As usual, a fresh batch of Assassin's Creed 3 has hit the Web before Ubisoft can formally release them. These latest four shots show Connor in the middle of a large battle.
AC3's campaign spans several years during the American Revolution period. Connor, a man of both Native American and English ancestry, will help the Continental Army in their rebellion against Britain. He'll also join the secret order of the Assassins and help in their centuries-old conflict against the Templars.
As you can see from the shots, the wilderness is a more central part of AC3 than it is in previous games. While there are cities for Connor to explore, he seems just as comfortable in the great outdoors. He'll stalk his prey through forests, snowfields and mountains. If necessary, he'll even wade into battles between the Continentals and British to complete his missions.
AC3 will launch this October.