Lmfao, don't hide the fact that you get all worked up behind your laptop by putting "Sup0r srs." because you know you fucking hyopcrites cant help it.
If you guys really were so superior, and better than me, you'd just leave me alone, but the fact that you always go back to talking shit like a smurf over the internet, clearly showing that you guys clearly have no lives outside of this fantasy recreational hangout spot we call a forum. You guys cant have your precious little shell of protection where you can be anyone you want, attacked. Maybe that's why you guys always get into arguments with me? Seriously, how old are you guys? I'm like the youngest of the bunch, and I'm so over all this e-drama BS you guy's constantly go through with me. I'm not Blue. Far from it. If I was I'd change my name to LKP. It's clearly not LKP and instead a gay trucker name that I never got around to changing because, well fuck it. It's the internet. You smurfs seriously need to get over IWF, and realize I can care less whether you guys bash me or not. You've all recycled each and everyone of your jokes, and clearly don't come up with anything new. What's there to say? I'm a plagiarising, previously fat, ex-stoner, lying Lation spic according to you guys. Oh with the addition of my retardation added to that list of notable attributes.
SO, now seX makes a one sentence post, Kiz goes back on the topic briefly before fading out again, BKB may make another sporadic appearance and actually gave a good joke to say that hasn't been reused, and This Guy hopefully continues the conversation I was having with him, because quite frankly I feel thing's have to get settled. Remember guys, this IWF is serious business right?