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  1. I hate Anderson Silva!

    Rashad Evans did it. He's godly.
  2. Who Ran Over Abyss?

    ROFL, it looks like Taz tbh.
  3. So is Orton a real face?

    Positive reaction from the crowd def. does not mean he's a face. When he was full blown heel people were cheering him.
  4. Buffy the Vampire Slayer Movie 2012

    Sex Therapy Remix ~ Robin Thicke & Ludacris
  5. So is Orton a real face?

    ^ I didn't know ALL promo's were scripted?
  6. Gears of War 3 Official

    Wait, wtf. A refined covering system?
  7. So is Orton a real face?

    Yeah, the chinlock usage makes sense, because a heel is much more calculated, and wears down an opponent like a pussy. Also, I cant picture a heel punting someone, and giving them a concussion.
  8. Top 5 games you can't wait for

    1. COD4: MODERN WARFARE 3 BITCHES (it was confirmed today) 2. Gears of War 3 3. Halo Reach 4. UFC Undisputed 2010 5. Madden 2011
  9. So is Orton a real face?

    I don't know, seem's like one of those last minute change of plans that Russo does.
  10. Senate Bill Six Passes

    Basically, if you didn't read the article, teachers are getting paid on how well their students do. Which honestly, is a double-edged sword. Because, if you are a good teacher, you have nothing to worry about, as your students will pass with flying colors, but a lot of teacher. Shit, basically...
  11. So is Orton a real face?

    I'm not getting this. I love Orton's wrestling skill, and everything. He's one of my favorite wrestlers of all time, but I'm just not getting why the crowd is giving him a face reaction. When you think about it, he hasn't had a drastic personality change, or he wasn't suddenly being nice to...
  12. Tattoos?

    What work doesn't allow you to wear your band of holy matrimony? lol. Anyways, he got that tat' from Hogan, and I also plan to get that when I'm older.
  13. Tattoos?

    I plan on getting my sister's name on my right tricep & "established in 1994" in cursive on my right pec.
  14. I was CT Styles.

    ^^ Agree.
  15. I was CT Styles.

    If you don't make a return, it's coming for you >.> & IDK if you've noticed, but the section on this forum is dying out. BIG TIME.
  16. Gears of War 3 Official

    ^ is being relaunched under new staff & shits. Anyways, wtf, since when is Gears 2 not the best game ever to you people?
  17. I was CT Styles.

    <3 Best booker ever. Noobs beware.
  18. Member Love Game
