Only thing amusing about Big E to me are his comically large breasts.
You don't like his Main Event Bulge?
Only thing amusing about Big E to me are his comically large breasts.
No, but whoever designs his singlets are clearly infatuated with it.You don't like his Main Event Bulge?
You don't like his Main Event Bulge?
This. Eliminating first names, etc., just seems....dumb.
Of course, I've been all for calling him "Christian Cage" since he returned to WWE, but that's just me.
we're not based on that time....#who cares
I don't see Boring E ever getting majorly over.
lol I was jk bro. it was good.This has been interesting me for a week for some reason.
Think we need more one-name guys in wrestling, that's a part of what made Ryback feel so special and larger-than-life when he debuted. But the two-names make them feel more human and more relatable which works better with some guys (like Christian Cage...) Cesaro's more in that second group. He's not larger than life, he's an everyday guy that's freakishly strong and incredibly talented and will fuck you up. :
As for Stopspot's Regal Theory: Obvs a good theory but if you keep the Antonio that won't stop them from chanting Cesaro. Nothing against this move either way just don't see why they bothered doing it.
But eh, it's a semantics issue. Not my strong suit.
The one time I actually make a joke on here someone has to shoot it down. Good grief, can't win.
His current IC title run will be the highlight of his career IMO.
There are a couple of things that will hold him back. Firstly, his look is terrible. I understand that he did powerlifting before, but the guy is just too big for his height of 5'11. His pecks and legs make him look ridiculous, and he's not good-looking which makes it difficult for the company to use him on promotional shit. Also, he wrestles like a 400 pound giant. Very slow-paced and one-dimensional. Another thing I could say is that he's already injured Ambrose & Reigns from botches, but they may be one-off incidents.
Are you guys serious? Big E will be over majorly one day in the future.
Who doesn't love a big tittied, big bulge, dark chocolate skin, muscly sexy man? :ksi:
I can't believe all the negativity toward Big E.... SACRILEGE! IT'S SACRILEGE I TELL YA!