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Nikki Nitro

The Beast
May 21, 2017
Reaction score
Beyond the Grave
Chris Jericho walks up to Ambrose and looks at the ambulance then back at the Lunatic Fringe

"What did you do this time?"
Well, It all started when I gave him a sandwhich that fell on the floor.
Then Natalya lost her clothes and got locked out of her rooms, And Corbin said something to her that embarrased her. Because Of the sandwhich scene, Which Im assuming is why he was looking for me. When I caught up to him I, uh... Well....

Ambrose whips out his phone and shows Y2J of a Hog Tied Corbin.

I gotta go get ready for tonight's Match between Rome and SHOW.

♡Good Luck to all the Wrestler's Tonight!♤
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The Artiste
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score

*Fireworks go off on stage and the camera scans the sold out HoH arena as the fans go crazy*

Matt Striker: Hello everyone and welcome back to Thursday Night Velocity presented to you by HoH! Im one half of the commentary here and along side me is my partner John Bradshaw Layfield!

JBL: Yes hello everybody! I cant wait for tonight! For the first time ever here on Velocity..we have Bigshow defending his HoH World Title in a Steel Cage against Roman Reigns!

Striker: That match is going to be great John! Dont forget we also will see our FIRST X-Division Champion crowned tonight as the tournament comes to a close and AJ Styles takes on Chavo Guerrero in a Hardcore Match!

JBL: Yes sir we have all of that and much much more so stick with us and we'll be right back!
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Reactions: LoneStar305


The Artiste
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Singles Match​

Sharkboy Vs. JJ Sky(Local Talent)​

*Sharkboys music hits and he struts down the ramp and rolls into the ring receiving praise from the crowd*

*"Local talent" JJ Sky stands in the ring ready to go*

-Bell rings
-JJ Sky runs right at Sharkboy and goes for a clothesline but Shark ducks and relays off the ropes before connecting with a louis v press
-Sharkboy lifts JJ to his feet and quickly slams him down with a spine buster
-He covers


-Sharkboy looking very confident now as he stomps away at the local talent before lifting him once more to his feet and connecting with a suplex this time
-Sharkboy gets Sky up and spins him around before flicking him off and hitting him with his signature "Stunner"
-He covers


Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner... Sharkboy!

*Sharkboy calls for a couple bottles of water as he now stands on the second turnbuckle looking out at the HoH crowd*

*He smashes the waters together and chugs them down as the camera fades*

(Commercial Break)

Patriot Pants

LDW Champion (855+ days)
Jan 23, 2017
Reaction score
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
*Styles can be seen in his full wrestling attire, Phenomenal shirt and all. He's currently using the wall to help in stretching his arms and back*

"Tonight is the night that I become the first X Division Champion in House of Hardcore and cement my legacy as the best wrestler on the planet."

*AJ rotates his shoulders to loosen them up*

"Chavo, I hope you're listening, so I can warn you of the immense pain you're gon' feel at the hands of AJ Styles. I mean ..."

*Styles pops his wrists and his neck before throwing a few air punches*

"I'm gonna leave you lying in that ring, gasping for air as I hold that title up for all to see. Now ... I'm not trying to sound mean bud ... I'm just ..."

*He looks directly at the camera, a sly smile on his face*

"Telling you the truth."

*The camera pans out as AJ chuckles*


The Artiste
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score

Handicap Match​

Jinder Mahal & Khali Vs. Matt Morgan

*Jinder Mahal and Khali make their way down to the ring to loud boos from the audience in attendance*

*Matt Morgan gets cheers from the HoH crowd as he walks down the ramp and steps through the ring ropes*

-Bell Rings
-Jinder Mahal starts out first in the ring with Morgan and they grapple up
-Matt uses his superior strength and forces Mahal into the corner before quickly back hand slapping him acrossed the chest
-Matt then takes a few steps back before charging at Mahal looking for a clothesline
-Jinder avoids contact and dives for Khali making the tag and sending Matt head first into the corner turnbuckle
- When Morgan recovers he turns around to a huge head chop from Khali
-Khali puts large foot to the throat of Matt Morgan and pushes down hard
-Morgan struggles frantically but Khali lets go at the refs count of 4/5
-Khali gets Matt up and lifts him high in the air by the throat showing off his strength before sending him crashing down with a double choke bomb
-Khali tags in Mahal who covers


Lillian Garcia: Here are your winners..Jinder Mahal and The Great Khali!

