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Hidden Blaze

The Wanted Man
Sep 6, 2007
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Crawford County, GA
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Do you really think Bush was smart enough to set this shit up.....

that is all that has to be said

also Bonez man...I wouldn't kill anyone for money as A...God would know..

I wouldn't suck a dudes pole for any damn thing is this world.

and well the last one yeah I might throw him under the bus...but that is cause its fucking Disney...Think of all the Disney hoe's I'd have waiting for me when they got over 18




idk...probably more lol...

so yeah I'd think about it.


Coming from a middle eastern who probably would rather plant a car bomb on my street, I can safely tell you to fuck off. Of course you would prefer America be seen as the great Satan of the world. You were parading on 9/11 in celebration of 3,000 American's dead. Because of islamic extremists by the way, not other American's.

What the fuck? That right there shows your pathetic confined views on the people of the Middle East, planting car bombs and parading on 9/11.

You’re nothing but another American kid who believes in what he sees on television; you haven’t actually ever visited the Middle East, have you? And you want other people to respect you for this? Who the hell do you think you are?

And can you name any specific incidents in which this Patriot Act has been implemented to a serious degree? I'm damn more comfortable having my government "wiretap" me than I would be in one of your countries.

Lets start with some Americans:


A Denver photographer who was apparently arrested while taking pictures in Denver, during Vice President Dick Cheney's visit to the city. Denver resident Mike Maginnis reports being physically assaulted by Denver police, and then held for hours while being verbally assaulted by men who represented themselves as federal agents working for the Secret Service. The latter, Maginnis claims, threatened to charge him as a "terrorist" under the USA Patriot Act.

Maginnis apparently tried to phone a Denver area newspaper, only to have his phone call disconnected. No doubt, this is only a small taste of what's to come from the USA Patriot act and other bang-up efforts at defending the U.S. against terrorism.

A New Jersey miracle man has been charged under the Patriot Act for allegedly shining a laser into two pilots' eyes, accidentally.

David Banach could face up to 25 years in prison and a $500,000 fine for disrupting the operator of a mass transportation vehicle - a charge covered under the controversial Patriot Act - and lying to the FBI. The man claims he was simply using the device to look at stars with his 7-year-old daughter.

That's what you do to Americans, so I can just imagine how you would treat Middle Easterns. And don’t get me started on how Americans piss on the face of ordinary peaceful boys who came to New York in the late 90’s to study and who have families here in Pakistan, crying day and night for what their children are facing in Guantanamo Bay.

Sitting against a small table in her home in Pakistan's northern city of Rawalpindi, 10-year-old Ayesha Janjua writes a letter to President Gen Pervez Musharraf.
She is appealing to him to get her father, missing for the last one-and-a-half years, released. Masood Janjua is one of the hundreds of Pakistanis missing since 9/11 onuspicion of having links with Al-Qaeda and Taliban. Intelligence and independent sources say the number of missing persons stands at around 700. Most of them are in the custody of Pakistani intelligence agencies while some are languishing at Guantanamo Bay.
She writes: "Dear uncle, put your daughter in my position and think how much it hurts to have her father taken away like that . I have not seen him in one-and-a-half years, even not on the last three Eids. Something is missing in my personal and family life. I feel insecure. The base of the family is not there. The base that protects us. I feel that my whole world has crumbled.

And don’t tell me you haven’t heard about the sixteen year old Pakistani-Canadian Omar Khadr who was arrested because of his Muslim name.


And what about those 700+ innocent Pakistani's and god knows how many Middle Easterns that are being held in America since 2001 for no reason at all?

Where if I were to steal something I'd get my hand chopped off. Or if I spoke out against my leadership I would be beheaded. And where if I run an add featuring a cute little puppy wearing a hat your people go into murderous riots.

Where do you live? And where did you get that from? This isn’t the 1960’s bro, it’s 2009 and such things don’t happen here anymore. No, they don’t.

Even if they do, they happen in small minority groups, no reason to highlight that
So....that's why nations from the Soviet Union were at war with you 20 years ago.....right? That's why members of the United Nations are organizing sanctions against the extremists in Iran and sided largely with Israel in the conflict against the Palestinians.....right? Because the other nations of the world respect you......riiiiight.

Yup. And that's why the United States has given over 50 billion US dollars to Pakistan for re-building the education system and that's exactly why the prestigious Kerry-Lugar bill was passed for the Pakistani's.

