ACW Striking Distance Results

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Active Member
Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
In defense, YES, I've put too many pics in my rps. Will scale back. But I'm not going for blank text EVER...get used to

Quick Results
Chase DeSanto v. Donnie Trix v. The Angel
Andrew Reynolds v. Avalanche v. Jay Clement
Jacqui Monroe v. The Demon
Dr. Frank Urwhich v. Multiplex v. Toyota Chelios
Starrdom Nation v. The LWO
Aaron Asterisk v. Brandon Banks v. Dave Summers v. Stevie Starr
RipperCussions v. The Bradleys
Nicky Trix (c) v. Abram Vance (not sure here... maybe a cop out, but I'm feelin them both. Would like to see Vance and Trix rivalry continue no matter what happens!
If I'm pushed, I'll make the decision... right now, I'm calling tie)
Syn (c) v. Eric Snow v. Zack Bronko

I too am disappointed in the turnout. I say we show in the results as the crowd was smaller than office is low...etc.

ALSO: I have a special surprise for the end of the show...once I drop it, you can
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Active Member
Mar 18, 2012
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Beedz, if you can break the tie on Vance/Trix, please do.

What’s wrong with a promo Petey haha? These guys are wrestlers, and it was supposed to be my (rushed) conclusion to my storyline.
I'll edit these as I make my way through:
Asterisk v. Banks v. Summers v. Starr
LWO v. Starrdom Nation
Andrew Reynolds v. Avalanche v. Jay Clement- Awesome dialogue from Prime. Clement needed another RP because the first one just left everything up in the air.
Jacqui Monroe v. The Demon: Demon's were just better quality than Pete's this week, not a huge fan of parts of his writing style though.
Chase DeSanto v. Donnie Trix v. The Angel- If Andrew would just post full RPs, he'd be so good. Argh. RRS' usual quality.
Dr. Frank Urwhich v. Multiplex v. Toyota Chelios- First RP for Multiplex was awesome. Second was off the mark. KIF and Slim both brought it, but I’d give it to KIF by a hair just because his were written better.
Nicky Trix v. Abram Vance (I know my vote doesn’t count, but just a symbolic gesture. Thought I out RPed Trix, and RRS already congratulated me on a win haha so obviously he does too. But, if I lose, I lose, but I won’t agree with it lol)
RipperCussions v. The Bradleys
Syn v. Zack Bronko v. Eric Snow- Snow's first one killed him in my books. It just was way off the mark and felt very random. Syn had two great RPs, but unfortunately, only two. Bronko followed a consistent storyline with awesome writing throughout.
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Active Member
Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
Gonna go with Vance BUT, it's a close one...whoever writes that Should make it look good and leave an opening for more rivalry cause I'm diggin' Vances digs on Trix. And I think even the super face can up the ante on the rivalry. I say for HUNTING GROUNDS: TRIX VS VANCE VS ASTERISK!! IS that a cop out?

And speaking of tie breakers....SNOW? SYN? BRONKO? lol...

John McHenry

John McHenry
Jun 12, 2011
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I'm going to write the match as if Angel was never a part of it I want to save as many excuses for non rping as I can I mean I don't even have an entrance to go off of with this guy.


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Mar 18, 2012
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Alton, England
Yeah, dude, you''re just better than a promo, that's all.

Also, funny how I liked Eric's FIRST better out of all of them.

And I DESPISE my second Plex, it's abysmal filler.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2012
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So, results are:
Asterisk def. Banks, Summers, & Starr
LWO def. Starrdom Nation
Avalanche def. Andrew Reynolds & Jay Clement
The Demon def. Jacqui
Donnie Trix def. The Angel & Chase DeSanto
Dr. Frank Urwhich & Toyota Chelios def. Multiplex (Tied votes. Possibly have a double tap out to put both guys over?)
Abram Vance def. Nicky Trix
RipperCussions def. The Bradleys
Zack Bronko def. Syn & Eric Snow

John McHenry

John McHenry
Jun 12, 2011
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At some point are we having avalanche announce that the winners of the hardcore matches are going for the title at the next ppv? I think it makes sense.

John McHenry

John McHenry
Jun 12, 2011
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37 Stitches by Drowning Pool plays as a huge pane of glass crashes to the ground from above the entrance area. The entire set jagged edges of metal and glass.

Martin Mays: Folks, ACW has now gone global that’s right we can be seen around the world and tonight we’re emanating live from Irving Plaza here in good ole New York, New York.

Kareem Ali: That’s right folks we’re branching out no longer are we in that Community Center down the road that could hold a massive three hundred people now our location can hold over one thousand.

Martin Mays: Do you have to be like that?

Kareem Ali: Like what?

Martin Mays: You know when John told me he wanted to go global that I didn’t have time to book some huge arena. I booked what was open.

Kareem Ali: And what was open was 30 miles way and could fit roughly half as many people right?

Martin Mays: Yeah!

Kareem Ali: So did I say something wrong.

Martin stares at the camera blankly for a moment.

Martin Mays: Two developing stories as we get underway this evening. Zach Bronko hasn’t arrived and nobody is completely sure why. Also John McHenry has some sort of huge announcement.

Mays mutters something under his breath about the two being related but Ali ignores him.

Kareem Ali: Folks stop I know what you’re thinking and it won’t be on twitter it’ll be announced live right here on pay per view.


Chase DeSanto v. Donnie Trix

Syndicate by Skrillex plays as Chase Desanto runs out his back towards the crowd as he spins around hyping them up. He rushes straight to the ring as he gets to the top rope and poses.

Ashley Sparxxx:x And his opponent.

Donnie walks out from the entrance with an intense look on his face as he lets out a battle cry. He walks straight for the ring, not even acknowledging the fans. As he enters the ring he stands in the middle looking at Desanto.

Kareem Ali: Donnie looks intense I do not envy Desanto right now.

Donnie charges Desanto just as the bell rings delivering a clothesline. Donnie quickly pulls Desanto to his feet whipping him into a turnbuckle.
Martin Mays: Now have your heard the reports that Desanto is actually Drew Alexander?

Kareem Ali: Say what?

Martin Mays: Desanto claims that he is Drew Alexander that he just had on some make up and was leading a double life.

Kareem Ali: Doesn’t matter who he is he’s losing this match right now.

Desanto stumbles out of the turnbuckle area as Donnie charges with a spear but at the last moment Desanto steps out of the way.

Martin Mays: Desanto had that one scouted.

Kareem Ali: Seems like something a former World Championship contender might do.

Donnie gets up slowly as Desanto delivers a flurry of kicks to Donnies ribs as he gets to his fee. Donnie screams at Desanto picking him up delivering the Soulcrusher.

Martin Mays: And this match is over folks.

Kareem Ali: No it’s not Donnie isn’t done.

Donnie lifts Desanto up delivering another Soulcrusher, before finally going for the pin.

Ashley Sparxxx: Your winner via Pinfall DONNIE TRIX.


Tables, Ladders, and Chairs
Andrew Reynolds v. Avalanche v. Jay Clement


No DQ, No Countout, No Referee
Jacqui Monroe v. The Demon

As ACW returns from commercial, a familiar theme begins on the big screen:

Martin Mays: All right! It’s time for Jacqui M to get her long-awaited revenge over this Demon who’s been…

The announcer’s words are cut short, as static flickers across the flatscreen and through the PA, and the familiar entrance song changes to a completely different one:

Kareem Ali: …what the…?

