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  1. 01/04 iMPACT! Discussion I just finished watching TNA...wasn't good except AJ/Angle, that was excellent, better than their PPV match. That being said it wasn't bad either. Here's what I think: The good: AJ/Kurt, but it's bad business to give away your PPV main event. Don't care since I wouldn't have paid for...

    ^^^ Ya know when Andre headlined Shea one time it drew 1,300, the next month Bruno headlined and it sold out with 45,000+, and that was Andre's prime. He wasn't as big as a draw as you think and never outdrew Bruno or Bruiser, or Flair or any of the top Memphis draws. Bruno sold out MSG over 40...
  3. DX

    Man, that's debatable...

    Wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy off the mark homeboy. If you think those are the only draws, brother, you are lacking in knowledge. Territories were built off of dudes who can draw. Dudes like Flair, Race,Lawler, Jackie Fargo, and probably one of the biggest draws ever, Bruiser Brody (he made more money than...
  5. TQOPAD #5: Toshiaki Kawada & Akira Taue Vs. Steve Williams & Terry Gordy

    Probably one of the best tag matches ever. Definitely the best tag match of the past 20 years!! Good stuff, I really hope every fanboy of every promotion that claims that their product is wrestling watches this. This is wrestling, every American puro rip-off like RoH and PWG can't even compare...
  6. How to fix the Knockouts tag division?

    Wow. How can one person put their foot in their own mouth so much so shortly?? First you said Eric Young is the next Ric Flair. Yah fucking right.That's just blatant wrestling sacrilege. Than you think Verne Gagne has an unparalleled career. Umm yah, if booking yourself to ten title reins in...
  7. Hamada

    Wow. Eric Young is the next Flair?? Wow. And he just got beat by Hamada?? It is true that Eric Young is on Hamada's level, he sucks. It's one thing to lose to Awesome Kong, she's built like a man and very believable in the sense she can beat a man, Hamada isn't. Sorry, but she's a good woman...
  8. I'm not trying to be negative here...

    AGREED! I've said that forever about TNA. What can anyone on this list do for TNA?? The same thing that the likes of ★★★★, Angle, Sting, Foley, Lashley, and Booker did. Absolutely nothing besides take Spike's (NOT TNA's) money. You have to have a larger fanbase for washups to make some sort of...
  9. Jeff Jarrett: How & When TNA Will Compete With WWE

    Oooo, there's some truth to this. The funny thing about RoH, besides the fact that it sucks fat hairy cock compared to 2005-07 RoH, is that the RoH smarks are too stupid to realize the only ones being worked are the workers. And to say it has more wrestling isn't valid, especially when the...
  10. Dixie Carter Speaks On TNA vs. WWE, Hulk Hogan, & Lots More

    Hogan's pockets are flat brah. Divorces and lawsuits aren't cheap, there's a HUUGGGEEE reason the biggest name in wrestling is still working @ 60 while Austin and Rock aren't. He's got small pockets. Yah, Panda has money. The Carter family has money. So? How much is Dixie's? How much are they...
  11. Ken Anderson, Paul Heyman, & RVD Headed To TNA?, More

    Well, honestly, I've seen the Sports Courier page and wouldn't have believed it had Bryan Alvarez not also reported it. I don't know about Heyman joining TNA with Russo still in power, Bischoff and Hogan seemingly having authority and with no one really there to keep them in check ala Vince...

    TNA does have financial boundries. Spike doesn't. Spike pays the top talent TNA can't afford, like Sting, Angle, Foley, ★★★★, Lashley, and now Hogan's big fuckin contract. TNA couldn't probably afford one of those dudes on their own, they're relatively poor. There's a bigger reason they don't...
  13. RVD/TNA Update

    RVD wasn't the face of ECW. ECW was a special case in wrestling, the atmosphere, the fans, the type of product made ECW what it was. Not a single worker stood out more than the other, and if someone were to argue that, then names like Sandman, Tazz, Sabu and Tommy Dreamer ALL come before RVD...
  14. TQOPAD #3: Genichiro Tenryu Vs. Stan Hansen

    Thank You!! Stan Hansen is friggin awesome!! Thank's for the background, because I've watched plenty of All Japan but I could never get my hands on translated dubs, so as astonished as I was by the in-ring product, I was never aware of the storylines, but I've heard they are just as good. I've...
  15. TQO's Puroresu Appreciation Day #1: Jumbo Tsuruta Vs. Toshiaki Kawada

    Awwws hells yah!! Is this going to be a regular thing, if so can we get some American Hoss love with the Puro?!?! Vader/Kobashi Hansen/Misawa plz!!!
  16. RVD/TNA Update

    Man, this is nothing special at all. Just means that RVD's comic shop is either out of business or just doesn't make ends meet or doesn't pay the reefer dealer. No one care's less than RVD. That's not an opinion, that's a fuckin fact, even when he was in shape he was sloppy as hell, wrestled...
  17. WWE GM of the Year and WWE SuperShow Spoilers

    ^^^It's not that they had the balls, WWE management was somewhat backing ECW at the time, and Heyman was booking the show when Angle and Show were there, well to some degree. Nowadays it's just an afterthought show like Velocity and Heat used to be, to give undercarders some work, or where they...
  18. TNA To Hold Press Conference After Monday's iMPACT!

    Not good. Not good at all. Why hold a press conference? Just do this shit online.
  19. Dr. Death" Williams has died

    Just a straight out Southern Bad Ass, one of the last of the breed. Sad, sad, sad. People, want to see how the E would like Mike Knox to be like? Go youtube Doc. R.I.P
  20. How about this for Undertaker/HBK at WrestleMania

    ^^^ They haven't touched each other in a singles match for over 5 years, plus there isn't a pair of wrestler's in the E who could draw a crowd into a match the way these 2 could except for Taker/HBK. Good idea indeed, 'Style. But wouldn't a tag match somewhat taint the streak?