They do have a lot of tag matches there, yeah. But I guess it's mostly just a coincidence. On Usos vs Miz's I do have to say that it has been kinda boring to see them wrestle so much. I guess it's just because they keep wrestling each other and there's not much progression to it. They have a singles match, one guy wins, yay. Then repeat on SD, repeat on the next Raw and it just goes on and on. If the matches had some more meaning behind them, the repetition wouldn't be that bad. But that storyline did start off with a great angle that time Miz talked to Naomi and Jimmy just went there and punched him, I just found that segment to be very realistic and pretty cool to see.
Yes, they've had too many matches. And they really haven't done anything to spice it up a little bit each time, to keep it interesting and worth tuning in every week.
The matches haven't been a disaster, though. That's something I'll admit.
But yeah, facing each other every week, whether it's singles match where one guy wins or if it's a tag match, it just gets old really quick.
If there was a typical stuff that happens with tag feuds, where the tag champs are facing another team and Miz/Mizdow would come to the ring and cost 'em the match and then they do it vice versa, it'd have been a different story, I think. But, oh well. What's done is done.
- There's definitely a bigger picture, 'the greater good' behind all these tag matches. The Usos are retaining at the Rumble, Miz and Mizdow are splitting up, Mizdow's going over at Mania, the Bella's are splitting up, The Usos are handing over the titles to The Ascension, no idea what'll happen to The New Day and Cesaro/Kidd team... All's well. I guess.