Dark, nightmarish images begin to flicker across the screen, in time to the industrial beat. After a few moments, a female steps out onto the platform – but, at first glance, it appears not to be who everyone was expecting.

Martin Mays: Is that….Jacqui?!

Kareem Ali: Well, she’s the right size and build, and she’s got the same great set a’ knockers…

The commentators’ doubts are founded, as the woman now standing before the crowd looks almost nothing like the “Alpha Female” the fans grew accustomed to. Her long, flowing blonde hair has disappeared completely, replaced with a jet-black Mohawk. The usual loose-fitting band t-shirts and ripped denims have also been eschewed, in favour of black leather pants, a studded belt, steel-cap boots, motorcycle gloves and a black t-shirt which proudly reads “ASK ME IF I CARE”. The new figure’s considerable height, muscular build and large eyes (masked with coloured contact lenses) are the only indicators that this is, in fact, Jacqui M.


In this new apparition’s right hand is a motorcycle helmet, which she tosses aside as she comes down the ramp towards the ring; in her left, she is holding a lit cigarette, which suffers a similar fate.

Kareem Ali: Whoooooa! Watch out! Badass bitch in the house!

As the entirety of the arena watches in stunned silence, the “new” Jacqui M picks up a microphone from ringside and steps through the ropes, into the squared circle. Looking up at the flabbergasted stands, she then says a simple sentence:

Jacqui M: Haven’t you people ever heard of a makeover?

Then, leaning on the ropes and making eye contact with the announcers, she concludes:

Jacqui M: And another thing…the name is Lisbeth Salander. Capeesh?

And with this, she tosses the microphone away and waits for her loathed opponent to appear.

She doesn’t have to wait long as, soon, the lights go down, while creepy music and a dark mist fill the arena. Through this curtain of eeriness emerges the familiar figure of the Demon, slithering down to the ring and making the children at rampside recoil into their mother’s soothing bosom.

Martin Mays: Well, here he comes, and Jacqui…Lisbeth…whoever she is…can finally have her revenge!

The female wrestler, however, does not seem in too much of a hurry, as she patiently waits for the Demon to approach the ring. He does, sliding in under the bottom rope, and almost instantly makes a lunge for his nemesis.

Martin Mays: Jacqui, look OUT!

Jacqui/Lisbeth, however, came prepared. No sooner has Demon taken off on a flying leap, that he is being sprayed in the face with the contents of a can of mace! The female superstar’s resourcefulness, and her deadpan demeanour as she squeezes the aerosol, elicit a chuckle from the stands. Jacqui looks up at the fans, smirking and shrugging one shoulder as if to say “men, right?” Then, as Demon staggers around rubbing his eyes, she picks him up and floors him in a quick DDG!

Martin Mays: Jacqui looking to finish this early, and be done with this creep! And there’s no DQ, so the mace is legal!

Kareem Ali: Bitch gone crazy, yo!

Martin Mays: Who can blame her?!

As the two announcers discuss the female wrestler’s actions, she stands in the ring, waiting for Demon to get up before sending him back to the canvas with a double axe handle. She kicks his head for good measure, then – after making sure he’s down – steps out of the ring and rummages under it, in the weapons section. She does so leisurely, taking her time, thinking the Demon has stayed down. However, she is soon unpleasantly surprised, as the unholy face-painted freak leaps over the ropes in a suicide plancha! Jacqui has just enough time to dodge, aiming a kick at the Demon’s head before hitting him with her helmet, which she had left on the floor by the ring. To her surprise, the Demon just catches it in his hands, continuing to advance towards her with a demented grin.

Martin Mays: Uh-oh…things not going as planned for Jacqui here, and with no DQ and no referee, her own stipulation may have just turned against her!

Kareem Ali: That’s what you get when you’re a smart-ass, Mays!

Jacqui/Lisbeth, however, seems far from defeated. As she slowly backs towards the ramp, waiting for the Demon to pounce again, she rummages in her tight leather pants. Then, as he leaps towards her, she swings her arm forward at lightning speed and zaps him with several volts of electricity!

Kareem Ali: What the shit…?! A TASER?!

Martin Mays (whooping): When she said she’d take a page from the Girl Who Played With Fire, she meant it!

Kareem Ali: A taser?! A TASER?!

Martin Mays: Well, it’s no DQ and there’s no referee, Ali. And this guy’s a menace! Why not? Only problem is, tasers are illegal in the state of New York. But maybe they’ll make an exception, given the circumstances…

After the tasing, which has sent the small crowd at Irving Plaza bonkers, Jacqui gets cocky again. Thinking there’s no way anyone can walk away from a zap of electricity, she turns her back to leave…and is attacked from behind by the Demon!

Martin Mays: What…?! How?! This guy isn’t human!

Kareem Ali: Wow, Mays, what a newsflash! Alert the media!

Caught off-guard, Jacqui has no immediate strategy to cope with the attack from the Demon, so, for a few moments, the two just roll around, each trying to choke the other one out. Eventually, Jacqui starts hitting fists to the side of Demon’s head, loosening his grip on her enough to kick her legs in the air and shove him away. He charges back, but Jacqui rolls out of the way and he crashes into the barricade, making the fans there recoil in horror!

The shoulder-slamming, however, does not seem to stop him, as he charges Jacqui before she’s even on her feet. His knee hits the female superstar smack in the face, sending her hurtling to the ground.

Martin Mays: Demon back with the upper hand, and our Lisbeth in trouble here!

Kareem Ali: You mean Jacqui.

Martin Mays: No, I mean Lisbeth. Didn’t you hear what she said? She wants to be called that now!

Kareem Ali: Fuck that! I’m’a call her Jacqui!

Martin Mays can be heard sighing, as the two wrestlers have now gotten up and are trading punches on the outside. Eventually, Jacqui manages to dodge one of Demon’s, and decks him across the jaw with an uppercut, bringing another pop from the crowd. She follows it up with a spinning heel kick, sending the corpse-painted freak tumbling down once again!

Not wasting a second, knowing her opponent will be back at any moment, Jacqui reaches over and grabs one of the lighting cubes at either side of the ramp. Initially unable to lift it, she eventually gives it one good heave, ripping it off the floor, cables and all. Then, she turns towards Demon, a manic glint in her eye.

Martin Mays: What is she…WHOA!

Jacqui has just swung the massive, heavy projector straight at Demon’s temple, drawing blood!


The Girl Who Played With Fire, however, has no time to bask in the adulation of the fans. She steps towards the Demon, who is clutching his head, in the first sign of weakness, and attempts to lock in her submission move, the standing headscissors known as the Emasculation. Demon, however, powers out, throwing her overhead. As the former blonde topples to the floor, the unnatural aberration staggers around, clutching his temple, as if in the throes of a massive migraine.

Martin Mays: The Demon is feeling that hit from earlier!

However, the pain is not enough to blind the hellish creature, who predicts – correctly – that Jacqui will attack from behind, and dodges. Caught in the momentum of her run, the female athlete staggers forward, out of balance, and Demon wastes no time: he leaps towards her, spins her around, rams her back-first against the post and begins to choke her out!

Martin Mays: NO! Somebody make this STOP!

Kareem Ali: That’s what you get when you request no referee, Mays!

Martin Mays (distraught): Will you SHUT UP?!

