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The Artiste
Jul 16, 2017
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-Womens TV Title Open Challenge-
Natalya Vs. ????

*Natalya walks out on the ramp to cheers as she raises her Womens Championship and enters the ring*

*The crowd sits on the edge of their seats waiting to see who is coming out to accept Natalyas challenge*

*Natalya paces around the ring staring up the ramp eager to see who it will be*

Striker: Who's it going to be John?!

JBL: Wow Matt! It's Mickie James! She signed a one night deal with HoH just to accept this challenge and prove herself to this HoH fan base!

*Mickie James heads down the ramp and slides into the ring staying focused on a surprised looking Natalya*

Ref: Alright lets go ring the bell!

-Bell Rings
-Natalya and Mickie grapple up but Mickie throws a knee to Natalyas gut and then throws her on her back by the hair
-James climbs on top of Natty and sends punches straight to her forhead
-Natalya manages to roll over reversing roles with James and sends her own batch of straight punches
-Natty then gets to her feet and connects with a jumping knee drop
-She covers

Ref: 1..2..

-Mickie kicks out and quickly gets Natty with a school girl roll-up pin and grabs the tights

Ref: 1..2..

-Natalya kicks out at the last possible second and sends an elbow to James so she has time to get up
-As Mickie holds her face from the elbow Natalya climbs to the second rope
-Natalya jumps from the second rope and hits Mickie James with a flying bulldog from behind sending her face first into the mat
-Without hesitation Natalya sets Mickie up in her signature "Sharpshooter" submission
-Mickie James realizes she is nowhere near the ropes and cant take the pain so she taps out almost immediately
-Bell rings

Ref: Thats it! Mickie James has tapped out!

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner..and STILL HoH Womens Champion.. Natalya!

*Natalya raises her Championship high in the air and heads backstage to cheers from the crowd*

(Commercial Break)
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The Artiste
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score

*Video package plays during commercial break*

*The audience roars with laughter and cheers*

--Sharkboy coming soon to House of Hardcores X Division--

*Screen fades to black*


The Artiste
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
-TagTeam Elimination Match-
Jinder Mahal & Khali Vs. Brandon Sky & JJ Riley

*Out from behind the curtain comes HoHs newest superstars, the "Punjabi Posse"*

*Jinder Mahal and The Singh Brothers make their way down the ramp with menacing looks as Khali slowly follows behind towering over them*

*Khali and Jinder enter the ring staring down the two "Local Talent" guys in the opposite corner ready to tear them apart*

-Bell Rings
-Khali starts off first in the ring against high flyer Brandon Sky
-Sky throws a couple shin kicks before running and bouncing off the ropes at full speed
-Sky looks to be going for a running cross body but Khali catches him with ease
-Khali flips Brandon Sky like a rag doll and sends him down hard with a pump handle slam
-Khali puts his foot on Sky for the cover

Ref: 1..2..

-Brandon kicks out and begins crawling towards his corner to try and make a tag
-Khali grabs him by the back of his hair and drags him back to his corner tagging Jinder Mahal in the process
-Khali raises his hand high in the air and then brings it crashing down onto Skys skull before getting back outside the ropes
- Mahal runs and punches JJ Riley off the ring apron and covers a knocked out Brandon Sky

Ref: 1..2..3! Brandon Sky has been eliminated!

-Meanwhile The Singh Brothers are punching and kicking JJ Riley outside the ring until Khali signals for them to slide him back in
- Jinder then begins stomping JJ out
-Mahal Lifts the jobber and suplexs him quickly before standing and taunting the audience
- Jinder waists no more time and grabs Riley from behind connecting with the Khallas
-He covers

Ref: 1..2..3! Its over JJ Riley has been eliminated!

Striker: What a statement Jinder Mahal and Khali have made here tonight!

-Bell rings

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winners.. Jinder Mahal & The Great Khali!

