A question

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Active Member
Jul 13, 2008
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Easton, Maryland
I understand what your saying. In your dreams you walk around and see people/things, you hear people/things. I was actually wondering that myself if a deaf/blind person could see/hear in their dreams. I was also wondering what language people dream in. Is it their native language, a language they want to speak but don't know how to well? Cause I was watching some movie, and some guy said he when he dreams, he dreams in English but he was middle eastern and barely knew how to speak English.

I have a lot of dreams though. I use to have real bad nightmares, night terrors sometimes. I wouldn't be awoke, but not fully sleep and the room would change, and I'd see demons and shit. I'd sometimes go to sleep have a bad dream, wake up and try to stay up, and if I fall asleep, I'd end up in the same exact spot I was in in the previous dream, and it would continue where I woke up from last time. Or one time my covers went over my head and body and covered me up and I couldn't breath, but I wasn't sleep. My girl friend was next to me and she said she kept shaking me cause I was breathing hard and when I came too, I was all sweaty and out of breath. She said my eyes were twitching a lot and they were blood shot red. I barely get much sleep anymore cause of stuff like that, that's why I'm on here at night a lot.
Feb 7, 2007
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Brisbane, Australia
I dream every night, though sometimes I don't remember them. Yeh, TBA, I always get 'audio' with my 'visual', lol, I can't recall a dream where one's existed without the other.

I've found that when I get ill, seriously ill, I will have different dreams to what I usually have. Some are just stupid, well beyond it in a confusing way, others are intense and slightly frightening, and some are just like I'd be on drugs. I can still remember a night I was ill, I think I was like 12 or something, and I woke up from sleeping, covered in sweat, the dream I had was so intense it woke me from a deep sleep.

I think it'd be interesting what dead and/or blind people dream about. Smell, taste, feel are your remaining sense and I think they'd mainly come into play for them. I think their minds may place tricks on them, and produce images of what they THINK is reality. This could all come from their other senses.

Imagine you had your eyes shut and you were given an object, for sake of argument a small sculpture of a human body, and someone said "that's what you look like". You'd believe them, and you're mind would study the object, trying to soak in every minute detail.

I think, with only the use of the one sense in the case, your mind would whip up some crazy shit, when it comes to dreaming, since those who have all fives senses can sometimes have weird dreams. That's just my niave opinion on the topic...

Does anyone here dream about something, then at a later time (I'm talking the next night, or upto a few weeks later) you have a different dream, but recall things/places/people in the earlier dream? I remember a dream recently and I said, in the dream "I remember this from another dream..." at one point. Anyone else get that, or a recurring dream in which they try and change what happened last time?

I understand what your saying. In your dreams you walk around and see people/things, you hear people/things. I was actually wondering that myself if a deaf/blind person could see/hear in their dreams. I was also wondering what language people dream in. Is it their native language, a language they want to speak but don't know how to well? Cause I was watching some movie, and some guy said he when he dreams, he dreams in English but he was middle eastern and barely knew how to speak English.

Funnily enough, I have a friend who recently went to Belgium and learned how t speak Dutch, while she was there. She was there for a year and learned the language well, and I think it was 9-10months into her trip she started having dreams in Dutch. When she got back to Australia, she still had some dreams in Dutch as well.


What pisses me off is when I have a fucking awesome dream, and then I can't remember it. So annoying.

Anyone ever fall in their dream, and then jolt in their bed once they hit the ground? Damn that's annoying lol.

★Chuck Zombie★

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
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St. Bernard/Cincinnati, Ohio
Anyone ever wake up and think you're still in your dream? I do that often. My girlfriend has learned to ignore me if I'm talking in bed. Seriously, I remember that stuff very well since it's real life, and I say some messed up stuff.


Active Member
Jul 13, 2008
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Easton, Maryland
Does anyone here dream about something, then at a later time (I'm talking the next night, or upto a few weeks later) you have a different dream, but recall things/places/people in the earlier dream? I remember a dream recently and I said, in the dream "I remember this from another dream..." at one point. Anyone else get that, or a recurring dream in which they try and change what happened last time?

