01/04 RAW Discussion (Notice it says RAW...not TNA)

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Since I had something to compare an average Raw to, it made it even more obvious than normal that Raw sucks. Minus the first 15 minutes and the last 2 minutes, that was the shittiest Raw, reminded me of Raw in 2009.

Headfirst For Hardcore

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Feb 8, 2007
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Raw really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, it was an improvement, but most of it was the same. I think this episode appealed more to the old school fan than the kids, the crowd really looked like they could care less. The segments were good, but should've gotten more of a reaction than it did. The DX/Jerishow match was good, and Jericho is the man for mocking Hogan. Sheamus/Bourne almost got me into thinking Bourne would get a shot at the Rumble while Cena's gone.
The rest was just whatever. The Kofi/Orton feud is stale, the Miz needs a good feud, and the rest had me change the channel so quick.

and Danielson was on the preshow. That's only a good thing.
Jun 4, 2007
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Badstreet, USA
Raw had more wrestling than it's competition tonight. DX/Jerishow was good, Kofi/Orton was really fun and hopefully ends it once and for all, the 4-way was solid too. And for a squash, Sheamus/Evan was enjoyable. Bret being there was cool and it's comforting to know an awesome feud is on the horizon. I give Raw the winner of the night.

The Rated R CMStar

Of course Raw had the more solid show, except it didnt have a zillion new angles starting and 25 guys debuting.

The Rated R CMStar

No, I am agreeing with you. I for one think WWE had the best show (and the best Raw in quite some time). I gave you the reason people is praising that iMPACT so much.


I'm simply baffled how anyone could say RAW had the better show. Either Vince chose to completely ignore TNA and put on the same garbage show he puts on week in and week out or that was him really trying to have a good show and failing miserably.
How ANYONE was watching Orton/Kofi while AJ and Angle were putting on a possibly MOTY candidate just flies completely over my head. The only redeeming quality of RAW last night was Bret's appearance, which due to WWE's below 10 audience was met with a completely luke warm reception.
TNA just stole WWE's second biggest (arguably biggest) face, debuted Hogan among others, put on a MOTY candidate, started some awesome storylines and all you can do is call justify it by saying there was too much going on? They put on perhaps the best wrestling show in 10 years. Who cares if WWE had slightly more wrestling than TNA. The matches TNA did put on blew everything WWE was running at the same time out of the fucking water. And their backstage skits and promos were actually ENTERTAINING.

If last night wasn't a wake up call to Vince I don't know what will be.

I mean, holy shit. Anyone who doesn't think TNA could rival RAW on a weekly basis is out of their minds.


Jul 30, 2007
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Dang! For the first time since Backlash 09' I watched raw or impact, coz It doesnt matter if Im not longer a fan, i was, so this monday nite war got me, And RAW was the winner here, bret hart vs vince that shit is goin' to be awesome. Talkin' bout TNA, they're a bunch of wwe rejects, except for Flair. Jeff Hardy if u respect that guy, you have no moral, the guy is the biggest idiot i've ever seen, he screws himself everytime.


Sep 15, 2009
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I didn't and don't watch TNA. Not coz I don't like it, just coz Ive tried to watch and then couldn't be fucked to try and get to know everyone. So with that said, I wouldn't be suprised if TNA did put on a better show than RAW.

I am a lifelong Bret Fan. My favourite wrestler of all time and they did absolutely fuck all with him. Okay the seg with Shawn was alright and I liked the shoot, but apart from that they really wasted his input. If he comes back and they play this shit out then I may be satisfied, but ill be suprised. The Vince seg, sucked. Sucked massive donkey dick!!!

As for the rest of the show, well the wrestling was okay. And WWE showed again that chris jericho should be the king of all wrestling, (The guy can work, do promo's, take bumbs, and sell ice to an eskimo) it was incorporated to poorly thought out angles with bullshit promo's......

Anyone interested in Legacy anymore??? No me either and Orton is one of the top Heels in the business with two of the most talented rising stars....

Anyone give a shit about Kofi?? Infact anyone heard the man speak since he fucked up Randy's car???.......