As the Demon continues to exert his superiority, the cameras focus in on a chubby-cheeked little girl, maybe six or seven, with a Jacqui M t-shirt and tears in her eyes. She seems to be willing the Demon to stop. The beastly freak, however, continues to apply the choke hold until his foe has toppled to the floor, unconscious.

Martin Mays: Well...Demon won…I guess…

The supernatural fiend staggers a few more steps, towards the ramp, holds an arm up in victory…then falls to his knees and hits the floor, having seemingly also passed out.

Martin Mays: Somebody get the EMTs in here!

As if on cue, EMTs rush in to tend to both wrestlers. Jacqui is the first to recover, and brushes aside the medics who are taking care of Demon before aiming a kick at her tormentor’s head. Surprisingly, not a soul in the arena dares to object. Then, she painstakingly climbs the apron, slumping against the turnbuckle and slowly sliding to the floor, in a defeated, exhausted position.

Meanwhile, the medics have resumed treatment on Demon, who slowly seems to be coming around as well, much to Martin Mays’ displeasure:

Martin Mays: I don’t know what they’re treating him for…serves him right…

However, both the announcer and everyone present at the Irving Plaza is surprised when the Demon comes to and, instead of lashing out on everybody, begins to step towards the figure slumped in the ring, moaning plaintively:


Martin Mays: What?! Does he want some more?! The sadistic pig!

However, when he reaches the prone woman in the ring, the Demon’s attitude is soothing. As he takes her face in his hands, however, he notices the body-paint all over his arms and steps back, in horror, shrieking. He tears at the face-paint, then tugs at his hair. To everyone’s surprise – including his – it comes off; it was only a wig!

Martin Mays: What the…?! That’s…that’s…!

Raiden Blaze slumps down by his fallen friend, crying and blubbering, calling her name over and over. Somehow, he’s managed to recognize her, despite the change in appearance. The commotion makes the female wrestler look up briefly, and she can be heard moaning her friend’s name:

Jacqui M (groggily): Raiden…? Raiden…?

Raiden Blaze: Yeah, it’s me, you’re fine, Jacqui, you’re fine!

Jacqui, however, is not soothed. She takes one look at the half-Raiden, half-freak in front of her and explodes:

Jacqui M: NO….!

She lunges at her friend-cum-foe, pinning him to the mat and punishing him with stiff right and left hooks, as she repeats manically:

Jacqui M: NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!

After a few seconds, however – enough to have Raiden/Demon in utter confusion, she slumps forward again, weary from exhaustion. Raiden looks down at her, panicking, before requesting a mic and addressing the crowd:

Raiden Blaze: This…this…what’s going on?! Who did this to my friend Jacqui? Who cut her hair and dyed it black?! Who beat her up?! WHO?!

The frantic cry for help is met with a stunned silence from the stands, as Blaze continues:

Raiden Blaze: I mean, one minute I’m with Jacqui, jokin’ around and buying a soda…and now I’m here, and she’s like this, and I’ve got paint on…what am I gonna do?! We’ve got that Triple Threat match with Bronko later on!

Kareem Ali: What match?!

Suddenly, Raiden’s eye is caught by one of the banners reading “ACW Striking Distance”, increasing his befuddlement:

Raiden Blaze: Striking Distance?! What’s Striking Distance?! It should say Riot Act!! We’re at Riot Act!

Kareem Ali: Somebody’s a little late there, Rip Van Winkle…

The crowd begin to chant the name of the new PPV, as Raiden/Demon flails around in confusion. And then, as if to make matters worse, the cops arrive.

Kareem Ali: Oh shit, it’s the feds!

Leading the officers is ACW General Manager John McHenry, looking helpless. It is clearly against his will that the agents go down to the ring and handcuff the lifeless body of Jacqui/Lisbeth, apprehending the taser which led to their presence there. The fans begin to cotton on and boo the authority figures, even going as far as to throw paper cups and other items at them. The policemen, however, remain stone-faced, dragging the female superstar up the ramp as Raiden/Demon walks alongside them, pleading. Seeing there is nothing he can do, he waits until John McHenry and the police agents have left, and picks up the microphone again, for some final words:

Raiden Blaze: Something’s really weird’s goin’ on here guys…but I’ll get to the bottom of this…I’ll get to the bottom of this!

And with that, he limps back through the curtain, leaving a dead-silent and absolutely astonished arena behind him.


Barbed Wire Cage Match w/ Weapons
Dr. Frank Urwhich v. Multiplex v. Toyota Chelios

Coming back from commercial, we see the crowd getting hyped up as a cage is lowered from the ceiling!

Martin Mays: Ok, folks the dangerous motif of the night continues as John McHenry has issued the command that this triple threat will be competed in a barbed wire steel cage!

Kareem Ali: Not only that, but these three lunatics can bring whatever weapon they want to the cage. What is McHenry thinking?

Martin Mays: I don’t know, but we’re about to get started and this could get nasty!

Kareem Ali: COULD?!! Ha! Try WILL!

Beck - Sexx Laws - YouTube

Sexx Laws by BECK starts and there’s a mixed reaction from the crowd. A lot of kids and parents start dancing to the music as Toyota runs out with a sparkler in each hand! He runs up and down the stage getting the crowd hyped. He drops the sparklers and begins to slap hands and signs a couple of autographs and a fan gives him a big mac which he consumes in one bite!

Martin Mays: What? Does this guy have a different themesong every week?!

Kareem Ali: Eh, it's probably a different personality picking it every week!

Martin Mays: Well, the kids love him, but should they really be here for this match? This is going to be brutal and Chelios doesn’t seem to be taking it serious.

Kareem Ali: Well, we all deal with things differently.

We see Toyota dancing with a fan at ringside.

Martin Mays: Or maybe he’s mental…

Kareem Ali: Well, I think that’s par for the course with these three. You don’t think McHenry is trying to get rid of all three of these lunatics tonight do ya?

The camera cuts back to show Toyota hanging off the cage. The referee tries to get him down but he keeps climbing. Once on top on the side where the commentators sit, he reaches into his pants.

Martin Mays: OH! Did he really have to climb the cage to do that?

Kareem Ali: Wait! I think he’s revealing his weapon of choice!

Martin Mays: Whatever you say! It’s against the law in New York no matter what you call it!

Toyota pulls out a pair of snips and begins to cut the barbed wire!

Martin Mays: What in the hell is he doing? Isn’t that against the rules?

Kareem Ali: Maybe he’s not as dense as we think!

As Chelios continues to cut, his next opponent comes out with no fanfare at all. He’s carrying a bag.

Martin Mays: Dr Urwhich has arrived!

Kareem Ali: I wonder what’s in the bag? His weapon?

Martin Mays: Did I see that bag move? Man, I hate this guy!

Kareem Ali: Ha! Gotta be better than the vampire!

The weird doctor is allowed into the ring where he sits the bag in the corner and looks up at Toyota. Chelios starts to point and rant at him.


SAD BUT TRUE by Metallica starts to play and the crowd gets quiet. Both Toyota and Dr. Urwhich stops and looks as the massive monster called MULITPLEX steps out on stage ranting about something. The camera gets in close as the big man stares at the cage.

Multiplex: I d-d-don’t th-th-th-think this is a good idea guys!

Martin Mays: Speaking of MENTAL…

Multiplex notices the camera: What the HELL are you looking at!!

The big man pushes the camera man down and the camera hits the ground to show the monster stomping down the ramp.

Kareem Ali: Here he comes! All four hundred some odd pounds of him!!

