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  1. Are We Out Growing This Place?

    LMFAO, alright MS Version 2.0. Notice how fucking active I've been in all the examples you gave. Case in point. I haven't even looked at the Mod elections, and I don't think I've ever viewed the GM Pool game. Maybe it's sensitive hypocrites like you that have just really grown boring, and...
  2. Are We Out Growing This Place?

    It isn't. Thats just something you say when you can care less, or don't want to acknowledge a mistake.
  3. Are We Out Growing This Place?

    Sounds like a personal problem. Then again, everyone has a different cup of tea, and This Guy LOVES wrestling. We all enjoy it to an extent, some more than others, but I know I don't love it, and eventually will grow back out of it.
  4. Do you speak any languages besides English?

    I speak Spanish fluently, and my French is getting there. I hate speaking French though cus I almost always end up spitting, or producing mad amounts of saliva >.>
  5. LKP

    Oh shit how'd I forget this thread. Anyways, sorry, I forgot not being up to date with a bunch of strangers lives made you uncool on wrestling forums. Jesus, you guys are fucking smurfs.
  6. 4/25 EXTREME RULES Discussion

    ^ judging by the first poster, I'd say like a time-based thing with a Beat the Clock or something gay.
  7. thoughts on the upcoming draft?

    I just realized this draft may not be that bad, as its the first draft we've had with only two brands since '05. That draft owned tbh, and I remember a bunch of shockers, and shitz.
  8. Are We Out Growing This Place?

    notice, how ever since this whole internet cool guy, 'ef you' attitude the site died. I liked you better when you were inactive. Anyways, I hardly ever see This Guy around, and if your logic was the answer, then IWF would be like wrestling is with most people. You like it as a kid, then have a...
  9. IWF/GFX Training Facility!

    :happpy: You wanna' go in a little more depth, about the multiplying PSD and smugging them stuff? What's smugging?
  10. Morphing Competion.

    IWF's became like internet beef central.
  11. Are We Out Growing This Place?

    I don't know, maybe this is why this place is so fucking dead?
  12. Lesnar Open to Host RAW

    ^ Because he's always stating the obvious difference between professional wrestling, and MMA. Also, it'd be hard for kayfabe lines not to be broken, and Dana would look like the BIGGEST hypocrite ever.
  13. Brawl Breaks Out After Jake Shields vs. Dan Henderson on Strikeforce

    Damnit, that shit's going to make for some entertaining ass fights.
  14. IWF/GFX Training Facility!

  15. Davey Richards sig request

    For being a noob @ gfx, its better than nothing <3
  16. DWS: The Last Chance

    I've come to terms with myself, and I spend a freakish amount of time on this shit (BTB), like its pretty unhealthy. I've just been looking for one sucessful one, and that's about it. So hopefully, this one is it, and this one finally makes it. If it doesn't, I'm out of this section for awhile...
  17. Morphing Competion.

    ^ got it.
  18. Forever

    meh, I actually like it, and tried a couple of new things.
  19. Least favorite Sports

    Hate playing Baskteball. I enjoy watching it though. I'll never ever play Hockey because of how dangerous I think it is, but the times that I've seen it, it was prety entertaining. Bowling is pretty lame though.