Best actual wrestlers/fighters:
List begins and ends with Swagger and Bryan. I'd also be willing to suggest that Regal can, in real life, kick ass.
Best pro wrestlers (combine athletic ability with performance and charisma aspects, oh, and I'm trying to look at all phases of the career, not just how good they are right now):
1) Undertaker - far and away, the best all-around guy in the business today and for the last several years
2) Cena -like him or not, works hard and puts it down every night
3) Jericho - the ultimate heel, he can do so much in and out of the ring, and everything he said last Monday was true, everyone in the locker room has taken/borrowed something from him, including the top guys in the business
4) CM Punk - yes, I said it; he's like Neo, though, he has the gift, but it's almost like he's waiting for something
5) Daniel Bryan - now that they're letting off the chains, we're starting to see why he was the Wrestler of the Decade and King of the Indies (cue the Bryan haters...who haven't figured out yet that he's a heel and you're not supposed to like him); basic truth: there's a reason he's quickly become very accepted and respected by the boys; he's one of the best in the world
Honorable mention:
Randy Orton - you don't get where he is without knowing how to do your job
Dolphin Ziggler and Cody Rhodes - I put them together for a reason, and it's not a bad thing; they're both extremely talented and will be top guys soon, but let them stew in the upper mid card for a bit, their hunger will make them better in the long run (much like it did for guys like Austin and Foley)
Christian - one of my all-time favorites, but he's out right now, so I'm not listing him in my "Fave 5"
HHH - as long as he's active, he's flirting with the upper echelon in the business
Sheamus - I really like Sheamus and he's got a bright future; I would actually put him above the other HM's except (maybe) Orton
Sent from my iPad while I'm rocking' with Tapatalk.