Suddenly, without waiting, Dr. Urwhich climbs up the cage!

Martin Mays: Where is he going? He can’t start that until the bell rings!

The doctor reaches Chelios and trades blows. As Multiplex gets to the door of the cage, Toyota unexpectantly bulldogs the Doctor down to the mat hard!

Kareem Ali: OOOO!!

As Multi steps into the ring, he pulls out a chain and grins!

Martin Mays: Well, I really expected fire!

Kareem Ali: Pyro!

The referee calls for the bell and the match begins.

Martin Mays: Ok, to win this match, the man has to either scale the cage and escape, escape through the door OR pin or submit an opponent.

Kareem Ali: Well, with three of these lunatics in the ring, your guess is as good as mine!

As Toyota and Urwhich get up, Multiplex double clotheslines them both hard to the mat! He follows up with an elbow drop hard to the chest of Urwhich! Chelios is up on all fours looking for the cage door! As it opens, the monstrosity stalks him and steps on his back! They are close to the corner, so Multi stands on Toyota’s back and bounces on the smaller opponent. He steps off and wraps the chain around Chelios’s neck! The big man leans back and chokes Toyota!

Martin Mays: There’s no stopping that! There’s no official to get involved!

Multi screams at the referee intelligently outside the cage: Open the damned door!!

As it looks like the big man will just walk out, from behind, we see the doctor up with his bag. He reaches in and pulls out a huge python and throws it on this side of the cage door! Multiplex jumps like it was a sea monster or something. Tripping on Chelios, he falls and looks wide eyed at the snake as it slithers over Toyota’s fallen body! Frozen in fear, Multi pulls against the ropes like he’s looking for something to stop it!

Mulitplex: Snakes! What the HELL!!?? Get it away from me!! Get it AWAY!!

Toyota starts to wake up and finds himself wrapped in the snake’s cold embrace! Mulitplex is still frozen and is helpless to a barrage of boots from Dr. Urwhich!!

Martin Mays: Who would have known that the big guy was scared of snakes?

Kareem Ali: Well, that Looney doctor did! Or made a good guess!!

Chelios is wrestling with the Python that has a good grip on him. He gets to his feet and starts running around the ring like a moron; trying desperately to get rid of the snake! Dr Urwhich looks up just in time to get the full on collision from the out of control Chelios. Both men bang hard against each other and drop to the mat even harder!

Martin Mays: Holy Hell!!

Kareem Ali: Well, at least he got rid of the snake!

The Python had been thrown to the corner of the ring. That brings Multiplex around.

Multiplex: What the hell? It’s just a snake!

The big guy pulls himself up and picks the snake up like it was a piece of string.

Martin Mays: Wasn’t he scared of that thing just minutes ago?

Multi throws it to an opposite corner and goes for the door! Suddenly, he finds Toyota hanging on his leg like a little kid! The monster tries to kick him off, but Chelios is locked on like a five year old! No matter how hard Multi beats him, the man won’t let go! Out of nowhere, Dr. Urwhich shoulder blocks Multi’s left knee; taking him down! Chelios makes a lunge for the door, but the crazy doctor jumps and grabs him. Dragging him to the middle of the ring, Urwhich slaps a Boston crab on him!

Kareem Ali: Oh, no! Chelios might tap!!

Toyota holds his hand out like he might, but he keeps shaking his head. The doctor puts the pressure on and yells at him to give up!! Just when it looks like Chelios might tap, Mulitplex hits Urwhich with a hard knee to the temple!!

Martin Mays: That was a close one!

Multi puts Urwhich in a head lock and starts to clamp down! As Chelios tries to get up, the multiple personality death squad gives him a kick to the head; sending him to the corner.

Kareem Ali: Oh, my GOD! Watch ‘Plex manhandle these two!! NO way they’re taking him down!!

Multiplex, then, drops the Doctor in a horrible DDT! The big man just sits in the middle of the ring and smiles devilishly. Chelios has pulled himself up in one corner. Urwhich has set himself in another corner. And Multi looks back and forth and chats about who to go after first.

Martin Mays: Looks like he’s having a disagreement about what to do next!

Multiplex: Just walk out of da damn ring!! (Changes voices) We tried that like three times numb nuts!! (Changes voices) Now, Andretti, there’s no reason for that! Steven, we DID decide to let Andretti make the decisions in the ring! (Changes voices) Hell Yeah, let’s end this!

Once up, he goes for Toyota with a purpose. He picks the smaller guy up and flips him in a pump handle slam!! He, then, turns to the doctor who is still in the corner just grinning at him. Multi stomps over and picks the doctor up delivering a massive sitout powerbomb!! Sitting in the middle of the ring, it looks like Multi is in charge!

He looks up at the place where Chelios had cut the barbed wire.

Martin Mays: Oh, no! He wouldn’t!?!

The big guy rolls up and starts climbing the inside wall on the commentator’s side of the cage.

Kareem Ali: Oh, yes, he would!!!

The crowd starts to chant: CAGE! CAGE! CAGE!

Chelios is up and staggering over to the same inside wall as Dr Urwhich is pulling up on the ropes. Multiplex is a big man and it takes a while to scale the cage, but he’s almost to the top! Toyota runs up the corner and uses the top rope to launch most of the way up the cage wall!!

Martin Mays: DID YOU SEE THAT?!!

Multi pulls up to a seated position and grins out over the crowd.

Crowd: TO-YO_TA! TO-YO-TA!!

Multiplex from the top of the cage: Shut up! I’m going to win this! You should be rooting for me!!

Suddenly, Multi feels Chelios grab his leg and he realizes why they’re chanting! He gives some strong blows but Toyota won’t fall! Trading blows back and forth, Chelios is bleeding now! Neither of them sees Dr. Urwhich standing on the corner! HE tosses the snake up at Multi who catches it and starts screaming!! Teetering on the edge, both Chelios and the Doctor scale the cage and grab the big guy!

Kareem Ali: Don’t want him falling for a win there guys!!

Multiplex throws the snake down on top of the commentators table!

Martin Mays: GOOD GOD!!

Mays and Ali are up and throwing headsets! Suddenly, from the crowd a figure dressed in baggy sweats and a floppy hoodie jumps the barricade. The intruder scales the cage on the outside carrying a steel chair. One referee tries to stop the invader, but gets a chair to the head for his trouble! As the figure nears the three warriors battling on the top of the cage, the masked individual takes aim with the steel chair. Without hesitation, the intruder nails Chelios with the steel chair like three times. Between shots, Toyota is hitting Mulit with fists and so is Urwhich. Suddenly, the double team gets the best of the big guy and he falls to the mat below! The sound of the fall echoed through the whole arena and shook not only the ring, but he cage too. Toyota and Urwhich are trying to hang on. Suddenly, Chelios looks like he knows the figure and starts to beg.

Kareem Ali: Do they know each other?

The figure turns to the Doctor and nails him in the head with the chair, but he refuses to fall. Then, the figure then nails Chelios in the head again. After the three trading blows for a while, the figure drops the chair. The hooded person grabs the two of them and refuses to let go!! THEN, in one massive move, the figure pulls both men off the top of the cage. Dr Urwhich falls alone nailing the Spanish announcers table. AT THE SAME TIME, the figure grabs Toyota and flips him through the commentator’s table right in front of Mays and Ali! Both tables explode like a bomb went off.

The crowd lights up!! No one is sitting in the whole house! They are all up screaming and cheering!


