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This Guy

no..... after all I remind of of the fact that just a few short years ago the Red Sox came back to win 4 straight to beat the Yankees when they were down 3-0 and then went on to sweep the Cardinals to win the World Series. None the less its not a biggy if they don't as I don't care that much anyways.

As for Vince & Savage, what am I a mind reader? Ask Vince.

Evil Austin

Do you think that Vince McMahon is gone from the on screen work because the last time we saw him was when that thing fell on him with all that money about three months ago. Seeing as we have his children doing some promo's every now and then and we have Adamle doing on screen GM'ing do you see McMahon's character over or at one point they bring Vince back like they did with the car crash thing.

Moonlight Drive

As for Vince & Savage, what am I a mind reader? Ask Vince.
I heard it had something to do with Savage and a young Stephanie. Not positive, but I read that somewhere.

Anyway, do you think Randy Savage or Chris Benoit will ever get into the Hall of Fame?

Your opinion on the HoF? (To me it's a joke, William Perry?)


Thoughts on Foley and Savage possibly being blackballed from the legends of wrestlemania game?

Thoughts on me as a member? Would you notice me as a regular poster?

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

What are your beliefs on people's rights?

Do you believe in relativism?

This Guy

Do you think that Vince McMahon is gone from the on screen work because the last time we saw him was when that thing fell on him with all that money about three months ago. Seeing as we have his children doing some promo's every now and then and we have Adamle doing on screen GM'ing do you see McMahon's character over or at one point they bring Vince back like they did with the car crash thing.

When Vince blew himself up in the car that was suposed to be the end of the Mr. McMahon character. He only came back because of the Benoit tragedy that happened shortly after. I think Vince did the accident angle this time at the end of the money contest for 2 reasons. 1) It was an easy way to end the contest without them basically saying "shit were giving away a million dollars everyweek and the ratings haven't changed" 2) because he could remove himself from on camera perminatly but still have a more logical way back then "I faked my death to see if the fans cared about me" if he ever needed to return to camera. Because faking your own death is illegal and he would have been thrown in jail in reality because usually there is insurance fraud and what not involved.

I heard it had something to do with Savage and a young Stephanie. Not positive, but I read that somewhere.

Anyway, do you think Randy Savage or Chris Benoit will ever get into the Hall of Fame?

Your opinion on the HoF? (To me it's a joke, William Perry?)

Um, not while Vince is alive no. Maybe when he's really dead and gone, I could see Savage and maybe Benoit when someone finally says ah enough is enough. But probably not anytime in the foreseeable future.

Um, I don't mind inducting people like Perry & Rose who have made memorable marks in the WWE. I agree its got some jokes to it, but thats more because of the politics behind it then anything else. Other then that though I don't see any real problems with it.

Can you please not talk shit about the Yankees?

Sure, I'll stop saying the Yankees suck when they stop sucking. The only reason why the Yankees won all those World Series a few years back there was cause of all the big money contracts that secured all those top notch talents. But then George realized "hey the Yankees are just like the Maple Leafs, people keep paying more and more money to see them play no matter who's on the team and how badly they suck" So now he pays out less money to less talented players and makes more money. So the only person to blame for the Yankees sucking is you because you keep supporting them and putting more money into there pockets.

Thoughts on Foley and Savage possibly being blackballed from the legends of wrestlemania game?

Thoughts on me as a member? Would you notice me as a regular poster?

I asked the guys from THQ about Foley at the managers conference, and as of that point despite the rumors of Foley being out of the game he said as of right then and there he still was.....however he did also add that the WWE has in the past made them make very last minute roster changes with less then a day to mass production (that would suck) so he said its possible Foley won't be in the final product. My thoughts is, I get why Foley would be taken out, but that its kinda silly. If Hulk Hogan signs with TNA tomorrow, are they going to remove him from the game too? I doubt it. Its not like its going to make people play the game and go "shit now I got to go watch TNA"

As for Savage, well duh, he is definatly out of the game, but thats not suprising, and yet again is also pretty stupid in my opinion. To leave Savage out would be saying he's not a Legend of Wrestlemania. But he is certainly a bigger Legend of WM then Foley for at least 2 reasons alone. vs. Steamboat @ Wrestlemania 3 & Winning the WWF Title @ Wrestlemania 4. But lets not forget all his others. Winning the title @ 8, Retirement Match against Warrior @ 7, vs. Hogan @ 5. He was either main eventing or having main event quality matches at almost every Wrestlemania he was in.

What are your beliefs on people's rights?

Do you believe in relativism?

Um, thats kinda vague. I believe that all people should be treated equally when in comes to human rights.

I don't think I know what relativism is.

do you hope proudkentuckian 187 stays banned for life?

Couldn't really care one way or the other to be honest.


Quick Tech Question. I have A LOT of music on my 360 and am thinking about upgrading it. Is there anyway I will be able to take music from the hard drive and add it to the new on. Same thing with other things on the hard drive.

This Guy

Quick Tech Question. I have A LOT of music on my 360 and am thinking about upgrading it. Is there anyway I will be able to take music from the hard drive and add it to the new on. Same thing with other things on the hard drive.

I assume you have the Pro and are thinking about getting an Elite? Um, not really. You could buy a memory card for 360 and transfer from System to System but that would take forever, and some stuff would probably be even too big for the Memory Card. Um I know when they first sold the 120 gig harddrive seperately it came with a Disc & a Cable that was designed so you could copy stuff from a Pro to an Elite with no issues. However I don't think that cable comes with the Elite. As of right now I don't think so. You may want to call Microsoft or check there support page on there X-Box web site. It may have better information on that.
Apr 12, 2008
Reaction score
The Altar of Sacrifice
Do you like tacos?
Any other food than typical north american food?
I went up to Quebec and pussied out on poutin looked like shit. Have you had it? Is it good?

This Guy

Do you like tacos?
Any other food than typical north american food?
I went up to Quebec and pussied out on poutin looked like shit. Have you had it? Is it good?


um, I guess you don't consider Tacos typical North American food then? In that case I love Pizza, And Noodles lol. Seriously though I don't get much chance to even try anything outside of the typical, however last year at the Japanesse resteraunt I tried Edamana, and it was awesome. I ordered my own this year.

And Qubec not in North America either, but yes I have, yes it is, but its not my favourite thing, I'd rather just plain fries and gravey or fries and ketchup.


You ignored my second question a couple of posts back

Which brand of WWE are you enjoying the most now?

If TNA could change 1 thing to better their product, what should it be?

Should Christian Cage go to the WWE?

If so then which brand?

Least favorite music genre?