*Mahal and Khali walk up the ramp with their backs to the crowd ignoring the boos as they head backstage pleased*

(Commercial Break)​

The Gipper

The Gipper
Jan 10, 2014
Reaction score
Velocity then opens to a shot of Chris Jericho, sitting in a chair, trying to get his head into the game when the cameraman walks up to him

"Hey, what are you doing? Don't ya have a show to film? Tommy wants me to cut a promo? Well I'm busy getting ready for my match so....Velocity is Jericho, I'll beat Corbin, he'll get.....it., blah blah etc. You happy now? Y'know what? For wasting mine and the fan's time, you nameless cameraman.....


Now get out of here and film something else before I have to do your job for ya. Because y'know I can do it better, dammit."

The video fades to black as we get to the next segment


The Artiste
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
No DQ Match
Chris Jericho Vs. Baron Corbin

*Baron Corbins music hits and he walks out on the stage with a confident smirk as he begins to walk down the ramp*

*As Corbin heads down to the ring Chris Jericho comes running from behind holding audio equipment and smashes the heavy object over the back of Baron*

*Chris stands over him smiling and grabs him by the hair forcing him into the ring*

*Jericho quickly grabs a steel chair and slides under the ropes*

Referee: C'mon Jericho back off! The match hasnt even begun!

Jericho: Ring the damn bell you stupid idiot!

-Bell rings
-Baron looks like he is in serious pain but Jericho shows no remorse as he smashes the chair over his head
-Y2J then grabs both of Corbins legs and flips him over locking in "The Walls of Jericho"
-Corbin doesnt last long at all and taps out

Referee: Enough!Baron tapped out!

*Y2J continues the painful submission as Corbin screams in agony and keeps tapping until Chris finally releases him and rolls out of the ring*

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner..Chris Jericho!

*Jericho back pedals up the ramp slowly as he admires what he's done to the young talent in the ring*

(Commercial Break)​

Nikki Nitro

The Beast
May 21, 2017
Reaction score
Beyond the Grave
*That gives me an Idea for next time. I'll keep ahold of this picture. Ambrose says to himself.


The Artiste
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Hardcore Match
(X-Division Championship)

Chavo Guererro Vs. Aj Styles

*The crowd erupts when AJ Styles exits the curtain and does his signature hood flip before making his way to the ring*

*Chavo Guerrero makes his way down the ramp and into the ring focussing on Aj as the crowd rains down heavy boos*

*The referee holds up the X Division Championship and hands it off to Lillian Garcia before calling for the bell*

-Bell rings
-Chavo immediately rolls out of the ring and digs under the apron for a weapon
-As Chavo does that Styles slides out of the opposite end of the ring grabbing a tv monitor from the announce table
-Chavo finds a license plate but when he turns around to use it Aj smashes him over the head the monitor
-Chavo hits the outside floor hard and holds his head in pain
-Aj gets Guerrero up holding him by the back of the head and throws him across the announce table
-Styles goes to grab Chavo to do more damage but Guerrero rakes his eyes
-Aj turns around holding his eyes trying to recover but Chavo takes advantage by grabbing a nearby microphone and breaking it over the back of Styles head
-Guerrero picks Styles up and hits him with three suplexes in a row
-Chavo covers


-Styles manages to get a shoulder up
-Chavo gets up and into the refs face yelling that the match should be over
-While Guerrero is distracted Aj recovers and grabs a kendo stick poking out from under the ring
-Styles smashes it over the back of Chavo sending him to his knees
-AJ rolls Chavo back into the ring and begins striking him with the kendo stick until it's no longer usuable
-Styles looks around with a smirk and gets a battered Chavo to his feet before kicking his mid section and connecting with a beautiful "Styles Clash"
-AJ covers


Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner and NEW X-Division Champion... "The Phenomenal" Aj Styles!

