Roses are a "thing" in show business though, aren't they?True and then he gave her roses
Roses are a "thing" in show business though, aren't they?True and then he gave her roses
Roses are a "thing" in show business though, aren't they?
I had a blood themed comment in mind and thought better about it. So instead here:And every rose has a thorn... And Miz's 'thorn' was in his pants, secretly hoping to sting Naomi. :bischoff:
In regards to the OP, it's right on the verge of having too many tag matches but personally I wouldn't say it's too heavy.. I'd like to believe it's got these tag matches for now because they will have a crapload of singles feuds going on for the next two PPVs (including WM31).
I can't really care about that but it does give more superstars ppv time. I just hope these tag matches are good. Acension better do something against the outlaws.
Another factor on the E&C/Hardy's program is also rose tinted glasses. As much good as there was in the AE, there was also bad. Not saying that the feud was bad, but time makes memories fonder and all that. In ten years or so who's to say we aren't going to be looking back fondly on the Mizdow program?
As for the topic, it doesn't really make a difference since the Rumble match is enough to sell the PPV all by itself, and this year, the world title match actually has me wet, too. Both the Rumble and the WWE Title matches have a lot going for them and are fairly unpredictable. This is the first time in a long time that I'm looking forward to a Rumble PPV this much.
I was unaware that you could see ten years into the future and tell us how Sandow's career will go. Can I have the lottery numbers?Something tells me that a guy who gets laughs from the audience for throwing himself around as someone else's stunt double isn't gonna be looked back on with the same fond memories as one of the greatest tag team rivalries in WWE history is.2:
Something tells me that a guy who gets laughs from the audience for throwing himself around as someone else's stunt double isn't gonna be looked back on with the same fond memories as one of the greatest tag team rivalries in WWE history is.2:.
There are time periods where tag team wrestling can be very good and it is usually when it doesn't follow this pattern. Tag wrestling was very good during the Attitude Era in WWE .
Know what other two tag teams spent over a year facing each other on every single show in some constellation?
E&C and the Hardys.
I assume you don't count the Outlaws into that list of great tag team matches? Because they lived by that pattern.
I was kidding. When people say tag teams in the attitude era the outlaws are on of the first they think off. But if you look back at their work if you've seen one Outlaws match, you've seen em all.I don't see where I said or implied any such thing. I said it's hard for me to get into tag matches because I personally don't like that pattern. I didn't say that there was anything wrong with tag teams who wrestle that way or that I can't see the appeal that other people feel for it. I simply said that I personally don't find that pattern interesting
And yes, the New Age Outlaws had that pattern in most of their matches. And I found those matches to be boring. However, they had plenty of matches, such as their legendary one with Terry Funk and Mick Foley that did not follow that pattern. And those were great. But in my view, the ones they did that DID follow that pattern were boring.