There's been a lot of good mic work in the PG era,allow me to compile a list.
-Chris Jericho's mic work as heel,his slow deliverance was amazing and the way he played off the crowd really made everyone hate his guts.
-The Miz around 2011,his promos at that time were well thought out and his cocky attitude just sold every word he was saying.
-Alberto Del Rio circa 2011-2012,his promos oozed of class and arrogance which really made him the smug heel he was at that point in time.
-Batista around 2009 and 2010,his promos held a lot of truth to them at the time but the way he delivered it made the fans despise him.
-Edge from 2008 till his retirement,Edge was always good on the mic whether he was a face or a heel and his emotion on the mic went with what he was doing.
-Wade Barrett during Nexus,he was a rookie and his mic work really made him stand out from the other rooks which made him a befitting leader to the Nexus.
-R-Truth during his heel run,he was crazy on the mic and the way he played off the crowd really got him hated,it was probably one of the best runs he's ever had.
-John Cena from 2008 till now,a lot of times Cena's mic work is bland and generic,but, when he's paired with the right rival he can deliver some grade a promos.
-Dolph Ziggler from 2011 till now,Ziggler used to be a bit bland on the mic but right around 2011 he really turned it up and has delivered some astounding promos.
-CM Punk from 2008 till now,whether he's a face or a heel he can work the mic extremely well,it's one of his few qualities he has as a wrestler in the WWE.
-Kane upon his return from 2011 till his face turn,his heel work on the mic when he was feuding with Cena was some of the best work he's ever done in WWE.
-Dean Ambrose's current work,the way he combines his facial mannerisms and his senile deliverance really knocks his promos and segments out of the park.