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  1. Andrew

    SmackDown Live Smackdown Spoilers: 5/2/14

    Show doesn't even look interesting one bit, Ambrose retained...Pretty weak for a go-home Smackdown though.
  2. Andrew

    Spoilers: TNA Impact for 5/8 & 5/15

    SWERVE ON TOP OF EVERY SWERVE. The Nation of Domination V2?
  3. Andrew

    WWE PPV Money In The Bank Poster & Payback Revealed

    Would pop if everyone shown on the poster was in the MITB match, noticed HHH shown on the poster for the MITB. Interesting to see HHH as the cover on PAYBACK. I know posters normally don't mean much, but it seems that HHH may be wrestling a lot more here... Thoughts?
  4. Andrew

    SmackDown Live Smackdown Spoilers: 25/4/14

    Shield destroying everyone :mark: Zeb/Heyman segment should be good on top of Cesaro/Swagger Looks to be an awesome show, will watch
  5. Andrew

    Renee Young & ESPN?

    I don't think Renee Young will leave WWE at all.
  6. Andrew

    SmackDown Live Smackdown Spoilers: 18/4/14

    El Torito v. Hornswoggle - That is all.
  7. Andrew

    Raw RAW Live Discussion Thread: 14th April 2014

    Show looks to be good, I won't be on due to work but I'll give my feedback after work and after I've watched RAW
  8. Andrew

    Kalisto Sig

    Well, well, well... I finally got Photoshop CS6. I haven't done any GFX in forever so yeah a little rusty but here's a sig. Rate/Hate/Comment
  9. Andrew

    SmackDown Live Smackdown Spoilers: 3/28/14

    Not a bad show at all. Opening promo looks decent, might watch.
  10. Andrew

    SmackDown Live Smackdown Spoilers: 3/21/14

    Not a bad show, looks like Kane & New Age Outlaws v. Shield for Mania.
  11. Andrew

    SmackDown Live WWE Smackdown Spoilers (3/14/14) *Includes HOF Inductee*

    Looks like a decent show, will tape it and watch it on Sunday seeing Friday is my birthday
  12. Andrew

    SmackDown Live Smackdown Spoilers: 3/7/14

    :lmao at the team name for Bryan & Big Show. Show looks alright.
  13. Andrew

    UWF SmackDown! 3/8/14: Bad News Barrett vs. Willow

    The camera is switched on as we see a car approaching through the snow, suddenly the car stops as we see Bad News Barrett step out of the car as he then approaches to the front of the car where he begins speaking towards the camera. Bad News Barrett: A win is a win so they say. However I'm...
  14. Andrew

    SmackDown Live Smackdown Spoilers: 3/1/14

    Seems to be a pretty decent show. I think we can probably add a possibility of Sheamus vs. Christian at Mania. I wouldn't mind that at all. Cesaro tho. What a beast! Seems like an average SD show.
  15. Andrew

    UWF SmackDown! 3/1/14: Shark Boy & Willow v. BNB & Sami Callihan

    The music of Bad News Barrett plays as the #BNB text shows up on the titantron as the podium continues to go to a higher height. Barrett uses the gavel to bang loudly as he draws everyone's attention. Bad News Barrett: Ladies and Gentlemen, may I please have your attention for one moment. It...
  16. Andrew

    UWF Unforgiven Global Championship: Seth Rollins vs. Umaga

    The camera turns on and we see Seth Rollins sitting down somewhere in what looks to be a part of the arena. All we can see is a wired fence and a "AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL" sign behind him. After a good fifteen second pause, Seth Rollins begins to speak. Seth Rollins: Tonight isn't about The...
  17. Andrew

    SmackDown Live Smackdown Spoilers: 2/14/12 *Includes #1 Contender to a title*

    CESARO BEATS ORTON! :mark: Swagger being #1 Contender is just probably something for Big E to do and beat an opponent. Young beating Sandow might be worth a watch. Miz/Santino... *yawn* Those 6 man tags, I'll be watching.
  18. Andrew

    SmackDown Live Smackdown Spoilers: 2/7/12

    Well shit. A strong Smackdown this week. Every match looks like they were good, (You can skip AJ/Nikki or not...) Definitely tuning in!
  19. Andrew

    UWF Velocity - 2/14/14: Eddie Guerrero vs. Seth Rollins

    SIERRA HOTEL INDIA ECHO LIMA DELTA The music of Seth Rollins begins blasting throughout the PA system and the crowd get to their feet not quite sure what the hell to expect. Rollins comes out of the crowd and immediately hops onto the apron. The spotlight immediately goes to get off Seth...
  20. Andrew

    Where in the World is CM Punk?

    CM Punk's contract is up in July and there are strong rumors on dirtsheets that have indicated he may not resign with the company. What do you think will happen with CM Punk from now until July?