Yeah, America's the one who cause all the trouble in the world like you islamic extremists kill people over even mentioning the Qua'ran in a bad light.

Glad you understand that the extremists put the Quran in bad light. And you’re talking as if I’m the extremist who kills people. Fuck off.

You know nothing and are just throwing out random arguments with somebody who apparently knows a lot better than you about the 9/11 incident and America's so-called 'democracy'. Put up some sensible argument like I did with the Patriot Act and then challenge me, kiddo. Don't waste my time.


Where if I were to steal something I'd get my hand chopped off. Or if I spoke out against my leadership I would be beheaded.

Where in the hell do you think people live?

Today iz 2009 broz!

2009 is the year of lies! Parliament say one thing, When reality is the exact opposite.


Active Member
May 23, 2007
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Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do in order to keep Americas Addiction running.
Dec 23, 2008
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This thread needs to die. Now.

C4 said it himself: "I, as a Middle Easterner..."

Using deductive reasoning, I would venture to say that he's either Arab/Muslim or an inhabitant of an Arab country. THEREFORE he's been indoctrinated since hs conception to hate the US and everything it stands for. After all, Khaled Sheikh Mohammad and Mohammed Atta aren't just ordinary men, right? No, they're martyrs throughout the Muslim/Arab world. They didn't mastermind and fly those planes into buildings, evil George Bush and Dick Chaney dreamt it all up and blamed it on Al Qaeda...


Close thread. It's rife with inaccuracies and lies. Courtesy of our Al Naqshabandariya sleeper cell original poster.


This shit is disgusting. Fucking Saddam sympathy videos and fuckin bogus conspiracy theory bullshit. Tell the families of those people on the fucking planes that it didn't happen. Tell the tons of people I know who were working in Manhattan that day and saw the planes fly directly over their buildings. Seriously, close this fucking thread.


Active Member
May 23, 2007
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"Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead."
-Benjamin Franklin

:smh @ the guy in a no-win war.


Do you really think Bush was smart enough to set this shit up.....


What is everybody's deal? The guy went to one of the biggest colleges in the United States, and everybody is calling him an idiot. The only idiots are the people that post YT vids, claiming to be the person that breaks this whole 9/11 conspiracy open.

Also, C4 has shown no links to the stories that he is posting, and his counterarguments are YouTube vids.......


Active Member
May 23, 2007
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I actually didnt catch that. American capitalism is the worst form of capitalism ever.

Quintastic One

Active Member
Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
This thread needs to die. Now.

C4 said it himself: "I, as a Middle Easterner..."

Using deductive reasoning, I would venture to say that he's either Arab/Muslim or an inhabitant of an Arab country. THEREFORE he's been indoctrinated since hs conception to hate the US and everything it stands for. After all, Khaled Sheikh Mohammad and Mohammed Atta aren't just ordinary men, right? No, they're martyrs throughout the Muslim/Arab world. They didn't mastermind and fly those planes into buildings, evil George Bush and Dick Chaney dreamt it all up and blamed it on Al Qaeda...


Close thread. It's rife with inaccuracies and lies. Courtesy of our Al Naqshabandariya sleeper cell original poster.

Exactly my man. I've stopped arguing with this mook at this point. All he does is post youtube videos and for his "text based sources" posts replies that were posted to said youtube videos.

C4, you're an indoctrinated born to hate Islamic Extremist trying to spread lies to gain your suicidal buddies sympathy. Fear in order to try and turn American's against one another in order to better serve your fascist fundamentalist regime. Go fuck yourself and go bomb your own embassy buildings.

Oh and by the way, I DO know about your cities. Lebanon, the northern area really, is a very respectable and beautiful place. It's called "The Paris Of The Middle East" for a reason. Good food, great people, and most anti-islamic extremist. I have a lebanese friend whose father owns a super market chain in that area. And it's a city I wish to visit someday. So you can shut your fucking mouth about me being a hate filled racist. When it is YOU who's the one claiming American's are evil and how we all deserve to die for "causing" all the hardship in the world.

Look in the fucking mirror you fucking camel jacker.


New Member
Oct 15, 2009
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C4 my new friend, you are an intelligent man. However, please tell me you don't trust Alex Jones. I personally think he's part of the New World Order.