*Aj is handed his X-Division Championship And he just stares down at it for a second admiring what his hard work has brought him*

Crowd:You deserve it! You deserve it! You deserve it!

then raises it high in the air for the fans who've supported him before heading to the medics to be cleared after that hard fought battle*

(Commercial Break)

The Gipper

The Gipper
Jan 10, 2014
Reaction score
No DQ Match
Chris Jericho Vs. Baron Corbin

*Baron Corbins music hits and he walks out on the stage with a confident smirk as he begins to walk down the ramp*

*As Corbin heads down to the ring Chris Jericho comes running from behind holding audio equipment and smashes the heavy object over the back of Baron*

*Chris stands over him smiling and grabs him by the hair forcing him into the ring*

*Jericho quickly grabs a steel chair and slides under the ropes*

Referee: C'mon Jericho back off! The match hasnt even begun!

Jericho: Ring the damn bell you stupid idiot!

-Bell rings
-Baron looks like he is in serious pain but Jericho shows no remorse as he smashes the chair over his head
-Y2J then grabs both of Corbins legs and flips him over locking in "The Walls of Jericho"
-Corbin doesnt last long at all and taps out

Referee: Enough!Baron tapped out!

*Y2J continues the painful submission as Corbin screams in agony and keeps tapping until Chris finally releases him and rolls out of the ring*

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner..Chris Jericho!

*Jericho back pedals up the ramp slowly as he admires what he's done to the young talent in the ring*

(Commercial Break)​

And I thought Jericho was a face. XD


The Artiste
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Steel Cage Match
(HoH World Championship)

(Ref-Dean Ambrose)
Bigshow Vs. Roman Reigns

*The Steel Cage Structure is seen hanging high above the ring*

*Dean exits the curtain with a big smile and wearing an HoH Referee shirt*

*The crowd cheers as "The Lunatic Fringe" slides into the ring*

*Roman Reigns walks out on the ramp stopping to look around at the sold out arena before making his way into the ring*

*The HoH crowd sends its typical mixed cheers and jeers toward Roman*

*The HoH World Champion Bigshow exits the curtain and walks out on stage with the title on his shoulder*

*Bigshow stares down at Roman Reigns in the ring who stares back jogging in place*

*When Show climbs in the ring he hands his World title to Dean Ambrose locking eyes with him*

Show:Try anything funny and I will end you Dean.

*Ambrose takes a big gulp in and nods as he hands the title off to Lillian Garcia outside of the ring*

*The Steel Cage structure is lowered and locked up*

Matt Striker: Here we go John! Its the match everyone has been waiting for!

*JBL scoots to the edge of his seat with excitement*

(Commercial Break)


The Artiste
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score

*Dean Ambrose calls for the bell to be rung*

-Right when the bell rings Roman and Dean both begin attacking Bigshow

JBL: Oh no Matt what the hell is this?!

-Roman hits Show with 3 hard low blows to bring the giant to his knees
- Ambrose pulls out a lead pipe from the back of his jeans and puts his finger to his mouth hushing the crowd as he waits for Roman Reigns signal

Matt Striker: Oh my god wait just a damn minute! Are you seeing what Im seeing Bradshaw!? Dean Ambrose is the mystery attacker!

JBL: Yeah he's the coward who assualted Show from behind last week! I cant believe this shit!

Roman: Now Dean now!

-Ambrose sprints across the cage at Bigshow who is still down on one knee and cracks him across the skull with the pipe in the same spot as before
-Bigshow hits the mat and isnt moving
-Roman and Dean force him up with all their might and get him back to one knee
-Roman kneels down in the corner and rushes at Show nailing him with a spear
-Reigns shakes hands with Ambrose and climbs the cage dropping down to the other side touching the outside floor

*Ambrose calls for the bell*

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner..and NEW HoH World Heavyweight Champion.. Roman Reigns!

*Roman Reigns is handed his HoH World Title and Dean Ambrose helps put it around his waist*

*Dean raises Romans arm in victory as the crowd sends heavy boos toward the two and even begin to throw half empty beers and other trash*

*The two continue to celebrate as they head up the ramp to go backstage*

*Bigshow manages to get back to one knee again and holds the cage wall with one arm for balance looking up the ramp at Ambrose and Roman Reigns*

*Show just continues to stare now snarling and looking ready for blood next week*

Striker: These two have managed to absolutley SCREW not only Bigshow, but all of these loyal HoH fans out of what could have been a historical Main Event here tonight.

JBL: Sadly Matt I think these two punks managed to still make history tonight. The question is..will this be for the better or worse of House of Hardcore..

Striker: Tune in next Thursday Night on Velocity to find out folks! Have a great night!

*Screen fades*

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