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This Guy

You ignored my second question a couple of posts back

Which brand of WWE are you enjoying the most now?

If TNA could change 1 thing to better their product, what should it be?

Should Christian Cage go to the WWE?

If so then which brand?

Least favorite music genre?


Fire Russo

Sure why not


Rap or Country

Edamana? Whats that?

Its steamed & heavily salted Soy Beans. They are awesome!!

Evil Austin

I never been to America but besides a wrestling show if I go in the summer holidays I won't have enough time obviously to see every state and everything but whats some cool places I need to go?

What are your thoughts on the Kane and Rey Mysterio storyline

What are your thoughts on Vladimir Kozlov's recent push into Jeff and HHH's main event rivalry do you think its too early for him and he would be buried and turned into the next Umaga because of it?

What is the time over there where live.

Thats all I got for now.

This Guy

I never been to America but besides a wrestling show if I go in the summer holidays I won't have enough time obviously to see every state and everything but whats some cool places I need to go?

What are your thoughts on the Kane and Rey Mysterio storyline

What are your thoughts on Vladimir Kozlov's recent push into Jeff and HHH's main event rivalry do you think its too early for him and he would be buried and turned into the next Umaga because of it?

What is the time over there where live.

Thats all I got for now.

Um, I am not American, I'm CANADIAN...ask an American where the coolest places to go in America are.

It was kinda intresting at first, but its already lost if fizz.

I think its great. I also wouldn't be suprised if he takes the title at Cyber Sunday. He won't hold if for more then a month or two mind you, but the character is great.

quarter to 12 noon on Sunday Oct. 19th. (aprox)

the dark knight

how's your hammer hangin'?

last time you got laid?

game you're lookin forward to the most?

what car (brand-model) do you own?

midnight club LA vs NFS undercover.....?

should i reply to you and chuck in carlo's thread? im honestly bored.

Hidden Blaze

The Wanted Man
Sep 6, 2007
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Crawford County, GA
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What games would you suggest for me to get on 360 when I get mine?

I already got Test Drive Unlimted from when I had my last one and my others I sold..

Gards Jr.

Active Member
Oct 21, 2007
Reaction score
Did you know that I know your real name?

Do you know how to fix a 3 red ringed 360(I do)?

What would be your dream job?

This Guy

I guess you call them Edamana up there. We call them Edamame and I KNOW RIGHT?!

Shit, I forgot to ask a question. Sorry. Do you accept my apology?

no...pardon me for mis-spelling a word and a food I rarely here or see.

how's your hammer hangin'?

last time you got laid?

game you're lookin forward to the most?

what car (brand-model) do you own?

midnight club LA vs NFS undercover.....?

should i reply to you and chuck in carlo's thread? im honestly bored.


none of your buisness

Um, not sure, there are a lot and I've got some of them already. (Saints Row 2 & Fable 2) Still want Little Big Planet & the new Scene It. There are others but I just don't have the money so I try not to think about it too much.

What games would you suggest for me to get on 360 when I get mine?

I already got Test Drive Unlimted from when I had my last one and my others I sold..

Depends on what you like, but Saints Row 2 is really good

Did you know that I know your real name?

Do you know how to fix a 3 red ringed 360(I do)?

What would be your dream job?


No, but I've heard something about wrapping a towel and forcing it to overheat, which didn't make scense to me, but the person who mentioned it would know what there talking about, and I'm sure I'm missing a step in there.

If I knew that I probably wouldn't still be working at EB....but I don't know, I've never really known what I want to do with my life.

Evil Austin

What do you see happening in the 2009 Royal Rumble ie who do you see winning and who do you see taking their spot in main eventing WM 25 with thier Rumble win.

This may be a dumb question but I haven't gone through 40 pages of your thread to read every question - since you work in EB games, when for example TNA Game came out or when the Smackdown vs. Raw 2009 Game comes out new or any game you like can yo u get it for free or atleast at some sort of ?% Discount.

In my Country in our EB Game I know someone who works there he says he can get stuff off the shelf but he has to tell someone before he can't just grab and walk out at teh end of the day. Also say the game costs 100 dollars for a normal customer and he takes it home that minus 100 $ from his pay for that day.

This Guy

Yeah ti worked for me,

Game of the year so far.

1) Not a question?

2) we weren't talking about a game, so what is game of the year? lol

What do you see happening in the 2009 Royal Rumble ie who do you see winning and who do you see taking their spot in main eventing WM 25 with thier Rumble win.

This may be a dumb question but I haven't gone through 40 pages of your thread to read every question - since you work in EB games, when for example TNA Game came out or when the Smackdown vs. Raw 2009 Game comes out new or any game you like can yo u get it for free or atleast at some sort of ?% Discount.

In my Country in our EB Game I know someone who works there he says he can get stuff off the shelf but he has to tell someone before he can't just grab and walk out at teh end of the day. Also say the game costs 100 dollars for a normal customer and he takes it home that minus 100 $ from his pay for that day.

I'm not sure. Its always tricky with how the WWE seems to change direction so quickly. The winner of the Rumble always seems to either be a guy they really are trying to push to the next level, or a guy who's an old faithful (doesn't hurt if there coming back from an injury too ie. Cena & Triple H) Last couple years they have been doing old faithfuls, (Cena & Taker). But the only guys I could see doing the moving to perminate main event status are guys like CM Punk, Matt Hardy or MVP. However based on there current situations and statuses I think they are not ready for that much faith from the WWE. So I assume it will be an Old Faithful. I'm thinking Orton.

Um in a nutshell yes we get a discount. Games for free from the company no. They have done employee only specials (Like double the trade credit and stuff like that sometimes) but no free games. The free games I did get were gifts from the vendors themselves and are gifts to Store Managers only that in Canada forbids me from every selling them or trading them. Which means there my games for life.

In Canada & The US there was what was called sign out privilages. Each employee had a sheet, you filled in what you were taking and it had to be approved and signed off on by the store manager (or assistant manager for the managers) There was no deduction in pay for it, but if you did not return it on your next shift you could be fired and charged with Theft. You were never allowed to take new releases so it wasn't that great anyways. In Canada due to legal reasons they had to discontinue the program and we no longer have it. I don't know if the US still does. In your country its probably basically the same, but if there is a temporary hold on your pay while you have the product it could be the companies way of insuring the product gets may also be required by law there. So I couldn't tell you if he is telling you the truth or if he's full of crap.