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  • Welcome to "The New" Wrestling Smarks Forum!

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  1. The Gipper

    League Week Eight

    BloodLust Revolution: @Jeffry Fucking Mason - 91 points 1. Roman Reigns (+16) 2. Drew Gulak (-10) 3. Ivar (+27) 4. Erik (+27) 5. Matt Riddle (-2) 6. Lio Rush (+33) 7. Isaiah Scott The Alliance: @DualShock - 5 points 1. Kevin Owens (+8) 2. Daniel Bryan (-6) 3. Kofi Kingston (+10) 4. The Miz...
  2. The Gipper

    Fictional Planet to be stranded on?

    Which fictional planet would you choose to be stranded on? Or visit, whichever you prefer.
  3. The Gipper

    Your favourite WWEF Thread?

    Favorite thread on this forum? And why is it the Blizzard fan fic threads?
  4. The Gipper

    League Week Seven

    BloodLust Revolution: @Jeffry Fucking Mason - 81 points 1. Roman Reigns (+13) 2. Drew Gulak (-10) 3. Ivar (+27) 4. Erik (+27) 5. Matt Riddle (-2) 6. Lio Rush (+26) The Alliance: @DualShock - -5 points 1. Kevin Owens (+8) 2. Daniel Bryan (-6) 3. Kofi Kingston (+3) 4. The Miz (-3) 5. Nikki...
  5. The Gipper

    WWE 2K Facebook hacked.

    Turns out the most recent game isn’t the only thing that’s fucked. Someone has hacked into the WWE 2K Facebook page. Because why not? The hacker didn’t do much tbh but the fact that he got in even though the posts indicate that he’s not over the age of 20 is concerning. Also shoutout to the...
  6. The Gipper

    League Week Six

    BloodLust Revolution: @Jeffry Fucking Mason - 63 points 1. Roman Reigns (+11) 2. Drew Gulak (-10) 3. Ivar (+20) 4. Erik (+20) 5. Matt Riddle (+3) 6. Lio Rush (+19) The Alliance: @DualShock - 15 points 1. Kevin Owens (+8) 2. Daniel Bryan (+1) 3. Kofi Kingston (+11) 4. The Miz (-3) 5. Nikki...
  7. The Gipper

    Brodus Clay got a sexual harassment lawsuit.

    TMZ reported on the weekend that Fox Nation host Britt McHenry is taking a big step toward filing a sexual harassment lawsuit against her former cohost, Tyrus and Fox. Britt's beef with Tyrus made headlines earlier this year when she complained to the network about the former WWE and IMPACT...
  8. The Gipper

    League Week Five

    We're on Week 5! We're halfway there! Woahhhhh! Livin' on a prayer! BloodLust Revolution: @Jeffry Fucking Mason - 47 points 1. Roman Reigns (+11) 2. Drew Gulak (-10) 3. Ivar (+17) 4. Erik (+17) 5. Matt Riddle (+3) 6. Lio Rush (+9) The Alliance: @DualShock - 7 points 1. Kevin Owens (+5) 2...
  9. The Gipper

    Promos Failure

    The video starts abruptly. No fancy transition. No fancy visuals. Just a man and his camera. And that man is the man who, if the cards of the deck had been slightly different, could've been the LDW World Champion. But that’s not what the cards of the universe dictated and it has clearly taken...
  10. The Gipper

    Survivor Series NXT Confirmed to be apart of Survivor Series

    This is weird considering Wargames is happening the night before but I'm fully up for this. Also league wise more work for me....yay?
  11. The Gipper

    League Week Four

    BloodLust Revolution: @Jeffry Fucking Mason - 41 points 1. Roman Reigns (+14) 2. Drew Gulak (-10) 3. Ivar (+14) 4. Erik (+14) 5. Matt Riddle (+3) 6. Lio Rush (+6) The Alliance: @DualShock - 0 points 1. Kevin Owens (+5) 2. Daniel Bryan (+1) 3. Kofi Kingston (+3) 4. The Miz (-3) 5. Nikki Cross...
  12. The Gipper

    Jordan Myles accuses WWE of racism over t-Shirt.

    Yeah this is a complicated thing. It all started with this. Now this t-shirt is from when they released a lots of t-shirts for NXT wrestlers and that’s the design they went for with Jordan, better known on the independent circuit as ACH. He claims that this is apart of Blackface and this is...
  13. The Gipper

    League Week Three

    BloodLust Revolution: @Jeffry Fucking Mason - 38 points 1. Roman Reigns (+11) 2. Drew Gulak (-10) 3. Ivar (+14) 4. Erik (+14) 5. Matt Riddle (+6) 6. Lio Rush (+3) The Alliance: @DualShock - 11 points 1. Kevin Owens (+5) 2. Daniel Bryan (+8) 3. Kofi Kingston (0) 4. The Miz 5. Nikki Cross (-2)...
  14. The Gipper

    Eric Bischoff is out! Bruce Prichard to take over.

    Is this a new record? Eric Bischoff is no longer the executive director of Smackdown! He lasted two months! He lasted as long as Freddie Prinze jr did when he was writing it. (Fun fact! Prinze was a WWE writer around 2009) He’s gonna be replaced by Bruce Prichard. Eric is no longer with the...
  15. The Gipper

    League Week Two

    The Alliance: @DualShock - 14 points 1. Kevin Owens (+5) 2. Daniel Bryan (+8) 3. Kofi Kingston (+3) 4. The Miz 5. Nikki Cross (-2) Exile: @Beavie - 9 points 1. Adam Cole 2. Charlotte Flair (-6) 3. Ricochet (+6) 4. Big E (+6) 5. Andrade (+3) Team Baron Corbin: @Redboy123@ - -22 points 1...
  16. The Gipper

    League Suggestions

    Right, here's where you put in all of the suggestions for improvements to the League and such and we can talk about it. Let's get down to it! Can't wait for Baseball to come in with a 3 page list because he is definitely my harshest critic so far. XD
  17. The Gipper

    League Week One

    Here we are at the beginning of the league! Beginning of three months that I'm probably gonna end up being a bloody mess at the end. Let's do this! To remind you of the teams here they are. The Alliance: @DualShock - -4 points 1. Kevin Owens 2. Daniel Bryan (+3) 3. Kofi Kingston (+3) 4. The...
  18. The Gipper

    Fantasy Trades

    Trades: Trades may be made at any time during the season but won't be in effect until the next week of events. You trade someone in on a Tuesday, you still have to deal with that person until Monday. Players may trade between each other or from the list of free agents. To confirm a trade, you...
  19. The Gipper

    Commentary Shake Up!

    According to Ryan Satin at The Wrestling Sheet, we about to get some different commentators for the shows. RAW – Vic Joseph, Dio Maddin and Jerry Lawler Friday Night SmackDown – Michael Cole and Corey Graves Renee Young and Booker T are being moved to a new studio show over on Fox Sports...
  20. The Gipper

    League Sign Up: Season One

    Right here is where you sign up for the first season of the league. The deadline for registering for the first season is 1pm gmt Thursday 26th September. The draft will start shortly after at 8pm that same day. This thread will also be for any questions or comments you have until the draft...