Martin Mays finally gets to his headset: Oh, dear GOD! Somebody get a paramedic down here!! Chelios is unresponsive! And the DOCTOR is gonna need a doctor!!

Kareem Ali: trying to get a peek at the hooded figure: Let’s just see who the hell this is!

Suddenly, the figure comes alive and slaps Ali backwards. With a roll and a limp, the figure climbs the barricade and throws both hands high!! The crowd erupts again. The figure looks like they almost pass out but stabilizes and jumps into the crowd! They embrace the strange intruder and congratulate them all the way up the steps. At the top, the figure stops and throws both hands up one more time. This time, Multiplex is sitting up and starring a hole through his unknown assailant!

Ashley Sparxxx: YOU WINNERS! Due to exiting the ring and reaching the floor at the same time; Toyota Chelios and Dr.Frank Urwhich!!

Martin Mays: What? Two winners? No way!

Kareem Ali: Yeah, I’m getting word from the back that the video footage (that we’re showing you on iPPV now) confirms a double win! Crazy!!

Martin Mays: But who was it that interfered?

Kareem Ali: I don’t know, but they just made a new enemy with Multiplex, I can tell you that!

The figure is seen celebrating and, then, disappearing in the crowd. Multiplex is up and stomping around the ring. He’s ranting something or maybe just screaming a primal scream! Urwhich is up and getting his arm lifted by the referee. He retrieves his snake and walks up the ramp to a mixed reaction.


Martin Mays: Folks, Toyota Chelios has not responded to the paramedics. He is alive, of course, but he is unconscious. He will be taken to the nearest hospital to be check out!


Mulitplex storms up the ramp, pushing paramedics and security like rag dolls. Finally, the big man disappears into the back with a final look at the crowd!

-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- -

As the crowd still seems a bit hyped after that crazy match, an unfamiliar music interrupts the proceedings of STRIKING DISTANCE!


As the crowd jams out a bit to this new song by FAMILY FORCE FIVE (CRAY BUTTON), a lone figure saunters out onto the stage area. He is wearing a nice black pair of slacks with a nice designer shirt and, over that, a long black trench coat. He stops in the center of the stage as the crowd doesn't know how to react. He smiles and his goatee makes him look like he's up to something.

Unknown person: MY NAME is ALEXANDER HAMILTON CRAY and I am NOT a professional wrestler. In fact, I have no intentions of getting in a ring of any sort. To be quite honest, I find this whole process a bit...well....stupid.

That sets off the crowd who apparently doesn't appreciate him insulting their favorite past-time.

Cray: But I do find one thing about wrestling fascinating. The money that it brings in. It stuns me how you sheep will count out your hard earned money and buy all the cheap trinkets and stickers just so people will know how actually dumb you are!

The New York crowd has had about enough and starts to boo him heavily.


Cray: BUT, like I said, I like the looks of the cash coming in at a Pay Per View like this. So, I decided, being the businessman I am, that I wanted a piece of the action. SO, here I am. ALEXANDER HAMILTON CRAY, announcing to the talent here at Alternative Championship Wrestling that I am here to represent the up and coming movers and shakers. I'm looking for the best or at least those who want to buzzsaw past the managerial bullshit that holds most of you back! I work on a meager commission and everything I touch turns to gold. So, there it is. I'll leave my phone number at the front desk and I'll be present at all the Adrenalines. I look forward to representing the next generation of ACW Superstars.

Cray turns to the camera and gets a close up: Don't make me wait.

Cray slowly turns and walks to the back looking back at the angry crowd with a sinister smile


Tornado Tag Team Match
Starrdom Nation v. The LWO

Once the newcomer is gone and a commercial for HUNTING GROUNDS (the next ACW Pay Per View) fades out, the crowd is shown ready for another fight.

Ashley Sparxxx: The next contest is set for one fall and will be fought under Tornado Tag Rules!!

Ashley Sparxxx: Our first competitors, residing in Los Angeles, California, Robbie Starr and Ray Price, STARRDOM NATION!!

Morgan Freeman finishes his opening speech of the song BOMBS AWAY by B.o.B. And the music gets the crowd a little excited as Robbie Starr and Ray Price hit the stage like bosses! They taunt the crowd and jam to the music as the crowd boos a little. They do have a few fans as we see signs in the audience cheering STARRDOM NATION on!

As they head to the ring, the commentators come alive!

Martin Mays: Here they are, folks! Former PWA tag team champs and future hopefuls, STARRDOM NATION!

Kareem Ali: what are you? Their publicist? And the PWA thing was so last Month or so!

Robbie and Ray rock out in the ring when, suddenly, their music is interupted before Morgan Freeman can begin his final speech.

Ashley Sparxxx: And, their opponents, entertaining at a big top near you, EL LOKO, MADDOG, The Lunatic World Order!!

The boos are mixed with cheers as the fans anticipate the ACW's favorite lunatics.

Kareem Ali: The crowd has no idea who to cheer for here tonight! Both these teams have been known to pull some underhanded things to win!

Martin Mays: Should make for a great match!

From the back, two life sized rendentions of Bert and Ernie from Seasame Street come bounding out carrying a trash can between them. There is a laugh from the crowd, but Robbie and Ray are not amused.

Martin Mays: Looks like the lunatics have went with another mocking jab at Robbie's favorite show, SEASAME STREET! Just like at the press conference earlier this week!

But before they can get down the ramp, Starrdom Nation jumps out of the ring and attacks the two walking muppets! As the fight goes on, the big heads come off and we see El Loko and Maddog under the facade! They brawl outside the ring area as the bell rings to start the match.

Both teams land some powerful blows in this knockdown drag out!

Martin Mays: This is TORNADO TAG RULES people! Which means that both members of the tag team is legal and there are NO boundries. Pinfall or submission anywhere!

As El Loko rakes Robbie Starr across the metal railing and Maddog DDT's Ray onto the steel, the crowd noise is rising.

Kareem Ali: I'm tellin' ya, we might not have packed this place, but it has been rockin' all night long and we STILL have out biggest matches to go!!

Robbie gets a shot to Loko's gut and begins to pull him toward the ring in a head lock. As they pass the trashcan, the lid flies open and Oscar the Grouch pops out with a bottle of selser! Squirting the contents into Robbie's face, it blinds him and he lets go of Loko. Ray reverses a armbar and throws Maddog to the steel. Unfortunately, he turns into a bottle shot to the head ala Oscar! The bottle shatters and drops Ray where he stands. As Robbie recovers, El Loko slings him into the ring. Ray is out on the ground.

Martin Mays: Doesn't look like he's coming to any time soon!

El Loko spears Robbie into the corner and ducks in time for Maddog to superkick him in the face!

Kareem Ali: Oh, no! It's the TWIN TERROR!!

El Loko climbs the ropes and Maddog picks Robbie up onto his shoulders and does a fireman's carry slam!! El Loko then sails with a 450 splash as Maddog climbs the ropes. To finish Robbie off, Maddog hits him with a moonsault!

Maddog goes for the pin as Wisecrack is dancing in the other side of the ring still dressed as Oscar the Grouch!


The referee calls for the bell and the Lunatics celebrate.

Ashley Sparxxx: YOUR WINNERS, via pinfall! THE LWO!!

The three lunatics hit a corner as the crowd gives a mixed reaction!

Martin Mays: And, the worst part is, they're the new number one contenders!

Kareem Ali: I wonder what they have in store for RIPPERCUSSIONS!?


