do you think in mark henry past life.. That he was a Gorilla?
Is mushrooms better on pizza or chicken or bacon?
Never had mushrooms on Bacon or Chicken, but I can imagine they suck on everything. Pretty gross if you ask me. However, the moral mushrooms you find in the woods, those are pretty much AWESOME.
How do you think ONS will turn out?
what do you think of Jeff Hardy's return?
what do you think WWE should do with Mr Kennedy?
1. It's shaping up to be quite good. It's got probably the best card of the year if you ask me. You could say WM 24, but the only, and ONLY reason I would even consider putting WM's card ahead of this is for the Flair/HBK match. But yeah, the ONS card is stacked. I might even think about ordering this. Ok, prolly not, but if it's good, I might but it when it comes out.
2. Meh, good for him I guess. Keep smokin that pot. Whatever floats his boat I guess.
3. Exactly what they have been doing for the past month, only it should have happened right after he came over from SD. All his momentum over the past year has pretty much been killed since moving over to Raw and doing much of nothing. Hope what they are doing with him continues.
Should Christian stay in TNA long term?
Actually, no. I think if he were to jump back aboard the WWE train, it would work. I could be wrong, but I see so many possibilities if he were to return.