^^^It's not that they had the balls, WWE management was somewhat backing ECW at the time, and Heyman was booking the show when Angle and Show were there, well to some degree. Nowadays it's just an afterthought show like Velocity and Heat used to be, to give undercarders some work, or where they can put people they have no real big plans for.
Looks like we'll be seeing Sheamus/Cena, Tista/Taker, and Kofi/Orton for a while
I thought Orton and Kingston was gonna be ended by Jan 4th what liars *sigh*
*Sigh* It's a house show. They run past and current and future angles at house shows as they have no bearing on what happens to the televised product, only in very rare instances (i.e Diesel beating Backlund for the strap). It's just a nice solid card they are trying to build to sell tickets for a house show in a major market.