The camera fades as the LWO mugs a little too close to the camera


#1 Contendership to the ACW International Championship
Aaron Asterisk v. Brandon Banks v. Dave Summers v. Stevie Starr

Martin Mays: Next up we have the number one contenders match unfortunately what was supposed to be a fatal four way is now a triple threat. We’re getting reports that Brandon Banks has been in yet another shoot out and was actually struck by a bullet we’re not sure of his condition but we’ll get back to you on that.

Kareem Ali: Wow that is unfortunate as I’ve gotten a report that Stevie Starr has been offered a role in the upcoming Mortal Kombat movie as Johnny Cage and asked for a leave of absence so that he could audition for the role and if he gets it may see him out of action for months.

Martin Mays: So it looks like this fatal four way is just now a simple one on one?

Kareem Ali: Unless Dave Summers dog died?

Remember the Name by Fort Minor gets met by a tirade of boos, as the cockiest man in professional wrestling today comes out on to the stage. He smirks as he takes his position at the middle of the ramps edge as pyro's shoot behind him in a star formation. He ignores all the boos from the crowd before sliding into the ring, where he takes his flash jacket off and gives it to the stage hand, as his music stops and he awaits his opponents.

Wanted Man by Rev Theory begins to play before we cut to Summers in the back laid out on the floor referees huddled around him hoisting him onto a stretcher.

Martin Mays: What the hell is going on?

Kareem Ali: Well at least his dog didn’t die.

Martin Mays: You gotta wonder though three guys in one match is it connected. The ref has started a count in the ring Astrisk is going to be the number one contender… by default.

Kareem Ali: Default or not Aaron’s gotta be riding pretty high right now.

Martin Mays: Still no word on Bronto and John McHenry has yet to make his announcement.


ACW Tag Team Championships
RipperCussions v. The Bradleys


ACW International Championship
Nicky Trix (c) v. Abram Vance

Just before the International Championship match starts, the feed cuts to the announcers' table, and a close-up of Martin Mays and Kareem Ali.

Martin Mays: Well, folks, we're almost to our main event, and there's still no sign of Zack Bronko! Nobody has had word from him all night long, and it's doubtful if he will show up here tonight!

Kareem Ali: Mo'fucka threw away his shot! Shows ya his level of intelligence! But I'll tell ya someone who ain't gon' throw away their shot - Abram Vance and Nicky Trix, who are up next defendin' the International Championship!

Martin Mays is seen holding his headset, seemingly listening attentively. Then, as the feed cuts to backstage, he announces:

Martin Mays: We have just had word that Bronko has arrived in the building...and there he is!

Bronko shows up in the flatscreen, walking the halls of Irving Plaza, and the fans react with a huge pop for the tweener favourite.

Martin Mays: Well, it's a relief to know we'll have all three contestants after all!

Kareem Ali: Yeah, but right now, it's time for International, baby!

As if on cue, "Back In The Saddle" by Aerosmith begins to play, and Abram Vance swaggers out, seemingly in control. The usual bottle of Jack Daniels is absent, even though the inevitable cigarette makes its presence known, being stubbed underfoot soon after the wrestler has gained the platform.

Kareem Ali: What's with everybody comin' out smokin' today?

Martin Mays: Well, in his case, it *is* one of his trademarks...

Kareem Ali: smurf shouldn't be smokin'! He needs to be at his best to take the title offa Golden Boy Breakfast Cereal!

Martin Mays: You got that right, for once...

Just as Vance is calmly entering the ring and leaning against the ropes, everybody's favourite babyface makes his entrance!

Martin Mays: There he is, our International Champion!

Nicky comes down the ramp, slapping hands left and right, as kids stretch out for him and fans brandish their posters: "NICKY SHOW ME UR TRIX", "FREQUENT FLYER (with a picture of Nicky and an "ACW Airlines" mock-up logo)", and so forth. On the other side, fans of Vance (for there are a few left) lift up their own pieces of card, with sayings like "WHAT GOES UP...MUST COME DOWN", "ABE VANCE AND CONQUER" and "THANKS (IN AD)VANCE".

Kareem Ali: We have a very split crowd here, and I wouldn't be surprised if there was some brawlin'! The eight year olds versus the smarks! Ooh mama!

There is an audible sigh from Martin Mays, as Nicky hops onto the apron and advances towards Vance, palm outstretched, in his usual sporting way. The veteran responds by casting a disdainful glance towards the hand, then slapping it away and slapping Nicky across the face!

Kareem Ali: Ooooh, it's on, baby!

The fans boo profusely as the two men begin to circle. Abe goes for the first attack, lunging at Trix, but the small-framed Champion dodges and leaps for the first time, to hit his opponent with a boot to the cheek! The crowd's boos turn to cheers as Nicky goes to the turnbuckle for an early aerial move! His moonsault, however, misses the target, as Vance calmly sidesteps and watches the youth crash to the mat. Nicky grabs hold of his injured leg, which seems to have been affected by the bad fall, but as expected Vance shows no compassion. Instead, he grabs it and goes for an ankle lock, making Nicky squirm and the boos rise once again!

Kareem Ali: See? THAT's how ya wrassle. Ya wrassle smart. Ya take ya chances. Ya don't go hoppin' around like a damn spot monkey!

Nicky grimaces in pain, stretching his hand towards the rope, but Vance makes sure he stays well away, as he continues to work the leg. Eventually, he abandons the ankle lock, and begins trying to lock in a sharpshooter. Nicky sees his chance, kicks his opponent away and half-crawls, half-lunges for the ropes. When Vance comes, he is ready to greet him with a foot to the chest!

The "Leviathan" rocks backwards, but is soon lunging at Trix again. The young wrestler, however, rolls his body sideways to avoid the attack, and hits the back of Vance's bad leg with his foot, cauing the veteran to fall to his knees!

Martin Mays (whooping): NOW who's wrestling smart?!

Nicky takes the opportunity to slowly regroup, but soon enough, Vance is back on the attack and bashing his head against the turnbuckle. The young wrestler keeps the older man away with elbows to the ribs and gut, but finds his tactics are not very effective against the driven Vance. Soon, the Detroit native is spinning the smaller man away from the turnbuckle, only to hit him with a dropkick to the back! As he hits the floor, Nicky clutches his lower back, wincing; Abe, in turn, seems to also have felt the impact of that move, as he now clutches his bad leg.

The match momentarily loses steam, as both men nurse their injuries. Soon. however, they are back on their feet - Abram first, in time to hit a Big Boot to the head of the hapless Nicky! The crowd turns up the heat again, but the veteran just flips them off, as he goes to lock in yet another submission.

Martin Mays: Well...! How polite! And family-friendly!

Kareem Ali: Shaddap, Mays! This is wrasslin'! Earlier on we saw people shockin' other people with tasers an' settin' snakes loose! Family friendly my ass!

Meanwhile, in the ring, Nicky has barely evaded Vance's attempt at a submission, but is being punished with chops by the Number One Contender. Eventually, he fights back with a kick of his own, to the gut, followed by a running neckbreaker!

Martin Mays: The Champ is back in this one, baby!

The crowd erupts, as Nicky goes wild, beating his chest and mugging. However, knowing he cannot keep his guard down for too long, he is soon back to work on Vance. He picks his opponent up, throws him to the ropes, then connects with a huge standing dropkick to the face, causing Vance to fall like a log. Nicky covers!




