AJ reign shouldn't ended on TV Show, i think from the facts AJ Styles is the longest TNA World Champion within TNA. TNA should of really build up this rival feud and put there 1st Encounter on PPV. But they did the failure thing like WCW did, when WCW produce Goldberg Vs Hogan onto Free to air TV.
Plus RVD Doesn't deserve the Championship, what has he done within TNA, to be truthfully What Has RVD done in the past 2-3 years? I like RVD, but it isn't his time, it was in 2001-2006 time. But this is 2010, they should of done RVD Vs Styles on PPv put AJ Styles over. but i doubt that will happen since the ex top wwe wrestlers don't wanna put over the TNA Talent over, except for Kurt Angle.)