:damn:Senhor Perfect, Im comin fo you smurf :
:damn:Senhor Perfect, Im comin fo you smurf :
Jonathan - From a rough start, to having great xbox discussions. I think we view a lot of things the same way, the only difference between you and I, is that I don't speak up like I used to. It would be nice to have change, but the forum is laid back, so there isn't much we can do about it. Anyways, kudos to you running IWT the majority of the time, because I get bored easily just by helping you. 1:
Dead and in hell. Looks real nice down here."People usually bash you, but that's because they don't know the real you."
Fuckin deep brah. Im gonna miss you, one of my favorite members. Keep it real up in heaven (ur dying, right)
No. :sad:^^^That you in your avatar? Sex-ay
OIC (No. :sad:
One of my fav Canadian actors.