That happens to me a lot (recurring dreams). I be in the middle and be like a had this dream before, this is going to happen and that's going to happen. I try changing it but when I do, it changes for the worst.

It was odd because me and my sister are less than a year apart from each other. We are the same age for two days. And when we were younger we had the same exact dream at the same exact time. But all we can recall now is that it was a spooky man with a spider tattoo on his arm that comes alive. I was in her dream, she was in mine, what I did in her dream is what I was really doing in my dream and vise versa. It was crazy cause I was talking about it at breakfast, and then she started talking about it, and it was the exact same.


Being naked in a dream and no one noticing but feeling like everyone is staring at you is a horrible dream.
Feb 7, 2007
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Brisbane, Australia
Hehe, one of the worst moments I've had, well most 'oh shit' moments I've had was when in a dream, I had gone to take a piss and pulled my pants down (not to my ankles, but down) and as I had done that my brother snuck into my room and pulled the sheets down off my body. I freaked the fuck out because I thought he'd see my junk when he did it...
Dec 14, 2008
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Melbourne, Australia
I keep occasionally dreaming about the same lass that I have not seen in 3 years, and although the reason why is obvious to me - I still wonder why.


If someone is blind since birth, they will not know what sight is. They will not know what people look like, what things look like, or what "looks like" even means. So they would simply dream in sounds and senses.

However if someone was born with sight, and went blind later, they can still dream with sights, because they have seen things.

As for someone who is deaf.
If they are deaf, they will just dream in sights and see things.

As for if someone is deaf AND blind, IDK, but they probably wouldn't have dreams, or at least not the same way we do. Becuase dreams are created from your mind, but if your mind has never expiereienced sight or sound, it won't be able to create a dream.

So blind people can still dream, just in sounds (and sometimes sight)
And deaf people still dream, just in sight.

But if you are both blind and death, I would assume you're screwed.

As for the topic of dreams in general, dreams are awesome. I love going to sleep, knowing I will dream. I can also sorta control what I dream. I find that thinking of something as I'm sleeping, or going to sleep, usually results in me dreaming of that topic.

BTW, question for everyone here... How do you dream? In third person (you see yourself as if youre watching a movie) or through first person (seeing it through your eyes)?
I do both.
Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
A majority of mine, prolly 8 in 10 are first person, though occasionally I'll go through to third person for a moment, or a portion of a dream which is otherwise in first person.

This Guy

for those who said they only dream like once a month and so on, thats not actually true. If your body hits REM sleep you will dream. Just as when you wake up sometimes you can't remember your dream but know you were dreaming you can also wake up completely unaware that you dreampt at all.

I almost never remember having a dream, and when I do remember dreaming I rarely remember even a single detail about it.

As for TAB's question, I would imagine that everyone is capable of some sort of dream. Dreams I think are more then just visual. Though who really knows.


for those who said they only dream like once a month and so on, thats not actually true. If your body hits REM sleep you will dream. Just as when you wake up sometimes you can't remember your dream but know you were dreaming you can also wake up completely unaware that you dreampt at all.

I almost never remember having a dream, and when I do remember dreaming I rarely remember even a single detail about it.

As for TAB's question, I would imagine that everyone is capable of some sort of dream. Dreams I think are more then just visual. Though who really knows.

You're correct there. Every person in the world dreams at least oncee a night, usually twice.
Rapid Eye Movement sleep is the sleep you enter twice during the night. Once midway through your sleep, and once before you wake up, and during REM sleep, you dream. no two ways about it.
If you don't remember dreaming, you just don't remember it, but you still dream. Everyone dreams every night.

Oh, and like I said in my post TG, blind perople do dream, but only in sounds (unless they were born with sigh, in which case they can still dream in sight, even if they go blind late rin life)
Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
Heres a random fact for you, apparently guys get anywhere from 6-12 erections during their sleep as well.

Dont ask what i was looking up when i came across that either, lol.