*The "Punjabi Posse" stands in the ring for a few minutes taunting until the screen fades*

(Commercial Break)​
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The Artiste
Jul 16, 2017
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-Parking Lot Brawl-
(Round 1 of the X-Division Championship Tournament)
Baron Corbin Vs. Chavo Guerrero

*Chavo Guerrero pulls up backstage in a 2017 Ford F250 and gets out of the car in his wrestling gear ready for a fight*

*Guerrero sees the Referee approaching to officiate the Parking Lot Brawl and looks around for Baron but no sign of him*

*As Baron Corbins music plays he's seen speeding in on a brand new Harley Davidson and comes to a screeching hault inches from Chavo*

*Chavo doesn't wait for any bell and clotheslines Corbin off the motorcycle*

-Bell rings
-Chavo lifts him to his feet and throws him back first against the Ford F250 he drove in
-Guerrero throws a couple gut jabs and a quick elbow to the side of Barons head sending him to the floor
-Chavo looks around the parking garage and spots a steel chain on the ground
-He wraps the chain around his forearm and fist before swinging at Corbin as hes getting to his feet
- Baron ducks and hits Guerrero with a neckbreaker on the concrete floor
-Corbin covers


-Chavo kicks out and Baron stands up and lifts his opponent to his feet before throwing him into the Harley Davidson head first and flipping him over the top of the bike
-Baron grabs an iron crowbar from the trucks tailgate and then rerurns to Chavo cracking him across the back with it sending him down again
-Corbin smiles devilishly and raises the crowbar to strike again
-Chavo rolls out of the way at the last second avoiding the kill shot from Baron
-Guerrero uses his feet to trip Corbin and gets up quickly
-Chavo stomps Corbin continuously until he's very dazed
-He then lifts Baron to his feet holding him by the back of the hair as he smashes Corbins head through the driver side window of the Truck
-Baron drops to the ground after hanging out of the window for a second
-Chavo Guerrero spits down at the ground at a bloody Baron Corbin
-Chavo climbs to the top of the F250s cabin and points up to his uncle Eddie Guerrero before jumping off at Baron Corbin and connecting with the Frog Splash.
-He covers

Ref: 1..2..3! Corbin has been pinned!

-Bell rings

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner...and moving on to Round 2 of the X-Division Championship Tournament.. Chavo Guerrero!

*Chavo Guerrero stands and has his hand raised as he grins slowly almost not believeing he actually pulled it off*

*He looks down at a bloody and beaten Corbin and pounds his chest*

Chavo: You ALMOST had what it takes..to beat a TRUE MEXICAN WARRIOR!

*Breathing heavily, Chavo heads to his LR to have Medical patch him up*

(Commercial Break)
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Reactions: Death Walker


The Artiste
Jul 16, 2017
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-HoH World Championship Celebration-
Bigshow (C)

*Bigshows music hits but nobody walks out from backstage*

JBL: Where the hell is our World Heavyweight Champion Matt? This is his celebration..he wouldnt miss this..would he?

Striker: Hold on just one second everyone. Im just now getting word that HoH Security and our Medical team has found Bigshow knocked unconscious in the LR area.

*Camera switches over to the locker room area and shows Bigshow laying face down bleeding with HoH Medical rushing to his side*

Striker: We are not exactly sure what happened but he has blunt forced trauma to the back of his head and is currently not doing too well. We will keep you updated as to what has happened when we know more.

JBL: My god it never ends Matt! Its always something here at House of Hardcore..and now..someone has sent a message to our World Champion! We'll be right back!

