I don’t dislike Jangman. I tooted for him to beat Onega. I just don’t think anything ultimately came from his reign in hindsight and I also wouldn’t have had Cole losing a world title program so early in his career. That’s why I think he needed the Owen. So all I’m saying is one or the other.
I love Punl to death too but retroactively as I said probably best not to give it to him yet and avoid the Hangman program that caused issues.
few things hampered Hangman, and you hit some of em in fact
- They pushed Punk too fast too quick and it took away from Hangman's babyface heat.
- They waited a tiny bit too long, though this was Hangman's "fault" , for wanting to spend time with his new born. totally feel for the guy. But he should have won a few months prior and he lost a bit of heat
- They sped through the Punk program and did not define a clear face or heel , this was detrimental to Hangman only, because how could he possibly be as hot as a bbface than a megastar returning from a 10 year retirement
- Punk's program were clearly leading to the world title , so even though Hangman was in big feuds, everyone knew he was winning and just waiting for Punk to challenge
- VERY IMPORTANT ONE - Kenny Omega was just gone after the win. They never got the drama of Kenny still being around and how he would deal with Hanger, or how the bucks would act around Omega. This feud, imo, didnt need to end after the loss, it needed an epilogue