though hes black xD, and booker t isnt a very lightly built wrestler either. Anyways, putting excuses aside for this one, but incidents like these are rare, 8 out of 10 times strentgh and mass in the only thing that matters.

Then again, Tyson kidd is probably half of what booker t or jericho is.

The NFL sure thought Goldberg was strong enough to play... while The Rock and Lesnar were cut

What does Booker being black have to do with anything?

Kimbo Slice got his arse handed to him by a white kid w/pink hair