(Commercial Break)
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Reactions: Death Walker


The Artiste
Jul 16, 2017
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-Hardcore Match-
(If Jericho wins he receives a Championship Oppurtunity of his choice)
Tommy Dreamer Vs. Chris Jericho

*Chris Jericho walks out to a huge roar from the HoH crowd as his fan base is known to travel*

*Jericho heads down to the ring and grabs a crutch from a fan to defend himslef with before entering the ring*

*HoH GM Tommy Dreamer enters the open arena and the crowd erupts with cheers and chants of "HoH" and "ECDUB" as Tommy pushes a shopping cart filled with all kinds of hardcore weapons doen ringside*

*Tommy and Chris shake hands and the bell is rung*

-Bell rings
- Without skipping a beat Jericho breaks the crutch acrosz Dreamers back sending him to his knees
- Jericho then hits a beautiful standing dropkick and covers


-Tommy rolls out of the ring to recover but Chris climbs to the top rope and dives outside of the ring at Dreamer nailing him with a flying elbow
-Chris covers

Ref: 1..2..

-Somehow Tommy gets a shoulder up frustrating Y2J
-Dreamer manages to kick a leg back low blowing Chris and grabs a beer from a fan tossing it in Y2Js eyes
-While Jericho tries to recover Dreamer hits him with his Signature "Dreamer Driver DDT" on the outside floor
-Tommy covers


-Dreamer is shocked Chris managed to kick out and begins argueing with the referee
-Chris reaches in to the shopping cart and pulls out a stop sign
-Jericho smashes Dreamer over the head with it a few times while hes distracted and busts him wide open denting the sign until it cant be used any longer
-Chris grabs some barbed wire from the cart and wraps it around Dreamers bloody face/head as he screams in agony
-Jericho puts an end to Tommys misery by connecting with his signature "CodeBreaker" rendering Dreamer unconsious
-Y2J covers

Ref:1..2..3!Tommy Dreamer has been pinned!

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner and the reciprocate of a "Championship oppurtunity", Chris Jericho!

*Y2J smirks as his hand is raised and makes his way up the ramp as the screen fades*

(Commercial Break)​
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Reactions: Death Walker


The Artiste
Jul 16, 2017
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-Extreme Rules Match-
(#1 Contender for the HoH World Title)
Matt Morgan Vs. Roman Reigns

*Matt Morgan comes out on to the ramp jogging in place looking as focused as ever as he heads down in to the ring holding a steel trash can lid*

*Roman Reigns steps out from behind the curtain as the crowd gives their typical mixed reaction*

*Reigns locks eyes with his opponent and grills him the entire walk to the ring*

-Bell rings and the two continue to stare eachother down
-Matt Morgan lets out a yell before rushing at Roman swinging the trash can lid
-Roman ducks and sends a forearm to the head of Morgan forcing him to drop the Steel lid
-Matt backs in to the corner and Roman runs right at him connecting with a huge clothesline into the turnbuckle
-Roman grabs the lid and hits Matt over the head with it twice before tossing it to the side
-Matt goes down to one knee and Roman takes advantage by grabbing Morgan and hitting him with a running kick to the head
-Reigns rolls out of the ring now that hes bought some time and grabs a steel chair before returning
-As Matt Morgan gets to his feet he turns around only to have the steel chair cracked over his head. Morgan hits the mat and Roman smacks him across the chest and back with the chair as he flops around like a fish out of water
-Reigns sits back in the corner as Matt struggles to regain momentum
-Morgan finally stands and turns to see Roman charging him for his signature spear
-Matt gets out of the way just in time sending Reigns face first in to the turn buckle
- As Roman holds his face and stands turning around towards Matt he sees Morgan running at him attempting his signature "Carbon Foot Print"
-Roman dips down in the nick of time and uses his momentum to bounce off the ropes and connect with a HUGE SPEAR!
-Matt is down and Reigns covers

Referee:1..2..3! Matt Morgan has been pinned!

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner...and now the Number 1 Contender for the HoH World Championship, Roman Reigns!