Anyone give a fuck about Sheamus??? The guy is clearly a monster, but do we even know what he is mad about and can we see him a match longer than 4/5 mins on the weekly show please??.....

I mean talk about bury your crop of ligitametly talented stars and up and comers, by doing NOTHING!!!!!

Oh.... and FUCK HBK. LOL.

Rant over. lmao!


Active Member
Aug 13, 2007
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I agree with The above. Bret/HBK stuff was good IMO but they didn't do enough with Bret period.

I did like DX/Jeri show match it was better than i expected it to be. And Jericho is just awesome and the should leave him on Both shows. Mocking hogan Priceless lmao.

I dont watch TNA, i will watch the 3hr thing on the net however at some point just to see what went down. Ive read and heard about it. And it seemed to go pretty well. They have signed some decent talent that could make a big impact on WWE viewers if they go live every week against Raw. Anyway my point is i thought Raw would have been better than it was. Bret was great and i marked and i wasn't really a big Bret fan. But overall the show was nothing to write home about.
Jun 4, 2007
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Badstreet, USA
I'm simply baffled how anyone could say RAW had the better show. Either Vince chose to completely ignore TNA and put on the same garbage show he puts on week in and week out or that was him really trying to have a good show and failing miserably.
How ANYONE was watching Orton/Kofi while AJ and Angle were putting on a possibly MOTY candidate just flies completely over my head. The only redeeming quality of RAW last night was Bret's appearance, which due to WWE's below 10 audience was met with a completely luke warm reception.
TNA just stole WWE's second biggest (arguably biggest) face, debuted Hogan among others, put on a MOTY candidate, started some awesome storylines and all you can do is call justify it by saying there was too much going on? They put on perhaps the best wrestling show in 10 years. Who cares if WWE had slightly more wrestling than TNA. The matches TNA did put on blew everything WWE was running at the same time out of the fucking water. And their backstage skits and promos were actually ENTERTAINING.

If last night wasn't a wake up call to Vince I don't know what will be.

I mean, holy shit. Anyone who doesn't think TNA could rival RAW on a weekly basis is out of their minds.

I disagree with 99% you said, AJ/Angle was the best match on tv last night. I'm not out of my mind either, you're justifiably excited but to call that the best show in TEN years is wrong. It wasn't. Not even close.

First of all, WHAT THE FUCK WITH THE COMMERCIALS. Half of Impact was nothing but commercials. The best part was during the main event when Tenay goes "we will stay with this match all the way through it's conclusion..." BAM! Commercial.

They did debut Jeff, that's fine. They handled it in a very shitty manner and shat on the X-division to do it. Not to mention to bring him in with a never was like Shannon Moore was just plain boring and he's a teeny-bopper to boot? Giving 13 year old girls paintings and kisses? Pass.

So many interesting storylines?? Like what? Another nWo rehash with a fat out of shape Hall, and a cast of dudes whom looked like they escaped outta the Wrestler's retirement home? Sting in the rafters...AGAIN! Exciting. I've never seen that before. Lashley and his bitch quitting the promotion before Hogan even showed up? Really? Ripping up the "script" to ruin the card with a boring Joe-Abyss match instead of the advertised bard wire match that had me all excited in the beginning? Hogan coming in as face, then heeling out on Jarrett midway then making it all to obvious of the nWo reformation?
None of that was interesting, and we've seen so many nWo rehashes that it's too old for even novelty. And sadly everything was booked in traditional TNA clusterfuck fashion.

Then the world champ wasn't even featured until the show was two-thirds done, way to feature the young guys TNA! Morgan and Hernandez get a 45 second squash?! Way to feature the young guys TNA! An X-division CAGE match that could and should have stolen the show ends in a FUCKING DISQUALIFACATION?? Not to mention the camera was awful, the cage looked cheesy and the match was half-assed at best. They had the fans chanting "BULLSHIT" 10 minutes into the show. And it was. Jeff Hardy coming out of nowhere to feud with an undercard X-Division wrestler? A waste. He should have been in AJ's face or someone up in the card, not a relative no one like Homicide. I can't see how people don't think Jeff Hardy was handled terribly, he's a bigger name than everyone that debuted not named Flair and Hogan combined.