Martin Mays: Vance kicked out AT THE LAST SECOND!

Kareem Ali: Gotta say, thought he had him there...but there's some fight left in the old dog!

Nicky is incredulous, as he feels that was a three. The referee, however, decides otherwise, and the young Champion accepts the decision. He turns backl towards his fallen opponent, and is met with a pair of legs to the chest! He reels back, then launches himself at the opposite ropes. As Vance gets to his feet, he gets hit with a running Big Boot, leading to another cover!




Martin Mays: Nicky Trix edging closer and closer, and he's really hit his stride now!

The International Champion once again goes to pick his opponent up by the hair, but as he brings Vance to his feet, he is surprised by a low blow! The referee somehow misses it, but Nicky feels the full impact, falling forward with his hands cupped over his private parts, a pained expression on his face. There are some chuckles interspersed with the boos as Vance goes for the cover!




Martin Mays: Gonna take more than that to stop him!

Vance rolls over from on top of Nicky and locks in a Boston Crab, getting the young cruiserweight in trouble yet again. As the youth grimaces and desperately tries to reach the ropes, a call-and-response starts between different sections of the crowd:

Women and Children: LET'S GO NI-CKY!


Women and Children: AB-RAM SUCKS! LET'S GO NI-CKY!

Vance seems surprised with this positive response, and lets his guard down for a second - long enough for Nicky to make a lunge for the ropes. As the referee forces him to break the hold, Abe is clearly frustrated. He whips Nicky to the ropes, then places his whole weight on his bad leg as he delivers a Superkick! Trix topples to the floor, but so does the veteran, his leg giving in. Fortunately, he can drag himself over for the cover!




Martin Mays: Kickout at the last from Trix this time! What a fantastic match we're having here!

Unlike Nicky, Vance does not lose his cool; he's all business tonight. He once again brings the youth to his knees, as the crowd continues to encourage their hero, and hits a vicious kick to the back of Nicky's knee! Once again, the young cruiserweight writhes in pain. As for Vance, he calmly flings himself to the opposite ropes. As he comes back, however, Nicky pulls the ropes down, and the "Leviathan" goes over them, to the outside!

Martin Mays: Nicky now has to choose...capitalise or regroup?

The little Champion chooses to regroup, slowly rising to his feet and catching his breath. He checks the outside, sees Vance is beginning to stir, then launches over the ropes in a suicide plancha, driving him right back down!

Kareem Ali: Daaamn! Ain't none o' these guys gon' have all their bones in the morning!

Martin Mays: None of these athletes is afraid to put their body on the line, and they're proving that here tonight!

Nicky is in a bad way after the fall, however, and rolls around in pain once more. Slowly, both he and Vance get to their feet. The veteran makes it there first, and runs at Nicky, but the younger man drops to one knee, dodging the punch, and hits a headbutt to Vance's stomach! He, then, performs a suplex to the hard concrete!

Martin Mays: Improv wrestling, there, from Nicky, thinking on his toes!

Kareem Ali: "Improv wrasslin'...?"

Leaving his opponent lying on the ground, the ACW International Champion calmly regains the ring. As Vance begins to get up, he taunts him, doing belt gestures as he poses cockily. The crowd get right behind him once again. Vance, however, does not seem to appreciate it, and limps back up the steps and into the ring. He runs at Nicky once again, but the young wrestler is ready, leaping in the air to avoid the charge, then delivering a standing dropkick to the back of Vance! He follows it up by running to the opposite ropes, then connecting with a slingshot high cross body, for another cover!




Frustrated, but trying not to show it, Nicky picks up Vance once again. This is when the veteran, moving swiftly, reverses the move into a Sunset Flip!




Martin Mays: Vance almost stole a win there, quick thinking from the veteran! Both men are impressing me here tonight!

Kareem Ali: That's my boy Vance for ya. He ain't no flash-in-the-pan pretty boy spot monkey...he knows his stuff! I can see him winnin' here tonight!

Vance has just whipped Nicky to the ropes, but the youth lowers his head coming back, ducking under the clothesline and reversing into another suplex! He then drops an elbow to Vance's private parts, proving he can play a little dirty too!

Martin Mays: Little Nicky gives as good as he gets!

The crowd chuckles, as now the cruiserweight picks his opponent up and whips him to the ropes. This time, he connects with a huge bycicle kick, showing amazing elevation! Vance falls like a log again, and Nicky looks to finish it. He climbs the turnbuckle and signals for his beloved finisher!

Martin Mays: home, folks, this one's over! WHAT GOES UP....!

Kareem Ali: ...must come down! And crash and burn!

The crowd watches in horror as Vance just manages to roll out of the way of the finisher, causing Nicky to crash horribly to the mat. Then, once again showing quick thinking and amazing reflexes, the veteran gets on top of the sprawled cruiserweight and locks in the Camel Clutch!

Martin Mays: I don't believe it! He's gonna steal a win!

Kareem Ali: I knew my boy could do it!

And in fact, being dead-smack in the centre of the ring and well away from any ropes, Nicky has no choice but to tap. Two Pay-per-Views later, the beloved fans' Champion has finally lost his belt.


Ashley Sparxxx: Here is your winner, and the NEW ACW INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION, ABRAAAAAM VAAAAANCE!

The smarks in the audience make themselves heard, as the new Champion celebrates by holding up his title. The camera closes up on Vance's - for once - smiling face, as the show cuts to commercial!


ACW Heavyweight Championship
Syn (c) v. Eric Snow v. Zack Bronko

Martin Mays: Well luckily Bronko as we stated earlier has shown up so this match will take place. John McHenry is sitting with us at ringside. After making his huge announcement earlier this evening regarding the newly formed Predator Division.

Jm That wasn’t my huge announcement.

The ref calls for the bell, Martin Mays turns his focus to the match as the three men stare each other down. Syn is the first to move as he runs at Snow. Snow drops and gets him with a drop toe hold, dropping him down to the bottom rope. Snow gets back to his feet just in time to be nailed by a clothesline from Bronko. Bronko walks over to the two of them as they get up and is dropped to the mat by a double dropkick from both flipping him out over the top rope, sending him crashing to the floor below.

Jm Looks like Bronko is loosing footing quickly.

Kareem Ali: It’s pretty early in the match.

Jm I can hope.

Snow turns around to be collected by a stiff right hand from Syn that reels him back. Snow strikes straight back with a right of his own, before Syn hits back again. Snow goes for another but Syn ducks under and gets him in a side headlock. Snow struggles for a bit and is able to free himself and force Syn to the ropes. He quickly follows up with a huge clothesline that sends both men out over the top rope to the floor as Bronko rolls back in on the other side. He sees the two men getting back to their feet on the outside, runs and bounces off the ropes behind him, runs across the ring and flys out over the top rope with a crossbody, crashing both men into the crowd barrier on the outside.

Martin Mays: Bronko taking to the air.

Kareem Ali: Kind of a scary sight guys can get hurt with a big man like that flying around.

The ref races over and checks on all three men before beginning to count them...
..4 ... Syn is stirring back to his feet

... Bronko is back up and pulls Snow to his feet as Syn rolls into the ring breaking the count. Bronko rolls Snow into the ring, then goes to climb back up himself as Syn grabs him and hits a jawbreaker across the top rope that snaps Bronko straight back to the floor outside. Syn then goes for a cover on Snow...
..2 ...
Kick Out!!!