*Roman holds his head still feeling pain from the attack earlier this week but manages to smile knowing his journey here in House of Hardcore has only just begun*

(Commercial Break)​
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Reactions: Death Walker


The Artiste
Jul 16, 2017
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-Singles Match-
(Round 1 of the X-Division Championship Tournament)
Aj Styles Vs. Dean Ambrose

*Dean Ambrose walks out from behind the curtain to the HoH crowd chanting and cheering as he makes his way to the ring*

*The crowd loses their sh!t when Aj Styles comes out onto the stage and flips up his hood pandering to the audience his whole way to the ring*

*Dean and Styles shake hands and the red calls for the bell*

-Bell rings
- Dean doesnt hesitate and dropkicks Aj going for the cover


-Styles shoves Ambrose off of him and gets back to his feet now grappling up with Dean
-Styles backs Dean up into the corner
-Aj climbs up now standing over Ambrose and begins raining down straight punches as the crowd counts


-Dean pushes Styles off sending him crashing down to the mat awkwardly
-As Aj gets to his feet he is hit with a heavy flying knee by Ambrose
-Dean covers


-Ambrose pulls his hair back in frustration and gets in the referees face argueing
-Styles sees an oppurtunity and sets up for the Phenomenal Forearm
- Aj leaps from the ringside ropes at Dean to hit his signature forearm but Ambrose rolls out of the way
-Styles cocks back and accidentally hits the referee with the flying forearm and hes down on the matt holding his head
-Aj stares at the ref knowing it was an accident but is still thrown off by the accident
-Ambrose spins him around to take advantage and connects with his signature "Dirty Deeds"
-Dean covers


Matt Striker: Oh come on! Are you seeing this John?! Ambrose had the match won but the referee is still down!

JBL:C'mon ref get up!

-Ambrose stands and realizes the ref is only just now starting to move a little bit
-Dean is distracted trying to get the official to his feet when all of a sudden the HoH crowd ERUPTS in cheers&jeers
-Roman Reigns is seen sliding under the bottom rope opposite of Ambrose
-When Dean turns around to get back to Aj Styles he is NAILED with a HUGE SPEAR by Roman Reigns!
-Roman quickly slides out of the ring and heads back to the top of the ramp to catch the finish
-AJ Styles is now seen climbing to the top rope before soaring through the air and connecting with a 450 Splash on Ambrose
-Styles covers

Referee:1..2..3! Dean Ambrose has been pinned!

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner..moving on in the X Division Championship Tournament, AJ Styles!

*Styles has his hand raised in victory and stares up the ramp at Roman Reigns and back at a beaten and battered Dean Ambrose as the screen begins to fade*

Matt Striker: That's all we have for you House of Hardcore fans tonight. Tune in next week when we find out what happened to our World Champion backstage and whats next for our Number 1 Contender Roman Reigns. We will also have X Division action and much much more! See you all next week!

JBL: Cant wait Matt! Goodnight everyone and thanks for watching!

(Commercial and credits)​
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Death Walker

Better Known As King Of Armageddon | Trapped In Darkness
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Parts Known Only By The Unknown.
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Favorite Wrestler
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Favorite Wrestler
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Favorite Wrestler
OOC [ WOW, simply wow!! lol this will be an interesting week. ]
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Reactions: AngleV2


The Artiste
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
OOC [ WOW, simply wow!! lol this will be an interesting week. ]


OOC-Ty sir and yes it shall!
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Reactions: Death Walker

Nikki Nitro

The Beast
May 21, 2017
Reaction score
Beyond the Grave
Ambrose is seen walking thru the hallway. Angry as can be at Roman Reigns for costing him his win against AJ. He starts knocking things over in the back. He turns and see's the camera man following him. And looks right into the camera with pure anger.

ROMAN REIGNS! You hv cost me a win against Styles. I could've beat him if you hadn't stuffed your nose where it didnt belong. You are gonna regret it. You can just forget about the Burger Station. Im comming for YOU Next. You better watch your back, Roman. This is the last straw. You havnt seen Crazy yet.

Ambrose glares at the camera man and tells him to get lost. Heads back to his Locker Room for the night.

Death Walker

Better Known As King Of Armageddon | Trapped In Darkness
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Parts Known Only By The Unknown.
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
OOC- Ambrose had the match won....tisk tisk Roman..lol
OOC [ True but now we'll see what happens next between Roman & Dean within the week to come. ]