Then guys like Orlando Jordan, Val Venis, the Nasty Boys, XPac, and Shannon Moore were added to the roster. For what? To basically steal money, deny tv time for young up and coming guys that Hogan and Jarrett promised would shine. These guys have basically zero name value, in Moore and Jordan's cases they never did, and really can't contribute to TNA in any real positive way. It just seems like TNA was giving contracts to anyone WWE has released for shits and giggles. And it's really sad that the Nastys got more screen time than 90% of TNA's homegrown talent.

People talk about how bad WWE's comedy sketches are with DX and the fucking midget, but TNA's idea of comedy sucked far worse and even "strip poker" with some ugly chicks with nice tits couldn't mask that.

Then the wrestling. Yes, Kurt/AJ was fucking awesome. The KO tag match was the next best match, and Kong is the best women's worker going today. Everything else was blah at best. The singles KO match? Botchy, only good thing was Tara's censored ass-crack. I don't need to get started again on the epic failure of the X cage match, Morgan-Hernandez squash was pointless, Joe-Abyss was slow and boring. The only other passable match was Wolfe-Pope and that thing looked like a rehearsal more than what they are capable of doing. WWE presented more wrestling, and more solid wrestling.

And don't get me wrong, I'm not bashing TNA, and there was some good outside AJ/Angle, like the possibility of Flair helping legitimize AJ, the masked man attacking people as corny as it wa, it has me wondering who it is. Jarrett's promo was the best promo cut all night, it was fucking passionate, too bad Hogan had to shit all over it. Pope is over as any young dude on the roster and I think he and Nigel will have some very good matches. Kong is still fucking awesome.

But here's why I can't figure how TNA was better than Raw. They claimed they are wrestling, yet we get thrown back into poor man's WCW in the ECW arena. No namers and washups were given more screen time than the young, talented up and comers, there were too many backstage segments and not enough wrestling. They just plain didn't make good on the promise of a true wrestling show with up and coming exciting talent. The show was a good old boys reunion and was marred with rehashes of stuff ten years past it's prime and dudes no one ever gave a fuck about. And the one true coup they had they fucked up big time. You don't stick a guy who was headlining the only promotion that matters in the mix with undercard guys. You stick him right at the fucking top. TNA, to me, failed to deliver anything fresh or exciting.

Now, don't get me wrong, Raw wasn't exactly the greatest show of the past ten years either. But seeing Bret trumped everyone on TNA sans Jeff, Raw had more solid wrestling, and was a generally better booked show.

TNA had way too much on it's plate and the booking showed as it disregarded what made it unique and tried too hard to get in guys they think would make them relevant and it just failed.

I think people are overly excited that a new show was on the block and that the feeling from wrestling's heyday was back with some semblance to the Monday night wars. But to call it the best show in ten years is incorrect and to be dumbfounded as to why people preferred Raw to TNA is baffling and more of blind bias than fair rationale. Vince has nothing to fear, he's on the Raod to Wrestlemania, perhaps the best WM in years and the product always picks up at this time and in these next four months he'll make more money than TNA will all year. If Heyman gets the book in TNA then maybe he should pay attention.


I thought there was a little too much hype on Bret Hart imo. I mean they had great opening and closing segments but theres a gap there. He didnt really do anything in the middle of the show other than talking to Jericho. But thats just me asking to much. At least have hart dynasty come out during the DX Jerishow match..

Other than that raw was pretty much predictable. but i enjoyed watching that dx jerishow match


I thought there was a little too much hype on Bret Hart imo. I mean they had great opening and closing segments but theres a gap there. He didnt really do anything in the middle of the show other than talking to Jericho.

I am glad someone said that. Guest Host my ass. If you ask me none of that lived up to the hype.

Wrestling Station

WWE didnt play it right this time. Bret should have gotten more involvement in the show rather than just trying to bury the hatches with hbk and vince. He should atleast book 1 match damn it! Also, after seeing the show, I guess the reports stating that he is having a contract with WWE till April would only be to induct his father in the HOF :smh poor shit right there.