Syn appeals to the ref, before turning around and pulling Snow to his feet and locking in a rear naked choke. Syn cinches the hold in tighter and tighter as Snow begins to fade, dropping to his knees. The ref raises Snow's arm, lets go and it falls straight to the mat. He lifts Snow's arm again, lets go, and again Snow's arm falls to the mat. The ref raises his arm a third time as the hold is broken by Syn copping a dropkick to the back from Bronko who has made his way back into the ring unseen. Bronko tries a quick cover on Syn...
... Kickout!!

Both men are quick back to their feet and stare down for a second. Syn looks down to Snow and quickly drops down for a cover, but Bronko kicks him and Drags him off.
Jm Shouldn’t you two be talking?

Martin Mays: Sorry the match is just so incredible. Bronko is going for another cover.

Bronko then drops down for the cover, but is instantly dragged back to his feet by Syn. Syn whips Bronko to the ropes and Bronko comes back and drops down with a huge clothesline that sends Snow crashing to the floor, leaving Bronko and Syn to face off in the ring.

The two men left in the ring lock up in a collar and elbow tie up. Bronko is pushed back to the ropes by Syn. Syn pushes him back against the top rope, pressing his forearm against Bronko's throat. The Ref orders Syn to break the choke. Syn applies more pressure as the ref gives him the 5 count...
...4– Syn breaks just before being Disqualified.
He pulls Bronko off the ropes and levels him with a huge clothesline. Syn goes for the cover...
Martin Mays: Bronko Just Kicks Out!!

Jm Pretty impressive.

Snow is stirring on the outside as Syn picks Bronko up and whips him towards the ropes. Bronko slams into the turnbuckle as Syn climbs out onto the apron. Syn grabs Bronko spinning him around as he delivers a belly to belly suplex he and Bronko land on the outside of the ring.

Jm Bad move by Syn. Sure it hurt Bronko but it probably just took as much out of him as it did his opponent and you have Snow out here already starting to regain his senses.

Kareem Ali: Syn is used to this style though so maybe his conditioning allows him to overcome the move?

Martin Mays: Possibly

Bronko is writhing in pain against the barrier and Syn is using it to get himself back to his feet. Snow has also shaken out the cobwebs and got back to his feet. He walks over to Syn, grabs him around the neck and bounces his head off the crowd barrier. He then turns Syn around and goes for an Irish whip, but Syn reverses, sending Snow crashing into the steel ring steps. Syn then picks Snow up and rolls him into the ring, as Bronko is starting to stir back to his feet on the outside.

Syn picks Snow up and goes for the whip to the corner, but Snow reverses, sending Syn into the corner himself. Bronko, back in the ring, has stood back up and is staggering around the center of the ring as Snow runs at Syn in the corner, but Syn gets the boot up. Snow stumbles around in time to see Bronko come at him for the Wake up Call. Snow ducks it, but the Bronko nails Syn. With his eyes glazed over, Syn drops to the mat. Bronko instantly turns hitting Snow with the Zackbreaker. Bronko covers Snow.


Martin Mays: I’m in disbelief. Syn has been…Dethroned?

John gets up from his seat at ringside throwing down his headset. He climbs into the ring looking at Bronko now holding the title belt, Syn and Snow both look at him rubbing muscles and nursing aches. John smiles holding his hand out towards Bronko. Bronko excited hoist the belt up onto one shoulder shaking Johns hand. Johns face goes blank as Bronko tries to let go. John pulls him in delivering the Bankrupt.

Martin Mays: What the hell is McHenry doing?

Kareem Ali: I was about to ask you the same thing.

Syn gets to his feet and John delivers a clothesline. John turns to Snow whose got a half raised fist to John. John points at Snow then to the exit ramp snow backs his way to the ropes before leaving the ring. John looks at the downed Syn and locks in his signature submission “Ringing the Bell”. Syn taps out as Bronko begins to stir again. John puts his foot to Bronkos temple pushing his head so that he stares at his newly acquired belt. John picks the belt up yelling at Bronko before placing it on Bronkos waist and leaving the ring.

Martin Mays: What is going on?

Quick Results
Donnie Trix def. Chase DeSanto
Avalanche def. Andrew Reynolds & Jay Clement
The Demon def. Jacqui Monroe
Dr. Frank Urwhich & Toyota Chelios def. Multiplex
The LWO def. Starrdom Nation
Aaron Asterisk def. Brandon Banks, Dave Summers, & Stevie Starr to become the #1 Contender to the ACW International Championship
RipperCussions (c) def. The Bradleys to retain the ACW Tag Team Championships
Abram Vance def. Nicky Trix (c) to become the new ACW International Champion
Zack Bronko def. Syn (c) & Eric Snow to become the new ACW Heavyweight Champion

Chase DeSanto v. Donnie Trix v. The Angel: ~Primetime~
Andrew Reynolds v. Avalanche v. Jay Clement: The_King
Jacqui Monroe v. The Demon: Pete
Dr. Frank Urwhich v. Multiplex v. Toyota Chelios:BDC
Starrdom Nation v. The LWO:BDC
Aaron Asterisk v. Brandon Banks v. Dave Summers v. Stevie Starr: ~Primetime~
RipperCussions v. The Bradleys: The_King
Nicky Trix (c) v. Abram Vance: Pete
Syn (c) v. Eric Snow v. Zack Bronko: ~Primetime~​
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John McHenry

John McHenry
Jun 12, 2011
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The angle with the three guys being taken out has nothing currently if you know of a guy or want to develop the storyline yourself I figured worse comes to worse I could continue it. But it seems better then have a squash match or making up BS excuses it actually seems like it's there for a reason.


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Mar 18, 2012
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I'm cool with the four way's ending, but we need to announce Asterisk as the winner and contender.
But, not trying to start shit here, but that opening match is crap. Andrew threw up an RP, it might have been rushed and just okay, but he spent the time writing it. Getting a ten line squash match is crap. If you can, please edit the match and get some back and forth action going just to give Andrew the kudos the guy deserves for at least showing up haha.

I'm hoping to knock out one match tonight. If not, I'll have them in tomorrow night for sure.

Predator Plans
In regards to the Predator division, how about this:
-Before my three way, I'll have McHenry come out and announce that as everyone knows, he's been trying to push hardcore matches for the fans and from what he's seen, the fans seem to be buying it. So, since he's a man of the people, he says the winner of both three ways will definitely be part of his 'extreme plan' or something along those lines haha
-After the double tap out/whatever Beedz decides to write so that we have double winners haha in the Urwhich/Plex/Chelios three way, McHenry walk out with Avalanche, holding a briefcase, at his side (possibly getting a favoritism angle) and gives Urwhich/Chelios an ovation. Announces that at Hunting Ground, Avalanche will face the two in a triple threat match for the new ACW Predator Championship.
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Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
let me just say it's going to absolute chaos after that match.
I will have it up tomorrow. It was nuts.

John McHenry

John McHenry
Jun 12, 2011
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I can add some more offensive but it's not going to be a barn burner his attempt at trying is just as annoying as someone that doesn't rp at all. Because that's the type of rp you throw up if you expect the other two not to show up.


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Mar 18, 2012
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Alton, England
^I agree with Prime. This PPV just makes me want to squash everybody not involved in the two title matches or Jacqui/Demon. #prickly

However, Aaron is now a face I think, so his entrance up there makes no sense anymore.


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Mar 18, 2012
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Yeah, he's definitely a face, but he hasn't updated his bio in months.